Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine. Hello disinfectant and sunlight

3rd time you tried to get me to react.. Do I CARE? Nope.. I'll take ENGAGED and dedicated problem solvers over poo slingers any day of the week.. If that's ALL YA GOT and ALL YA care about -- God help YOU and your disintegrating party...

How does it feel to have President Trump screw you?

You know everything you said defending the presidents sarcasm was turned into a joke , and you thought he was serious.

WOW !!!
I dunno, he's not screwing me but, maybe you should ask yourself that question. You seem totally screwed.
Three years ago, no one would have believed that a good chunk of the electorate could be so deeply into denial. It's been a process, incrementally done by Republicans, conservatives, racists, pro-lifers, crazies and plain old idiots hunkered down in the woods who want their parts of the agenda pushed through. Fake news? Alternative facts? Never believe anything written in the premier newspaper in the country? Treat op eds like factual reporting and call opinions "lies?" Suck only the koolaid that tastes good to you.

I fear they will never come back and no matter what happens in November, we have lost a good part of the electorate to a fantasy world. I don't know what we're going to do to convince them that the sky is blue again.
Most sane people do not trust the Media and our gov't at all...............They have proven themselves to be liars over and over again.

I always look for the video in context...or transcripts when I can find them...........

What kind of Media do we have when they are giving gotcha questions everyday for sound bites later? That is what they do every single day..........waiting to POUNCH.........

Wouldn't be so bad if our NATION WASN'T FUCKED because of a virus right now..........but during this............IT'S INSANITY and UNETHICAL.............

Trump may have had a moment of oh shit ...wishing he hadn't asked the question...........but OH WELL.......HE DID.........


I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.
Yes, he ASKED, didn't SUGGEST injecting disinfectant. He just suggested the doctors get on it. I'm sure he's hoping it will be the "break through" idea that saves the world.
You're right some of the anti-Trumpians are exaggerating and twisting it a little, but this one is pure gold. It's gonna be mined.
The light thing, you know more about than I do. When he said that part, I thought he knew stuff we didn't, and apparently he does. It's the injecting disinfectant part that is over the top. I don't hear much of anyone teasing him about the sunshine bit.
Sometimes he says things that sound weird in the past .....then a few days later they find out it's real.

I don't think he knew anything here.........they do these pressers every day.....amazing with that more gaffs don't happen..............I think he asked the question then went OH SHIT........they are gonna have fun with that shit.

And they are trying to get mileage here..........and I'm screwing with them for it.........He never said DRINK IT.........and that is what these clowns are doing with the GOTCHA MOMENT.

One actually learned some information out of all of this.......which isn't a bad thing........I'd never heard of FAR UV light......or the blood treatments for cancer using it.........some studies say it's good..others say it's bad..........they all say it's expensive.
No...sometimes he says bad stuff and it takes a day or two for his cultists to gas light it.
"Sometimes he says bad stuff"......LOL....What a snowflake you are.
You can't make this shit up.

Trump said at his daily media briefing on Thursday that scientists should explore whether inserting light or disinfectant into the bodies of people infected with the new coronavirus might help them clear the disease.

“Is there a way we can do something like that by injection, inside, or almost a cleaning?,” he said. “It would be interesting to check that.”

Trump's disinfectant idea shocking and dangerous, doctors say
Do you think thats grounds for impeachment?

it was only a passing thought, though admittedly not a very good one

but otoh trump has done a great job pf giving doctors what they need to fight the chinese disease
Where are the tests they need that he said they could get, that he lied about?
We have exceeded the world in testing

besides more testing only makes the lib argument that (btw, how many is it today? I ask because the expected number of deaths keeps going down) we’re all gonna from the chinese disease even weaker
We've exceeded the world in deaths and cases, with not enough tests, Trump lied that we had. Show me with numbers where I am wrong.
That's a lie, and you are not very good at it. How about you show US for a change? So far you haven't produced anything but bullshit.
Today President Trump suggested that injecting disinfectant into one's body would fight coronavirus.
Also UV light.
I think Trump supporters should give it a shot and swallow some sunlight (Don't do the disinfectant thing please).

