Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine. Hello disinfectant and sunlight

Read it for yourself. President Trump said it. No use denying it.
He won't be back because he got caught lying.
Good point. President Trumps hasty exit from todays coronavirus press conference, only supports he knew what he said was ridiculous and dangerous, and the only thing he could say to defend it was to claim it was sarcasm.
Yea, but here's the thing. On this very forum, these Trump toads are saying something different. They are defending Trumps claims as real. They are defending the claims, and saying it isn't sarcasm. LOl! It's so funny, because his supporters are contradicting Trump with every one of their posts, because he claims one thing, and they claim another. It's hilarious,because they don't realize they are contradicting Trumps claims.
Provide proof Mr. TDSer.
If you are defending Trumps solution with these products and he's calling it sarcasm, then what is there to prove that hasn't already been proven? Get going buddy. We don't have all night for you to run from facts, proof, and the truth. Still waiting.
We are solidly in Phase #3 now. We just don't UNDERSTAND what he was saying. He didn't mean disinfectants (even though he said it), he meant UV light. 'Cause everyone knows that can be injected. Makes perfect sense.


View attachment 327610
Post the exact quote with a link please.
Oh shut the fuck up, moron. You've seen his exact words at least a hundred times now. Move on.

Liberals sure are losers

You are missing something big my friend. Try using that to a lungs.

Lungs problems has been around since the beginning of man.
Don’t you think after all the lung problems COPD, TB or lung cancer. They could have use that by now????
You don’t see that on any big hospitals around the world that are treating lung problems.

COPD, TB or lung cancer are different ailments....Did you know that? Why are some of you so adverse to researching and asking questions? Is your hatred of Trump really that virulent? It's affecting your thinking adversely.

True. I’m using that as an example for people like you that lung problems has been around.
For someone to post a link that suddenly UV is acceptable treating a CV to a lungs.
Why do you think they didn’t use UV lights before?

Trump a total idiot mentioned a UV ........ OMG OMG we just discovered Mexico.

Every idiots is coming out with their own UV nonsense medical experience.
Not really.. You have to suspend reason and reality to BELIEVE ANYONE was talking about injecting bleach or alcohol.. Only the deranged and UNREAL lemmings can leap that far...

What's your # in line for that cliff?
The makers of Lysol believed that's what President Trump said.
Also the makers of Clorox did too. Both released press releases telling people not to use their products internally like President Trump suggested.
The "Real World" that FCT lives in becomes less and less populated.
Why did this pathological, lying smear get stickied to the top when it belongs in the BadLands?

This is just more stupidity.
Why is posting what Trump says a lying smear?
Again sunlight is needed for health, locking people at home because they have a .03 chance of dying when the flu poses a .1 chance of dying Is dumb
Where in the fuck do you live that you dont have windows?
quit being a dumbass,,,
I'm not a Drumpf supporter. You got the wrong guy.
thats not the only criteria for being a dumbass,,,

thinking all windows face the sun or that the sun doesnt move can also prove it,,,

not the mention those that live in apartments have limited windows or none at all,,,
The only criteria for being a dumbass is to be a Drumpf jockstrap supporter like yourself.

Who told you all windows face the sun or that the sun doesnt move? I know I didnt say that.

All you need is one window. You dont need sunlight and disinfectant injected into your ass.
not if that window faces north and its all dark,,,and you also need several hrs of sun a day for full effect, I dont see me standing in front of a window for 4 hrs or the sun staying in one spot ,,,

and when did I mention trump??? we're talking about windows,,,
Most people dont live in a place with one window that faces north and is blacked out. You dont have to see it. All you have to see is the question I asked that you first responded to. What place do you live in that has no windows?

I mentioned Drumpf because you mentioned dumbasses and he immediately came to mind.
I've worked on dozens of apartments that had a ft door a bk door and one window in the bedroom,,that means that 25-50% of that complex had windows only faces north,,,

I also worked on many that had no windows at all and the door went into a it had no outside source of light,,,

you are aware that its a scientific fact that sunlight helps with many of the issues we face from health to sanitizing what youre wearing and touching and killing any airborn droplets,,,
I'm Black so of course I know the benefits of the sun. I didnt need science to tell me that. However, only a dunce will think that the sun is going to prevent or cure the virus. How fucking stupid are you to believe that?
Actually doofy the flu disappears every year when people open the windows and spend more time outside

But you be a goody boy and stay inside like uber told
I'm not talking about the flu goofy. Keep up. Didnt you know we are talking about Covid 19?

