Goodbye Sessions lol. How far does this go?

If "W" and associates get a pass for war crimes, what's this little tidbit?
You mean like O and crew getting away with murder.....
. Yeah, they got those Dallas dead innocent cops hanging around their necks, and Deblasio has the dead NYC innocent cops blood on his hands, so yes in an indirect way you are right.
Hashev has been living in a cave the past 2 months.

On the news RIGHT NOW.
" The coverup may be worse than the crime."

Just like Nixon. Hashev probably never heard of him.

The intelligence community said NO VOTES WERE TAMPERED, they did a recount in some states and found nothing.
They have however found 6% of the votes in some states (I think Ohio?) comprised of illegal aliens illegal votes opposing the Dems claim there was 0 votes. So the only ones found tampering was the Dems, and by ypur c0ncern they should "step down from office" for their tampering of foreign elections like Obama did to Israel, and for this election when they abused piwer to register foreign immigrants in exchange for their votes.
Dems also traded votes to circumvent the electorate, even though that is legal it was considered cheating and disgraceful.
We wonct discuss the many dead voters who miraculously come to life to vote for
Hillary's and Dems dead campaign.
Weekend at Bernies takes on a while new meaning wth you corrupt guys.
NOBODY but GOPers ever said the machines were hacked or illegals voted, dupe. You lying GOPers and the Russians are doing a GREAT job at ruining faith in America.

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!
Hashev has been living in a cave the past 2 months.

On the news RIGHT NOW.
" The coverup may be worse than the crime."

Just like Nixon. Hashev probably never heard of him.

The intelligence community said NO VOTES WERE TAMPERED, they did a recount in some states and found nothing.
They have however found 6% of the votes in some states (I think Ohio?) comprised of illegal aliens illegal votes opposing the Dems claim there was 0 votes. So the only ones found tampering was the Dems, and by ypur c0ncern they should "step down from office" for their tampering of foreign elections like Obama did to Israel, and for this election when they abused piwer to register foreign immigrants in exchange for their votes.
Dems also traded votes to circumvent the electorate, even though that is legal it was considered cheating and disgraceful.
We wonct discuss the many dead voters who miraculously come to life to vote for
Hillary's and Dems dead campaign.
Weekend at Bernies takes on a while new meaning wth you corrupt guys.
NOBODY but GOPers ever said the machines were hacked or illegals voted, dupe. You lying GOPers and the Russians are doing a GREAT job at ruining faith in America.

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!

So, who had the power to correct some of those wrongs for the past 8 years and didn't? hmm?

I'll wait.
The thing is, it doesn't matter what it appears he talked to them about. He said he hadn't talked to the Russians, when if it was innocent conversations all he had to do was explain himself. Him lying, then backing up his lies by saying the reports are lies, just tells me his meetings were not innocent ones.
. He didn't talk to them in the context for which the Democrat head hunters are hoping for. It's all about the context of the conversations as pertaining to the accusations or investigation in which is accusing someone of something. Now if what they are accusing sessions of, wasn't the context of his contact with Russian officials, then he didn't lie by saying he didn't speak to the Russians while thinking about the context in which the question was being asked of him. Nothing to see here folks.

They did not ask him if he talked to the Russians about meddling in the elections. They just asked him if he, as a member of Trump's campaign, had talked to the Russians. He had talked to the Russians while he was a member of the Trump campaign, yet he said no. It's pretty cut and dry. If he didn't talk to the Ambassador of Russia about Trump's campaign, all he had to have done was say that he had talked to the Russians, but that it had nothing to do with Trump. Sessions as a lawyer and a judge, would know this very clearly... that his answers are indeed a lie, despite how some want to read into them. His types of answers is the same type of answers that get regular citizens thrown in jail with a guilty verdict in a court of law.
. So the questions were misleading, and they were carefully worded in order to set the AG up ?? Yes they were, and your post here confirms it. Now what penalties are there for intentionally misleading the Attorney General Jeff Sessions with an attempt to set him up in this way ? Franken should be investigated to see if there was any collusion between him and any of his colleagues in trying to set the AG up in this way. You people are getting caught in your own traps.
So the questions were misleading, and they were carefully worded in order to set the AG up ?? .

NOPE. Sessions first part of his answer was fine:

Sessions - "Sen. Franken, I'm not aware of any of those activities."

He should have stopped there, but he didn't. The seond part of the answer is what got him in trouble.

Sessions: "I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I did not have communications with the Russians, and I am unable to comment on it."
So the questions were misleading, and they were carefully worded in order to set the AG up ?? .

