Good work if you can get it: Federal workers making 78% more than private sector counterparts

That's what happens when you have "Right To Work" laws, and get rid of any bargaining power for employees.

You idiot RWer's will cut off your nose to spite your face every time.

Yeah....because we all know those liberal states are having no problem meeting the payments on pensions.:lmao:

I think you need to update your info and check out those red "Right To Work For Less" welfare state stats.

You mean in our dem run inner cities?
Yeah,those fuckers are screwing shit up royally.
And I somehow managed to retire at 46 in a right to work state.

Sure you did.

Sure did.
I suppose I could post a pick of myself with a sign saying Carla sucks cock for money in front of my house during working hours if you'd like.
Of course I'd add a shot of the daily newspaper with it for verification.

And that would prove nothing except that you're an idiot. People on SSI and food benefits don't have to work either, just ask Stephanie.
they must laugh at the rest of the people not "lucky" enough to get on with Daddy Guberment while YOU pay their salary's. what a Gig eh

We’ve all seen the same headlines repeating for the last six years so often that it’s become part and parcel of the national milieu. Times are hard, wages are stagnant and pay isn’t keeping up with the cost of living. It’s tough out there to be sure, but there’s one segment of the American population where that doesn’t seem to be true. If you happen to work for the federal government – regardless of the job you hold, how well you perform or what happens to the market – you’re probably making way more than your counterparts in the private sector. (Government Executive Magazine)

Federal employees on average earned 78 percent more in total compensation than private sector workers in 2014, according to a new study from a conservative think tank.

The Cato Institute’s Chris Edwards compared data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis to show that, in his view, civilian federal workers are overcompensated. Factoring both salary and benefits, Edwards pointed to BEA data showing the average federal employee earns about $119,000 annually, compared to the private sector worker who earns $67,000 per year. When comparing just salaries, feds collect 50 percent bigger paychecks, Edwards said.

Back in 1990 the gap was smaller but still in place. Federal workers back then earned, on average, 39% more than private sector employees performing the same jobs. Owing to the rules of the free market, that shifted for a while during the tech boom of the late nineties, at least in a few sectors of the job market. When there were a limited number of workers skilled in a new industry, wages shot up and passed their government colleagues who were generally held to raises which follow a set formula.

Unfortunately, as Wall Street tanked and the market completely stalled, the private sector paid the price while the federal government kept on plugging along with slower, but steady increases in most cases. This led to what the study’s author describes as a situation where the Washington bureaucracy became “an elite island of secure and high-paid employment, separated from the ocean of average Americans competing in the economy.”

Of course, it doesn’t help that it’s nearly impossible to fire a federal employee.

ALL of it here:
Good work if you can get it: Federal workers making 78% more than private sector counterparts « Hot Air
Federal workers do make more for several reasons.
  • Federal workers are better educated on average than their private sector counterparts. 52 percent have a Bachelor’s degree or higher, compared to just 32 percent of private sector workers. On average, they are four years older as well (45 vs. 41). Older, better educated workers are bound to have incomes above the national average.
  • There will always be inequities in federal civil service compared to the public sector because civil service pay is not market driven. On the low end of the salary scale federal building custodians have very good benefits compared to their private sector counter parts and thus fair much better in comparison with the private sector. On the high end of the scale, software developers make huge salaries in the private sector compared to the public sector.
  • The private sector tends to hire younger workers who often lack both education and experience and thus can not demand higher pay. The more productive workers are kept and the remainder are fired. Federal Civil Service can not operate like this. It must hire the best qualified person for the job and once they are hired they can't be fired because the boss has found someone who will work for lower pay.
In a previous generation, people were "serving" the country when they got a government job. Now government workers are serving themselves.

