Goodbye Religious Freedom

Yeah ... and I called out the GOP for being scumbags, trying to manipulate the justice system in an effort to disenfranchise Libertarian voters.

I don't know what that has to do with my opinion on this case of sexual discrimination.

Two faced comes to mind. Telling us that there is a procedure and that makes it alright while in the other thread claiming using the procedure for that claim is somehow wrong.
Two faced comes to mind. Telling us that there is a procedure and that makes it alright while in the other thread claiming using the procedure for that claim is somehow wrong.

Did I say that the GOP didn't have the right to make their case?

That's what I thought.
Did I say that the GOP didn't have the right to make their case?

That's what I thought.

You made a claim that the Republicans should not have been allowed to follow the procedure at all. And here you are claiming everyone should follow the procedure.

And it is all because of politics.
And what of 10? I notice you did not quote it. And it is quite clear.

No, they are HONESTLY trying to get Barr off the ballot, by going through the legal procedures required to do so. As was stated, it will be decided by legal means who wins this argument.

Besides, why do third party candidates even bother running? It's a waste of time and money. All it does is potentially screw one of the main candidates from winning a vital state. Remember, Nader's running is what gave us our first four years of Bush.

My response ...

Why do you hate Democracy?

... is referring to jsanders questioning why third party candidates even bother running ... which is why I asked why he hated DEMOCRACY and not the legal system.

Nice try.

Run along now.
If it were a Muslim issue, there is no way California would make this rule. But because it's a Christian stance the Christians get trampled on... I just don't get it.
I didn't read the entire thread, but seriously, if someone doesn't want to perform their job, they need to find a new job. Revoke their license. A medical license isn't a license to be God.

It's kind of funny, these doctors kind of create unnatural life and yet they have a problem with who they create unnatural life for?
I didn't read the entire thread, but seriously, if someone doesn't want to perform their job, they need to find a new job. Revoke their license. A medical license isn't a license to be God.

It's kind of funny, these doctors kind of create unnatural life and yet they have a problem with who they create unnatural life for?

On one hand we have the government telling doctors if they proscribe hemp to their patients, they will be punished for their clinical opinions that that drug serves some medical purpose, and on the other hand this same government grants them the right to decide to deny medical treatment based on their spiritual beliefs.

Yeah, we're doing a fine job keeping government and religion seperated, aren't we?

This nation is mad, I'm telling you...quite, quite mad.
On one hand we have the government telling doctors if they proscribe hemp to their patients, they will be punished for their clinical opinions that that drug serves some medical purpose, and on the other hand this same government grants them the right to decide to deny medical treatment based on their spiritual beliefs.

Yeah, we're doing a fine job keeping government and religion seperated, aren't we?

This nation is mad, I'm telling you...quite, quite mad.

And heaven forbid a doctor should prescribe Acutane... the patient has to jump through an absurd number of hoops because to take Acutane a woman has to promise not to get pregnant while on the medication (or have an abortion if she does). So of course Bush's FDA created problems for the doctors and patients...

My dermatologist friend has been bitching about that for as long as I've known her.
Hate to brake this to those who want a religious theocracy in America, but what this doctor did was discriminate against a fellow citizen who lives under the same government and same constitution and thus should be treated the same as any other person in America. In other cases there would be an uproar, consider only AA. This doctor should lose his license.
Who wants a theocracy? Lefties confuse those who want to exercise their right to practice their religion openly and without fear of reprisals with "theocrats". It's symptomatic of leftist dyslexia, and their desire to determine for others what they may and may not do.

And doctors who are performing ELECTIVE PROCEDURES get to use their own judgment when determining who is a prime candidate, and who they don't want to work on.

Too bad so sad.
I wonder if the doctors refused to do procedures on blacks or on whites or on Catholics or on some other protected minority if they would have so much support.

sexual orientation is not a protected minority
Hate to brake this to those who want a religious theocracy in America, but what this doctor did was discriminate against a fellow citizen who lives under the same government and same constitution and thus should be treated the same as any other person in America. In other cases there would be an uproar, consider only AA. This doctor should lose his license.

again, gender orientation is not a federally protected class.

this does nothing but pave the road for the election this fall.
again, gender orientation is not a federally protected class.

this does nothing but pave the road for the election this fall.
Stand back and think of how stupid you are being. Doctors heal, they don't judge. I've never once been asked if I was gay or straight by a doctor. It isn't their business to decide. Even you should see how wrong this is.
you could try to sue them all you want...God bless..

but ask yourself what would be your loss to claim? if the procedure is not prohibited and is otherwise available there is no real loss, is there?

Presenting evidence that a GYN had refused to perform an abortion on me would be difficult for certain. I'm guessing most GYNs who refuse to perform abortions just don't buy the equipment and the excuse they tell patients is that they aren't equipped to do them. What is so sad about the situation is that a great number of GYNs not performing abortions are doing so not because of their own religious convictions but because of the religious convictions of anti-choice zealots who harass and kill doctors. In places like Mississippi and other hotbeds of fascism it is very difficult to find a doctor to perform the operation. I believe that a couple of years ago the very last clinic providing abortions in Mississippi was on the verge of closing. Women who don't have the means to travel are being forced back into the coat hanger days or having to give birth. Even in places like Massachusetts, there are fewer and fewer doctors willing to put themselves at risk so that women's right to choice continues to exists. Shogun boasts that Roe vs Wade will be overturned in the courts but in actuality it is already being overturned in the real world.

Getting back to the hypothetical case of me suing any GYN that refused to perform the abortion for religious reasons, if it was because they were afraid, I suppose I would let it go but if it was because a GYN wanted to impose their religious beliefs on me, I would not sit by and allow that kind of abuse to continue.
The doctors probably need to be sued for being dumb asses. They should have told the lesbos they had a tee time that prevented them from taking on any new clients.

LOL! Which makes it apparent that these doctors were trying to make a statement against homosexuality by putting their medical licenses and bank accounts online. Too bad for the scumbags that they lost.

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