Goodbye Sessions lol. How far does this go?

You should hold your breath until Sessions is gone, franco hater dupe bot.

I'll say this, you fascists are afraid of Sessions, who isn't going anywhere.
We'll see. I see Trump said he has his full confidence, the kiss of death. He is a little racist lying weasel if I ever saw one.

Don't miss the final 2 hours of unknown black empires of Africa on PBS can root for the racist colonials and archeologists burying evidence since blacks aren't "smart enough" to build that...
I'm still looking for the ballots that were cast by russia. any yous got that yet?

The libs cannot explain why their own base in PA, MI, and WI abandoned them and voted for Trump. Let them foam at the mouth about Russia, they just look like sour puss sore losers.
This idiot forgot what thread he's in. And you're dishonoring all blues musicians with your name.
Le sigh. Y'all Trump defenders are in high gear.

Here's what was asked of Sessions and how he responded:

Leahy: "Have you been in contact with anyone connected to any part of the Russian government about the 2016 election, either before or after election day?"

Sessions: "No."

This could mean Sessions talked about anything other than Trump's campaign, which is possible. But we're relying solely on his word, and the Russian ambassador he spoke to is reportedly a spy. This is not a smoking gun, but it is smoke.

Franken: "But if it's true, it's obviously extremely serious and if there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?"

Sessions: "Senator Franken, I'm not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I didn't have — did not have communications with the Russians, and I'm unable to comment on it."

Here, Sessions clearly lied. Franken asked about "anyone associated" with Trump's campaign (which Sessions was by this point) having spoken to the Russian (which Sessions did). Yet Sessions clearly said he did not speak to Russians. There really is no other answer: Sessions lied.

Now, you can blame Obama for this and Hillary for that, but what the Dems did or did not do has no bearing to what Sessions said here. You can say Sessions was working in his capacity as a senator (which could explain the first comment), but that doesn't explain why he lied. And if he simply forgot about meeting a Russian ambassador when asked about meeting a Russian ambassador, then he probably doesn't have the mental fortitude needed to be the Attorney General.

you can reference facts until you turn purple, and the Russian loving Trumpbots won't ever accept them.

they have become Cossaks loyal to their homeland, Russia.

Your seething anger over losing the election is noted. Why did Dem strongholds in PA, MI, and WI choose Trump over Hillary? You can't blame Putin for that. :laugh:
Aaaaand you completely ignore the facts and even point of this thread to bring up something completely unrelated. Thank you for clearly communicating that you have no way to defend Sessions and Trump. Next!
your asking us to defend nothing. there is nothing, there defended.

so why the break-neck speed to defend it ?

you shit in your drawers then swear you arent wearing drawers ...
It's my understanding he met with a bunch of ambassadors. I don;t know why this would be surprising.
I wish I had more details, but ONE meeting was a private meeting in his office with Ambassador whats-his-name. The OTHER meeting was with a bunch of ambassadors. The private meeting is the one I'd like him to explain.
why, was it while he was a senator? you don't get to then
Wouldn't it shut everyone up if they knew what it was about?
The longer they let this build, the more exaggerated it will become.
but he wasn't part of the campaign so why does it matter? trump was going to lose remember? all the tV folks laughing their asses off. who's laughing now?
The republicans and everyone in the Trump ad. ARE NOT laughing now.

Analysis | It’s now political suicide for Republicans if they don’t call for deeper investigations on Russia
or not
God forbid people do their jobs, how dare they, the Dems never do their jobs, they spend their waking hour opening up money envelopes for all their "foundations".
View attachment 114966
The deeper in shit Trumpie sinks into the Russian quagmire the faster the tools run to CLINTON. Too funny for words.
...bullshyte propaganda about Clinton, to be specific...
IMG_0210.JPG Lock him up.
Lock him up.

Sessions committed perjury.

Trump tools response: Hillary and Bill CLINTON. Lol
Le sigh. Y'all Trump defenders are in high gear.

