Good work if you can get it: Federal workers making 78% more than private sector counterparts

MORE RIGHT WING NONSENSE. Shocking the Gov't has lots of store clerks and burger flippers??


Are Federal Workers Overpaid?

But such details (easily extracted from the regular Current Population Survey) explain why federal workers are paid more and why their average compensation has risen higher. They also show that federal employment creates proportionately far more middle-class jobs than the private sector.

In 2008, only 14 percent of federal workers were on part-time schedules, compared to 26 percent in the private sector. Federal workers were far older on average: 55 percent were between the ages of 45 and 64, compared to 36 percent of private-sector workers. Furthermore, 45 percent of federal workers held a college degree or higher educational credential, compared to 29 percent of private-sector workers.

...The biggest difference between private and federal employment, illustrated in the graph above, lies in the proportion of jobs paying less than $25,000 a year.
In 2008 more than 43 percent of private-sector workers earned less than $25,000 a year. Most federal employees fell squarely in the middle earnings brackets, making $25,000 to $75,000 a year.

Federal workers out-earn private sector ones ... at the low end. At the high end, they earn less.

I know better than to get into might be a lawyer? BUT, you must look at total compensation. I believe your chart is showing base pay only.
Prior to Reagan, the Private Sector had GREAT compensation and benefits whilst the banksters grew rich; and that was fine.
Reaganomics veered us into the course where only the rich got MUCH richer.
Remember when there were 8 Accounting Firms?
Lots of Banks and Investment firms before this whole Global mess kicked in?
No one was working 80+ hours a week under constant threat of the axe and CEOs and Directors were still making big money.
MORE RIGHT WING NONSENSE. Shocking the Gov't has lots of store clerks and burger flippers??


Are Federal Workers Overpaid?

But such details (easily extracted from the regular Current Population Survey) explain why federal workers are paid more and why their average compensation has risen higher. They also show that federal employment creates proportionately far more middle-class jobs than the private sector.

In 2008, only 14 percent of federal workers were on part-time schedules, compared to 26 percent in the private sector. Federal workers were far older on average: 55 percent were between the ages of 45 and 64, compared to 36 percent of private-sector workers. Furthermore, 45 percent of federal workers held a college degree or higher educational credential, compared to 29 percent of private-sector workers.

...The biggest difference between private and federal employment, illustrated in the graph above, lies in the proportion of jobs paying less than $25,000 a year.
In 2008 more than 43 percent of private-sector workers earned less than $25,000 a year. Most federal employees fell squarely in the middle earnings brackets, making $25,000 to $75,000 a year.

Federal workers out-earn private sector ones ... at the low end. At the high end, they earn less.

I know better than to get into might be a lawyer? BUT, you must look at total compensation. I believe your chart is showing base pay only.

Compare apples to Apples then. See my last link


I'm partially aware a times. Comparing an IT-TECH or SFTWR-ENG for FED govt DC vs. Silicon Valley? probably similar base pay? Case by case some of them may appear not to be out of whack But common working citizens paying taxes are bombarded hearing about millions of do-nothing 6-figure beuacrats with golden pensions. They hide it or spin it. For exmaple: look at state of CA departments/staffing budgets etc. almost hard to believe it can go on...but it does. What do many of them produce (towards helping productive society). It seems we could lose 1/2 and the remainder could do some actual work. Why do I get into this.......last time. Last post.....
MORE RIGHT WING NONSENSE. Shocking the Gov't has lots of store clerks and burger flippers??


Are Federal Workers Overpaid?

But such details (easily extracted from the regular Current Population Survey) explain why federal workers are paid more and why their average compensation has risen higher. They also show that federal employment creates proportionately far more middle-class jobs than the private sector.

In 2008, only 14 percent of federal workers were on part-time schedules, compared to 26 percent in the private sector. Federal workers were far older on average: 55 percent were between the ages of 45 and 64, compared to 36 percent of private-sector workers. Furthermore, 45 percent of federal workers held a college degree or higher educational credential, compared to 29 percent of private-sector workers.

