Goodbye Sessions lol. How far does this go?

so why the break-neck speed to defend it ?

you shit in your drawers then swear you arent wearing drawers ...
well it's an accusation, blindly made with no evidence, but it is what it is and one must answer when the question is asked. asked, answered and it's all nothing as expected. now run along.

Dem's are desperate, they have nothing else to attack Trump on other than this Russia conspiracy nonsense Trump has been kicking their ass. Trump's speech was yet another kick in the Dem's nuts, they are doubled over in agony.
Trump had a good speech and actually acted like an adult for a night, kudos for that. But there are plenty of things to critique about his administrations start. The dems are taking many things overboard and over saturating the conversation with obstruction and complaining but inside all the noise there are some real concerns. This "Russia Conspiracy" as you call it has already led to the resignation of the National Security Advisor, and now there is another lie surfacing from a top official. Not good.

Oh come on the man's only been on the job 4 weeks and doesn't even have his cabinet confirmed yet. You people look like spoiled rotten sour puss sore losers. You can't see that because you live in a liberal media bubble but from the outside that's how normal American citizens view your behavior.
I've spoken out plenty of times against the over blown reactions from the left and i've tried and am still trying to give Trump a chance. I think he has potential to do good things, especially with the countries economic policies and reducing government waste. However, I am also critical in many areas and smell a ton of bullshit that his administration has been dishing out. Try and take your partisan hat off for a second and look at this objectively. Or better yet imagine this was President Clinton and the same controversies popped up. Now don't be a hypocrite and try and have a reasonable conversation about what is actually going on.
His administration has done what exactly?
He's allowed to speak to Russia

And there's no law against baseball players taking steroids. But how can congress investigate anything, if people testifying before them can lie and get away with it.
so why the break-neck speed to defend it ?

you shit in your drawers then swear you arent wearing drawers ...
well it's an accusation, blindly made with no evidence, but it is what it is and one must answer when the question is asked. asked, answered and it's all nothing as expected. now run along.

Dem's are desperate, they have nothing else to attack Trump on other than this Russia conspiracy nonsense Trump has been kicking their ass. Trump's speech was yet another kick in the Dem's nuts, they are doubled over in agony.
Here's one unamerican traitor who doesn't want to know if his president is a crook.

Just relax snowflake. :itsok:
Eat shytte and die, brainwashed functional moron. YOU are the close minded jackass totaly misinformed haters. Everyone knows it outside your stupid propaganda bubble. Dump the hater dupes, Mr. Trump. They won't notice anyway...

We have PLENTY to attack Trump with. Right now we're getting rid of his most disgusting appointee....

Really? I thought you were just making yourself look stupid
Oh come on the man's only been on the job 4 weeks and doesn't even have his cabinet confirmed yet. You people look like spoiled rotten sour puss sore losers. You can't see that because you live in a liberal media bubble but from the outside that's how normal American citizens view your behavior.

Trump should just appoint Vladimir Putin, and skip the middle men.

Another Russian boogieman post from the left, BOO did that scare you shitless?
Sessions recuses himself from investigations... on Live Now. Not sounding very good as he tackles the questions
God forbid people do their jobs, how dare they, the Dems never do their jobs, they spend their waking hour opening up money envelopes for all their "foundations".
View attachment 114966
The deeper in shit Trumpie sinks into the Russian quagmire the faster the tools run to CLINTON. Too funny for words.

There is no Russian issue, this is a ruse like they said they'd do to him to make the term difficult, basically they are doing the terrorists job for them. Ever hear of country first before party? Of course not, that's why you and they can't comprehend how they lost. People want a functioning gov't not a trash and burn vendetta, and they want a workaholic that gets things done and does it swiftly without taking 8 years to see a facade appear and crumble away like particle board above the steam of your dishwasher.
Last edited:
so why the break-neck speed to defend it ?

you shit in your drawers then swear you arent wearing drawers ...
well it's an accusation, blindly made with no evidence, but it is what it is and one must answer when the question is asked. asked, answered and it's all nothing as expected. now run along.

Dem's are desperate, they have nothing else to attack Trump on other than this Russia conspiracy nonsense Trump has been kicking their ass. Trump's speech was yet another kick in the Dem's nuts, they are doubled over in agony.
Trump had a good speech and actually acted like an adult for a night, kudos for that. But there are plenty of things to critique about his administrations start. The dems are taking many things overboard and over saturating the conversation with obstruction and complaining but inside all the noise there are some real concerns. This "Russia Conspiracy" as you call it has already led to the resignation of the National Security Advisor, and now there is another lie surfacing from a top official. Not good.

