Goodbye Sessions lol. How far does this go?

Sessions recuses himself from investigations... on Live Now. Not sounding very good as he tackles the questions

Odd. I thought he sounded sincere and straight forward.
Really? Did you hear how he tried to answer the questions about what he and the Russian spoke about? Extremely vague, he didn't remember, a lot of stuttering, uncomfortable body language, no definitive answers to follow up questions. "I don't believe so" "Not to my knowledge" he is being extremely careful, which is understandable, but doesn't scream sincerity. Anybody who is a decent read of people and body language can see that he is avoiding direct answers and hiding the full truth.
It's not that it's the russians, if Trump appointed a bunch of people with ties to China, i'd feel the same way. Any foreign country putting their two cents into american politics is a problem. Our forefathers thought they protected us from foreign influence, which is why you were so upset that Obama was from Kenya.

Riiiiiight and Obama butting his nose into Brexit? Obama constantly harping how China another countries are doing things right and America sucks, in effect bringing China and other countries into our politics? Why the double standard?

Never mind that any discussions Sessions had with the Russia ambassador in his role was a Senator was NOT the reason Hillary lost PA, MI, and WI hence the election, that was entirely on her.
And Putin and Comey and lying GOPers everywhere...So be it, but now you liars are on top, you're revealed. You're done, but the dupes may never know. Trump's already dumped all his promises to you. Enjoy the giant tax cut for the richest.

Franco did you think the election was going to be a cake walk? So we conspired with Comey to swift boat Hillary at the last minute, politics is a tough business man.
Your party and its bought off policies/lies/crimes are a disgrace, dupe. Enjoy the giant tax cut for the rich, the corrupt bubble bust, and all the people you know continuing to being ruined...deo you ever learn?

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!

Meh, my income has gone up every year for the last 20 years in a row, I'll stick with the Republican party thanks.
Selling illegal guns in blue states? Great job. Don't worry about anyone else...Thanks for the stupidest wars ever and the world depression. Let's do it again!
Really? Did you hear how he tried to answer the questions about what he and the Russian spoke about? Extremely vague, he didn't remember, a lot of stuttering, uncomfortable body language, no definitive answers to follow up questions. "I don't believe so" "Not to my knowledge" he is being extremely careful, which is understandable, but doesn't scream sincerity. Anybody who is a decent read of people and body language can see that he is avoiding direct answers and hiding the full truth.

As a member of the armed services committee, Sessions is supposed to talk to foreign ambassadors, or so I was told. So why couldn't he remember what was talked about. He should have at least taken notes.
Riiiiiight and Obama butting his nose into Brexit? Obama constantly harping how China another countries are doing things right and America sucks, in effect bringing China and other countries into our politics? Why the double standard?

Never mind that any discussions Sessions had with the Russia ambassador in his role was a Senator was NOT the reason Hillary lost PA, MI, and WI hence the election, that was entirely on her.
And Putin and Comey and lying GOPers everywhere...So be it, but now you liars are on top, you're revealed. You're done, but the dupes may never know. Trump's already dumped all his promises to you. Enjoy the giant tax cut for the richest.

Franco did you think the election was going to be a cake walk? So we conspired with Comey to swift boat Hillary at the last minute, politics is a tough business man.
Your party and its bought off policies/lies/crimes are a disgrace, dupe. Enjoy the giant tax cut for the rich, the corrupt bubble bust, and all the people you know continuing to being ruined...deo you ever learn?

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!

Meh, my income has gone up every year for the last 20 years in a row, I'll stick with the Republican party thanks.
Selling illegal guns in blue states? Great job. Don't worry about anyone else...Thanks for the stupidest wars ever and the world depression. Let's do it again!

I worked for the Hillary campaign and did a shitty job on purpose so she would lose. :badgrin:
Really? Did you hear how he tried to answer the questions about what he and the Russian spoke about? Extremely vague, he didn't remember, a lot of stuttering, uncomfortable body language, no definitive answers to follow up questions. "I don't believe so" "Not to my knowledge" he is being extremely careful, which is understandable, but doesn't scream sincerity. Anybody who is a decent read of people and body language can see that he is avoiding direct answers and hiding the full truth.

As a member of the armed services committee, Sessions is supposed to talk to foreign ambassadors, or so I was told. So why couldn't he remember what was talked about. He should have at least taken notes.
Trumpers don't write anything down or keep everything's FINE. lol. Just like Boooshies...
Facts are facts, dupe. They don't change, except in dupe world. Whatever Trump and GOP liars say lol...

I have no idea what you are saying, perhaps if you stoped writing in crayon we could understand you better.
Oh come on the man's only been on the job 4 weeks and doesn't even have his cabinet confirmed yet. You people look like spoiled rotten sour puss sore losers. You can't see that because you live in a liberal media bubble but from the outside that's how normal American citizens view your behavior.

Trump should just appoint Vladimir Putin, and skip the middle men.

Oh, oh, like Trump is not his own man or something? What kind of man are you?

Can you hammer home a 16p nail in 3 hits? or not?

The answer to that there question speaks volumes to me of what kind of man you are.