NOPE. Sessions first part of his answer was fine:

Sessions - "Sen. Franken, I'm not aware of any of those activities."

He should have stopped there, but he didn't. The seond part of the answer is what got him in trouble.

Sessions: "I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I did not have communications with the Russians, and I am unable to comment on it."
So the questions were misleading, and they were carefully worded in order to set the AG up ?? .

NOPE. Sessions first part of his answer was fine:

Sessions - "Sen. Franken, I'm not aware of any of those activities."

He should have stopped there, but he didn't. The seond part of the answer is what got him in trouble.

Sessions: "I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I did not have communications with the Russians, and I am unable to comment on it."
. Didn't have contact with the Russians in the context of being a Trump surrogate (said he was called that a few times) in which he wasn't. That was his answer, and it was correct.
Session's got caught committing perjury. Period. The Liar in Chief picked another liar for his Attorney General.
ROFL! I would love to watch the Dim douche bags try to prosecute Sessions for perjury. They already look like the world's biggest jackasses.
The thing is, it doesn't matter what it appears he talked to them about. He said he hadn't talked to the Russians, when if it was innocent conversations all he had to do was explain himself. Him lying, then backing up his lies by saying the reports are lies, just tells me his meetings were not innocent ones.
. He didn't talk to them in the context for which the Democrat head hunters are hoping for. It's all about the context of the conversations as pertaining to the accusations or investigation in which is accusing someone of something. Now if what they are accusing sessions of, wasn't the context of his contact with Russian officials, then he didn't lie by saying he didn't speak to the Russians while thinking about the context in which the question was being asked of him. Nothing to see here folks.

They did not ask him if he talked to the Russians about meddling in the elections. They just asked him if he, as a member of Trump's campaign, had talked to the Russians. He had talked to the Russians while he was a member of the Trump campaign, yet he said no. It's pretty cut and dry. If he didn't talk to the Ambassador of Russia about Trump's campaign, all he had to have done was say that he had talked to the Russians, but that it had nothing to do with Trump. Sessions as a lawyer and a judge, would know this very clearly... that his answers are indeed a lie, despite how some want to read into them. His types of answers is the same type of answers that get regular citizens thrown in jail with a guilty verdict in a court of law.
. So the questions were misleading, and they were carefully worded in order to set the AG up ?? Yes they were, and your post here confirms it. Now what penalties are there for intentionally misleading the Attorney General Jeff Sessions with an attempt to set him up in this way ? Franken should be investigated to see if there was any collusion between him and any of his colleagues in trying to set the AG up in this way. You people are getting caught in your own traps.
Think you got that backwards sir... It can be a crime to lie or intentionally mislead congress with testimony. There was nothing tricky about Franken's question, he asked what Sessions would do if there was evidence of Trump surrogates communicating with Russians. Sessions decided not to answer the question and volunteered the statement calling himself a surrogate and falsely proclaiming that he had no communication with the Russians. He could have easily said that he had meetings as a Senator but not as a surrogate but he didn't... Could have been a simple brain fart or it could have been an intentional deception. Flynn has already been fired over similar circumstances so this is a big deal.

For Sessions it could be a big misunderstanding and if so then thats fine. But he has said multiple times that he didn't communicate with the Russians and now there is evidence to the contrary so he is either mistaken, lying, or not being completely forthcoming. Either way, it is a fair discussion to have and worth investigating. He did the right thing by recusing himself from the investigation. I think thats as far as its going to go.
The thing is, it doesn't matter what it appears he talked to them about. He said he hadn't talked to the Russians, when if it was innocent conversations all he had to do was explain himself. Him lying, then backing up his lies by saying the reports are lies, just tells me his meetings were not innocent ones.
. He didn't talk to them in the context for which the Democrat head hunters are hoping for. It's all about the context of the conversations as pertaining to the accusations or investigation in which is accusing someone of something. Now if what they are accusing sessions of, wasn't the context of his contact with Russian officials, then he didn't lie by saying he didn't speak to the Russians while thinking about the context in which the question was being asked of him. Nothing to see here folks.

They did not ask him if he talked to the Russians about meddling in the elections. They just asked him if he, as a member of Trump's campaign, had talked to the Russians. He had talked to the Russians while he was a member of the Trump campaign, yet he said no. It's pretty cut and dry. If he didn't talk to the Ambassador of Russia about Trump's campaign, all he had to have done was say that he had talked to the Russians, but that it had nothing to do with Trump. Sessions as a lawyer and a judge, would know this very clearly... that his answers are indeed a lie, despite how some want to read into them. His types of answers is the same type of answers that get regular citizens thrown in jail with a guilty verdict in a court of law.

