Good work if you can get it: Federal workers making 78% more than private sector counterparts


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
they must laugh at the rest of the people not "lucky" enough to get on with Daddy Guberment while YOU pay their salary's. what a Gig eh

We’ve all seen the same headlines repeating for the last six years so often that it’s become part and parcel of the national milieu. Times are hard, wages are stagnant and pay isn’t keeping up with the cost of living. It’s tough out there to be sure, but there’s one segment of the American population where that doesn’t seem to be true. If you happen to work for the federal government – regardless of the job you hold, how well you perform or what happens to the market – you’re probably making way more than your counterparts in the private sector. (Government Executive Magazine)

Federal employees on average earned 78 percent more in total compensation than private sector workers in 2014, according to a new study from a conservative think tank.

The Cato Institute’s Chris Edwards compared data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis to show that, in his view, civilian federal workers are overcompensated. Factoring both salary and benefits, Edwards pointed to BEA data showing the average federal employee earns about $119,000 annually, compared to the private sector worker who earns $67,000 per year. When comparing just salaries, feds collect 50 percent bigger paychecks, Edwards said.

Back in 1990 the gap was smaller but still in place. Federal workers back then earned, on average, 39% more than private sector employees performing the same jobs. Owing to the rules of the free market, that shifted for a while during the tech boom of the late nineties, at least in a few sectors of the job market. When there were a limited number of workers skilled in a new industry, wages shot up and passed their government colleagues who were generally held to raises which follow a set formula.

Unfortunately, as Wall Street tanked and the market completely stalled, the private sector paid the price while the federal government kept on plugging along with slower, but steady increases in most cases. This led to what the study’s author describes as a situation where the Washington bureaucracy became “an elite island of secure and high-paid employment, separated from the ocean of average Americans competing in the economy.”

Of course, it doesn’t help that it’s nearly impossible to fire a federal employee.

ALL of it here:
Good work if you can get it: Federal workers making 78% more than private sector counterparts « Hot Air
And they wonder why we're going broke...
Between the salaries and pensions of these assholes is it any wonder?
And they wonder why we're going broke...
Between the salaries and pensions of these assholes is it any wonder?

that's part of why Detroit is where it's at. and few other cities is right behind it.
We the people are getting hosed from every direction. Nothing will change until THE majority of the people get FED up.
Yep...Houston is running into the same problem.
Giving golden parachutes to guys who mow the grass at our airports is ridiculous.
they must laugh at the rest of the people not "lucky" enough to get on with Daddy Guberment while YOU pay their salary's. what a Gig eh

We’ve all seen the same headlines repeating for the last six years so often that it’s become part and parcel of the national milieu. Times are hard, wages are stagnant and pay isn’t keeping up with the cost of living. It’s tough out there to be sure, but there’s one segment of the American population where that doesn’t seem to be true. If you happen to work for the federal government – regardless of the job you hold, how well you perform or what happens to the market – you’re probably making way more than your counterparts in the private sector. (Government Executive Magazine)

Federal employees on average earned 78 percent more in total compensation than private sector workers in 2014, according to a new study from a conservative think tank.

The Cato Institute’s Chris Edwards compared data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis to show that, in his view, civilian federal workers are overcompensated. Factoring both salary and benefits, Edwards pointed to BEA data showing the average federal employee earns about $119,000 annually, compared to the private sector worker who earns $67,000 per year. When comparing just salaries, feds collect 50 percent bigger paychecks, Edwards said.

Back in 1990 the gap was smaller but still in place. Federal workers back then earned, on average, 39% more than private sector employees performing the same jobs. Owing to the rules of the free market, that shifted for a while during the tech boom of the late nineties, at least in a few sectors of the job market. When there were a limited number of workers skilled in a new industry, wages shot up and passed their government colleagues who were generally held to raises which follow a set formula.

Unfortunately, as Wall Street tanked and the market completely stalled, the private sector paid the price while the federal government kept on plugging along with slower, but steady increases in most cases. This led to what the study’s author describes as a situation where the Washington bureaucracy became “an elite island of secure and high-paid employment, separated from the ocean of average Americans competing in the economy.”

