Goodbye Sessions lol. How far does this go?

View attachment 115093 As i sit and watch sessions squirm and the calls for him to resign and more calls now for investigations into Trump and his obvious Russian ties
this is Watergate all over again.
And I remember the right wing dopes calling it a witch hunt back then and the same lingo you idiots are doing now.

I knew Russia would haunt Trump. I knew this clown circus would get into trouble... but I never imagined it would be this quickly.

I'm so enjoying every minute.

Enjoy your delusion. Your bubble's going to burst very soon.

Reality is crashing your party.

BS. We'll. And shove your snowflake bs, pseudo macho brainwashed functional moron. Law abiding and intelligent doesn't mean weak. Stupid dupes...

View attachment 115097
View attachment 115093 As i sit and watch sessions squirm and the calls for him to resign and more calls now for investigations into Trump and his obvious Russian ties
this is Watergate all over again.
And I remember the right wing dopes calling it a witch hunt back then and the same lingo you idiots are doing now.

I knew Russia would haunt Trump. I knew this clown circus would get into trouble... but I never imagined it would be this quickly.

I'm so enjoying every minute.

Enjoy your delusion. Your bubble's going to burst very soon.

Reality is crashing your party.

BS. We'll. And shove your snowflake bs, pseudo macho brainwashed functional moron. Law abiding and intelligent doesn't mean weak. Stupid dupes...

This unamerican traitor will go down with the ship. The Russian/Trump ship.

Analysis | It’s now political suicide for Republicans if they don’t call for deeper investigations on Russia

No sir, furthermore I will not be going to Federal prison, or being hanged or shot by military firing squad for Treason.

I love the US and support the Republic.

I wouldn't want to do anything that would hurt my fellow Americans and their families.

They are my brethren.

I would gladly give my life for them, if it allows them to remain free.
your asking us to defend nothing. there is nothing, there defended.

so why the break-neck speed to defend it ?

you shit in your drawers then swear you arent wearing drawers ...
well it's an accusation, blindly made with no evidence, but it is what it is and one must answer when the question is asked. asked, answered and it's all nothing as expected. now run along.

Dem's are desperate, they have nothing else to attack Trump on other than this Russia conspiracy nonsense Trump has been kicking their ass. Trump's speech was yet another kick in the Dem's nuts, they are doubled over in agony.
Here's one unamerican traitor who doesn't want to know if his president is a crook.

Just relax snowflake. :itsok:

STFU Cossak
Your seething anger over losing the election is noted. Why did Dem strongholds in PA, MI, and WI choose Trump over Hillary? You can't blame Putin for that. :laugh:
Aaaaand you completely ignore the facts and even point of this thread to bring up something completely unrelated. Thank you for clearly communicating that you have no way to defend Sessions and Trump. Next!

You have no facts, Sessions did nothing wrong and isn't going anywhere, which brings us back to why did Dem's in PA, MI, and WI choose President Trump over Hillary? All your Russia blah blah blah is a deflection away from that core question. You couldn't even carry your Dem blue states, the people rejected you and your policies. Sucks to be you. :laugh:

so you say... your opinion is tantamount to a pile of dog shit.

Trump is president and the GOP controls congress, pretty damn funny if you ask me the Dem's got the shit kicked out of them. Now they flail about in threads like this looking pathetic, how far your party has sunk its truly an historic low for Dems. Some say your party is on the verge of collapse.
Moron thinks this scandal is limited to this forum.

Analysis | It’s now political suicide for Republicans if they don’t call for deeper investigations on Russia

:itsok: just sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking while we clean up your mess, President Trump and the Republican party are in charge we will get things squared away.
View attachment 115093 As i sit and watch sessions squirm and the calls for him to resign and more calls now for investigations into Trump and his obvious Russian ties
this is Watergate all over again.
And I remember the right wing dopes calling it a witch hunt back then and the same lingo you idiots are doing now.

I knew Russia would haunt Trump. I knew this clown circus would get into trouble... but I never imagined it would be this quickly.

I'm so enjoying every minute.

Enjoy your delusion. Your bubble's going to burst very soon.

Reality is crashing your party.

BS. We'll. And shove your snowflake bs, pseudo macho brainwashed functional moron. Law abiding and intelligent doesn't mean weak. Stupid dupes...

View attachment 115097
View attachment 115093 As i sit and watch sessions squirm and the calls for him to resign and more calls now for investigations into Trump and his obvious Russian ties
this is Watergate all over again.
And I remember the right wing dopes calling it a witch hunt back then and the same lingo you idiots are doing now.

I knew Russia would haunt Trump. I knew this clown circus would get into trouble... but I never imagined it would be this quickly.