...The biggest difference between private and federal employment, illustrated in the graph above, lies in the proportion of jobs paying less than $25,000 a year.
In 2008 more than 43 percent of private-sector workers earned less than $25,000 a year. Most federal employees fell squarely in the middle earnings brackets, making $25,000 to $75,000 a year.

Federal workers out-earn private sector ones ... at the low end. At the high end, they earn less.

I know better than to get into might be a lawyer? BUT, you must look at total compensation. I believe your chart is showing base pay only.

Compare apples to Apples then. See my last link


I'm partially aware a times. Comparing an IT-TECH or SFTWR-ENG for FED govt DC vs. Silicon Valley? probably similar base pay? Case by case some of them may appear not to be out of whack But common working citizens paying taxes are bombarded hearing about millions of do-nothing 6-figure beuacrats with golden pensions. They hide it or spin it. For exmaple: look at state of CA departments/staffing budgets etc. almost hard to believe it can go on...but it does. What do many of them produce (towards helping productive society). It seems we could lose 1/2 and the remainder could do some actual work. Why do I get into this.......last time. Last post.....

"are bombarded hearing about millions of do-nothing 6-figure beuacrats with golden pensions."


MOST Gov't employees get 2% a year towards the retirement MONEY THEY INVEST INSTEAD OF SS. Work 30 years at the DMV you prob get $2,000 a month

Teachers the same

TOTAL TAX BURDEN HASN'T BEEN THIS LOW IN DECADES BTW, Yet the "job creators' haven't had it this easy since 1932!!
To all of you uneducated trash that complain about education.

"“Federal employees tend to be better educated and work in jobs that require higher skill levels compared to non-federal jobs"


Half the Fed workers could disappear tomorrow and no one would even notice.

The Govt. is to big with to many people we taxpayers are getting hosed to support.

Bigger doesn't mean better or affordable when it comes to Govt.
they must laugh at the rest of the people not "lucky" enough to get on with Daddy Guberment while YOU pay their salary's. what a Gig eh

We’ve all seen the same headlines repeating for the last six years so often that it’s become part and parcel of the national milieu. Times are hard, wages are stagnant and pay isn’t keeping up with the cost of living. It’s tough out there to be sure, but there’s one segment of the American population where that doesn’t seem to be true. If you happen to work for the federal government – regardless of the job you hold, how well you perform or what happens to the market – you’re probably making way more than your counterparts in the private sector. (Government Executive Magazine)

Federal employees on average earned 78 percent more in total compensation than private sector workers in 2014, according to a new study from a conservative think tank.

The Cato Institute’s Chris Edwards compared data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis to show that, in his view, civilian federal workers are overcompensated. Factoring both salary and benefits, Edwards pointed to BEA data showing the average federal employee earns about $119,000 annually, compared to the private sector worker who earns $67,000 per year. When comparing just salaries, feds collect 50 percent bigger paychecks, Edwards said.

Back in 1990 the gap was smaller but still in place. Federal workers back then earned, on average, 39% more than private sector employees performing the same jobs. Owing to the rules of the free market, that shifted for a while during the tech boom of the late nineties, at least in a few sectors of the job market. When there were a limited number of workers skilled in a new industry, wages shot up and passed their government colleagues who were generally held to raises which follow a set formula.

Unfortunately, as Wall Street tanked and the market completely stalled, the private sector paid the price while the federal government kept on plugging along with slower, but steady increases in most cases. This led to what the study’s author describes as a situation where the Washington bureaucracy became “an elite island of secure and high-paid employment, separated from the ocean of average Americans competing in the economy.”

Of course, it doesn’t help that it’s nearly impossible to fire a federal employee.

ALL of it here:
Good work if you can get it: Federal workers making 78% more than private sector counterparts « Hot Air

That's what happens when you have "Right To Work" laws, and get rid of any bargaining power for employees.

