Goodbye Middle Class: 51 Percent Of All American Workers Make Less Than 30,000 Dollars A Year

How can you bitch about how much money people make and not want to raise the minimum wage?
People need upward mobility, something Democrats make difficult.

Actually people make upward mobility difficult on themselves.

The correlation between education and income is direct and irrefutable ... more ed means more income ... yet fully 70% of American adults have no better than a high school diploma (and some not even that).

Our economy has been producing fewer low-skill jobs for decades.
It is up to the individual to recognize that trend and gain more valuable skills.
How can you bitch about how much money people make and not want to raise the minimum wage?
People need upward mobility, something Democrats make difficult.
And republicans. Republicans are just as much corporatists as democrats are.
Yet when Republicans are in charge, people do better.
Historically, in the last 100 years Democrats have had a better economy, actually..
Maybe not now, though lol
How can you bitch about how much money people make and not want to raise the minimum wage?
People need upward mobility, something Democrats make difficult.
And republicans. Republicans are just as much corporatists as democrats are.
Yet when Republicans are in charge, people do better.
Historically, in the last 100 years Democrats have had a better economy, actually..
Maybe not now, though lol
Democrats were 100% in charge of the very program that crashed the economy they keep blaming Bush for.
How can you bitch about how much money people make and not want to raise the minimum wage?
People need upward mobility, something Democrats make difficult.

Actually people make upward mobility difficult on themselves.

The correlation between education and income is direct and irrefutable ... more ed means more income ... yet fully 70% of American adults have no better than a high school diploma (and some not even that).

Our economy has been producing fewer low-skill jobs for decades.
It is up to the individual to recognize that trend and gain more valuable skills.
Instead of making themselves more marketable they are demanding $15/hr. Like spoiled brats.
"I am voting for our demise. I hope you all do the same"
Too late, the demise of America was back when Hope and Change and the fundamental transformation president assumed office. As for minimum wage, it may raise the wage of those stupid "folks" who cant do anything other than flip a burger, but it also allows companies to pay just enough to those who can do much more. That is why it is called minimum wage, you dumbasses. You libtards don't understand this, because like most welfare queens, it is too much work to go out and make yourselves successful. So you just sit in your parents basement, collect welfare, free healthcare(until 26), and watch netfix through your parents account, and bitch that you don't make enough money.
I worked at McD's back in 1976 when MW was $2.10 an hour. I went into the military and GOT skills that enabled me to fix aircraft. I took those skills overseas, made 1/2 million dollars, and paid no taxes. Today, I look down on those minimum wage morons, who cant count to 2 and laugh when they complain they don't make enough. Such stupid people who vote dumbocrat.
How can you bitch about how much money people make and not want to raise the minimum wage?

Especially since, in the past, increases in the minimum wage has resulted in more jobs.

Yeah, because when the gov't decides to double the federal min wage, I suddenly realize I need a second floor sweeper!

Given the serious rush to $15/hr cashiers, I suspect we will be seeing an equally serious rush to robotics thus hastening the permanent elimination of millions of min wage jobs (not that loony libs care).

At least the robot manufacturers will do well ... seems like a good time to invest.
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In some countries of the world, the central government has formally made it a policy to ensure that the population will have a certain minimum standard of life, including healthcare, elder care, housing and a minimum income. For life. Germany, France, England, Italy, and others. This is largely why all of the refugees want to get to those countries.

The U.S. has NEVER MADE THAT POLICY DECISION. In fact, our Constitution PRHIBITS the Federal Government from spending taxpayer money on those items. You would never know it to hear Democrats talk, but it is a fact. If the U.S. population, acting through their representatives in Congress and the state legislatures, want to make that policy decision they can do so - maybe it would be a good idea - but it WOULD REQUIRE A CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT.

Accordingly, our individual tax structure is much lower than it is in the countries that have decided to provide the Social Safety Net. In all of those countries, the middle-class pays at least 50% of their gross earnings in taxes, all taxes considered (e.g., US$8.00 per gallon of gas).

So to say that we want the same sort of guaranteed income and benefits that they have in Western Europe and Japan, while NOT saying that we are willing to pay twice as much in taxes to pay for it, is bullshit.

All our Government is obliged to do is to provide a safe and secure society, to provide enforcement of legal contracts, to provide an efficacious system of patents and copyrights (along with the legal means to enforce patent and IP rights), and to deliver the mail. Everything else is up to us.

If some people get crazy-rich (legally, of course), and some other people are dirt-poor, that's all part of the Plan; it's nobody's fault, and it is not a failure of Government to do its job.

People who look to the U.S. Government, or to the next President to provide "Prosperity" are fools, tools, and too stupid to vote, if you ask me.
To fight the poor, you have to combat the actual causes. Not just raise the minimum wage. That's lazy, irresponsible and doesn't work. Nonskilled GDP (poor people) goes DOWN. The poor get poorer.
We need to focus on auditing the FED, combating inflation, get a leader in the WH(any other president could have done wonders with these interest rates), Make companies WANT to bring their money here, cut out some of this regulation that kills small businesses and quit voting in goddamn corporatists. Majority of American voters are stupid.
Good thing your a dumb-ass and don't know how people get into poverty....If you did know, then we'd have to contend with your ego...
How do they get into poverty? PLEASE inform me
and give you a bigger ego?
How can you bitch about how much money people make and not want to raise the minimum wage?

Especially since, in the past, increases in the minimum wage has resulted in more jobs.

Yeah, because when the gov't decides to double the federal min wage, I suddenly realize I need a second floor sweeper!

Given the serious rush to $15/hr cashiers, I suspect we will be seeing an equally serious rush to robotics thus hastening the permanent elimination of millions of min wage jobs (not that loony libs care).

