Goodbye Bannon

I have never looked at the website more than a moment or two. It just didn't appeal to me, and this Bannon guy comes off as a nut.
Will be interesting to see if Sloppy Steve buys any new clothes, now that his whole “avatar of populism” ruse is completely up.
Lol. I love seeing these white supremacist infight.
Says the black supremacist

I'm a black supremacist? That's new to me. I don't remember claiming blacks were superior. Or accusing other races of more violent or intellectual challenged. But I find a lot of that hatred around here by white folks towards to blacks and other minorities.

But continue on with your deflection.
One thing about the zealots, they are quick to eat their own.

Have an original thought or do not follow the party line and “boom” you are now public enemy number 1

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Joe Lieberman certainly found that out.
Lieberman was primaried, and ran anyways on continuing the failed and meaningless Iraq war. Not even republicans defend that anymore.

So he failed the litmus test and ran as an independent and won. No matter how you explain it, that's what happened.
Will be interesting to see if Sloppy Steve buys any new clothes, now that his whole “avatar of populism” ruse is completely up. not count Bannon out..his M.O. is to double down and come back swinging. He lost his funding and his site..but not his connections nor many of his friends. I look for him to double down on the alt/right...use the voice he's formed to attempt to regain relevancy. He'll most likely fail--but, it should be very entertaining.

His part of his'll get scrubbier as he attempts to reach into the psyche of Trailer Park America.
One thing about the zealots, they are quick to eat their own.

Have an original thought or do not follow the party line and “boom” you are now public enemy number 1

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Joe Lieberman certainly found that out.
Lieberman was primaried, and ran anyways on continuing the failed and meaningless Iraq war. Not even republicans defend that anymore.

So he failed the litmus test and ran as an independent and won. No matter how you explain it, that's what happened.
Litmus test? He lost a primary. For supporting an unpopular, pointless war that not even republicans will defend anymore.
since Sloppy Steve is such a fan of history and Napoleon, put it this way: He is being cast off to his Elba.
"Bannon once promised to destroy me. Oddly, I seem to be the one standing while Hobo Steve wraps himself in trashbags on a sewer grate and downs his last plastic-bottle fifth of Olde Oscelot bourbon." - Low Energy Rick Wilson
Another thread on this had an article saying it was because a huge donor named Mercer wouldn't have it. She got him canned.
The Mercers GAVE him the job. He'll probably go out and start his own competing website, and im not even a fan.
Maybe he could go in with that guy who runs The Blaze? Or too many big egos in the room?
Another thread on this had an article saying it was because a huge donor named Mercer wouldn't have it. She got him canned.
The Mercers GAVE him the job. He'll probably go out and start his own competing website, and im not even a fan.
Maybe he could go in with that guy who runs The Blaze? Or too many big egos in the room?
Too many big ego's....Just like with Trump and Bannon who seriously didn't know this was going to happen eventually? Bannon had the right agenda and Trump was trying to pursue IT and his leftist **** daughter's and her Jewish husbands agenda at same time and it was never going to work for 8 years.

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