I'm so enjoying every minute.

Enjoy your delusion. Your bubble's going to burst very soon.

Reality is crashing your party.

BS. We'll. And shove your snowflake bs, pseudo macho brainwashed functional moron. Law abiding and intelligent doesn't mean weak. Stupid dupes...

This unamerican traitor will go down with the ship. The Russian/Trump ship.

Analysis | It’s now political suicide for Republicans if they don’t call for deeper investigations on Russia

No sir, furthermore I will not be going to Federal prison, or being hanged or shot by military firing squad for Treason.

I love the US and support the Republic.

I wouldn't want to do anything that would hurt my fellow Americans and their families.

They are my brethren.

I would gladly give my life for them, if it allows them to remain free.

You defend a traitor. It makes you one.

Retired general: Trump's Putin remarks may be 'most anti-American statement' ever by president
Aaaaand you completely ignore the facts and even point of this thread to bring up something completely unrelated. Thank you for clearly communicating that you have no way to defend Sessions and Trump. Next!
your asking us to defend nothing. there is nothing, there defended.

so why the break-neck speed to defend it ?

you shit in your drawers then swear you arent wearing drawers ...
well it's an accusation, blindly made with no evidence, but it is what it is and one must answer when the question is asked. asked, answered and it's all nothing as expected. now run along.
BUSTED. You're the one that's blind. Read. Sessions was with the campaign since May 2016.
Trump Campaign Releases New Details About Sessions' Role As Foreign Policy Adviser - Breitbart
Breitbart. The site for white nationalists. Hilarious u use them as a source.
It was the first one that came up in Google, AND it is palatable to the deplorables.
your asking us to defend nothing. there is nothing, there defended.

so why the break-neck speed to defend it ?

you shit in your drawers then swear you arent wearing drawers ...
well it's an accusation, blindly made with no evidence, but it is what it is and one must answer when the question is asked. asked, answered and it's all nothing as expected. now run along.

Dem's are desperate, they have nothing else to attack Trump on other than this Russia conspiracy nonsense Trump has been kicking their ass. Trump's speech was yet another kick in the Dem's nuts, they are doubled over in agony.
Here's one unamerican traitor who doesn't want to know if his president is a crook.

Just relax snowflake. :itsok:
Eat shytte and die, brainwashed functional moron. YOU are the close minded jackass totaly misinformed haters. Everyone knows it outside your stupid propaganda bubble. Dump the hater dupes, Mr. Trump. They won't notice anyway...

We have PLENTY to attack Trump with. Right now we're getting rid of his most disgusting appointee....
It's my understanding he met with a bunch of ambassadors. I don;t know why this would be surprising.
I wish I had more details, but ONE meeting was a private meeting in his office with Ambassador whats-his-name. The OTHER meeting was with a bunch of ambassadors. The private meeting is the one I'd like him to explain.
why, was it while he was a senator? you don't get to then
Wouldn't it shut everyone up if they knew what it was about?
The longer they let this build, the more exaggerated it will become.
but he wasn't part of the campaign so why does it matter? trump was going to lose remember? all the tV folks laughing their asses off. who's laughing now?
JC, they wouldn't be questioning Sessions at all if he hadn't been working with the campaign in some capacity, would they? Wasn't he acting as an adviser prior to the election?
It's my understanding he met with a bunch of ambassadors. I don;t know why this would be surprising.
I wish I had more details, but ONE meeting was a private meeting in his office with Ambassador whats-his-name. The OTHER meeting was with a bunch of ambassadors. The private meeting is the one I'd like him to explain.
why, was it while he was a senator? you don't get to then
Wouldn't it shut everyone up if they knew what it was about?
The longer they let this build, the more exaggerated it will become.
but he wasn't part of the campaign so why does it matter? trump was going to lose remember? all the tV folks laughing their asses off. who's laughing now?
Sessions was an adviser to Trump, one of the 'inner circle' during the campaign. Otherwise they wouldn't be asking him questions about meetings last summer and in September.
He's a sitting fking senator he's allowed
I'm still looking for the ballots that were cast by russia. any yous got that yet?

The libs cannot explain why their own base in PA, MI, and WI abandoned them and voted for Trump. Let them foam at the mouth about Russia, they just look like sour puss sore losers.
This idiot forgot what thread he's in. And you're dishonoring all blues musicians with your name.

And you're pissing on anyone who understands logic with yours. How is any of this relevant to Democrats lying about sessions?
Are the republicans lying too?