Oh come on the man's only been on the job 4 weeks and doesn't even have his cabinet confirmed yet. You people look like spoiled rotten sour puss sore losers. You can't see that because you live in a liberal media bubble but from the outside that's how normal American citizens view your behavior.
I've spoken out plenty of times against the over blown reactions from the left and i've tried and am still trying to give Trump a chance. I think he has potential to do good things, especially with the countries economic policies and reducing government waste. However, I am also critical in many areas and smell a ton of bullshit that his administration has been dishing out. Try and take your partisan hat off for a second and look at this objectively. Or better yet imagine this was President Clinton and the same controversies popped up. Now don't be a hypocrite and try and have a reasonable conversation about what is actually going on.

If Dem's were smart they would shut the hell up for 3 months, then unload on Trump assuming they had valid issues. They are going WAY overboard WAY too soon. In the event they have a valid issue later its going to look like they are just crying wolf again, ditto for the media. It seems like a really dumb strategy, I can only assume they are so pissed over losing the election they can't help themselves I don't know.
well it's an accusation, blindly made with no evidence, but it is what it is and one must answer when the question is asked. asked, answered and it's all nothing as expected. now run along.

Dem's are desperate, they have nothing else to attack Trump on other than this Russia conspiracy nonsense Trump has been kicking their ass. Trump's speech was yet another kick in the Dem's nuts, they are doubled over in agony.
Trump had a good speech and actually acted like an adult for a night, kudos for that. But there are plenty of things to critique about his administrations start. The dems are taking many things overboard and over saturating the conversation with obstruction and complaining but inside all the noise there are some real concerns. This "Russia Conspiracy" as you call it has already led to the resignation of the National Security Advisor, and now there is another lie surfacing from a top official. Not good.

Oh come on the man's only been on the job 4 weeks and doesn't even have his cabinet confirmed yet. You people look like spoiled rotten sour puss sore losers. You can't see that because you live in a liberal media bubble but from the outside that's how normal American citizens view your behavior.
I've spoken out plenty of times against the over blown reactions from the left and i've tried and am still trying to give Trump a chance. I think he has potential to do good things, especially with the countries economic policies and reducing government waste. However, I am also critical in many areas and smell a ton of bullshit that his administration has been dishing out. Try and take your partisan hat off for a second and look at this objectively. Or better yet imagine this was President Clinton and the same controversies popped up. Now don't be a hypocrite and try and have a reasonable conversation about what is actually going on.
His administration has done what exactly?
On this subject, his national security advisor lied about contact with Russia and was fired and now Sessions was caught giving a false statement about it to congress. There are a ton of small petty things as well but we don't need to rehash all that BS... The two I listed are pretty big
Another Russian boogieman post from the left, BOO did that scare you shitless?

It's not that it's the russians, if Trump appointed a bunch of people with ties to China, i'd feel the same way. Any foreign country putting their two cents into american politics is a problem. Our forefathers thought they protected us from foreign influence, which is why you were so upset that Obama was from Kenya.
Here's one unamerican traitor who doesn't want to know if his president is a crook.

Just relax snowflake. :itsok:

STFU Cossak

Its not my fault Hillary lost and Dem's lost the House and Senate and their own base abandoned them in PA, MI, and WI and voted for Trump. You libs have a lot of misdirected anger. :laugh:
Thanks for the party line talking point, dupe. But the adults are talking about disgusting lies and facts. You wouldn't understand. And no, it was mainly Putin and Comey's fault. And maybe Sessions and some others, so far.

It hasn't sunk in yet, you people have no power whatsoever. Not in the House, not in the Senate, not in the White House or any government department, Trump and the GOP control it all. Watching you flap around like fish out of water is entertaining. :laugh:
There are plaenty of non-weasel GOPers to help
well it's an accusation, blindly made with no evidence, but it is what it is and one must answer when the question is asked. asked, answered and it's all nothing as expected. now run along.

Dem's are desperate, they have nothing else to attack Trump on other than this Russia conspiracy nonsense Trump has been kicking their ass. Trump's speech was yet another kick in the Dem's nuts, they are doubled over in agony.
Here's one unamerican traitor who doesn't want to know if his president is a crook.