Of course, it doesn’t help that it’s nearly impossible to fire a federal employee.

ALL of it here:
Good work if you can get it: Federal workers making 78% more than private sector counterparts « Hot Air

That's what happens when you have "Right To Work For Less" laws, and get rid of any bargaining power for employees.

You idiot RWer's will cut off your nose to spite your face every time.
Last edited:
they must laugh at the rest of the people not "lucky" enough to get on with Daddy Guberment while YOU pay their salary's. what a Gig eh

We’ve all seen the same headlines repeating for the last six years so often that it’s become part and parcel of the national milieu. Times are hard, wages are stagnant and pay isn’t keeping up with the cost of living. It’s tough out there to be sure, but there’s one segment of the American population where that doesn’t seem to be true. If you happen to work for the federal government – regardless of the job you hold, how well you perform or what happens to the market – you’re probably making way more than your counterparts in the private sector. (Government Executive Magazine)

Federal employees on average earned 78 percent more in total compensation than private sector workers in 2014, according to a new study from a conservative think tank.

The Cato Institute’s Chris Edwards compared data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis to show that, in his view, civilian federal workers are overcompensated. Factoring both salary and benefits, Edwards pointed to BEA data showing the average federal employee earns about $119,000 annually, compared to the private sector worker who earns $67,000 per year. When comparing just salaries, feds collect 50 percent bigger paychecks, Edwards said.

Back in 1990 the gap was smaller but still in place. Federal workers back then earned, on average, 39% more than private sector employees performing the same jobs. Owing to the rules of the free market, that shifted for a while during the tech boom of the late nineties, at least in a few sectors of the job market. When there were a limited number of workers skilled in a new industry, wages shot up and passed their government colleagues who were generally held to raises which follow a set formula.

Unfortunately, as Wall Street tanked and the market completely stalled, the private sector paid the price while the federal government kept on plugging along with slower, but steady increases in most cases. This led to what the study’s author describes as a situation where the Washington bureaucracy became “an elite island of secure and high-paid employment, separated from the ocean of average Americans competing in the economy.”

Of course, it doesn’t help that it’s nearly impossible to fire a federal employee.

ALL of it here:
Good work if you can get it: Federal workers making 78% more than private sector counterparts « Hot Air

That's what happens when you have "Right To Work" laws, and get rid of any bargaining power for employees.

You idiot RWer's will cut off your nose to spite your face every time.

What the hell does that have to do with overpaying city,county and state workers?
they must laugh at the rest of the people not "lucky" enough to get on with Daddy Guberment while YOU pay their salary's. what a Gig eh

We’ve all seen the same headlines repeating for the last six years so often that it’s become part and parcel of the national milieu. Times are hard, wages are stagnant and pay isn’t keeping up with the cost of living. It’s tough out there to be sure, but there’s one segment of the American population where that doesn’t seem to be true. If you happen to work for the federal government – regardless of the job you hold, how well you perform or what happens to the market – you’re probably making way more than your counterparts in the private sector. (Government Executive Magazine)

Federal employees on average earned 78 percent more in total compensation than private sector workers in 2014, according to a new study from a conservative think tank.

The Cato Institute’s Chris Edwards compared data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis to show that, in his view, civilian federal workers are overcompensated. Factoring both salary and benefits, Edwards pointed to BEA data showing the average federal employee earns about $119,000 annually, compared to the private sector worker who earns $67,000 per year. When comparing just salaries, feds collect 50 percent bigger paychecks, Edwards said.

Back in 1990 the gap was smaller but still in place. Federal workers back then earned, on average, 39% more than private sector employees performing the same jobs. Owing to the rules of the free market, that shifted for a while during the tech boom of the late nineties, at least in a few sectors of the job market. When there were a limited number of workers skilled in a new industry, wages shot up and passed their government colleagues who were generally held to raises which follow a set formula.