No we are discussing coronavirus which is the common cold not the flu

Lol u have no clue snowflake
So why did you say the flu goofy? No one said anything about the flu except you. :)
Because both the flu and common cold and the chink virus all die in the sun

Next dumb cement
You sound like Pee Wee Herman. You fucked up and said the flu and now youre saying "I meant to do that"? :laughing0301:

Another Drumpf dumbass steps on his own tiny dick.

I dont lay cement. What does cement have to do with it?

Trump has just came out and said he was being “sarcastic” and the press did not get his joke

The press always INTENTIONALLY interprets what he says wrong.

What is the matter with the press?

Can’t they tell that Trump was only joking about 50,000 people dying?
You mean 200,000 dying after the lockdown suicides begin
I've noted before that it seems to be the survivalist types that are freaking out first. You think they'll turn their guns on themselves?
I switched to hollow points, so bring it on
I'm not freaking out. I'm not a survivalist. I'm fine. I won't be turning a gun on myself or anyone else.
We are solidly in Phase #3 now. We just don't UNDERSTAND what he was saying. He didn't mean disinfectants (even though he said it), he meant UV light. 'Cause everyone knows that can be injected. Makes perfect sense.


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Semantics m'lady.. Just like UV IS a disinfectant, I'll bet my grad work in BioMedical Engineering that "INJECTING" can mean delivering light to tissues thru a catheter. Every lemming here suddenly has no Thesaurus or dictionary handy..

Now SERIOUSLY I don't give Trump any credit for "winging" it.. But I DO like leaders that aren't afraid to ask questions and ACTIVELY participate in problem solving.. IN FACT --- PARTICIPATING and problem solving hasn't been seen from ANY of the Lemming Leaders during this entire war.. I'd much PREFER SanFranNan ask a stupid question about an important study than give me a tour of dual $30K ice cream freezers..,.

Not my political war.. If I was at bayonet point to CHOOSE a foxhole to jump into -- I'd probably take the bayonet..,. But the DIFF here is mighty clear.. Hating Trump is WAAY more fun and producttive than actually rowing the boat...
Not really.. You have to suspend reason and reality to BELIEVE ANYONE was talking about injecting bleach or alcohol.. Only the deranged and UNREAL lemmings can leap that far...

What's your # in line for that cliff?
The makers of Lysol believed that's what President Trump said.
Also the makers of Clorox did too. Both released press releases telling people not to use their products internally like President Trump suggested.
The "Real World" that FCT lives in becomes less and less populated.

Actually almost 50% of American eligible voters are now unaligned with EITHER inept, incompetent party. We got to call them as we see them.. So MY "tribe" is growing and healthy thank you...
We are solidly in Phase #3 now. We just don't UNDERSTAND what he was saying. He didn't mean disinfectants (even though he said it), he meant UV light. 'Cause everyone knows that can be injected. Makes perfect sense.


View attachment 327610

Semantics m'lady.. Just like UV IS a disinfectant, I'll bet my grad work in BioMedical Engineering that "INJECTING" can mean delivering light to tissues thru a catheter. Every lemming here suddenly has no Thesaurus or dictionary handy..

Now SERIOUSLY I don't give Trump any credit for "winging" it.. But I DO like leaders that aren't afraid to ask questions and ACTIVELY participate in problem solving.. IN FACT --- PARTICIPATING and problem solving hasn't been seen from ANY of the Lemming Leaders during this entire war.. I'd much PREFER SanFranNan ask a stupid question about an important study than give me a tour of dual $30K ice cream freezers..,.

Not my political war.. If I was at bayonet point to CHOOSE a foxhole to jump into -- I'd probably take the bayonet..,. But the DIFF here is mighty clear.. Hating Trump is WAAY more fun and producttive than actually rowing the boat...
Except you forgot one fine detail. Trump said the whole thing was sarcasm. So he's calling you a liar. Or are you calling him one? Which is it?
Hey earth to deranged --- I REPEAT -- UV IS a disinfectant.. You hear hoofbeats coming and imagine that are zebras... That's useful for fantasies... I live in the real world...

So is a 2000 degree blow-torch. Both are incompatible with human flesh.

Wow.. I give that dive a 4.8... Amazing Reductio Ad Absurdium with a 2 and half twist.. If that was true -- every hippy in the 60s would have melted from the black lights...

You're not interested in anything even SLIGHTLY more important than this?? I am.. I'm just taking a social anthropology snapshot of mass delirium here... And then I'll move on to REAL issues.. SOMEWHERE...