You idiot RWer's will cut off your nose to spite your face every time.

Yeah....because we all know those liberal states are having no problem meeting the payments on pensions.:lmao:

have you seen the rent in a blue states? $1000 for a 300sq closet. and they sit here and brag how they are so much better. I guess they need to pretend they are better off than everyone else with those taxes and prices TO LIVE there. sad and pathetic when they crow this dumb stuff

Let me get this straight, you're raggin on blue states for having inhabitants that actually can afford to make a living? I don't know whether to thank you or smack you with a wet noodle. I'm from a blue state and we are drowning in new jobs.....that pays enough for anyone to live comfortably here. Sad? Pathetic? No, just lucky to have a Democratic governor with working brain cells, who don't starve the state with this cut taxes for the rich and fuck the poor mentality.
MORE RIGHT WING NONSENSE. Shocking the Gov't has lots of store clerks and burger flippers??


Are Federal Workers Overpaid?

But such details (easily extracted from the regular Current Population Survey) explain why federal workers are paid more and why their average compensation has risen higher. They also show that federal employment creates proportionately far more middle-class jobs than the private sector.

In 2008, only 14 percent of federal workers were on part-time schedules, compared to 26 percent in the private sector. Federal workers were far older on average: 55 percent were between the ages of 45 and 64, compared to 36 percent of private-sector workers. Furthermore, 45 percent of federal workers held a college degree or higher educational credential, compared to 29 percent of private-sector workers.

...The biggest difference between private and federal employment, illustrated in the graph above, lies in the proportion of jobs paying less than $25,000 a year.
In 2008 more than 43 percent of private-sector workers earned less than $25,000 a year. Most federal employees fell squarely in the middle earnings brackets, making $25,000 to $75,000 a year.

Federal workers out-earn private sector ones ... at the low end. At the high end, they earn less.

I know better than to get into might be a lawyer? BUT, you must look at total compensation. I believe your chart is showing base pay only.

Compare apples to Apples then. See my last link


I'm partially aware a times. Comparing an IT-TECH or SFTWR-ENG for FED govt DC vs. Silicon Valley? probably similar base pay? Case by case some of them may appear not to be out of whack But common working citizens paying taxes are bombarded hearing about millions of do-nothing 6-figure beuacrats with golden pensions. They hide it or spin it. For exmaple: look at state of CA departments/staffing budgets etc. almost hard to believe it can go on...but it does. What do many of them produce (towards helping productive society). It seems we could lose 1/2 and the remainder could do some actual work. Why do I get into this.......last time. Last post.....

"are bombarded hearing about millions of do-nothing 6-figure beuacrats with golden pensions."


MOST Gov't employees get 2% a year towards the retirement MONEY THEY INVEST INSTEAD OF SS. Work 30 years at the DMV you prob get $2,000 a month

Teachers the same

TOTAL TAX BURDEN HASN'T BEEN THIS LOW IN DECADES BTW, Yet the "job creators' haven't had it this easy since 1932!!

........TOTAL TAX BURDEN HASN'T BEEN THIS LOW IN DECADES BTW, Yet the "job creators' haven't had it this easy since 1932!![

And still the GOP presidential candidates want to give these traitors more tax cuts????
they must laugh at the rest of the people not "lucky" enough to get on with Daddy Guberment while YOU pay their salary's. what a Gig eh

We’ve all seen the same headlines repeating for the last six years so often that it’s become part and parcel of the national milieu. Times are hard, wages are stagnant and pay isn’t keeping up with the cost of living. It’s tough out there to be sure, but there’s one segment of the American population where that doesn’t seem to be true. If you happen to work for the federal government – regardless of the job you hold, how well you perform or what happens to the market – you’re probably making way more than your counterparts in the private sector. (Government Executive Magazine)

Federal employees on average earned 78 percent more in total compensation than private sector workers in 2014, according to a new study from a conservative think tank.

