Goodbye Beef - US Cattle Inventory Reaches 73 Year Low

I am happy to be contributing to the decline of this cruel industry.

^ This. But clearly we're in the minority around here. I get it. I used to be one of them. I'm truly thankful every day that I had a paradigm shift and am no longer participating in that disgusting horror show. Seriously the second best decision I ever made. :)
^ This. But clearly we're in the minority around here. I get it. I used to be one of them. I'm truly thankful every day that I had a paradigm shift and am no longer participating in that disgusting horror show. Seriously the second best decision I ever made. :)
/—-/ I only consume vegan cattle.
I am having slow smoked BBQ beef ribs for dinner tonight.

What they call dinosaur ribs.

Like these

If people saw how animals are treated in stockyards they'd be appalled...we buy ours from a small farmer. He takes great pride in treating them humanely and not pumping them full of chemicals.
If people saw how animals are treated in stockyards they'd be appalled...we buy ours from a small farmer. He takes great pride in treating them humanely and not pumping them full of chemicals
If people saw how animals are treated in stockyards they'd be appalled...we buy ours from a small farmer. He takes great pride in treating them humanely and not pumping them full of chemicals
/----/ At the end of the day, the cow is most sincerely dead.
/——/ Animals mistreat animals and humans. Humans mistreat animals and humans.
How many times a month do you protest at an abortion clinic where babies are
It's now a states rights issue. I don't go to protests. No way no how....ever. Not my fight. I believe we need a lower birth rate.
It's now a states rights issue. I don't go to protests. No way no how....ever. Not my fight. I believe we need a lower birth rate.
/——/ So you must be pizzed with all the folks flooding the border who like to have large families.

Dumbass here thinks this is a single year problem!!
/——-/ Dumbass doesn’t think, he just has a knee jerk reaction. What ever we say, he says the opposite. A five second google search would have prevented him from embarrassing himself.
Yes, there is. It is as close to an instant death as can be managed.

It is certainly more humane than the deaths that prey animals usually suffer in nature.

It's not about how you kill. The mere fact that you're robbing an animal of their life when it's completely unnecessary in and of itself is inhumane. A great quote that comes to mind is:

"To examine whether something is 'humane' first determine whether you would want it done to you."
- Andrea Kladar

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