Yep. Not all of them but I'd say a Majority of them. It's the same with the Unions today. what they do to a company is almost shameful. and then we the people get to pay for that too in higher prices, etc
they must laugh at the rest of the people not "lucky" enough to get on with Daddy Guberment while YOU pay their salary's. what a Gig eh

We’ve all seen the same headlines repeating for the last six years so often that it’s become part and parcel of the national milieu. Times are hard, wages are stagnant and pay isn’t keeping up with the cost of living. It’s tough out there to be sure, but there’s one segment of the American population where that doesn’t seem to be true. If you happen to work for the federal government – regardless of the job you hold, how well you perform or what happens to the market – you’re probably making way more than your counterparts in the private sector. (Government Executive Magazine)

Federal employees on average earned 78 percent more in total compensation than private sector workers in 2014, according to a new study from a conservative think tank.

The Cato Institute’s Chris Edwards compared data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis to show that, in his view, civilian federal workers are overcompensated. Factoring both salary and benefits, Edwards pointed to BEA data showing the average federal employee earns about $119,000 annually, compared to the private sector worker who earns $67,000 per year. When comparing just salaries, feds collect 50 percent bigger paychecks, Edwards said.

Back in 1990 the gap was smaller but still in place. Federal workers back then earned, on average, 39% more than private sector employees performing the same jobs. Owing to the rules of the free market, that shifted for a while during the tech boom of the late nineties, at least in a few sectors of the job market. When there were a limited number of workers skilled in a new industry, wages shot up and passed their government colleagues who were generally held to raises which follow a set formula.

Unfortunately, as Wall Street tanked and the market completely stalled, the private sector paid the price while the federal government kept on plugging along with slower, but steady increases in most cases. This led to what the study’s author describes as a situation where the Washington bureaucracy became “an elite island of secure and high-paid employment, separated from the ocean of average Americans competing in the economy.”

Of course, it doesn’t help that it’s nearly impossible to fire a federal employee.

ALL of it here:
Good work if you can get it: Federal workers making 78% more than private sector counterparts « Hot Air
Federal workers do make more for several reasons.
  • Federal workers are better educated on average than their private sector counterparts. 52 percent have a Bachelor’s degree or higher, compared to just 32 percent of private sector workers. On average, they are four years older as well (45 vs. 41). Older, better educated workers are bound to have incomes above the national average.
  • There will always be inequities in federal civil service compared to the public sector because civil service pay is not market driven. On the low end of the salary scale federal building custodians have very good benefits compared to their private sector counter parts and thus fair much better in comparison with the private sector. On the high end of the scale, software developers make huge salaries in the private sector compared to the public sector.
  • The private sector tends to hire younger workers who often lack both education and experience and thus can not demand higher pay. The more productive workers are kept and the remainder are fired. Federal Civil Service can not operate like this. It must hire the best qualified person for the job and once they are hired they can't be fired because the boss has found someone who will work for lower pay.

so we should take it that all this BS about "income Equality" spewed by the left/dem/libs is just that. ALL BULLSHIT
Government unions are the worst thing that ever happened to this country.

When a union bargains with a private business, the negotiations are between equals.

When a union bargains with the government, the unions have all the power since they are paying contributions to the people who are representing the government.

And now we see what has happened. Government workers have higher pay, better health benefits, and generous retirement packages, the private sector jobs.

Employees of small business have none of the benefits, and will have only social security at retirement.
In a previous generation, people were "serving" the country when they got a government job. Now government workers are serving themselves.

Yep. Not all of them but I'd say a Majority of them. It's the same with the Unions today. what they do to a company is almost shameful. and then we the people get to pay for that too in higher prices, etc

What most employers do to their employees IS shameful.
In a previous generation, people were "serving" the country when they got a government job. Now government workers are serving themselves.

Yep. Not all of them but I'd say a Majority of them. It's the same with the Unions today. what they do to a company is almost shameful. and then we the people get to pay for that too in higher prices, etc

What most employers do to their employees IS shameful.
My guess is you've never even had a job, so how would you know?
Government unions are the worst thing that ever happened to this country.

When a union bargains with a private business, the negotiations are between equals.

When a union bargains with the government, the unions have all the power since they are paying contributions to the people who are representing the government.

And now we see what has happened. Government workers have higher pay, better health benefits, and generous retirement packages, the private sector jobs.

Employees of small business have none of the benefits, and will have only social security at retirement.

Employees of small business have none of the benefits, and will have only social security at retirement.