The Cato Institute’s Chris Edwards compared data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis to show that, in his view, civilian federal workers are overcompensated. Factoring both salary and benefits, Edwards pointed to BEA data showing the average federal employee earns about $119,000 annually, compared to the private sector worker who earns $67,000 per year. When comparing just salaries, feds collect 50 percent bigger paychecks, Edwards said.

Back in 1990 the gap was smaller but still in place. Federal workers back then earned, on average, 39% more than private sector employees performing the same jobs. Owing to the rules of the free market, that shifted for a while during the tech boom of the late nineties, at least in a few sectors of the job market. When there were a limited number of workers skilled in a new industry, wages shot up and passed their government colleagues who were generally held to raises which follow a set formula.

Unfortunately, as Wall Street tanked and the market completely stalled, the private sector paid the price while the federal government kept on plugging along with slower, but steady increases in most cases. This led to what the study’s author describes as a situation where the Washington bureaucracy became “an elite island of secure and high-paid employment, separated from the ocean of average Americans competing in the economy.”

Of course, it doesn’t help that it’s nearly impossible to fire a federal employee.

ALL of it here:
Good work if you can get it: Federal workers making 78% more than private sector counterparts « Hot Air
Federal workers do make more for several reasons.
  • Federal workers are better educated on average than their private sector counterparts. 52 percent have a Bachelor’s degree or higher, compared to just 32 percent of private sector workers. On average, they are four years older as well (45 vs. 41). Older, better educated workers are bound to have incomes above the national average.
  • There will always be inequities in federal civil service compared to the public sector because civil service pay is not market driven. On the low end of the salary scale federal building custodians have very good benefits compared to their private sector counter parts and thus fair much better in comparison with the private sector. On the high end of the scale, software developers make huge salaries in the private sector compared to the public sector.
  • The private sector tends to hire younger workers who often lack both education and experience and thus can not demand higher pay. The more productive workers are kept and the remainder are fired. Federal Civil Service can not operate like this. It must hire the best qualified person for the job and once they are hired they can't be fired because the boss has found someone who will work for lower pay.

so we should take it that all this BS about "income Equality" spewed by the left/dem/libs is just that. ALL BULLSHIT
How does the income differential between the public and private sector relate to the differential between the income of the wealthy and that of the middle class?

I'm not the one wailing about the wealthy. they either earned it, inherited it etc. this is GOVERMENT workers who WE THE PEOPLE have to pay their salaries. SO THERE is no comparison. Now why should they MAKE MORE than us? they don't do anything that most of us couldn't do. it's not specialty work, unless you call a Janitor special. some of it is but most is NOT

Stephanie, you've got to compare apples to apples. You are comparing watermelon to lemons. They have college degrees, and judging by your postings, I doubt you made it past the 6th grade.
they must laugh at the rest of the people not "lucky" enough to get on with Daddy Guberment while YOU pay their salary's. what a Gig eh

We’ve all seen the same headlines repeating for the last six years so often that it’s become part and parcel of the national milieu. Times are hard, wages are stagnant and pay isn’t keeping up with the cost of living. It’s tough out there to be sure, but there’s one segment of the American population where that doesn’t seem to be true. If you happen to work for the federal government – regardless of the job you hold, how well you perform or what happens to the market – you’re probably making way more than your counterparts in the private sector. (Government Executive Magazine)

Federal employees on average earned 78 percent more in total compensation than private sector workers in 2014, according to a new study from a conservative think tank.

The Cato Institute’s Chris Edwards compared data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis to show that, in his view, civilian federal workers are overcompensated. Factoring both salary and benefits, Edwards pointed to BEA data showing the average federal employee earns about $119,000 annually, compared to the private sector worker who earns $67,000 per year. When comparing just salaries, feds collect 50 percent bigger paychecks, Edwards said.