Here's what was asked of Sessions and how he responded:

Leahy: "Have you been in contact with anyone connected to any part of the Russian government about the 2016 election, either before or after election day?"

Sessions: "No."

This could mean Sessions talked about anything other than Trump's campaign, which is possible. But we're relying solely on his word, and the Russian ambassador he spoke to is reportedly a spy. This is not a smoking gun, but it is smoke.

Franken: "But if it's true, it's obviously extremely serious and if there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?"

Sessions: "Senator Franken, I'm not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I didn't have — did not have communications with the Russians, and I'm unable to comment on it."

Here, Sessions clearly lied. Franken asked about "anyone associated" with Trump's campaign (which Sessions was by this point) having spoken to the Russian (which Sessions did). Yet Sessions clearly said he did not speak to Russians. There really is no other answer: Sessions lied.

Now, you can blame Obama for this and Hillary for that, but what the Dems did or did not do has no bearing to what Sessions said here. You can say Sessions was working in his capacity as a senator (which could explain the first comment), but that doesn't explain why he lied. And if he simply forgot about meeting a Russian ambassador when asked about meeting a Russian ambassador, then he probably doesn't have the mental fortitude needed to be the Attorney General.

you can reference facts until you turn purple, and the Russian loving Trumpbots won't ever accept them.

they have become Cossaks loyal to their homeland, Russia.

Your seething anger over losing the election is noted. Why did Dem strongholds in PA, MI, and WI choose Trump over Hillary? You can't blame Putin for that. :laugh:
Aaaaand you completely ignore the facts and even point of this thread to bring up something completely unrelated. Thank you for clearly communicating that you have no way to defend Sessions and Trump. Next!

You have no facts, Sessions did nothing wrong and isn't going anywhere, which brings us back to why did Dem's in PA, MI, and WI choose President Trump over Hillary? All your Russia blah blah blah is a deflection away from that core question. You couldn't even carry your Dem blue states, the people rejected you and your policies. Sucks to be you. :laugh:
Le sigh. Y'all Trump defenders are in high gear.

Here's what was asked of Sessions and how he responded:

Leahy: "Have you been in contact with anyone connected to any part of the Russian government about the 2016 election, either before or after election day?"

Sessions: "No."

This could mean Sessions talked about anything other than Trump's campaign, which is possible. But we're relying solely on his word, and the Russian ambassador he spoke to is reportedly a spy. This is not a smoking gun, but it is smoke.

Franken: "But if it's true, it's obviously extremely serious and if there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?"

Sessions: "Senator Franken, I'm not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I didn't have — did not have communications with the Russians, and I'm unable to comment on it."

Here, Sessions clearly lied. Franken asked about "anyone associated" with Trump's campaign (which Sessions was by this point) having spoken to the Russian (which Sessions did). Yet Sessions clearly said he did not speak to Russians. There really is no other answer: Sessions lied.

Now, you can blame Obama for this and Hillary for that, but what the Dems did or did not do has no bearing to what Sessions said here. You can say Sessions was working in his capacity as a senator (which could explain the first comment), but that doesn't explain why he lied. And if he simply forgot about meeting a Russian ambassador when asked about meeting a Russian ambassador, then he probably doesn't have the mental fortitude needed to be the Attorney General.

you can reference facts until you turn purple, and the Russian loving Trumpbots won't ever accept them.

they have become Cossaks loyal to their homeland, Russia.

Your seething anger over losing the election is noted. Why did Dem strongholds in PA, MI, and WI choose Trump over Hillary? You can't blame Putin for that. :laugh:
Aaaaand you completely ignore the facts and even point of this thread to bring up something completely unrelated. Thank you for clearly communicating that you have no way to defend Sessions and Trump. Next!
your asking us to defend nothing. there is nothing, there defended.

so why the break-neck speed to defend it ?

you shit in your drawers then swear you arent wearing drawers ...
well it's an accusation, blindly made with no evidence, but it is what it is and one must answer when the question is asked. asked, answered and it's all nothing as expected. now run along.
The thing is, it doesn't matter what it appears he talked to them about. He said he hadn't talked to the Russians, when if it was innocent conversations all he had to do was explain himself. Him lying, then backing up his lies by saying the reports are lies, just tells me his meetings were not innocent ones.
According to the article, Sessions was asked in his confirmation hearing about meetings with the Trump campaign, not meetings that were the normal condition of his job in the Senate.

