Goodbye Dems, and take the Revs Al and Jesse with you

This has truly been a historic midterm election.
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What? did you just say Al and Jesse as the knee jerk reaction of a bell to pavlovs dog?
Democratic Party Disappears in South The American Conservative
And watch out for the swinging door on the way out

No wonder the south has the highest rates of welfare and food stamps. Shitty republican leadership. Does this mean the GOP is now the party of free stuff?
Deflection noted... even though that seems to be all you progtards can come up with lately.

I guess that ass kicking you people just got is going to keep you butt hurt for quite some time to come.

Democratic Party Disappears in South The American Conservative
And watch out for the swinging door on the way out

No wonder the south has the highest rates of welfare and food stamps. Shitty republican leadership. Does this mean the GOP is now the party of free stuff?
Deflection noted... even though that seems to be all you progtards can come up with lately.

I guess that ass kicking you people just got is going to keep you butt hurt for quite some time to come.


Do food stamps buy tissue paper? How did you get that you freeloader?!
Democratic Party Disappears in South The American Conservative
And watch out for the swinging door on the way out

No wonder the south has the highest rates of welfare and food stamps. Shitty republican leadership. Does this mean the GOP is now the party of free stuff?
Deflection noted... even though that seems to be all you progtards can come up with lately.

I guess that ass kicking you people just got is going to keep you butt hurt for quite some time to come.


Do food stamps buy tissue paper? How did you get that you freeloader?!
Ok sorry for the hyperbole, but ... low hanging fruit.

But frankly from Porkulus to Obamacare and the ideological bent of Holder and Ferguson .... Obama could not have better succeeded in destroying the democrat conservatives in the south if he'd actually tried.
Which South are we talking about?

Virginia has two Democratic Senators. Bill Nelson is still Senator in Florida.
Democratic Party Disappears in South The American Conservative
And watch out for the swinging door on the way out

No wonder the south has the highest rates of welfare and food stamps. Shitty republican leadership. Does this mean the GOP is now the party of free stuff?

I didn't know Detroit was in the South? Just remember, Al Queda is on the run and Detroit is back!

Republicans Lead the Best-Run States in America, Democrats Dominate the Worst

Political Litmus Test Bluest States Spilling The Most Red Ink - Forbes
Democratic Party Disappears in South The American Conservative
And watch out for the swinging door on the way out

No wonder the south has the highest rates of welfare and food stamps. Shitty republican leadership. Does this mean the GOP is now the party of free stuff?

I didn't know Detroit was in the South? Just remember, Al Queda is on the run and Detroit is back!

Republicans Lead the Best-Run States in America, Democrats Dominate the Worst

Political Litmus Test Bluest States Spilling The Most Red Ink - Forbes

Here's a good article detailing the freeloading ways of the south:

Welfare in the US Just the facts. unemployment gallon salary - Politics and Other Controversies -Democrats Republicans Libertarians Conservatives Liberals Third Parties Left-Wing Right-Wing Congress President - City-Data Forum

Now all those states with the highest rates of welfare have kicked the dems out. I guess they deserve whatever happens to them.
According to some leftists on here, winning is losing and losing is winning, so ... yeah.
According to some leftists on here, winning is losing and losing is winning, so ... yeah.

What do the top ten cities with the highest poverty rate all have in common?


Detroit, MI (1st on the poverty rate list) hasn’t elected
a Republican mayor since 1961;

Buffalo, NY (2nd) hasn’t elected one since 1954;

Cincinnati, OH (3rd)… since 1984;

Cleveland, OH (4th)… since 1989;

Miami, FL (5th) has never had a Republican Mayor;

St. Louis, MO (6th)…. since 1949;

El Paso, TX (7th) has never had a Republican Mayor;

Milwaukee, WI (8th)… since 1908;

Philadelphia, PA (9th)… since 1952;

Newark, NJ (10th)… since 1907.

Einstein once said, “The definition of insanity is doing
the same thing over and over again and always
expecting different results.”
If you are a city would you rather be managed more like Detroit or Houston?
I'd rather not be taxed up the kazoo by a bunch of socialist assholes who actually end up doing nothing for the people.

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