With any luck, Trumpublicans will start drinking bleach! :D


Uhhh in small quantities bleach is used in water systems to sterilize and clean water systems, so just so you know, you have been drinking bleach.

In an emergency situation where regular water service has been interrupted – like a hurricane, flood, or water pipe breakage – local authorities may recommend using only bottled water, boiled water, or disinfected water until regular water service is restored. The instructions below show you how to boil and disinfect water to kill most disease-causing microorganisms that may be present in the water. However, boiling or disinfection will not destroy other contaminants, such as heavy metals, salts, and most other chemicals.

Print Emergency Disinfection of Drinking Water document.

A pot of boiling water

  • Use bottled water or water you have properly prepared and stored as an emergency water supply.
  • Boil water, if you do not have bottled water. Boiling is sufficient to kill pathogenic bacteria, viruses and protozoa (WHO, 2015).
    • If water is cloudy, let it settle and filter it through a clean cloth, paperboiling water towel, or coffee filter.
    • Bring water to a rolling boil for at least one minute. At altitudes above 5,000 feet (1,000 meters), boil water for three minutes.
    • Let water cool naturally and store it in clean containers with covers.
      A bottle of bleach
    • To improve the flat taste of boiled water, add one pinch of salt to each quart or liter of water, or pour the water from one clean container to another several times.
  • Disinfect water using household bleach, if you can’t boil water. Only use regular, unscented chlorine bleach products that are suitable for disinfection and sanitization as indicated on the label. The label may say that the active ingredient contains 6 or 8.25% of sodium hypochlorite. Do not use scented, color safe, or bleaches with added cleaners.If water is cloudy, let it settle and filter it through a clean cloth, paper towel, or coffee filter.
    • Locate a clean dropper from your medicine cabinet or emergency supply kit.
    • Locate a fresh liquid chlorine bleach or liquid chlorine bleach that is stored at room temperatures for less than one year.
    • Use the table below as a guide to decide the amount of bleach you should add to the water, for example, 8 drops of 6% bleach, or 6 drops of 8.25% bleach, to each gallon of water. Double the amount of bleach if the water is cloudy, colored, or very cold.
      Glass containers with droppers
    • Stir and let stand for 30 minutes. The water should have a slight chlorine odor. If it doesn’t, repeat the dosage and let stand for another 15 minutes before use.
    • If the chlorine taste is too strong, pour the water from one clean container to another and let it stand for a few hours before use.

Volume of WaterAmount of 6% Bleach to Add*Amount of 8.25% Bleach to Add*
1 quart/liter2 drops2 drops
1 gallon8 drops6 drops
2 gallons16 drops (1/4 tsp)12 drops (1/8 teaspoon)
4 gallons1/3 teaspoon1/4 teaspoon
8 gallons2/3 teaspoon1/2 teaspoon
*Bleach may contain 6 or 8.25% sodium hypochlorite.

LOL, you people are hilarious. Have you always lived in the suburbs ?? Rotflmbo.

And that one cat says "Yuka Yuka,Yuka, yuk, I copied your words so I could use later ??? Rotflmbo.
Oops. tRump was contacted by a bleach cure-all advocate before pushing yesterday's miracle cure

The liar is caught again:
The leader of the most prominent group in the US peddling potentially lethal industrial bleach as a “miracle cure” for coronavirus wrote to Donald Trump at the White House this week.

In his letter, Mark Grenon told Trump that chlorine dioxide – a powerful bleach used in industrial processes such as textile manufacturing that can have fatal side-effects when drunk – is “a wonderful detox that can kill 99% of the pathogens in the body”. He added that it “can rid the body of Covid-19”.