Do you have an exact quote of what that buffoon Al Franken asked Sessions?
We're letting Trump go- this is about his weasel appointees. Trump is a scam artist as a businessman but sure is good at name selling- we're still praying he's a learner...
It's just horrible!!! I don't know how you can go on. Maybe you should just end it all and find peace.
After 30 years of total GOP BS propaganda, we're used to it, dupe. Now WE're having the fun for a change. Based on FACTS for a change...
well shit just blame bush right?
Stupid taking point of course. The longest, stupidest wars EVER that wrecked the ME AND a corrupt WORLD DEPRESSION have lasting effects, MORON. LOL. And now back to THIS disastrous GOP swamp, troll.
funny how you all don't want trump to blame obummer and you had no problem with obummer blaming bush. such fking class, hypocrites!!!!!!............
Obama ENDED the depression here and the stupidest wars EVER, and all his policies save ACA were blocked by the mindless lying GOP DUHHH. Blame him for WHAT, dupe?
The thing is, it doesn't matter what it appears he talked to them about. He said he hadn't talked to the Russians, when if it was innocent conversations all he had to do was explain himself. Him lying, then backing up his lies by saying the reports are lies, just tells me his meetings were not innocent ones.
According to the article, Sessions was asked in his confirmation hearing about meetings with the Trump campaign, not meetings that were the normal condition of his job in the Senate.

Your lying tells me you are biased....... but we already knew that.

What lie? He was asked if he had any contact with the Russians. He said NO. He was working a two pronged role as a Senator AND Trump campaign advisor at the time. All he had to do was say was "Yes it had to do with business related to my role as a Senator." He didn't. He lied.

You're calling someone a liar for giving an opinion on something tells me you don't even know what a lie is.

Actually, no he wasn't asked if he had any contact with the Russians. The fact that your claiming he was tells anyone familiar with the exchange that you aren't familiar with what he was asked or how he responded.

He was asked if ANYONE involved with the Trump campaign had contact with the Russians. In his response he said he was a surrogate of the Trump campaign, and in the next breath said he hadn't had contact with the Russians... this is about as simple as things can possibly get.
We're letting Trump go- this is about his weasel appointees. Trump is a scam artist as a businessman but sure is good at name selling- we're still praying he's a learner...
It's just horrible!!! I don't know how you can go on. Maybe you should just end it all and find peace.
After 30 years of total GOP BS propaganda, we're used to it, dupe. Now WE're having the fun for a change. Based on FACTS for a change...
well shit just blame bush right?
Stupid taking point of course. The longest, stupidest wars EVER that wrecked the ME AND a corrupt WORLD DEPRESSION have lasting effects, MORON. LOL. And now back to THIS disastrous GOP swamp, troll.

Who wrecked the ME? Barry and Hillary, that's who. They weren't the first, but they definitely are the last.

(Ones to,that is)
We don't control Syria, and we're no longer the great satan either. The MEers are handling it with our well loved aid. Russia and Assad SUQ end of story.
The thing is, it doesn't matter what it appears he talked to them about. He said he hadn't talked to the Russians, when if it was innocent conversations all he had to do was explain himself. Him lying, then backing up his lies by saying the reports are lies, just tells me his meetings were not innocent ones.
. He didn't talk to them in the context for which the Democrat head hunters are hoping for. It's all about the context of the conversations as pertaining to the accusations or investigation in which is accusing someone of something. Now if what they are accusing sessions of, wasn't the context of his contact with Russian officials, then he didn't lie by saying he didn't speak to the Russians while thinking about the context in which the question was being asked of him. Nothing to see here folks.

They did not ask him if he talked to the Russians about meddling in the elections. They just asked him if he, as a member of Trump's campaign, had talked to the Russians. He had talked to the Russians while he was a member of the Trump campaign, yet he said no. It's pretty cut and dry. If he didn't talk to the Ambassador of Russia about Trump's campaign, all he had to have done was say that he had talked to the Russians, but that it had nothing to do with Trump. Sessions as a lawyer and a judge, would know this very clearly... that his answers are indeed a lie, despite how some want to read into them. His types of answers is the same type of answers that get regular citizens thrown in jail with a guilty verdict in a court of law.

Do you have an exact quote of what that buffoon Al Franken asked Sessions?

Are you fucking kidding? Lol there are about 6 billion clips or transcripts of it floating around this forum.
So the questions were misleading, and they were carefully worded in order to set the AG up ?? .