There are a lot of things that will kill viruses, even the coronavirus. That's not that hard. What's hard is trying to kill it in the presence of humans. So the UV you advocate is incompatible with human flesh, exterior or interior. X-rays, electrostatic discharge, ozone, bleach, microwaves. All can be used to kill the coronavirus if you don't care how much damage they do to the objects or people in the room.
We are solidly in Phase #3 now. We just don't UNDERSTAND what he was saying. He didn't mean disinfectants (even though he said it), he meant UV light. 'Cause everyone knows that can be injected. Makes perfect sense.


View attachment 327610
Post the exact quote with a link please.
Oh shut the fuck up, moron. You've seen his exact words at least a hundred times now. Move on.
Leo is playing philosophical to defend himself and his fake messiah.

Read it for yourself. President Trump said it. No use denying it.
He won't be back because he got caught lying.
Good point. President Trumps hasty exit from todays coronavirus press conference, only supports he knew what he said was ridiculous and dangerous, and the only thing he could say to defend it was to claim it was sarcasm.
Back it up dufus. I'm calling you out.
Trump claims comment about injecting disinfectants to kill ... › nation › 2020/04/24 › disinf...

9 hours ago - Trump claims controversial comment about injecting disinfectants ... to fight the coronavirus, claiming Friday that he had said it sarcastically.
See what I mean? Leo 123 is no match for the truth or facts. They always get lost after they've been taken out to the woodshed. But they do come back if they think you're gone sometimes to lick their wounds. They always need to come back later to give the impression they are still in the game, but they really got their asses kicked in reality.
Not really.. You have to suspend reason and reality to BELIEVE ANYONE was talking about injecting bleach or alcohol.. Only the deranged and UNREAL lemmings can leap that far...

What's your # in line for that cliff?
The makers of Lysol believed that's what President Trump said.
Also the makers of Clorox did too. Both released press releases telling people not to use their products internally like President Trump suggested.
The "Real World" that FCT lives in becomes less and less populated.

Actually almost 50% of American eligible voters are now unaligned with EITHER inept, incompetent party. We got to call them as we see them.. So MY "tribe" is growing and healthy thank you...
You can pretend you're not firmly behind Trump, but you are, every blessed time. I don't know who you think you're fooling, but it ain't workin' with me. We might as well quit arguing. You aren't going to look at this any other way and neither am I. But I know you will make sure to get the last word in.
Your turn. Go.
We are solidly in Phase #3 now. We just don't UNDERSTAND what he was saying. He didn't mean disinfectants (even though he said it), he meant UV light. 'Cause everyone knows that can be injected. Makes perfect sense.


View attachment 327610
Post the exact quote with a link please.
Oh shut the fuck up, moron. You've seen his exact words at least a hundred times now. Move on.
Leo is playing philosophical to defend himself and his fake messiah.
Leo is done for the night. The truth and the facts are too much for him to handle. I'm sure you'll find him on another thread somewhere lying about something else. He may come back later once the truth tellers have left the forum. It's what cowards like him do. It's always the same pattern.
Not really.. You have to suspend reason and reality to BELIEVE ANYONE was talking about injecting bleach or alcohol.. Only the deranged and UNREAL lemmings can leap that far...

What's your # in line for that cliff?
The makers of Lysol believed that's what President Trump said.
Also the makers of Clorox did too. Both released press releases telling people not to use their products internally like President Trump suggested.

Now wait a minute. Did DJT tell them to DRINK it or INJECT it?? Which is it? What DOSE did he recommend? Press releases happen ANYTIME their products are mentioned 199 times on the leftist media.. Wasn't Trump running wall to wall hysterics on Lysol and Clorox.. Products were NEVER mentioned by the Prez... Had to stop the STUPID from being "Darwin Award" winners.. And the stupid got brainwashed by the 199 mentions on MSDNC and CCN..

Are YOU that stupid that YOU need a press release from CLorox telling you not to ingest or inject it? I think you might be for making shit like this up...
Last edited:
Today President Trump suggested that injecting disinfectant into one's body would fight coronavirus.
Also UV light.
I think Trump supporters should give it a shot and swallow some sunlight (Don't do the disinfectant thing please).

And I think YOU should read the following!

This is what prompted Trump to say what he said.

Despite the blue checks getting gleeful over how stupid Trump is, there are some facts we should get straight. We know that we can use UV light as a way to kill various types of bacteria and foreign bodies already. The practice is called “ultraviolet blood irradiation” and was used as a cure for many different things until the invention of antibiotics. The practice was nicknamed “the cure that time forgot.”