Unfortunately, as Wall Street tanked and the market completely stalled, the private sector paid the price while the federal government kept on plugging along with slower, but steady increases in most cases. This led to what the study’s author describes as a situation where the Washington bureaucracy became “an elite island of secure and high-paid employment, separated from the ocean of average Americans competing in the economy.”

Of course, it doesn’t help that it’s nearly impossible to fire a federal employee.

ALL of it here:
Good work if you can get it: Federal workers making 78% more than private sector counterparts « Hot Air

That's what happens when you have "Right To Work" laws, and get rid of any bargaining power for employees.

You idiot RWer's will cut off your nose to spite your face every time.

What the hell does that have to do with overpaying city,county and state workers?

They're not being over paid.
they must laugh at the rest of the people not "lucky" enough to get on with Daddy Guberment while YOU pay their salary's. what a Gig eh

We’ve all seen the same headlines repeating for the last six years so often that it’s become part and parcel of the national milieu. Times are hard, wages are stagnant and pay isn’t keeping up with the cost of living. It’s tough out there to be sure, but there’s one segment of the American population where that doesn’t seem to be true. If you happen to work for the federal government – regardless of the job you hold, how well you perform or what happens to the market – you’re probably making way more than your counterparts in the private sector. (Government Executive Magazine)

Federal employees on average earned 78 percent more in total compensation than private sector workers in 2014, according to a new study from a conservative think tank.

The Cato Institute’s Chris Edwards compared data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis to show that, in his view, civilian federal workers are overcompensated. Factoring both salary and benefits, Edwards pointed to BEA data showing the average federal employee earns about $119,000 annually, compared to the private sector worker who earns $67,000 per year. When comparing just salaries, feds collect 50 percent bigger paychecks, Edwards said.

Back in 1990 the gap was smaller but still in place. Federal workers back then earned, on average, 39% more than private sector employees performing the same jobs. Owing to the rules of the free market, that shifted for a while during the tech boom of the late nineties, at least in a few sectors of the job market. When there were a limited number of workers skilled in a new industry, wages shot up and passed their government colleagues who were generally held to raises which follow a set formula.

Unfortunately, as Wall Street tanked and the market completely stalled, the private sector paid the price while the federal government kept on plugging along with slower, but steady increases in most cases. This led to what the study’s author describes as a situation where the Washington bureaucracy became “an elite island of secure and high-paid employment, separated from the ocean of average Americans competing in the economy.”

Of course, it doesn’t help that it’s nearly impossible to fire a federal employee.

ALL of it here:
Good work if you can get it: Federal workers making 78% more than private sector counterparts « Hot Air

That's what happens when you have "Right To Work" laws, and get rid of any bargaining power for employees.

You idiot RWer's will cut off your nose to spite your face every time.

Yeah....because we all know those liberal states are having no problem meeting the payments on pensions.:lmao:
they must laugh at the rest of the people not "lucky" enough to get on with Daddy Guberment while YOU pay their salary's. what a Gig eh

We’ve all seen the same headlines repeating for the last six years so often that it’s become part and parcel of the national milieu. Times are hard, wages are stagnant and pay isn’t keeping up with the cost of living. It’s tough out there to be sure, but there’s one segment of the American population where that doesn’t seem to be true. If you happen to work for the federal government – regardless of the job you hold, how well you perform or what happens to the market – you’re probably making way more than your counterparts in the private sector. (Government Executive Magazine)

Federal employees on average earned 78 percent more in total compensation than private sector workers in 2014, according to a new study from a conservative think tank.

The Cato Institute’s Chris Edwards compared data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis to show that, in his view, civilian federal workers are overcompensated. Factoring both salary and benefits, Edwards pointed to BEA data showing the average federal employee earns about $119,000 annually, compared to the private sector worker who earns $67,000 per year. When comparing just salaries, feds collect 50 percent bigger paychecks, Edwards said.

Back in 1990 the gap was smaller but still in place. Federal workers back then earned, on average, 39% more than private sector employees performing the same jobs. Owing to the rules of the free market, that shifted for a while during the tech boom of the late nineties, at least in a few sectors of the job market. When there were a limited number of workers skilled in a new industry, wages shot up and passed their government colleagues who were generally held to raises which follow a set formula.

