Goofy far right Hitler-Sanger equation

Hitler was a eugenecist who was enamored of progressive policies spawned in part by Sanger.

Sanger absolutely 100 percent believed in forced sterilization of undesirables. She talked about it quite often.

Ann Rand was down with that to. Was very popular in the 20's and 30's.

To Ann Ryands pondering over how healthy kids should not be made to look at kids that are somehow lesser then ? This is all over the interwebs. It all came out when republicans made a movie based on one of her books with a cool song in its sound track/l. Links won't help you, go read Randa stuff. You will see for your self that much of her personal philosophy don't square with your conservative values. Gimme a few, but if you wanted you can look up Margret Sanger, Ayn Rands best buddy as well as many of Rands comments on feeble people and what should be done with them. If she were alive today she would have a spot at Bammers table next to Bill Ayrs.
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andaronjim engages in fascist style propaganda when accurately accused and cornered in his lies.

You confuse the NYU's legitimate article with your desire to stop a women's right to choose as some how that is defending murderers, and rapists, and abusers of children.

You are hysterical, malicious, and very entertaining.

I found your picture.

I just showed you an article from the black community about how they feel about Margaret Sanger, are you calling them(blacks) liars? You must be a fucking racist then. Along with your Nazi attitude. Seig Heil Jake.
andaronjim engages in fascist style propaganda when accurately accused and cornered in his lies.

You confuse the NYU's legitimate article with your desire to stop a women's right to choose as some how that is defending murderers, and rapists, and abusers of children.

You are hysterical, malicious, and very entertaining.

I found your picture.

I just showed you an article from the black community about how they feel about Margaret Sanger, are you calling them(blacks) liars? You must be a fucking racist then. Along with your Nazi attitude. Seig Heil Jake.
I gave you a legitimate, professional article showing you that your argument is wrong, and you come right back with your fascist exclamation. Thanks for showing your fascism, bub.
Hitler was a eugenecist who was enamored of progressive policies spawned in part by Sanger.

Sanger absolutely 100 percent believed in forced sterilization of undesirables. She talked about it quite often.

Ann Rand was down with that to. Was very popular in the 20's and 30's.

To Ann Ryands pondering over how healthy kids should not be made to look at kids that are somehow lesser then ? This is all over the interwebs. It all came out when republicans made a movie based on one of her books with a cool song in its sound track/l. Links won't help you, go read Randa stuff. You will see for your self that much of her personal philosophy don't square with your conservative values. Gimme a few, but if you wanted you can look up Margret Sanger, Ayn Rands best buddy as well as many of Rands comments on feeble people and what should be done with them. If she were alive today she would have a spot at Bammers table next to Bill Ayrs.
oh. So no link or quote. Got it. Meh.
Hitler was a eugenecist who was enamored of progressive policies spawned in part by Sanger.

Sanger absolutely 100 percent believed in forced sterilization of undesirables. She talked about it quite often.

Ann Rand was down with that to. Was very popular in the 20's and 30's.

To Ann Ryands pondering over how healthy kids should not be made to look at kids that are somehow lesser then ? This is all over the interwebs. It all came out when republicans made a movie based on one of her books with a cool song in its sound track/l. Links won't help you, go read Randa stuff. You will see for your self that much of her personal philosophy don't square with your conservative values. Gimme a few, but if you wanted you can look up Margret Sanger, Ayn Rands best buddy as well as many of Rands comments on feeble people and what should be done with them. If she were alive today she would have a spot at Bammers table next to Bill Ayrs.
oh. So no link or quote. Got it. Meh.
Go to the article link in the OP.
Hitler was a eugenecist who was enamored of progressive policies spawned in part by Sanger.

Sanger absolutely 100 percent believed in forced sterilization of undesirables. She talked about it quite often.

Ann Rand was down with that to. Was very popular in the 20's and 30's.

To Ann Ryands pondering over how healthy kids should not be made to look at kids that are somehow lesser then ? This is all over the interwebs. It all came out when republicans made a movie based on one of her books with a cool song in its sound track/l. Links won't help you, go read Randa stuff. You will see for your self that much of her personal philosophy don't square with your conservative values. Gimme a few, but if you wanted you can look up Margret Sanger, Ayn Rands best buddy as well as many of Rands comments on feeble people and what should be done with them. If she were alive today she would have a spot at Bammers table next to Bill Ayrs.
oh. So no link or quote. Got it. Meh.

You quoted an article with one of them. Now you just come off as a politician hack who can admit they worship an abortion loving liberal elitist who believed the lesser thens, especially the retardednand handicapped ones should be "put away" so normal people don't have to look at them.

Ayn Rand Contra Human Nature: Ayn Rand Quote of The Week 12/3/08

Rand: [mid-sentence] "...for healthy children to use handicapped materials. I quite agree with the speaker's indignation. I think it's a monstrous thing — the whole progression of everything they're doing — to feature, or answer, or favor the incompetent, the retarded, the handicapped, including, you know, the kneeling buses and all kinds of impossible expenses. I do not think that the retarded should be ~allowed~ to come ~near~ children. Children cannot deal, and should not have to deal, with the very tragic spectacle of a handicapped human being. When they grow up, they may give it some attention, if they're interested, but it should never be presented to them in childhood, and certainly not as an example of something ~they~ have to live down to

Yeah it's a blog, but no one but the pseudo intellectual evennreads her crap. Did you know she was on welfare when she died ?

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