8 targeted House Republicans call for Sessions recusal

You do realize that requests for recusal and accusations of perjury are not the same thing, right?
so why the break-neck speed to defend it ?

you shit in your drawers then swear you arent wearing drawers ...
well it's an accusation, blindly made with no evidence, but it is what it is and one must answer when the question is asked. asked, answered and it's all nothing as expected. now run along.

Dem's are desperate, they have nothing else to attack Trump on other than this Russia conspiracy nonsense Trump has been kicking their ass. Trump's speech was yet another kick in the Dem's nuts, they are doubled over in agony.
Here's one unamerican traitor who doesn't want to know if his president is a crook.

Just relax snowflake. :itsok:

STFU Cossak

Its not my fault Hillary lost and Dem's lost the House and Senate and their own base abandoned them in PA, MI, and WI and voted for Trump. You libs have a lot of misdirected anger. :laugh:
so why the break-neck speed to defend it ?

you shit in your drawers then swear you arent wearing drawers ...
well it's an accusation, blindly made with no evidence, but it is what it is and one must answer when the question is asked. asked, answered and it's all nothing as expected. now run along.

Dem's are desperate, they have nothing else to attack Trump on other than this Russia conspiracy nonsense Trump has been kicking their ass. Trump's speech was yet another kick in the Dem's nuts, they are doubled over in agony.
Here's one unamerican traitor who doesn't want to know if his president is a crook.

Just relax snowflake. :itsok:
Eat shytte and die, brainwashed functional moron. YOU are the close minded jackass totaly misinformed haters. Everyone knows it outside your stupid propaganda bubble. Dump the hater dupes, Mr. Trump. They won't notice anyway...

We have PLENTY to attack Trump with. Right now we're getting rid of his most disgusting appointee....

Hoo boy. Get with us 2 years from now.
your asking us to defend nothing. there is nothing, there defended.

so why the break-neck speed to defend it ?

you shit in your drawers then swear you arent wearing drawers ...
well it's an accusation, blindly made with no evidence, but it is what it is and one must answer when the question is asked. asked, answered and it's all nothing as expected. now run along.
BUSTED. You're the one that's blind. Read. Sessions was with the campaign since May 2016.
Trump Campaign Releases New Details About Sessions' Role As Foreign Policy Adviser - Breitbart
Breitbart. The site for white nationalists. Hilarious u use them as a source.
It was the first one that came up in Google, AND it is palatable to the deplorables.
Often many pages of RW hate bs sites on google before you can find a candle of light. RW billionaire money talks...
so why the break-neck speed to defend it ?

you shit in your drawers then swear you arent wearing drawers ...
well it's an accusation, blindly made with no evidence, but it is what it is and one must answer when the question is asked. asked, answered and it's all nothing as expected. now run along.

Dem's are desperate, they have nothing else to attack Trump on other than this Russia conspiracy nonsense Trump has been kicking their ass. Trump's speech was yet another kick in the Dem's nuts, they are doubled over in agony.
Here's one unamerican traitor who doesn't want to know if his president is a crook.

Just relax snowflake. :itsok:
Eat shytte and die, brainwashed functional moron. YOU are the close minded jackass totaly misinformed haters. Everyone knows it outside your stupid propaganda bubble. Dump the hater dupes, Mr. Trump. They won't notice anyway...

We have PLENTY to attack Trump with. Right now we're getting rid of his most disgusting appointee....

LOL that's some funny shit franco, I'll enjoy watching your side fail...again :laugh:
I wish I had more details, but ONE meeting was a private meeting in his office with Ambassador whats-his-name. The OTHER meeting was with a bunch of ambassadors. The private meeting is the one I'd like him to explain.
why, was it while he was a senator? you don't get to then
Wouldn't it shut everyone up if they knew what it was about?
The longer they let this build, the more exaggerated it will become.
but he wasn't part of the campaign so why does it matter? trump was going to lose remember? all the tV folks laughing their asses off. who's laughing now?
JC, they wouldn't be questioning Sessions at all if he hadn't been working with the campaign in some capacity, would they? Wasn't he acting as an adviser prior to the election?
I wish I had more details, but ONE meeting was a private meeting in his office with Ambassador whats-his-name. The OTHER meeting was with a bunch of ambassadors. The private meeting is the one I'd like him to explain.
why, was it while he was a senator? you don't get to then
Wouldn't it shut everyone up if they knew what it was about?
The longer they let this build, the more exaggerated it will become.
but he wasn't part of the campaign so why does it matter? trump was going to lose remember? all the tV folks laughing their asses off. who's laughing now?
Sessions was an adviser to Trump, one of the 'inner circle' during the campaign. Otherwise they wouldn't be asking him questions about meetings last summer and in September.
He's a sitting fking senator he's allowed
I never said he wasn't. YOU said his meetings with the ambassador were off limits because he wasn't part of the campaign; he was a senator. He was both senator and up to his eyeballs in Trump's campaign at the time. So yes, it is okay for anyone to ask who he met with, and why, during an investigation into Russian involvement with the campaign.
well it's an accusation, blindly made with no evidence, but it is what it is and one must answer when the question is asked. asked, answered and it's all nothing as expected. now run along.