Because small business people funneled all of the big monies into their own pockets. It's called greed.
they have this too........

Image Viewer

Yep, and the people in this country doesn't see a damn thing wrong with how they all live HIGH of the hog and for doing WHAT???????? They don't do anything MORE special that any of us couldn't do. they just got a free ride by being ELECTED that's all they had to do. no wonder they are fighting so hard to get on the Guberment payrole.
what a damn disgusting racket.
Government unions are the worst thing that ever happened to this country.

When a union bargains with a private business, the negotiations are between equals.

When a union bargains with the government, the unions have all the power since they are paying contributions to the people who are representing the government.

And now we see what has happened. Government workers have higher pay, better health benefits, and generous retirement packages, the private sector jobs.

Employees of small business have none of the benefits, and will have only social security at retirement.

Employees of small business have none of the benefits, and will have only social security at retirement.

Because small business people funneled all of the big monies into their own pockets. It's called greed.
You're a fucking retard. The typical small businessman barely pays his bills, and maybe has a little left so he can support his family.

An employee is always paid first, before the businessman gets his share.

I have actually run a business, and I'm running a business now.

You're suck a clueless, mindless, dumbfuck I shouldn't even be talking to you.
In a previous generation, people were "serving" the country when they got a government job. Now government workers are serving themselves.

Yep. Not all of them but I'd say a Majority of them. It's the same with the Unions today. what they do to a company is almost shameful. and then we the people get to pay for that too in higher prices, etc

What most employers do to their employees IS shameful.
My guess is you've never even had a job, so how would you know?

The only 'job' that I've ever held was in the United States Coast Guard (1975-77). Since then I've been an employer. As an employer I'm well aware of what other employers do to their employees and it IS shameful.
they have this too........

Image Viewer

Yep, and the people in this country doesn't see a damn thing wrong with how they all live HIGH of the hog and for doing WHAT???????? They don't do anything MORE special that any of us couldn't do. they just got a free ride by being ELECTED that's all they had to do. no wonder they are fighting so hard to get on the Guberment payrole.
what a damn disgusting racket.

I wish I knew how to paste in the "xxxx.jpg" or print-screen or image? tip of iceberg.
Many (too many) Governement employee "retire" at 98% (last three years avg) then hire back on as consultant making even more. The cities/states always in debt, never have enough funds, raise taxes
Government unions are the worst thing that ever happened to this country.

When a union bargains with a private business, the negotiations are between equals.

When a union bargains with the government, the unions have all the power since they are paying contributions to the people who are representing the government.

And now we see what has happened. Government workers have higher pay, better health benefits, and generous retirement packages, the private sector jobs.

Employees of small business have none of the benefits, and will have only social security at retirement.

Employees of small business have none of the benefits, and will have only social security at retirement.

Because small business people funneled all of the big monies into their own pockets. It's called greed.
I run a small business, so where's all my big money?

Do you have any clue how many small businesses fail? We have empty storefronts all over our town, each a gravestone for a small business that failed.
In a previous generation, people were "serving" the country when they got a government job. Now government workers are serving themselves.

Yep. Not all of them but I'd say a Majority of them. It's the same with the Unions today. what they do to a company is almost shameful. and then we the people get to pay for that too in higher prices, etc

What most employers do to their employees IS shameful.
My guess is you've never even had a job, so how would you know?

The only 'job' that I've ever held was in the United States Coast Guard (1975-77). Since then I've been an employer. As an employer I'm well aware of what other employers do to their employees and it IS shameful.
Everyone but you? Go fuck yourself, you're a liar AND a shithead.
Of course federal employees "on average" make more than private sector employees.

On average, they are better educated and have more responsibility.

The reason is, the federal government has contracted our all its lower paying jobs. Those remaining tend to be college educated with years of experience

But when you compare federally employed lawyers, accountants, engineers, scientists or any other professional they make significantly less than the private sector

When you compare federal executives to the top executives in the private sector........they don't make one tenth the salary
You're a fucking retard. The typical small businessman barely pays his bills, and maybe has a little left so he can support his family.

An employee is always paid first, before the businessman gets his share.