Back in 1990 the gap was smaller but still in place. Federal workers back then earned, on average, 39% more than private sector employees performing the same jobs. Owing to the rules of the free market, that shifted for a while during the tech boom of the late nineties, at least in a few sectors of the job market. When there were a limited number of workers skilled in a new industry, wages shot up and passed their government colleagues who were generally held to raises which follow a set formula.

Unfortunately, as Wall Street tanked and the market completely stalled, the private sector paid the price while the federal government kept on plugging along with slower, but steady increases in most cases. This led to what the study’s author describes as a situation where the Washington bureaucracy became “an elite island of secure and high-paid employment, separated from the ocean of average Americans competing in the economy.”

Of course, it doesn’t help that it’s nearly impossible to fire a federal employee.

ALL of it here:
Good work if you can get it: Federal workers making 78% more than private sector counterparts « Hot Air
Federal workers do make more for several reasons.
  • Federal workers are better educated on average than their private sector counterparts. 52 percent have a Bachelor’s degree or higher, compared to just 32 percent of private sector workers. On average, they are four years older as well (45 vs. 41). Older, better educated workers are bound to have incomes above the national average.
  • There will always be inequities in federal civil service compared to the public sector because civil service pay is not market driven. On the low end of the salary scale federal building custodians have very good benefits compared to their private sector counter parts and thus fair much better in comparison with the private sector. On the high end of the scale, software developers make huge salaries in the private sector compared to the public sector.
  • The private sector tends to hire younger workers who often lack both education and experience and thus can not demand higher pay. The more productive workers are kept and the remainder are fired. Federal Civil Service can not operate like this. It must hire the best qualified person for the job and once they are hired they can't be fired because the boss has found someone who will work for lower pay.

so we should take it that all this BS about "income Equality" spewed by the left/dem/libs is just that. ALL BULLSHIT
How does the income differential between the public and private sector relate to the differential between the income of the wealthy and that of the middle class?

I'm not the one wailing about the wealthy. they either earned it, inherited it etc. this is GOVERMENT workers who WE THE PEOPLE have to pay their salaries. SO THERE is no comparison. Now why should they MAKE MORE than us? they don't do anything that most of us couldn't do. it's not specialty work, unless you call a Janitor special. some of it is but most is NOT

Stephanie, you've got to compare apples to apples. You are comparing watermelon to lemons. They have college degrees, and judging by your postings, I doubt you made it past the 6th grade.

Trying to penetrate the brain of this Stephanie character is like trying to figure out how Donald Frump's hair stay put with all that hot air that comes out his mouth....fa-get-about it!!
That's what happens when you have "Right To Work For Less" laws, and get rid of any bargaining power for employees.

You idiot RWer's will cut off your nose to spite your face every time.
You LWers are lying twisting assholes. Your excuse for government abuse in confiscating our earnings to overpay staff is that unions aren't mandatory everywhere. Businesses can't take our money, if it costs too much there's less of it.
Government union members will be fired if they strike

come on. The SEC watched porn 6 hours during Madoff......the examples are endless. Teachers on full pay in rubber rooms. They never get fired. you may have pasted one technicality......sigh. Tiring.

Same old meme......Government workers goof off on my taxes

You can find evidence of any worker in any field goofing off
The federal government does not employ any janitors....they are contracted out to the lowest bidder

Almost all government contracts have a minimum wage statement which is higher than the prevailing rate, so employees of government contractors make more than non-government, which helps the economy.

Much like integration and affirmative action you have to start somwhere
Yep...Houston is running into the same problem.
Giving golden parachutes to guys who mow the grass at our airports is ridiculous.

And I suppose you have a link to show proof of this golden parachute?

You seemed so knowledgeable before...what happened?
I know the guy,he wont even work for 25 years to get it and all he does is mow the grass.