NOPE. Sessions first part of his answer was fine:

Sessions - "Sen. Franken, I'm not aware of any of those activities."

He should have stopped there, but he didn't. The seond part of the answer is what got him in trouble.

Sessions: "I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I did not have communications with the Russians, and I am unable to comment on it."
Which part?
They have accused the Russians of hacking the election, and therefore robbing Hillary's chances of winning in which was a lie. This made the Russians toxic to anyone talking to them in the regular context of normal business, and if anyone so much as communicated with them, then they must be guilty of something or even guilty of a crime. If Obama accused the Russians of something they didnot do (hack or influence) the election, and has caused all of this trouble, then he should be brought up on charges. The Demon-crats used the word INFLUENCE because they know that such a word would be broad in scope, and in interpretation.. They (the Dem accusers for political purposes), figure by way of such a word that it would be impossible for them to be accused of a crime by way of this word used if it all backfired on them. They are carefully choosing such words in so that they can get away with what they are up to, and yet escape justice if their game is figured out. Watch the words they use, and then think about what is going on here.
Last edited:
Hashev has been living in a cave the past 2 months.

On the news RIGHT NOW.
" The coverup may be worse than the crime."

Just like Nixon. Hashev probably never heard of him.

The intelligence community said NO VOTES WERE TAMPERED, they did a recount in some states and found nothing.
They have however found 6% of the votes in some states (I think Ohio?) comprised of illegal aliens illegal votes opposing the Dems claim there was 0 votes. So the only ones found tampering was the Dems, and by ypur c0ncern they should "step down from office" for their tampering of foreign elections like Obama did to Israel, and for this election when they abused piwer to register foreign immigrants in exchange for their votes.
Dems also traded votes to circumvent the electorate, even though that is legal it was considered cheating and disgraceful.
We wonct discuss the many dead voters who miraculously come to life to vote for
Hillary's and Dems dead campaign.
Weekend at Bernies takes on a while new meaning wth you corrupt guys.
NOBODY but GOPers ever said the machines were hacked or illegals voted, dupe. You lying GOPers and the Russians are doing a GREAT job at ruining faith in America.

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!

Ad hominem argument full of lies.
You are deeper in the ditch you drove into now.
EVERYBODY hates the Dems hindering the administration from it's good work fixing the mess the previous administration
left us. If you hate jobs and prosperity and security so much then quit your job and remove your iron bars and leave open your windows and doors or in fact remove your door, you won't need 0ne without owning stuff from having a job..
Yup, I'm sure ANOTHER tax cut for the rich and RE bubble will help the poor middle class and min wagers, dupe. lol. We can only hope Trump learns.
Didn't have contact with the Russians in the context of being a Trump surrogate (said he was called that a few times) in which he wasn't. That was his answer, and it was correct.

Sessions didn't admit he was a surrogate, so the answer could not be based on Sessions being a surrogate.
They have accused the Russians of hacking the election, and therefore robbing Hillary's chances of winning in which was a lie. This made the Russians toxic to anyone talking to them in the regular context of normal business, and if anyone so much as communicated with them, then they must be guilty of something or even guilty of a crime. If Obama accused the Russians of something they didnot do (hack or influence) the election, and has caused all of this trouble, then he should be brought up on charges. The Demon-crats used the word INFLUENCE because they know that such a word would be broad in scope, and in interpretation.. They figure by way of such a word that it would be impossible for them to be accused of a crime by way of this word used if it all backfired on them. They are carefully choosing such words in so that they can get away with what they are up to, and yet escape justice if their game is figured out. Watch the words they use, and then think about what is going on here.
Every intelligence agency in the country said the Russians hacked the DNC and Podesta's e-mails, DUHhhhh
He was asked if ANYONE involved with the Trump campaign had contact with the Russians. In his response he said he was a surrogate of the Trump campaign, and in the next breath said he hadn't had contact with the Russians... this is about as simple as things can possibly get.

Sessions never admitted he was a Trump surrogate. Read it again, but slowly.

Sessions - "I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I did not have communications with the Russians, and I am unable to comment on it."

Where did Sessions admit to being a Trump surrogate? Where?
The crybabies delusions remind me of the episode of CATFISH where that poor guy thought he was talking to and in a 6 yr. relationship with Katy Perry (Russia).
Even after Nev and the staff showed the guy he was not talking to Katy Perry he still held hope and delusions that he was.
If history is any indication, it might take close to 6 yrs before the Dems realize they've been catfished and wasted their lives on delusions.

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