It should be noted that it wasn’t but a few moments later that Trump gave a clarification of his statement to ABC News reported Jon Karl.

“It wouldn’t be through injections, you’re talking about almost a cleaning and sterilization of an area,” said Trump. “Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t work, but it certainly has a big effect if it’s on a stationary object.”

So, no, Trump did not suggest we inject ourselves with bleach or Lysol. This is just reporters reporting irresponsibly and very likely on purpose.

Remember those of you that are objective, logical, rational readers... The MSM hates Trump. Because they bet on Hillary and lost their money! FACTS folks!
In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump. While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative, coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.
Not really.. You have to suspend reason and reality to BELIEVE ANYONE was talking about injecting bleach or alcohol.. Only the deranged and UNREAL lemmings can leap that far...

What's your # in line for that cliff?
The makers of Lysol believed that's what President Trump said.
Also the makers of Clorox did too. Both released press releases telling people not to use their products internally like President Trump suggested.
The "Real World" that FCT lives in becomes less and less populated.

Actually almost 50% of American eligible voters are now unaligned with EITHER inept, incompetent party. We got to call them as we see them.. So MY "tribe" is growing and healthy thank you...
You can pretend you're not firmly behind Trump, but you are, every blessed time. I don't know who you think you're fooling, but it ain't workin' with me. We might as well quit arguing. You aren't going to look at this any other way and neither am I. But I know you will make sure to get the last word in.
Your turn. Go.
No, he won't get the last word, because he's already boxed himself in. While he's busy defending Trump's UV light theory, Trump called this guy out as a liar, because Trump himself called his claims about UV lights and disinfectants sarcasm. Lol! Trumps made his supporters into total fools and liars, while they keep talking up disinfectants and UV lights. :laughing0301: Folks, you just can't make this shit up.
Not really.. You have to suspend reason and reality to BELIEVE ANYONE was talking about injecting bleach or alcohol.. Only the deranged and UNREAL lemmings can leap that far...

What's your # in line for that cliff?
The makers of Lysol believed that's what President Trump said.
Also the makers of Clorox did too. Both released press releases telling people not to use their products internally like President Trump suggested.

Now wait a minute. Did DJT tell them to DRINK it or INJECT it?? Which is it? What DOSE did he recommend? Press releases happen ANYTIME their products are mentioned 199 times on the leftist media.. Wasn't Trump running wall to wall hysterics on Lysol and Clorox.. Products were NEVER mentioned at the WH... Had to stop the STUPID from being "Darwin Award" winners.. And the stupid got brainwashed by the 199 mentions on MSDNC and CCN..

Are YOU that stupid that YOU need a press release from CLorox telling you not to ingest or inject it? I think you might be for making shit like this up...
No, are you that damn stupid to keep pedaling Trumps magic potion bs yesterday, while he makes you into a fool calling the whole charade sarcasm, while you defend him today? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Do you have any idea what an idiot he's made of you?
Today President Trump suggested that injecting disinfectant into one's body would fight coronavirus.
Also UV light.
I think Trump supporters should give it a shot and swallow some sunlight (Don't do the disinfectant thing please).

And I think YOU should read the following!

This is what prompted Trump to say what he said.

Despite the blue checks getting gleeful over how stupid Trump is, there are some facts we should get straight. We know that we can use UV light as a way to kill various types of bacteria and foreign bodies already. The practice is called “ultraviolet blood irradiation” and was used as a cure for many different things until the invention of antibiotics. The practice was nicknamed “the cure that time forgot.”

It should be noted that it wasn’t but a few moments later that Trump gave a clarification of his statement to ABC News reported Jon Karl.

“It wouldn’t be through injections, you’re talking about almost a cleaning and sterilization of an area,” said Trump. “Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t work, but it certainly has a big effect if it’s on a stationary object.”

So, no, Trump did not suggest we inject ourselves with bleach or Lysol. This is just reporters reporting irresponsibly and very likely on purpose.

Remember those of you that are objective, logical, rational readers... The MSM hates Trump. Because they bet on Hillary and lost their money! FACTS folks!
In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump. While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative, coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

Ha buddy, here's a spoiler alert for you, Trump no longer gets credit for whatever magic potion you are selling, because Trump already claimed sarcasm on the whole thing. :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301: He turned you all into his stooges for the day. Are you feeling stupid yet?

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