A simi-skilled laborer, for the City of Houston, working in Parks and Recreation, only makes $24-28,000 a year. If this is the golden parachute you are referring to, I'm going to assume you are living off a crazy check you receive from the Government once a month.
Stephanie, you've got to compare apples to apples. You are comparing watermelon to lemons. They have college degrees, and judging by your postings, I doubt you made it past the 6th grade.
I doubt you even know what fresh air smells like since your head is permanently stuffed up your posterior. A city janitor starts out at $17/hr with great benefits. No private company can afford to be so generous, their customers won't pay it. You tightass liberals sure won't. You love to spend other people's money but hold onto your own for dear life.
MORE RIGHT WING NONSENSE. Shocking the Gov't has lots of store clerks and burger flippers??


Are Federal Workers Overpaid?

But such details (easily extracted from the regular Current Population Survey) explain why federal workers are paid more and why their average compensation has risen higher. They also show that federal employment creates proportionately far more middle-class jobs than the private sector.

In 2008, only 14 percent of federal workers were on part-time schedules, compared to 26 percent in the private sector. Federal workers were far older on average: 55 percent were between the ages of 45 and 64, compared to 36 percent of private-sector workers. Furthermore, 45 percent of federal workers held a college degree or higher educational credential, compared to 29 percent of private-sector workers.

...The biggest difference between private and federal employment, illustrated in the graph above, lies in the proportion of jobs paying less than $25,000 a year.
In 2008 more than 43 percent of private-sector workers earned less than $25,000 a year. Most federal employees fell squarely in the middle earnings brackets, making $25,000 to $75,000 a year.

Federal workers out-earn private sector ones ... at the low end. At the high end, they earn less.

I know better than to get into might be a lawyer? BUT, you must look at total compensation. I believe your chart is showing base pay only.
Prior to Reagan, the Private Sector had GREAT compensation and benefits whilst the banksters grew rich; and that was fine.
Reaganomics veered us into the course where only the rich got MUCH richer.
Remember when there were 8 Accounting Firms?
Lots of Banks and Investment firms before this whole Global mess kicked in?
No one was working 80+ hours a week under constant threat of the axe and CEOs and Directors were still making big money.

Conservatives have destroyed the pay and benefits of the private sector while the government maintained the same rates

Rather than push to return to former levels of private sector compensation, they set their sights on government compensation
Yep...Houston is running into the same problem.
Giving golden parachutes to guys who mow the grass at our airports is ridiculous.

And I suppose you have a link to show proof of this golden parachute?

You seemed so knowledgeable before...what happened?
I know the guy,he wont even work for 25 years to get it and all he does is mow the grass.

A simi-skilled laborer, for the City of Houston, working in Parks and Recreation, only makes $24-28,000 a year. If this is the golden parachute you are referring to, I'm going to assume you are living off a crazy check you receive from the Government once a month.
That's a starting wage, not a wage nearing retirement. And it says nothing about the pension. Idiot.
Stephanie, you've got to compare apples to apples. You are comparing watermelon to lemons. They have college degrees, and judging by your postings, I doubt you made it past the 6th grade.
I doubt you even know what fresh air smells like since your head is permanently stuffed up your posterior. A city janitor starts out at $17/hr with great benefits. No private company can afford to be so generous, their customers won't pay it. You tightass liberals sure won't. You love to spend other people's money but hold onto your own for dear life.

Here's a janitorial job opening with the Department of Defense, starting pay is between $13.34-$15.54. That's barely a livable wage, you moron.

Back to top

•Maintains an orderly and clean specified area following general instructions regarding the tasks to be performed.
•Sweeps, mops, strips, scrubs, waxes, and polishes floors using heavy industrial powered equipment.
•Removes stains from a variety of surfaces such as rugs, drapes, walls, floors, and fixtures by use of chemicals and cleaning solutions. Washes and cleans windows inside and outside of building.
•Performs seasonal tasks such as the following: cuts grass, pull weeds, and trims bushes. Picks up litter from immediate area outside the building.
•Removes ice and snow from sidewalks, entrance ways, and other public pedestrian areas in and around the commissary.
•Assists in special preparations for displays, customer appreciation sales, holiday sales, or other promotion activities in the commissary.