A few days after Grenon dispatched his letter, Trump went on national TV at his daily coronavirus briefing at the White House on Thursday and promoted the idea that disinfectant could be used as a treatment for the virus. To the astonishment of medical experts, the US president said that disinfectant “knocks it out in a minute. One minute!”

In his weekly televised radio show, posted online on Sunday, Grenon read out the letter he wrote to Trump. He said it began: “Dear Mr President, I am praying you read this letter and intervene.

Guenon said that 30 of his supporters have also written in the past few days to Trump at the White House urging him to take action to protect Genesis II in its bleach-peddling activities which they claim can cure coronavirus.

On Friday, hours after Trump talked about disinfectant on live TV, Grenon went further in a post on his Facebook page. He claimed that MMS had actually been sent to the White House. He wrote: “Trump has got the MMS and all the info!!! Things are happening folks! Lord help others to see the Truth!”

Paradoxically, Trump’s outburst about the possible value of an “injection” of disinfectant into the lungs of Covid-19 sufferers came just days after a leading agency within the president’s own administration took action to shut down the peddling of bleach as a coronavirus cure around the US.

Revealed: leader of group peddling bleach as coronavirus 'cure' wrote to Trump this week

I got six gallons of bleach to put into the water. You're trying to tell me it won't work??? The same product that turned Michael Jackson almost white won't work? Why am I cleaning all this crap in the bathroom if it can't kill a virus?
Good start

Now, in accordance with presidential guidelines, you need to take that six gallons of bleach and give yourself a nice enema

I'm saving it so you can give me a live demonstration. We will even put it on video. Your idea - you should go first.
Post exactly what Trump said that has your panties in a wad. You're just parroting an op ed by the leftist MSM. I dare you...Post Trumps exact words where you claim he recommended injecting anything or swallowing a light bulb. So far, you TDSers are only parroting op eds. Come on now. Put up or STFU.

Well, going back to the OP

Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine.
  • Thanks
Reactions: BWK
Today President Trump suggested that injecting disinfectant into one's body would fight coronavirus.
Also UV light.
I think Trump supporters should give it a shot and swallow some sunlight (Don't do the disinfectant thing please).

With any luck, Trumpublicans will start drinking bleach! :D


Uhhh in small quantities bleach is used in water systems to sterilize and clean water systems, so just so you know, you have been drinking bleach.

In an emergency situation where regular water service has been interrupted – like a hurricane, flood, or water pipe breakage – local authorities may recommend using only bottled water, boiled water, or disinfected water until regular water service is restored. The instructions below show you how to boil and disinfect water to kill most disease-causing microorganisms that may be present in the water. However, boiling or disinfection will not destroy other contaminants, such as heavy metals, salts, and most other chemicals.

Print Emergency Disinfection of Drinking Water document.

A pot of boiling water

  • Use bottled water or water you have properly prepared and stored as an emergency water supply.
  • Boil water, if you do not have bottled water. Boiling is sufficient to kill pathogenic bacteria, viruses and protozoa (WHO, 2015).
    • If water is cloudy, let it settle and filter it through a clean cloth, paperboiling water towel, or coffee filter.
    • Bring water to a rolling boil for at least one minute. At altitudes above 5,000 feet (1,000 meters), boil water for three minutes.
    • Let water cool naturally and store it in clean containers with covers.
      A bottle of bleach
    • To improve the flat taste of boiled water, add one pinch of salt to each quart or liter of water, or pour the water from one clean container to another several times.
  • Disinfect water using household bleach, if you can’t boil water. Only use regular, unscented chlorine bleach products that are suitable for disinfection and sanitization as indicated on the label. The label may say that the active ingredient contains 6 or 8.25% of sodium hypochlorite. Do not use scented, color safe, or bleaches with added cleaners.If water is cloudy, let it settle and filter it through a clean cloth, paper towel, or coffee filter.
    • Locate a clean dropper from your medicine cabinet or emergency supply kit.
    • Locate a fresh liquid chlorine bleach or liquid chlorine bleach that is stored at room temperatures for less than one year.
    • Use the table below as a guide to decide the amount of bleach you should add to the water, for example, 8 drops of 6% bleach, or 6 drops of 8.25% bleach, to each gallon of water. Double the amount of bleach if the water is cloudy, colored, or very cold.
      Glass containers with droppers
    • Stir and let stand for 30 minutes. The water should have a slight chlorine odor. If it doesn’t, repeat the dosage and let stand for another 15 minutes before use.
    • If the chlorine taste is too strong, pour the water from one clean container to another and let it stand for a few hours before use.