Dem's are desperate, they have nothing else to attack Trump on other than this Russia conspiracy nonsense Trump has been kicking their ass. Trump's speech was yet another kick in the Dem's nuts, they are doubled over in agony.
Here's one unamerican traitor who doesn't want to know if his president is a crook.

Just relax snowflake. :itsok:

STFU Cossak

Its not my fault Hillary lost and Dem's lost the House and Senate and their own base abandoned them in PA, MI, and WI and voted for Trump. You libs have a lot of misdirected anger. :laugh:
Thanks for the party line talking point, dupe. But the adults are talking about disgusting lies and facts. You wouldn't understand. And no, it was mainly Putin and Comey's fault. And maybe Sessions and some others, so far.
Aaaaand you completely ignore the facts and even point of this thread to bring up something completely unrelated. Thank you for clearly communicating that you have no way to defend Sessions and Trump. Next!
your asking us to defend nothing. there is nothing, there defended.

so why the break-neck speed to defend it ?

you shit in your drawers then swear you arent wearing drawers ...
well it's an accusation, blindly made with no evidence, but it is what it is and one must answer when the question is asked. asked, answered and it's all nothing as expected. now run along.

Dem's are desperate, they have nothing else to attack Trump on other than this Russia conspiracy nonsense Trump has been kicking their ass. Trump's speech was yet another kick in the Dem's nuts, they are doubled over in agony.
Here's one unamerican traitor who doesn't want to know if his president is a crook.

Coming from an idiot who voted for a crook to become the president and is upset that she lost
so why the break-neck speed to defend it ?

you shit in your drawers then swear you arent wearing drawers ...
well it's an accusation, blindly made with no evidence, but it is what it is and one must answer when the question is asked. asked, answered and it's all nothing as expected. now run along.
BUSTED. You're the one that's blind. Read. Sessions was with the campaign since May 2016.
Trump Campaign Releases New Details About Sessions' Role As Foreign Policy Adviser - Breitbart
Breitbart. The site for white nationalists. Hilarious u use them as a source.
It was the first one that came up in Google, AND it is palatable to the deplorables.
Often many pages of RW hate bs sites on google before you can find a candle of light. RW billionaire money talks...
Really? First time one of my questions has hit Breitbart first. Do you suppose the poster read it? NO.
well it's an accusation, blindly made with no evidence, but it is what it is and one must answer when the question is asked. asked, answered and it's all nothing as expected. now run along.

Dem's are desperate, they have nothing else to attack Trump on other than this Russia conspiracy nonsense Trump has been kicking their ass. Trump's speech was yet another kick in the Dem's nuts, they are doubled over in agony.
Here's one unamerican traitor who doesn't want to know if his president is a crook.

Just relax snowflake. :itsok:
Eat shytte and die, brainwashed functional moron. YOU are the close minded jackass totaly misinformed haters. Everyone knows it outside your stupid propaganda bubble. Dump the hater dupes, Mr. Trump. They won't notice anyway...

We have PLENTY to attack Trump with. Right now we're getting rid of his most disgusting appointee....
As long as Mr. Businessman goes with RW dupe bs propaganda and weasels like sessions, he's in trouble. Dump the bs and the weasels. Even the dupes will like it.

LOL that's some funny shit franco, I'll enjoy watching your side fail...again :laugh:
Dem's are desperate, they have nothing else to attack Trump on other than this Russia conspiracy nonsense Trump has been kicking their ass. Trump's speech was yet another kick in the Dem's nuts, they are doubled over in agony.
Here's one unamerican traitor who doesn't want to know if his president is a crook.

Just relax snowflake. :itsok:

STFU Cossak

Its not my fault Hillary lost and Dem's lost the House and Senate and their own base abandoned them in PA, MI, and WI and voted for Trump. You libs have a lot of misdirected anger. :laugh:
Thanks for the party line talking point, dupe. But the adults are talking about disgusting lies and facts. You wouldn't understand. And no, it was mainly Putin and Comey's fault. And maybe Sessions and some others, so far.

It hasn't sunk in yet, you people have no power whatsoever. Not in the House, not in the Senate, not in the White House or any government department, Trump and the GOP control it all. Watching you flap around like fish out of water is entertaining. :laugh:

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