Unfortunately, as Wall Street tanked and the market completely stalled, the private sector paid the price while the federal government kept on plugging along with slower, but steady increases in most cases. This led to what the study’s author describes as a situation where the Washington bureaucracy became “an elite island of secure and high-paid employment, separated from the ocean of average Americans competing in the economy.”

Of course, it doesn’t help that it’s nearly impossible to fire a federal employee.

ALL of it here:
Good work if you can get it: Federal workers making 78% more than private sector counterparts « Hot Air

you want to whine about federal workers making money......whine about the this last crop of GOP welfare kings who get 6 figures of my hard earned dollars and don't do a damn thing to earn it but sit on their white as's and hate on put that in your effin pipe and choke on it.
they must laugh at the rest of the people not "lucky" enough to get on with Daddy Guberment while YOU pay their salary's. what a Gig eh

We’ve all seen the same headlines repeating for the last six years so often that it’s become part and parcel of the national milieu. Times are hard, wages are stagnant and pay isn’t keeping up with the cost of living. It’s tough out there to be sure, but there’s one segment of the American population where that doesn’t seem to be true. If you happen to work for the federal government – regardless of the job you hold, how well you perform or what happens to the market – you’re probably making way more than your counterparts in the private sector. (Government Executive Magazine)

Federal employees on average earned 78 percent more in total compensation than private sector workers in 2014, according to a new study from a conservative think tank.

The Cato Institute’s Chris Edwards compared data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis to show that, in his view, civilian federal workers are overcompensated. Factoring both salary and benefits, Edwards pointed to BEA data showing the average federal employee earns about $119,000 annually, compared to the private sector worker who earns $67,000 per year. When comparing just salaries, feds collect 50 percent bigger paychecks, Edwards said.

Back in 1990 the gap was smaller but still in place. Federal workers back then earned, on average, 39% more than private sector employees performing the same jobs. Owing to the rules of the free market, that shifted for a while during the tech boom of the late nineties, at least in a few sectors of the job market. When there were a limited number of workers skilled in a new industry, wages shot up and passed their government colleagues who were generally held to raises which follow a set formula.

Unfortunately, as Wall Street tanked and the market completely stalled, the private sector paid the price while the federal government kept on plugging along with slower, but steady increases in most cases. This led to what the study’s author describes as a situation where the Washington bureaucracy became “an elite island of secure and high-paid employment, separated from the ocean of average Americans competing in the economy.”

Of course, it doesn’t help that it’s nearly impossible to fire a federal employee.

ALL of it here:
Good work if you can get it: Federal workers making 78% more than private sector counterparts « Hot Air

That's what happens when you have "Right To Work" laws, and get rid of any bargaining power for employees.

You idiot RWer's will cut off your nose to spite your face every time.

What the hell does that have to do with overpaying city,county and state workers?

They're not being over paid.

If the city,county,state or the fed is going broke trying to pay them they are overpaid.
They live off the backs of the real workers and the real workers are getting sick of it.
they must laugh at the rest of the people not "lucky" enough to get on with Daddy Guberment while YOU pay their salary's. what a Gig eh

We’ve all seen the same headlines repeating for the last six years so often that it’s become part and parcel of the national milieu. Times are hard, wages are stagnant and pay isn’t keeping up with the cost of living. It’s tough out there to be sure, but there’s one segment of the American population where that doesn’t seem to be true. If you happen to work for the federal government – regardless of the job you hold, how well you perform or what happens to the market – you’re probably making way more than your counterparts in the private sector. (Government Executive Magazine)

Federal employees on average earned 78 percent more in total compensation than private sector workers in 2014, according to a new study from a conservative think tank.

The Cato Institute’s Chris Edwards compared data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis to show that, in his view, civilian federal workers are overcompensated. Factoring both salary and benefits, Edwards pointed to BEA data showing the average federal employee earns about $119,000 annually, compared to the private sector worker who earns $67,000 per year. When comparing just salaries, feds collect 50 percent bigger paychecks, Edwards said.