Just relax snowflake. :itsok:
Eat shytte and die, brainwashed functional moron. YOU are the close minded jackass totaly misinformed haters. Everyone knows it outside your stupid propaganda bubble. Dump the hater dupes, Mr. Trump. They won't notice anyway...

We have PLENTY to attack Trump with. Right now we're getting rid of his most disgusting appointee....

Really? I thought you were just making yourself look stupid
Anything? At ALL, troll?
well it's an accusation, blindly made with no evidence, but it is what it is and one must answer when the question is asked. asked, answered and it's all nothing as expected. now run along.

Dem's are desperate, they have nothing else to attack Trump on other than this Russia conspiracy nonsense Trump has been kicking their ass. Trump's speech was yet another kick in the Dem's nuts, they are doubled over in agony.
Here's one unamerican traitor who doesn't want to know if his president is a crook.

Just relax snowflake. :itsok:
Eat shytte and die, brainwashed functional moron. YOU are the close minded jackass totaly misinformed haters. Everyone knows it outside your stupid propaganda bubble. Dump the hater dupes, Mr. Trump. They won't notice anyway...

We have PLENTY to attack Trump with. Right now we're getting rid of his most disgusting appointee....

Really? I thought you were just making yourself look stupid

I suspect Franco is a conservative who puts on an act to make the left look insane, he's that over the top at times. Either way he's one of my favorite posters on the forum.
I never said he wasn't. YOU said his meetings with the ambassador were off limits because he wasn't part of the campaign; he was a senator. He was both senator and up to his eyeballs in Trump's campaign at the time. So yes, it is okay for anyone to ask who he met with, and why, during an investigation into Russian involvement with the campaign.

Suddenly lying to congress is no big deal. Even for somebody charged with upholding the laws of the united states.
I'm listening to Sessions answering my question as I type this. Ambassador initiated the meeting and he was accompanied by a couple military generals at the meeting. He doesn't recall it being a big deal. Doesn't recall specific details but it was in his capacity on the Armed Services Committee.
I'm kind of satisfied. If he were doing spy stuff, he would have met in the parking garage like Deep Throat, right?
Sessions isn't quitting.
well it's an accusation, blindly made with no evidence, but it is what it is and one must answer when the question is asked. asked, answered and it's all nothing as expected. now run along.

Dem's are desperate, they have nothing else to attack Trump on other than this Russia conspiracy nonsense Trump has been kicking their ass. Trump's speech was yet another kick in the Dem's nuts, they are doubled over in agony.
Trump had a good speech and actually acted like an adult for a night, kudos for that. But there are plenty of things to critique about his administrations start. The dems are taking many things overboard and over saturating the conversation with obstruction and complaining but inside all the noise there are some real concerns. This "Russia Conspiracy" as you call it has already led to the resignation of the National Security Advisor, and now there is another lie surfacing from a top official. Not good.

Oh come on the man's only been on the job 4 weeks and doesn't even have his cabinet confirmed yet. You people look like spoiled rotten sour puss sore losers. You can't see that because you live in a liberal media bubble but from the outside that's how normal American citizens view your behavior.
I've spoken out plenty of times against the over blown reactions from the left and i've tried and am still trying to give Trump a chance. I think he has potential to do good things, especially with the countries economic policies and reducing government waste. However, I am also critical in many areas and smell a ton of bullshit that his administration has been dishing out. Try and take your partisan hat off for a second and look at this objectively. Or better yet imagine this was President Clinton and the same controversies popped up. Now don't be a hypocrite and try and have a reasonable conversation about what is actually going on.

If Dem's were smart they would shut the hell up for 3 months, then unload on Trump assuming they had valid issues. They are going WAY overboard WAY too soon. In the event they have a valid issue later its going to look like they are just crying wolf again, ditto for the media. It seems like a really dumb strategy, I can only assume they are so pissed over losing the election they can't help themselves I don't know.
I agree with that, I believe the strategy is to plug up as much as they can so Trump can't get going on many of the agenda issues that they disagree with. I hated it when the Republicans did it Obama 8 years ago and I don't like that the Dems are doing the same thing. Though it may be effective to some degree I think it hurts our political system as a whole. Now with that said, there are some issues in the noise that deserve attention and you can't yell "Fake News" at everything. This Russia thing is a real issue. Flynn was already fired over it so you can't say its nothing.
Another Russian boogieman post from the left, BOO did that scare you shitless?

It's not that it's the russians, if Trump appointed a bunch of people with ties to China, i'd feel the same way. Any foreign country putting their two cents into american politics is a problem. Our forefathers thought they protected us from foreign influence, which is why you were so upset that Obama was from Kenya.

