Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine. Hello disinfectant and sunlight

Well, going back to the OP

Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine.
That link doesn't go to the OP, skippy. Besides I asked you for exact quotes from Trump. You can't provide them and your whole TDS ranting is based on what the MSM tells you he said. Again, post EXACT QUOTES of what Trump said. If you need help understanding maybe your mommy can help you.
I said going back to the OP, not linking to it.

How about President Trump throwing you under the bus with his reversal on Hydroxychloroquine.

Hydroxychloroquine is, quite literally, a "killer drug" when it comes to COVID-19. It turns out this anti-malarial drug, long touted by President Donald Trump as more than a game changer cure for COVID-19, kills more people than it cures, according to a new medical study.
First off, you posted a LINK and claimed it went to the OP and it didn't. Why did you post a link then? And, again, skippy, provide EXACT QUOTES where Trump told anyone to inject anything or somehow introduce light in their bodies. By now, I have to surmise you can't come up with any quote from Trump that upholds what you claim. All you have are others telling you what he meant. And now, because you cannot perform, you pivot and change the subject to hydroxychlorquine with another bogus link. Man up now and PLEASE show me an EXACT QUOTE that supports what you claim. I dare you. Are you getting paid for posting bullshit or something?
Post exact quotes or go pound salt.

We went through this
I said post the exact lines. I'm not going to go through a long transcript. YOU are making the claim, now back it up.

Here it is for the 1,000th time (from white house transcript)

THE PRESIDENT: ... (full statement by clicking post link)

THE PRESIDENT: ... (full statement by clicking post link)

As I said, i've been posting exact quotes to you all night long.
Well, going back to the OP

Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine.
That link doesn't go to the OP, skippy. Besides I asked you for exact quotes from Trump. You can't provide them and your whole TDS ranting is based on what the MSM tells you he said. Again, post EXACT QUOTES of what Trump said. If you need help understanding maybe your mommy can help you.
I said going back to the OP, not linking to it.

How about President Trump throwing you under the bus with his reversal on Hydroxychloroquine.

Hydroxychloroquine is, quite literally, a "killer drug" when it comes to COVID-19. It turns out this anti-malarial drug, long touted by President Donald Trump as more than a game changer cure for COVID-19, kills more people than it cures, according to a new medical study.
Study ? Meaning something is being studied but not yet proven.
Well, going back to the OP

Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine.
That link doesn't go to the OP, skippy. Besides I asked you for exact quotes from Trump. You can't provide them and your whole TDS ranting is based on what the MSM tells you he said. Again, post EXACT QUOTES of what Trump said. If you need help understanding maybe your mommy can help you.
I said going back to the OP, not linking to it.

How about President Trump throwing you under the bus with his reversal on Hydroxychloroquine.

Hydroxychloroquine is, quite literally, a "killer drug" when it comes to COVID-19. It turns out this anti-malarial drug, long touted by President Donald Trump as more than a game changer cure for COVID-19, kills more people than it cures, according to a new medical study.
Study ? Meaning something is being studied but not yet proven.
He's just pivoting and obfuscating, he's got nothing.
Post exact quotes or go pound salt.

We went through this
I said post the exact lines. I'm not going to go through a long transcript. YOU are making the claim, now back it up.

Here it is for the 1,000th time (from white house transcript)

THE PRESIDENT: ... (full statement by clicking post link)

THE PRESIDENT: ... (full statement by clicking post link)

As I said, i've been posting exact quotes to you all night long.
Then, by all means, POST ONE!! JUST ONE!! Post a quote from Trump IN CONTEXT that PROVES what you claim. You have NOT been posting exact quotes 'all night long' you have been evading. Come on now, talk is cheap. Put up or STFU and go away.
Hydroxychloroquine is, quite literally, a "killer drug" when it comes to COVID-19. It turns out this anti-malarial drug, long touted by President Donald Trump as more than a game changer cure for COVID-19, kills more people than it cures, according to a new medical study.
Study ? Meaning something is being studied but not yet proven.
The study evaluated 368 patients. The hydroxychloroquine group had three times the death rate as the non-hydroxychloroquine group.
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I said post the exact lines. I'm not going to go through a long transcript. YOU are making the claim, now back it up.
Here it is for the 1,000th time (from white house transcript)
THE PRESIDENT: ... (full statement by clicking post link)
THE PRESIDENT: ... (full statement by clicking post link)

Then, by all means, POST ONE!! JUST ONE!! Post a quote from Trump IN CONTEXT that PROVES what you claim. You have NOT been posting exact quotes 'all night long' you have been evading. Come on now, talk is cheap. Put up or STFU and go away.

Clink the above link to prove that I already posted the exact quotes because you didn't want to read the link, which I posted right before that.

In short, you asked for quotes half a dozen times, and I posted the quotes half a dozen times.