Back in 1990 the gap was smaller but still in place. Federal workers back then earned, on average, 39% more than private sector employees performing the same jobs. Owing to the rules of the free market, that shifted for a while during the tech boom of the late nineties, at least in a few sectors of the job market. When there were a limited number of workers skilled in a new industry, wages shot up and passed their government colleagues who were generally held to raises which follow a set formula.

Unfortunately, as Wall Street tanked and the market completely stalled, the private sector paid the price while the federal government kept on plugging along with slower, but steady increases in most cases. This led to what the study’s author describes as a situation where the Washington bureaucracy became “an elite island of secure and high-paid employment, separated from the ocean of average Americans competing in the economy.”

Of course, it doesn’t help that it’s nearly impossible to fire a federal employee.

ALL of it here:
Good work if you can get it: Federal workers making 78% more than private sector counterparts « Hot Air

That's what happens when you have "Right To Work" laws, and get rid of any bargaining power for employees.

You idiot RWer's will cut off your nose to spite your face every time.

Yeah....because we all know those liberal states are having no problem meeting the payments on pensions.:lmao:

I think you need to update your info and check out those red "Right To Work For Less" welfare state stats.
they must laugh at the rest of the people not "lucky" enough to get on with Daddy Guberment while YOU pay their salary's. what a Gig eh

We’ve all seen the same headlines repeating for the last six years so often that it’s become part and parcel of the national milieu. Times are hard, wages are stagnant and pay isn’t keeping up with the cost of living. It’s tough out there to be sure, but there’s one segment of the American population where that doesn’t seem to be true. If you happen to work for the federal government – regardless of the job you hold, how well you perform or what happens to the market – you’re probably making way more than your counterparts in the private sector. (Government Executive Magazine)

Federal employees on average earned 78 percent more in total compensation than private sector workers in 2014, according to a new study from a conservative think tank.

The Cato Institute’s Chris Edwards compared data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis to show that, in his view, civilian federal workers are overcompensated. Factoring both salary and benefits, Edwards pointed to BEA data showing the average federal employee earns about $119,000 annually, compared to the private sector worker who earns $67,000 per year. When comparing just salaries, feds collect 50 percent bigger paychecks, Edwards said.

Back in 1990 the gap was smaller but still in place. Federal workers back then earned, on average, 39% more than private sector employees performing the same jobs. Owing to the rules of the free market, that shifted for a while during the tech boom of the late nineties, at least in a few sectors of the job market. When there were a limited number of workers skilled in a new industry, wages shot up and passed their government colleagues who were generally held to raises which follow a set formula.

Unfortunately, as Wall Street tanked and the market completely stalled, the private sector paid the price while the federal government kept on plugging along with slower, but steady increases in most cases. This led to what the study’s author describes as a situation where the Washington bureaucracy became “an elite island of secure and high-paid employment, separated from the ocean of average Americans competing in the economy.”

Of course, it doesn’t help that it’s nearly impossible to fire a federal employee.

ALL of it here:
Good work if you can get it: Federal workers making 78% more than private sector counterparts « Hot Air

That's what happens when you have "Right To Work" laws, and get rid of any bargaining power for employees.

You idiot RWer's will cut off your nose to spite your face every time.

Yeah....because we all know those liberal states are having no problem meeting the payments on pensions.:lmao:

have you seen the rent in a blue states? $1000 for a 300sq closet. and they sit here and brag how they are so much better. I guess they need to pretend they are better off than everyone else with those taxes and prices TO LIVE there. sad and pathetic when they crow this dumb stuff
they must laugh at the rest of the people not "lucky" enough to get on with Daddy Guberment while YOU pay their salary's. what a Gig eh

We’ve all seen the same headlines repeating for the last six years so often that it’s become part and parcel of the national milieu. Times are hard, wages are stagnant and pay isn’t keeping up with the cost of living. It’s tough out there to be sure, but there’s one segment of the American population where that doesn’t seem to be true. If you happen to work for the federal government – regardless of the job you hold, how well you perform or what happens to the market – you’re probably making way more than your counterparts in the private sector. (Government Executive Magazine)

Federal employees on average earned 78 percent more in total compensation than private sector workers in 2014, according to a new study from a conservative think tank.