I have actually run a business, and I'm running a business now.

You're suck a clueless, mindless, dumbfuck I shouldn't even be talking to you.

Yeah, OK.

The fact is any small business person that has been in business for any length of time is making 'bank.' If they're not, they need to hire someone to run their business and stay home.

If you actually run a business for somebody else, your employer has figured that out. If you've developed additional income streams for the business and aren't collecting a salary AND percentage, you're are an idiot.
they have this too........

Image Viewer

Yep, and the people in this country doesn't see a damn thing wrong with how they all live HIGH of the hog and for doing WHAT???????? They don't do anything MORE special that any of us couldn't do. they just got a free ride by being ELECTED that's all they had to do. no wonder they are fighting so hard to get on the Guberment payrole.
what a damn disgusting racket.

I wish I knew how to paste in the "xxxx.jpg" or print-screen or image? tip of iceberg.
Many (too many) Governement employee "retire" at 98% (last three years avg) then hire back on as consultant making even more. The cities/states always in debt, never have enough funds, raise taxes

just click on the picture and hit copy. come back here and paste it. you can do most that way I believe. Is that what you were asking?
they must laugh at the rest of the people not "lucky" enough to get on with Daddy Guberment while YOU pay their salary's. what a Gig eh

We’ve all seen the same headlines repeating for the last six years so often that it’s become part and parcel of the national milieu. Times are hard, wages are stagnant and pay isn’t keeping up with the cost of living. It’s tough out there to be sure, but there’s one segment of the American population where that doesn’t seem to be true. If you happen to work for the federal government – regardless of the job you hold, how well you perform or what happens to the market – you’re probably making way more than your counterparts in the private sector. (Government Executive Magazine)

Federal employees on average earned 78 percent more in total compensation than private sector workers in 2014, according to a new study from a conservative think tank.

The Cato Institute’s Chris Edwards compared data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis to show that, in his view, civilian federal workers are overcompensated. Factoring both salary and benefits, Edwards pointed to BEA data showing the average federal employee earns about $119,000 annually, compared to the private sector worker who earns $67,000 per year. When comparing just salaries, feds collect 50 percent bigger paychecks, Edwards said.

Back in 1990 the gap was smaller but still in place. Federal workers back then earned, on average, 39% more than private sector employees performing the same jobs. Owing to the rules of the free market, that shifted for a while during the tech boom of the late nineties, at least in a few sectors of the job market. When there were a limited number of workers skilled in a new industry, wages shot up and passed their government colleagues who were generally held to raises which follow a set formula.

Unfortunately, as Wall Street tanked and the market completely stalled, the private sector paid the price while the federal government kept on plugging along with slower, but steady increases in most cases. This led to what the study’s author describes as a situation where the Washington bureaucracy became “an elite island of secure and high-paid employment, separated from the ocean of average Americans competing in the economy.”

Of course, it doesn’t help that it’s nearly impossible to fire a federal employee.

ALL of it here:
Good work if you can get it: Federal workers making 78% more than private sector counterparts « Hot Air
Federal workers do make more for several reasons.
  • Federal workers are better educated on average than their private sector counterparts. 52 percent have a Bachelor’s degree or higher, compared to just 32 percent of private sector workers. On average, they are four years older as well (45 vs. 41). Older, better educated workers are bound to have incomes above the national average.
  • There will always be inequities in federal civil service compared to the public sector because civil service pay is not market driven. On the low end of the salary scale federal building custodians have very good benefits compared to their private sector counter parts and thus fair much better in comparison with the private sector. On the high end of the scale, software developers make huge salaries in the private sector compared to the public sector.
  • The private sector tends to hire younger workers who often lack both education and experience and thus can not demand higher pay. The more productive workers are kept and the remainder are fired. Federal Civil Service can not operate like this. It must hire the best qualified person for the job and once they are hired they can't be fired because the boss has found someone who will work for lower pay.

so we should take it that all this BS about "income Equality" spewed by the left/dem/libs is just that. ALL BULLSHIT
How does the income differential between the public and private sector relate to the differential between the income of the wealthy and that of the middle class?

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