Volume of WaterAmount of 6% Bleach to Add*Amount of 8.25% Bleach to Add*
1 quart/liter2 drops2 drops
1 gallon8 drops6 drops
2 gallons16 drops (1/4 tsp)12 drops (1/8 teaspoon)
4 gallons1/3 teaspoon1/4 teaspoon
8 gallons2/3 teaspoon1/2 teaspoon
*Bleach may contain 6 or 8.25% sodium hypochlorite.

LOL, you people are hilarious. Have you always lived in the suburbs ?? Rotflmbo.

And that one cat says "Yuka Yuka,Yuka, yuk, I copied your words so I could use later ??? Rotflmbo.

Bleach and iodine will sterilize water but the taste is not so good

Its possible to use clear water bottles in full sun for about one hour to make the water safe to drink
Today President Trump suggested that injecting disinfectant into one's body would fight coronavirus.
Also UV light.
I think Trump supporters should give it a shot and swallow some sunlight (Don't do the disinfectant thing please).

Did he really say to inject disinfectant? This fucking idiot is going to get more people killed.

No, he ASKED his expert, Dr. Bryant, if it could be done--Trump suggested they look into it.

So.... What's your point ? You have none other than a twisted made up one. Do keep trying though, it's hilarious.
Post exactly what Trump said that has your panties in a wad. You're just parroting an op ed by the leftist MSM. I dare you...Post Trumps exact words where you claim he recommended injecting anything or swallowing a light bulb. So far, you TDSers are only parroting op eds. Come on now. Put up or STFU.

Well, going back to the OP

Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine.
That link doesn't go to the OP, skippy. Besides I asked you for exact quotes from Trump. You can't provide them and your whole TDS ranting is based on what the MSM tells you he said. Again, post EXACT QUOTES of what Trump said. If you need help understanding maybe your mommy can help you.
Did you try to defend what President Trump said on thursday?
Post exact quotes or go pound salt.

I've been posting exact quotes (from the white house source) all night long.
I'm sure I posted President Trumps exact words to you several times.
Are you forgetful?

Do you remember this?

Back it up dufus. I'm calling you out.
No you haven't. Stop lying. I have asked you multiple times for exact quotes and all you do it blather on. Put up or STFU dufus. The only thing that was posted is a transcript of the whole news conference. I am not going through all of that it's up to YOU to prove what you claim....Not me. Post Trump's exact words that got your panties in a wad, not what you THINK he said or meant, not what CNN, MSNBC etc told you he said. I want EXACT QUOTES in context.
Last edited:
Well, going back to the OP

Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine.
That link doesn't go to the OP, skippy. Besides I asked you for exact quotes from Trump. You can't provide them and your whole TDS ranting is based on what the MSM tells you he said. Again, post EXACT QUOTES of what Trump said. If you need help understanding maybe your mommy can help you.
I said going back to the OP, not linking to it.

How about President Trump throwing you under the bus with his reversal on Hydroxychloroquine.

Hydroxychloroquine is, quite literally, a "killer drug" when it comes to COVID-19. It turns out this anti-malarial drug, long touted by President Donald Trump as more than a game changer cure for COVID-19, kills more people than it cures, according to a new medical study.

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