If you don't remember, we can go through this again all night.
Hydroxychloroquine is, quite literally, a "killer drug" when it comes to COVID-19. It turns out this anti-malarial drug, long touted by President Donald Trump as more than a game changer cure for COVID-19, kills more people than it cures, according to a new medical study.
Study ? Meaning something is being studied but not yet proven.
The study evaluated 368 patients. The hydroxychloroquine group had three times the death rate as the non-hydroxychloroquine group.
Oh you mean that group that was on deaths doorstep's, and may have been to far gone when administered the drug in hopes to save these people ? Yeah let's focus on that study of course.. Good grief.
I said post the exact lines. I'm not going to go through a long transcript. YOU are making the claim, now back it up.
Here it is for the 1,000th time (from white house transcript)
THE PRESIDENT: ... (full statement by clicking post link)
THE PRESIDENT: ... (full statement by clicking post link)

Then, by all means, POST ONE!! JUST ONE!! Post a quote from Trump IN CONTEXT that PROVES what you claim. You have NOT been posting exact quotes 'all night long' you have been evading. Come on now, talk is cheap. Put up or STFU and go away.

Clink the above link to prove that I already posted the exact quotes because you didn't want to read the link, which I posted right before that.

In short, you asked for quotes half a dozen times, and I posted the quotes half a dozen times.

If you don't remember, we can go through this again all night.
Quotes are nothing without the intent involved, and making up intent isn't working for you. Give it up.
I said post the exact lines. I'm not going to go through a long transcript. YOU are making the claim, now back it up.
Here it is for the 1,000th time (from white house transcript)
THE PRESIDENT: ... (full statement by clicking post link)
THE PRESIDENT: ... (full statement by clicking post link)

Then, by all means, POST ONE!! JUST ONE!! Post a quote from Trump IN CONTEXT that PROVES what you claim. You have NOT been posting exact quotes 'all night long' you have been evading. Come on now, talk is cheap. Put up or STFU and go away.

Clink the above link to prove that I already posted the exact quotes because you didn't want to read the link, which I posted right before that.

In short, you asked for quotes half a dozen times, and I posted the quotes half a dozen times.

If you don't remember, we can go through this again all night.

From YOUR link:

HE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. So I asked Bill a question that probably some of you are thinking of, if you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way, and I think you said you’re going to test that too. It sounds interesting.

THE PRESIDENT: Right. And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that. So, that, you’re going to have to use medical doctors with. But it sounds — it sounds interesting to me.

Did you forget to read what I highlighted in red? How does a rational person take that and warp it into Trump recommending medical procedures or injecting substances? Trump was saying the research is interesting and paraphrased the medical experts. I challenge you to prove your position. You can't, it's just propaganda and you are either broadcasting it or you actually believe the shit people tell you. Hell, even with the EXACT quote you STILL make false claims.
Last edited:
Three years ago, no one would have believed that a good chunk of the electorate could be so deeply into denial. It's been a process, incrementally done by Republicans, conservatives, racists, pro-lifers, crazies and plain old idiots hunkered down in the woods who want their parts of the agenda pushed through. Fake news? Alternative facts? Never believe anything written in the premier newspaper in the country? Treat op eds like factual reporting and call opinions "lies?" Suck only the koolaid that tastes good to you.

I fear they will never come back and no matter what happens in November, we have lost a good part of the electorate to a fantasy world. I don't know what we're going to do to convince them that the sky is blue again.
Most sane people do not trust the Media and our gov't at all...............They have proven themselves to be liars over and over again.

I always look for the video in context...or transcripts when I can find them...........

What kind of Media do we have when they are giving gotcha questions everyday for sound bites later? That is what they do every single day..........waiting to POUNCH.........

Wouldn't be so bad if our NATION WASN'T FUCKED because of a virus right now..........but during this............IT'S INSANITY and UNETHICAL.............

Trump may have had a moment of oh shit ...wishing he hadn't asked the question...........but OH WELL.......HE DID.........


I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.
Yes, he ASKED, didn't SUGGEST injecting disinfectant. He just suggested the doctors get on it. I'm sure he's hoping it will be the "break through" idea that saves the world.
You're right some of the anti-Trumpians are exaggerating and twisting it a little, but this one is pure gold. It's gonna be mined.
The light thing, you know more about than I do. When he said that part, I thought he knew stuff we didn't, and apparently he does. It's the injecting disinfectant part that is over the top. I don't hear much of anyone teasing him about the sunshine bit.

Dithering Donnie's Dangerous Daily Disinformation Dumps each provide golden content for Biden commercials that will be brutal. Therefore, he should keep doing them! :D
the sunlight was duscussed seperately as a blue light or whatever at entrance and injecting dissinfectant was stated "into the building" not people, like mist entrances you see at labs like tech clean rooms and exiting toxic areas.
Tramp said no such thing, please give the exact quote.
Someone did, they ended the quote at the word "in" but never said body, the context was the buildings and Pence clarified entrances.
Here is what Tramp actually said, if it was "injecting" BUILDINGS, why would Tramp say you need "medical doctors?"
THE PRESIDENT: Right. And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that. So, that, you’re going to have to use medical doctors with. But it sounds — it sounds interesting to me.
Fellow conservatives:

Remember this if Trump loses in November. Total destruction of their candidate from day one in office. No quarter given, no cooperation, total destruction just as they have treated him. Maybe worse.

They THINK they have treated Trump like we treated Obama. That's how deluded they are. Don't forget this.
Fellow conservatives:

Remember this if Trump loses in November. Total destruction of their candidate from day one in office. No quarter given, no cooperation, total destruction just as they have treated him. Maybe worse.

They THINK they have treated Trump like we treated Obama. That's how deluded they are. Don't forget this.

Oh that gets a dislike from you Lakhota, whassmatter? What's good for the goose is not good for the gander?

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