Your lying tells me you are biased....... but we already knew that.

What lie? He was asked if he had any contact with the Russians. He said NO. He was working a two pronged role as a Senator AND Trump campaign advisor at the time. All he had to do was say was "Yes it had to do with business related to my role as a Senator." He didn't. He lied.

You're calling someone a liar for giving an opinion on something tells me you don't even know what a lie is.

Actually, no he wasn't asked if he had any contact with the Russians. The fact that your claiming he was tells anyone familiar with the exchange that you aren't familiar with what he was asked or how he responded.
Le sigh. Y'all Trump defenders are in high gear.

Here's what was asked of Sessions and how he responded:

Leahy: "Have you been in contact with anyone connected to any part of the Russian government about the 2016 election, either before or after election day?"

Sessions: "No."

This could mean Sessions talked about anything other than Trump's campaign, which is possible. But we're relying solely on his word, and the Russian ambassador he spoke to is reportedly a spy. This is not a smoking gun, but it is smoke.

Franken: "But if it's true, it's obviously extremely serious and if there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?"

Sessions: "Senator Franken, I'm not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I didn't have — did not have communications with the Russians, and I'm unable to comment on it."

Here, Sessions clearly lied. Franken asked about "anyone associated" with Trump's campaign (which Sessions was by this point) having spoken to the Russian (which Sessions did). Yet Sessions clearly said he did not speak to Russians. There really is no other answer: Sessions lied.

Now, you can blame Obama for this and Hillary for that, but what the Dems did or did not do has no bearing to what Sessions said here. You can say Sessions was working in his capacity as a senator (which could explain the first comment), but that doesn't explain why he lied. And if he simply forgot about meeting a Russian ambassador when asked about meeting a Russian ambassador, then he probably doesn't have the mental fortitude needed to be the Attorney General.

you can reference facts until you turn purple, and the Russian loving Trumpbots won't ever accept them.

they have become Cossaks loyal to their homeland, Russia.

Your seething anger over losing the election is noted. Why did Dem strongholds in PA, MI, and WI choose Trump over Hillary? You can't blame Putin for that. :laugh:
Aaaaand you completely ignore the facts and even point of this thread to bring up something completely unrelated. Thank you for clearly communicating that you have no way to defend Sessions and Trump. Next!

You have no facts, Sessions did nothing wrong and isn't going anywhere, which brings us back to why did Dem's in PA, MI, and WI choose President Trump over Hillary? All your Russia blah blah blah is a deflection away from that core question. You couldn't even carry your Dem blue states, the people rejected you and your policies. Sucks to be you. :laugh:

so you say... your opinion is tantamount to a pile of dog shit.
I'm still looking for the ballots that were cast by russia. any yous got that yet?

The libs cannot explain why their own base in PA, MI, and WI abandoned them and voted for Trump. Let them foam at the mouth about Russia, they just look like sour puss sore losers.
This idiot forgot what thread he's in. And you're dishonoring all blues musicians with your name.