At least the robot manufacturers will do well ... seems like a good time to invest.
Automation will make it's way into society without higher demand for wages.....
To fight the poor, you have to combat the actual causes. Not just raise the minimum wage. That's lazy, irresponsible and doesn't work. Nonskilled GDP (poor people) goes DOWN. The poor get poorer.
We need to focus on auditing the FED, combating inflation, get a leader in the WH(any other president could have done wonders with these interest rates), Make companies WANT to bring their money here, cut out some of this regulation that kills small businesses and quit voting in goddamn corporatists. Majority of American voters are stupid.
Good thing your a dumb-ass and don't know how people get into poverty....If you did know, then we'd have to contend with your ego...
How do they get into poverty? PLEASE inform me
and give you a bigger ego?
So you don't have a fuckin clue... And to think, I was waiting on something serious from you. My bad :lol:
When will Middle Class people wake the hell up and defend their economic rights CLEAN of leftwing Marxist bullshit?

Goodbye Middle Class: 51 Percent Of All American Workers Make Less Than 30,000 Dollars A Year

We just got more evidence that the middle class in America is dying. According to brand new numbers that were just released by the Social Security Administration, 51 percent of all workers in the United States make less than $30,000 a year. Let that number sink in for a moment. You can’t support a middle class family in America today on just $2,500 a month – especially after taxes are taken out. And yet more than half of all workers in this country make less than that each month. In order to have a thriving middle class, you have got to have an economy that produces lots of middle class jobs, and that simply is not happening in America today.

You can find the report that the Social Security Administration just released right here. The following are some of the numbers that really stood out for me…

-38 percent of all American workers made less than $20,000 last year.

-51 percent of all American workers made less than $30,000 last year.

-62 percent of all American workers made less than $40,000 last year.

-71 percent of all American workers made less than $50,000 last year

That first number is truly staggering. The federal poverty level for a family of five is $28,410, and yet almost 40 percent of all American workers do not even bring in $20,000 a year.

If you worked a full-time job at $10 an hour all year long with two weeks off, you would make approximately $20,000. This should tell you something about the quality of the jobs that our economy is producing at this point.

You do know that's taking into account part-time workers. The figures you are working with are not household income figures. The fact that a lot of companies have reduced the work week from 40 to 30 hours to get around Obamacare has something to do with that figure as well.
How can you bitch about how much money people make and not want to raise the minimum wage?
People need upward mobility, something Democrats make difficult.

Really? How so?
They are the ones squeezing the middle class with a tax system designed to get rid of them. You listen to the Republican debates and the various plans to reform our tax code? That's the solution.

That's a lie.
How can you bitch about how much money people make and not want to raise the minimum wage?

Especially since, in the past, increases in the minimum wage has resulted in more jobs.

Yeah, because when the gov't decides to double the federal min wage, I suddenly realize I need a second floor sweeper!

Given the serious rush to $15/hr cashiers, I suspect we will be seeing an equally serious rush to robotics thus hastening the permanent elimination of millions of min wage jobs (not that loony libs care).

At least the robot manufacturers will do well ... seems like a good time to invest.
Automation will make it's way into society without higher demand for wages.....
Screaming for more pay for mediocre work will speed up the process.
How can you bitch about how much money people make and not want to raise the minimum wage?

Because burger bouncers and fry flippers are not worth a $31,000 per year salary by any twist of logic.

I guess that's where we disagree. I think they are worth it. Just think, higher pay, and the less tax payers have to subsidize these low paid individuals with SNAP and other benefits.
How can you bitch about how much money people make and not want to raise the minimum wage?

Especially since, in the past, increases in the minimum wage has resulted in more jobs.

Yeah, because when the gov't decides to double the federal min wage, I suddenly realize I need a second floor sweeper!

Given the serious rush to $15/hr cashiers, I suspect we will be seeing an equally serious rush to robotics thus hastening the permanent elimination of millions of min wage jobs (not that loony libs care).

At least the robot manufacturers will do well ... seems like a good time to invest.
Automation will make it's way into society without higher demand for wages.....

Indeed, and while many of those menial task jobs will eventually be permanently lost, the pace will surely be hastened by forcing biz to pay min wagers more than the cost of robotics and more than they are worth to the company.

Many consumers who do not now like or use self-checkout will learn to do both in order to find less expensive shopping alternatives.

Just consider how many now buy online, skipping the human shopping experience entirely.

In ignoring reality American workers risk becoming the next iceman or milkman.
How can you bitch about how much money people make and not want to raise the minimum wage?
People need upward mobility, something Democrats make difficult.

Actually people make upward mobility difficult on themselves.

The correlation between education and income is direct and irrefutable ... more ed means more income ... yet fully 70% of American adults have no better than a high school diploma (and some not even that).

Our economy has been producing fewer low-skill jobs for decades.
It is up to the individual to recognize that trend and gain more valuable skills.
Instead of making themselves more marketable they are demanding $15/hr. Like spoiled brats.

Odd how folks who work want to make a living. I don't get it. :rolleyes:
How can you bitch about how much money people make and not want to raise the minimum wage?

Especially since, in the past, increases in the minimum wage has resulted in more jobs.

Yeah, because when the gov't decides to double the federal min wage, I suddenly realize I need a second floor sweeper!

Given the serious rush to $15/hr cashiers, I suspect we will be seeing an equally serious rush to robotics thus hastening the permanent elimination of millions of min wage jobs (not that loony libs care).

At least the robot manufacturers will do well ... seems like a good time to invest.

As soon as they figure out how to replace people with robots, they're going to do it anyway.


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