The Cato Institute’s Chris Edwards compared data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis to show that, in his view, civilian federal workers are overcompensated. Factoring both salary and benefits, Edwards pointed to BEA data showing the average federal employee earns about $119,000 annually, compared to the private sector worker who earns $67,000 per year. When comparing just salaries, feds collect 50 percent bigger paychecks, Edwards said.

Back in 1990 the gap was smaller but still in place. Federal workers back then earned, on average, 39% more than private sector employees performing the same jobs. Owing to the rules of the free market, that shifted for a while during the tech boom of the late nineties, at least in a few sectors of the job market. When there were a limited number of workers skilled in a new industry, wages shot up and passed their government colleagues who were generally held to raises which follow a set formula.

Unfortunately, as Wall Street tanked and the market completely stalled, the private sector paid the price while the federal government kept on plugging along with slower, but steady increases in most cases. This led to what the study’s author describes as a situation where the Washington bureaucracy became “an elite island of secure and high-paid employment, separated from the ocean of average Americans competing in the economy.”

Of course, it doesn’t help that it’s nearly impossible to fire a federal employee.

ALL of it here:
Good work if you can get it: Federal workers making 78% more than private sector counterparts « Hot Air

That's what happens when you have "Right To Work" laws, and get rid of any bargaining power for employees.

You idiot RWer's will cut off your nose to spite your face every time.

Yeah....because we all know those liberal states are having no problem meeting the payments on pensions.:lmao:

I think you need to update your info and check out those red "Right To Work For Less" welfare state stats.

You mean in our dem run inner cities?
Yeah,those fuckers are screwing shit up royally.
And I somehow managed to retire at 46 in a right to work state.
they must laugh at the rest of the people not "lucky" enough to get on with Daddy Guberment while YOU pay their salary's. what a Gig eh

We’ve all seen the same headlines repeating for the last six years so often that it’s become part and parcel of the national milieu. Times are hard, wages are stagnant and pay isn’t keeping up with the cost of living. It’s tough out there to be sure, but there’s one segment of the American population where that doesn’t seem to be true. If you happen to work for the federal government – regardless of the job you hold, how well you perform or what happens to the market – you’re probably making way more than your counterparts in the private sector. (Government Executive Magazine)

Federal employees on average earned 78 percent more in total compensation than private sector workers in 2014, according to a new study from a conservative think tank.

The Cato Institute’s Chris Edwards compared data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis to show that, in his view, civilian federal workers are overcompensated. Factoring both salary and benefits, Edwards pointed to BEA data showing the average federal employee earns about $119,000 annually, compared to the private sector worker who earns $67,000 per year. When comparing just salaries, feds collect 50 percent bigger paychecks, Edwards said.

Back in 1990 the gap was smaller but still in place. Federal workers back then earned, on average, 39% more than private sector employees performing the same jobs. Owing to the rules of the free market, that shifted for a while during the tech boom of the late nineties, at least in a few sectors of the job market. When there were a limited number of workers skilled in a new industry, wages shot up and passed their government colleagues who were generally held to raises which follow a set formula.

Unfortunately, as Wall Street tanked and the market completely stalled, the private sector paid the price while the federal government kept on plugging along with slower, but steady increases in most cases. This led to what the study’s author describes as a situation where the Washington bureaucracy became “an elite island of secure and high-paid employment, separated from the ocean of average Americans competing in the economy.”

Of course, it doesn’t help that it’s nearly impossible to fire a federal employee.

ALL of it here:
Good work if you can get it: Federal workers making 78% more than private sector counterparts « Hot Air

That's what happens when you have "Right To Work" laws, and get rid of any bargaining power for employees.

You idiot RWer's will cut off your nose to spite your face every time.

Yeah....because we all know those liberal states are having no problem meeting the payments on pensions.:lmao:

I think you need to update your info and check out those red "Right To Work For Less" welfare state stats.