Custodial Worker
Yep...Houston is running into the same problem.
Giving golden parachutes to guys who mow the grass at our airports is ridiculous.

And I suppose you have a link to show proof of this golden parachute?

You seemed so knowledgeable before...what happened?
I know the guy,he wont even work for 25 years to get it and all he does is mow the grass.

A simi-skilled laborer, for the City of Houston, working in Parks and Recreation, only makes $24-28,000 a year. If this is the golden parachute you are referring to, I'm going to assume you are living off a crazy check you receive from the Government once a month.
That's a starting wage, not a wage nearing retirement. And it says nothing about the pension. Idiot.

The starting wage for the City of Houston in Parks and Recreation is only $12 an hour, you boob. A field manager in the same department only makes between $35-39,000 a year.

Why the fuck would you be angry at people making a living wage?
Yep...Houston is running into the same problem.
Giving golden parachutes to guys who mow the grass at our airports is ridiculous.

And I suppose you have a link to show proof of this golden parachute?

You seemed so knowledgeable before...what happened?
I know the guy,he wont even work for 25 years to get it and all he does is mow the grass.

A simi-skilled laborer, for the City of Houston, working in Parks and Recreation, only makes $24-28,000 a year. If this is the golden parachute you are referring to, I'm going to assume you are living off a crazy check you receive from the Government once a month.
That's a starting wage, not a wage nearing retirement. And it says nothing about the pension. Idiot.

It's strange that you feel people should work their entire lives and not deserve to make a living or retire.
Stephanie, you've got to compare apples to apples. You are comparing watermelon to lemons. They have college degrees, and judging by your postings, I doubt you made it past the 6th grade.
I doubt you even know what fresh air smells like since your head is permanently stuffed up your posterior. A city janitor starts out at $17/hr with great benefits. No private company can afford to be so generous, their customers won't pay it. You tightass liberals sure won't. You love to spend other people's money but hold onto your own for dear life.
Here's a janitorial job opening with the Department of Defense, starting pay is between $13.34-$15.54. That's barely a livable wage, you moron.

Back to top

•Maintains an orderly and clean specified area following general instructions regarding the tasks to be performed.
•Sweeps, mops, strips, scrubs, waxes, and polishes floors using heavy industrial powered equipment.
•Removes stains from a variety of surfaces such as rugs, drapes, walls, floors, and fixtures by use of chemicals and cleaning solutions. Washes and cleans windows inside and outside of building.
•Performs seasonal tasks such as the following: cuts grass, pull weeds, and trims bushes. Picks up litter from immediate area outside the building.
•Removes ice and snow from sidewalks, entrance ways, and other public pedestrian areas in and around the commissary.
•Assists in special preparations for displays, customer appreciation sales, holiday sales, or other promotion activities in the commissary.

Custodial Worker
What do you mean barely livable moron? According to who? Livable means staying alive, not buying a three car house and raising a family. And anyone with any government experience knows the pay raises happen like clockwork.
Yep...Houston is running into the same problem.
Giving golden parachutes to guys who mow the grass at our airports is ridiculous.

And I suppose you have a link to show proof of this golden parachute?

You seemed so knowledgeable before...what happened?
I know the guy,he wont even work for 25 years to get it and all he does is mow the grass.

A simi-skilled laborer, for the City of Houston, working in Parks and Recreation, only makes $24-28,000 a year. If this is the golden parachute you are referring to, I'm going to assume you are living off a crazy check you receive from the Government once a month.
That's a starting wage, not a wage nearing retirement. And it says nothing about the pension. Idiot.
The starting wage for the City of Houston in Parks and Recreation is only $12 an hour, you boob. A field manager in the same department only makes between $35-39,000 a year.

Why the fuck would you be angry at people making a living wage?
Who the fuck are you to pretend to know me better than me? $39k is decent money. I'll bet you can live well there. And what about all the shit you aren't including, like the pensions and health insurance?

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