^^^ troll alert, I thought I smelled the rotted festering stench of liberal troll ew.
What kind of "normal condition of his job in the Senate" would require him to have a private meeting with the Russian ambassador?
Although I agree the questions at the confirmation hearing were about discussions involving the campaign, and it is perfectly possible that Sessions was answering honestly, he needs to explain that meeting. If he hasn't already.
It's my understanding he met with a bunch of ambassadors. I don;t know why this would be surprising.
I wish I had more details, but ONE meeting was a private meeting in his office with Ambassador whats-his-name. The OTHER meeting was with a bunch of ambassadors. The private meeting is the one I'd like him to explain.
why, was it while he was a senator? you don't get to then
Wouldn't it shut everyone up if they knew what it was about?
The longer they let this build, the more exaggerated it will become.
but he wasn't part of the campaign so why does it matter? trump was going to lose remember? all the tV folks laughing their asses off. who's laughing now?
JC, they wouldn't be questioning Sessions at all if he hadn't been working with the campaign in some capacity, would they? Wasn't he acting as an adviser prior to the election?
What kind of "normal condition of his job in the Senate" would require him to have a private meeting with the Russian ambassador?
Although I agree the questions at the confirmation hearing were about discussions involving the campaign, and it is perfectly possible that Sessions was answering honestly, he needs to explain that meeting. If he hasn't already.
It's my understanding he met with a bunch of ambassadors. I don;t know why this would be surprising.
I wish I had more details, but ONE meeting was a private meeting in his office with Ambassador whats-his-name. The OTHER meeting was with a bunch of ambassadors. The private meeting is the one I'd like him to explain.
why, was it while he was a senator? you don't get to then
Wouldn't it shut everyone up if they knew what it was about?
The longer they let this build, the more exaggerated it will become.
but he wasn't part of the campaign so why does it matter? trump was going to lose remember? all the tV folks laughing their asses off. who's laughing now?
Sessions was an adviser to Trump, one of the 'inner circle' during the campaign. Otherwise they wouldn't be asking him questions about meetings last summer and in September.
Sessions is going nowhere but to the bench to preside against traitorous members of Obama et al and friends and maybe even him.

True story. Expect lying media to get their licenses yanked shortly.

Why? Because they are lying and spinning.

All we, The American people need is the facts.

Not some pundit's leftist opinion of what's going on. When they lie, doubly not as much.
They did not ask him if he talked to the Russians about meddling in the elections. They just asked him if he, as a member of Trump's campaign
Bingo. You stumbled across it even though it flew by you. As a member of the campaign is what he was responding to. He said he could talk about other communication, which was likely regarding the fake Buzzfeed story.
I'm still looking for the ballots that were cast by russia. any yous got that yet?

The libs cannot explain why their own base in PA, MI, and WI abandoned them and voted for Trump. Let them foam at the mouth about Russia, they just look like sour puss sore losers.
This idiot forgot what thread he's in. And you're dishonoring all blues musicians with your name.

And you're pissing on anyone who understands logic with yours. How is any of this relevant to Democrats lying about sessions?
IMG_0254.JPG As i sit and watch sessions squirm and the calls for him to resign and more calls now for investigations into Trump and his obvious Russian ties
this is Watergate all over again.
And I remember the right wing dopes calling it a witch hunt back then and the same lingo you idiots are doing now.

I knew Russia would haunt Trump. I knew this clown circus would get into trouble... but I never imagined it would be this quickly.

I'm so enjoying every minute.
The thing is, it doesn't matter what it appears he talked to them about. He said he hadn't talked to the Russians, when if it was innocent conversations all he had to do was explain himself. Him lying, then backing up his lies by saying the reports are lies, just tells me his meetings were not innocent ones.
According to the article, Sessions was asked in his confirmation hearing about meetings with the Trump campaign, not meetings that were the normal condition of his job in the Senate.

Your lying tells me you are biased....... but we already knew that.

What lie? He was asked if he had any contact with the Russians. He said NO. He was working a two pronged role as a Senator AND Trump campaign advisor at the time. All he had to do was say was "Yes it had to do with business related to my role as a Senator." He didn't. He lied.

You're calling someone a liar for giving an opinion on something tells me you don't even know what a lie is.

Actually, no he wasn't asked if he had any contact with the Russians. The fact that your claiming he was tells anyone familiar with the exchange that you aren't familiar with what he was asked or how he responded.

AG Sessions: Whenever it's appropriate, I will recuse myself

from his own mouth ..

.56 seconds of the clip ..

The End

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