You mean in our dem run inner cities?
Yeah,those fuckers are screwing shit up royally.
And I somehow managed to retire at 46 in a right to work state.

Sure you did.
they must laugh at the rest of the people not "lucky" enough to get on with Daddy Guberment while YOU pay their salary's. what a Gig eh

We’ve all seen the same headlines repeating for the last six years so often that it’s become part and parcel of the national milieu. Times are hard, wages are stagnant and pay isn’t keeping up with the cost of living. It’s tough out there to be sure, but there’s one segment of the American population where that doesn’t seem to be true. If you happen to work for the federal government – regardless of the job you hold, how well you perform or what happens to the market – you’re probably making way more than your counterparts in the private sector. (Government Executive Magazine)

Federal employees on average earned 78 percent more in total compensation than private sector workers in 2014, according to a new study from a conservative think tank.

The Cato Institute’s Chris Edwards compared data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis to show that, in his view, civilian federal workers are overcompensated. Factoring both salary and benefits, Edwards pointed to BEA data showing the average federal employee earns about $119,000 annually, compared to the private sector worker who earns $67,000 per year. When comparing just salaries, feds collect 50 percent bigger paychecks, Edwards said.

Back in 1990 the gap was smaller but still in place. Federal workers back then earned, on average, 39% more than private sector employees performing the same jobs. Owing to the rules of the free market, that shifted for a while during the tech boom of the late nineties, at least in a few sectors of the job market. When there were a limited number of workers skilled in a new industry, wages shot up and passed their government colleagues who were generally held to raises which follow a set formula.

Unfortunately, as Wall Street tanked and the market completely stalled, the private sector paid the price while the federal government kept on plugging along with slower, but steady increases in most cases. This led to what the study’s author describes as a situation where the Washington bureaucracy became “an elite island of secure and high-paid employment, separated from the ocean of average Americans competing in the economy.”

Of course, it doesn’t help that it’s nearly impossible to fire a federal employee.

ALL of it here:
Good work if you can get it: Federal workers making 78% more than private sector counterparts « Hot Air

That's what happens when you have "Right To Work" laws, and get rid of any bargaining power for employees.

You idiot RWer's will cut off your nose to spite your face every time.

Yeah....because we all know those liberal states are having no problem meeting the payments on pensions.:lmao:

have you seen the rent in a blue states? $1000 for a 300sq closet. and they sit here and brag how they are so much better. I guess they need to pretend they are better off than everyone else with those taxes and prices TO LIVE there. sad and pathetic when they crow this dumb stuff

Are you comparing that to your trailer park rent?
they must laugh at the rest of the people not "lucky" enough to get on with Daddy Guberment while YOU pay their salary's. what a Gig eh

We’ve all seen the same headlines repeating for the last six years so often that it’s become part and parcel of the national milieu. Times are hard, wages are stagnant and pay isn’t keeping up with the cost of living. It’s tough out there to be sure, but there’s one segment of the American population where that doesn’t seem to be true. If you happen to work for the federal government – regardless of the job you hold, how well you perform or what happens to the market – you’re probably making way more than your counterparts in the private sector. (Government Executive Magazine)

Federal employees on average earned 78 percent more in total compensation than private sector workers in 2014, according to a new study from a conservative think tank.

The Cato Institute’s Chris Edwards compared data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis to show that, in his view, civilian federal workers are overcompensated. Factoring both salary and benefits, Edwards pointed to BEA data showing the average federal employee earns about $119,000 annually, compared to the private sector worker who earns $67,000 per year. When comparing just salaries, feds collect 50 percent bigger paychecks, Edwards said.

Back in 1990 the gap was smaller but still in place. Federal workers back then earned, on average, 39% more than private sector employees performing the same jobs. Owing to the rules of the free market, that shifted for a while during the tech boom of the late nineties, at least in a few sectors of the job market. When there were a limited number of workers skilled in a new industry, wages shot up and passed their government colleagues who were generally held to raises which follow a set formula.