Riiiiiight and Obama butting his nose into Brexit? Obama constantly harping how China another countries are doing things right and America sucks, in effect bringing China and other countries into our politics? Why the double standard?

Never mind that any discussions Sessions had with the Russia ambassador in his role was a Senator was NOT the reason Hillary lost PA, MI, and WI hence the election, that was entirely on her.
Oh come on the man's only been on the job 4 weeks and doesn't even have his cabinet confirmed yet. You people look like spoiled rotten sour puss sore losers. You can't see that because you live in a liberal media bubble but from the outside that's how normal American citizens view your behavior.

Trump should just appoint Vladimir Putin, and skip the middle men.

Oh, oh, like Trump is not his own man or something? What kind of man are you?

Can you hammer home a 16p nail in 3 hits? or not?

The answer to that there question speaks volumes to me of what kind of man you are.

I would guess Trump would take 5 but he could get 'er done.

I get it done. I don't mess around. I move earth. Trump is the same way. What kind of work do you do?
God forbid people do their jobs, how dare they, the Dems never do their jobs, they spend their waking hour opening up money envelopes for all their "foundations".
View attachment 114966
The deeper in shit Trumpie sinks into the Russian quagmire the faster the tools run to CLINTON. Too funny for words.

There is no Russian issue, this is a ruse like they said they'd do to him to make the term difficult, basically they are doing the terrorists job for them. Ever hear of cpubtry first before party? Of course not, thatcs why you and they can't comprehend how they lost. People want a functioning gov't not a trash and burn vendetta, and they want a workaholic that gets things done and does it swiftly without taking 8 years to see a facade appear.
Russian and Comey interference, huge pile of GOP propaganda/excrement for 25 years, cowardly corporate media. Simple, dupe.
so why the break-neck speed to defend it ?

you shit in your drawers then swear you arent wearing drawers ...
well it's an accusation, blindly made with no evidence, but it is what it is and one must answer when the question is asked. asked, answered and it's all nothing as expected. now run along.

Dem's are desperate, they have nothing else to attack Trump on other than this Russia conspiracy nonsense Trump has been kicking their ass. Trump's speech was yet another kick in the Dem's nuts, they are doubled over in agony.
Here's one unamerican traitor who doesn't want to know if his president is a crook.

Coming from an idiot who voted for a crook to become the president and is upset that she lost
How's the Hillary Special Prosecutor coming along, superdupe? lol. You live on an imaginary planet, stupid.

Don't care. I'm satisfied with her not being president.

I'm not the one who is claiming she is honest while sessions who was honest is lying.

Hypocrisy my friend. Work on it
Another Russian boogieman post from the left, BOO did that scare you shitless?

It's not that it's the russians, if Trump appointed a bunch of people with ties to China, i'd feel the same way. Any foreign country putting their two cents into american politics is a problem. Our forefathers thought they protected us from foreign influence, which is why you were so upset that Obama was from Kenya.

Riiiiiight and Obama butting his nose into Brexit? Obama constantly harping how China another countries are doing things right and America sucks, in effect bringing China and other countries into our politics? Why the double standard?

Never mind that any discussions Sessions had with the Russia ambassador in his role was a Senator was NOT the reason Hillary lost PA, MI, and WI hence the election, that was entirely on her.
And Putin and Comey and lying GOPers everywhere...So be it, but now you liars are on top, you're revealed. You're done, but the dupes may never know. Trump's already dumped all his promises to you. Enjoy the giant tax cut for the richest.
This is when they started making up excuses for losing.
tmp_898-found out his party lost the election1830257860.jpg
God forbid people do their jobs, how dare they, the Dems never do their jobs, they spend their waking hour opening up money envelopes for all their "foundations".
View attachment 114966
The deeper in shit Trumpie sinks into the Russian quagmire the faster the tools run to CLINTON. Too funny for words.

There is no Russian issue, this is a ruse like they said they'd do to him to make the term difficult, basically they are doing the terrorists job for them. Ever hear of country first before party? Of course not, that's why you and they can't comprehend how they lost. People want a functioning gov't not a trash and burn vendetta, and they want a workaholic that gets things done and does it swiftly without taking 8 years to see a facade appear and crumble away like particle board above the steam of your dishwasher.
There is no Russian issue. BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Maybe not on Fox but in Washington and thruout the world it's the major news story.
You so make me laugh.

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