I would guess Trump would take 5 but he could get 'er done.

I get it done. I don't mess around. I move earth. Trump is the same way. What kind of work do you do?
We're letting Trump go- this is about his weasel appointees. Trump is a scam artist as a businessman but sure is good at name selling- we're still praying he's a learner...
It's just horrible!!! I don't know how you can go on. Maybe you should just end it all and find peace.
Hashev has been living in a cave the past 2 months.

On the news RIGHT NOW.
" The coverup may be worse than the crime."

Just like Nixon. Hashev probably never heard of him.

The intelligence community said NO VOTES WERE TAMPERED, they did a recount in some states and found nothing.
They have however found 6% of the votes in some states (I think Ohio?) comprised of illegal aliens illegal votes opposing the Dems claim there was 0 votes. So the only ones found tampering was the Dems, and by ypur c0ncern they should "step down from office" for their tampering of foreign elections like Obama did to Israel, and for this election when they abused piwer to register foreign immigrants in exchange for their votes.
Dems also traded votes to circumvent the electorate, even though that is legal it was considered cheating and disgraceful.
We wonct discuss the many dead voters who miraculously come to life to vote for
Hillary's and Dems dead campaign.
Weekend at Bernies takes on a while new meaning wth you corrupt guys.
Oh come on the man's only been on the job 4 weeks and doesn't even have his cabinet confirmed yet. You people look like spoiled rotten sour puss sore losers. You can't see that because you live in a liberal media bubble but from the outside that's how normal American citizens view your behavior.

Trump should just appoint Vladimir Putin, and skip the middle men.

Oh, oh, like Trump is not his own man or something? What kind of man are you?

Can you hammer home a 16p nail in 3 hits? or not?

The answer to that there question speaks volumes to me of what kind of man you are.

I would guess Trump would take 5 but he could get 'er done.

I get it done. I don't mess around. I move earth. Trump is the same way. What kind of work do you do?
We're letting Trump go- this is about his weasel appointees. Trump is a scam artist as a businessman but sure is good at name selling- we're still praying he's a learner...
It's just horrible!!! I don't know how you can go on. Maybe you should just end it all and find peace.
After 30 years of total GOP BS propaganda, we're used to it, dupe. Now WE're having the fun for a change. Based on FACTS for a change...
Oh come on the man's only been on the job 4 weeks and doesn't even have his cabinet confirmed yet. You people look like spoiled rotten sour puss sore losers. You can't see that because you live in a liberal media bubble but from the outside that's how normal American citizens view your behavior.

Trump should just appoint Vladimir Putin, and skip the middle men.

Oh, oh, like Trump is not his own man or something? What kind of man are you?

Can you hammer home a 16p nail in 3 hits? or not?

The answer to that there question speaks volumes to me of what kind of man you are.

I would guess Trump would take 5 but he could get 'er done.

I get it done. I don't mess around. I move earth. Trump is the same way. What kind of work do you do?
We're letting Trump go- this is about his weasel appointees. Trump is a scam artist as a businessman but sure is good at name selling- we're still praying he's a learner...
It's just horrible!!! I don't know how you can go on. Maybe you should just end it all and find peace.
After 30 years of total GOP BS propaganda, we're used to it, dupe. Now WE're having the fun for a change. Based on FACTS for a change...
well shit just blame bush right?
Hashev has been living in a cave the past 2 months.

On the news RIGHT NOW.
" The coverup may be worse than the crime."

Just like Nixon. Hashev probably never heard of him.

You would have spoken out against Nixon making peacedul relations with china, yes I not only heard of him, but read all the presidents men. I also think since CNN admitted Obama invaded everyone's rights to privacy in attempts to keep data from being destroyed that Nixpn is a bad example since Dems are the spys and leaks.
That being said Nixon imitator,
The intelligence community said NO VOTES WERE TAMPERED, they did a recount in some states and found nothing.
They have however found 6% of the votes in some states (I think Ohio?) comprised of illegal aliens illegal votes opposing the Dems claim there was 0 votes. So the only ones found tampering was the Dems, and by your concern they should "step down from office" for their tampering of foreign elections like Obama did to Israel, and for this election when they abused power to register foreign immigrants in exchange for their votes.
Dems also traded votes to circumvent the electorate, even though that is legal it was considered cheating and disgraceful.
We wonct discuss the many dead voters who miraculously come to life to vote for
Hillary's and Dems dead campaign.
Weekend at Bernies takes on a while new meaning wth you corrupt guys.
Hashev has been living in a cave the past 2 months.

On the news RIGHT NOW.
" The coverup may be worse than the crime."

Just like Nixon. Hashev probably never heard of him.

The intelligence community said NO VOTES WERE TAMPERED, they did a recount in some states and found nothing.
They have however found 6% of the votes in some states (I think Ohio?) comprised of illegal aliens illegal votes opposing the Dems claim there was 0 votes. So the only ones found tampering was the Dems, and by ypur c0ncern they should "step down from office" for their tampering of foreign elections like Obama did to Israel, and for this election when they abused piwer to register foreign immigrants in exchange for their votes.
Dems also traded votes to circumvent the electorate, even though that is legal it was considered cheating and disgraceful.
We wonct discuss the many dead voters who miraculously come to life to vote for
Hillary's and Dems dead campaign.
Weekend at Bernies takes on a while new meaning wth you corrupt guys.
NOBODY but GOPers ever said the machines were hacked or illegals voted, dupe. You lying GOPers and the Russians are doing a GREAT job at ruining faith in America.