Unfortunately, as Wall Street tanked and the market completely stalled, the private sector paid the price while the federal government kept on plugging along with slower, but steady increases in most cases. This led to what the study’s author describes as a situation where the Washington bureaucracy became “an elite island of secure and high-paid employment, separated from the ocean of average Americans competing in the economy.”

Of course, it doesn’t help that it’s nearly impossible to fire a federal employee.

ALL of it here:
Good work if you can get it: Federal workers making 78% more than private sector counterparts « Hot Air

That's what happens when you have "Right To Work" laws, and get rid of any bargaining power for employees.

You idiot RWer's will cut off your nose to spite your face every time.

Yeah....because we all know those liberal states are having no problem meeting the payments on pensions.:lmao:

I think you need to update your info and check out those red "Right To Work For Less" welfare state stats.

You mean in our dem run inner cities?
Yeah,those fuckers are screwing shit up royally.
And I somehow managed to retire at 46 in a right to work state.

Sure you did.

Sure did.
I suppose I could post a pick of myself with a sign saying Carla sucks cock for money in front of my house during working hours if you'd like.
Of course I'd add a shot of the daily newspaper with it for verification.
they must laugh at the rest of the people not "lucky" enough to get on with Daddy Guberment while YOU pay their salary's. what a Gig eh

We’ve all seen the same headlines repeating for the last six years so often that it’s become part and parcel of the national milieu. Times are hard, wages are stagnant and pay isn’t keeping up with the cost of living. It’s tough out there to be sure, but there’s one segment of the American population where that doesn’t seem to be true. If you happen to work for the federal government – regardless of the job you hold, how well you perform or what happens to the market – you’re probably making way more than your counterparts in the private sector. (Government Executive Magazine)

Federal employees on average earned 78 percent more in total compensation than private sector workers in 2014, according to a new study from a conservative think tank.

The Cato Institute’s Chris Edwards compared data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis to show that, in his view, civilian federal workers are overcompensated. Factoring both salary and benefits, Edwards pointed to BEA data showing the average federal employee earns about $119,000 annually, compared to the private sector worker who earns $67,000 per year. When comparing just salaries, feds collect 50 percent bigger paychecks, Edwards said.

Back in 1990 the gap was smaller but still in place. Federal workers back then earned, on average, 39% more than private sector employees performing the same jobs. Owing to the rules of the free market, that shifted for a while during the tech boom of the late nineties, at least in a few sectors of the job market. When there were a limited number of workers skilled in a new industry, wages shot up and passed their government colleagues who were generally held to raises which follow a set formula.

Unfortunately, as Wall Street tanked and the market completely stalled, the private sector paid the price while the federal government kept on plugging along with slower, but steady increases in most cases. This led to what the study’s author describes as a situation where the Washington bureaucracy became “an elite island of secure and high-paid employment, separated from the ocean of average Americans competing in the economy.”

Of course, it doesn’t help that it’s nearly impossible to fire a federal employee.

ALL of it here:
Good work if you can get it: Federal workers making 78% more than private sector counterparts « Hot Air

That's what happens when you have "Right To Work" laws, and get rid of any bargaining power for employees.

You idiot RWer's will cut off your nose to spite your face every time.

Yeah....because we all know those liberal states are having no problem meeting the payments on pensions.:lmao:

have you seen the rent in a blue states? $1000 for a 300sq closet. and they sit here and brag how they are so much better. I guess they need to pretend they are better off than everyone else with those taxes and prices TO LIVE there. sad and pathetic when they crow this dumb stuff

Are you comparing that to your trailer park rent?

So rent in the big apple is a bargain huh?
“I want to stress the importance of comparing apples to apples,” said Robert Goldenkoff, director of strategic issues at the Government Accountability Office and author of a 2012 report examining the federal-private pay gap, of the new study. “Federal employees tend to be better educated and work in jobs that require higher skill levels compared to non-federal jobs, so Cato's results comparing average wages of feds to other sectors are both not surprising and don't tell the whole story. More rigorous, sophisticated analysis is needed.
Feds Earn 78% More Than Private Sector Workers, Study Finds

can't believe stephanie thinks we overpay our military.

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