Good teaching tool for early teaching in biology

Yes! That's the part you didn't grasp. If it's not needed it doesn't appear.

So we still have monkeys and apes, in harmony with their environment, but they were your ancestors and "evolved" is that what you trying to sell us?
Most who believe in evolution are abysmally ignorant about it.

I don't hate anyone. However, I do feel sorry for people.
Most who believe in Christ are abysmally ignorant about Him ...

You hate yourself ... and this self-hatred is why you are compelled to state abysmally ignorant things about science ... evolution doesn't follow the laws of thermodynamics, what a laugh ...
So we still have monkeys and apes, in harmony with their environment, but they were your ancestors and "evolved" is that what you trying to sell us?
Think you're making some progress with this! Yes. Just because an anomoly in a branch finds advantage and therefore creates a new branch, the original branch may not die off unless circumstances call for it, but may continue to thrive in its environment.
Most who believe in Christ are abysmally ignorant about Him ...

You hate yourself ... and this self-hatred is why you are compelled to state abysmally ignorant things about science ... evolution doesn't follow the laws of thermodynamics, what a laugh ...
I love (agape) myself and do my best to care for myself. Most others don't and rely on someone else (doctors), for their care. And even then they are not able to follow "doctor's orders". Prove me wrong. ;)
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If the earth is really that old, why are we not miles deep in bones?
Gods question! Because we find fossils and archeological digs buried, and because science shows land once connected spreading further apart, it appears Earth is geting bigger — which is something I've wondered about but never looked up. So, I just did, spending about five minutes reading summary statements from about five sources. 😁

The most satisfying answer among them was this one:
New crust is continually being pushed away from divergent boundaries (where sea-floor spreading occurs), increasing Earth's surface. But the Earth isn't getting any bigger.
Another source claimed our Earth is geting smaller (was publshed in the New York Times, though, so it could be retracted at any time). 😁 I doubt that one.

A few others said it wasn't changing enough each year to be significant, as some is lost to space and the surface changes.
Clearly, it would not take “infinite combinations infinite time to arrive at today's biota by simple random selection”, because as we see, today’s biota exists, and it only took 3.5+/- billion years.

Random selection is the opposite of biological evolution. Natural selection is a non-random process, and this fundamentally affects the probability of genetic success. As long as there are inherited characteristics which have some impact on an individual's reproductive success, then natural selection occurs…. you know…. naturally. In different environments, different characteristics become more or less significant.

On the other hand, introducing supernatural gods (intelligent designer gods), leaves us, as usual, with requiring some evidence for the existence of these supernatural designers before you can task them with actually performing supernatural designs,
We both share the same viewpoint; because it exists is must have,

Been created.
Think you're making some progress with this! Yes. Just because an anomoly in a branch finds advantage and therefore creates a new branch, the original branch may not die off unless circumstances call for it, but may continue to thrive in its environment.
But the branch was in "harmony" and therfore insulated from the devastating force of evolution, right?
For all of the 'science-talk' from evolutionists, I don't believe they actually understand the complexity of living things. The creationist doesn't try, and simply agrees with David, that we are "fearfully and wonderfully made".

That wonder can be seen by studying the actual product. Simply perusing studies on human anatomy should give anyone pause regard the ToE.
But the branch was in "harmony" and therfore insulated from the devastating force of evolution, right?
No, if a genetic anomoly results in an advantage in that environment, over an enormous period of time and an enormous number of replications, its success begets further success, leading to a spin-off without necessarily affecting the original.
Ahhh... thank you. I assume the YEC is the more literalist and likely of a fundamentalist denomination.
Gap Theory, which suggests a once perfect earth that was destroyed in the rebellion of Lucifer, then renewed (Genesis), is still around (I am a subscriber to this). Makes sense based on the obviously old age of the earth.

The theory turns on the translation of a single word in Genesis 1:2.
Gap Theory, which suggests a once perfect earth that was destroyed in the rebellion of Lucifer, then renewed (Genesis), is still around (I am a subscriber to this). Makes sense based on the obviously old age of the earth.

The theory turns on the translation of a single word in Genesis 1:2.
That does make sense and fits the Garden of Eden story. 👍🏻
That does make sense and fits the Garden of Eden story. 👍🏻
Perfectly. The garden of Eden of Genesis 1 is a rehearsal of the original perfectly created earth, and was taken from man for the same reason it was taken from the angels: sin. It is God's plan and purpose to restore the original 'paradise' of the entire earth, not the earth of Genesis 1.
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For all of the 'science-talk' from evolutionists, I don't believe they actually understand the complexity of living things. The creationist doesn't try, and simply agrees with David, that we are "fearfully and wonderfully made".

That wonder can be seen by studying the actual product. Simply perusing studies on human anatomy should give anyone pause regard the ToE.
Humans can get a glimpse but will never grasp the full revelation of God with science — or any other means, but can get a fuller sense by allowing the guide within to help point the way.
Why do women need a clitoris?
Seems an odd question and I sense there's an underlying reason for asking it, but regardless, the obvious answer for me is that it brings pleasure and therefore also can promote the propagation of the species.

We both share the same viewpoint; because it exists is must have,

Been created.
I'm not so sure about that. There is no evidence for supernatural creation by any of the gods.

On the other hand, we have overwhelming, verifiable evidence of biological evolution.
For all of the 'science-talk' from evolutionists, I don't believe they actually understand the complexity of living things. The creationist doesn't try, and simply agrees with David, that we are "fearfully and wonderfully made".

That wonder can be seen by studying the actual product. Simply perusing studies on human anatomy should give anyone pause regard the ToE.
I'd ask some difficult questions about "science-talk" before criticizing those evil "science- believers". Are you willing to acknowledge the unanswered questions regarding cures for disease? Science cures disease. Not all, but science offers a remedy to counter those disease designing gods. Disease implies a supernatural designer of illness and disease. Either the supernatural designer is incompetent as a designer or the supernatural designer of disease and suffering has made an intentional effort to promote disease and suffering.

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