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!
Trump should just appoint Vladimir Putin, and skip the middle men.

Oh, oh, like Trump is not his own man or something? What kind of man are you?

Can you hammer home a 16p nail in 3 hits? or not?

The answer to that there question speaks volumes to me of what kind of man you are.

I would guess Trump would take 5 but he could get 'er done.

I get it done. I don't mess around. I move earth. Trump is the same way. What kind of work do you do?
We're letting Trump go- this is about his weasel appointees. Trump is a scam artist as a businessman but sure is good at name selling- we're still praying he's a learner...
It's just horrible!!! I don't know how you can go on. Maybe you should just end it all and find peace.
After 30 years of total GOP BS propaganda, we're used to it, dupe. Now WE're having the fun for a change. Based on FACTS for a change...
well shit just blame bush right?
Stupid taking point of course. The longest, stupidest wars EVER that wrecked the ME AND a corrupt WORLD DEPRESSION have lasting effects, MORON. LOL. And now back to THIS disastrous GOP swamp, troll.
Oh, oh, like Trump is not his own man or something? What kind of man are you?

Can you hammer home a 16p nail in 3 hits? or not?

The answer to that there question speaks volumes to me of what kind of man you are.

I would guess Trump would take 5 but he could get 'er done.

I get it done. I don't mess around. I move earth. Trump is the same way. What kind of work do you do?
We're letting Trump go- this is about his weasel appointees. Trump is a scam artist as a businessman but sure is good at name selling- we're still praying he's a learner...
It's just horrible!!! I don't know how you can go on. Maybe you should just end it all and find peace.
After 30 years of total GOP BS propaganda, we're used to it, dupe. Now WE're having the fun for a change. Based on FACTS for a change...
well shit just blame bush right?
Stupid taking point of course. The longest, stupidest wars EVER that wrecked the ME AND a corrupt WORLD DEPRESSION have lasting effects, MORON. LOL. And now back to THIS disastrous GOP swamp, troll.
funny how you all don't want trump to blame obummer and you had no problem with obummer blaming bush. such fking class, hypocrites!!!!!!............
What is so funny is ...that every time President Trump has a good day..... like he had this time with his speech to Congress, the fake media throws out another piece of Russian conspiracy.:rolleyes:

It ain't working fake media!

Don't you understand????

Hashev has been living in a cave the past 2 months.

On the news RIGHT NOW.
" The coverup may be worse than the crime."

Just like Nixon. Hashev probably never heard of him.

The intelligence community said NO VOTES WERE TAMPERED, they did a recount in some states and found nothing.
They have however found 6% of the votes in some states (I think Ohio?) comprised of illegal aliens illegal votes opposing the Dems claim there was 0 votes. So the only ones found tampering was the Dems, and by ypur c0ncern they should "step down from office" for their tampering of foreign elections like Obama did to Israel, and for this election when they abused piwer to register foreign immigrants in exchange for their votes.
Dems also traded votes to circumvent the electorate, even though that is legal it was considered cheating and disgraceful.
We wonct discuss the many dead voters who miraculously come to life to vote for
Hillary's and Dems dead campaign.
Weekend at Bernies takes on a while new meaning wth you corrupt guys.
NOBODY but GOPers ever said the machines were hacked or illegals voted, dupe. You lying GOPers and the Russians are doing a GREAT job at ruining faith in America.

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!

Ad hominem argument full of lies.
You are deeper in the ditch you drove into now.
EVERYBODY hates the Dems hindering the administration from it's good work fixing the mess the previous administration
left us. If you hate jobs and prosperity and security so much then quit your job and remove your iron bars and leave open your windows and doors or in fact remove your door, you won't need 0ne without owning stuff from having a job..
Oh, oh, like Trump is not his own man or something? What kind of man are you?

Can you hammer home a 16p nail in 3 hits? or not?

The answer to that there question speaks volumes to me of what kind of man you are.

I would guess Trump would take 5 but he could get 'er done.

I get it done. I don't mess around. I move earth. Trump is the same way. What kind of work do you do?
We're letting Trump go- this is about his weasel appointees. Trump is a scam artist as a businessman but sure is good at name selling- we're still praying he's a learner...
It's just horrible!!! I don't know how you can go on. Maybe you should just end it all and find peace.
After 30 years of total GOP BS propaganda, we're used to it, dupe. Now WE're having the fun for a change. Based on FACTS for a change...
well shit just blame bush right?
Stupid taking point of course. The longest, stupidest wars EVER that wrecked the ME AND a corrupt WORLD DEPRESSION have lasting effects, MORON. LOL. And now back to THIS disastrous GOP swamp, troll.

Who wrecked the ME? Barry and Hillary, that's who. They weren't the first, but they definitely are the last.

(Ones to,that is)

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