Google Has Erased the Trump Presidency

Did YOU accept Trump as having been legally elected? Did you support the years worth of investigations? I don't accept that the senile old man is legitimate at all. I've already sent a letter to my Representative in the House telling him he either supports impeachment or I'll volunteer and donate to his replacement.
Do you accept that he got his fat orange ass fired?
The bastards can't even acknowledge that he was president. The left is the devil. And I'm dead serious
Probably because it was programmed to respond that way with the App, you dopey people will fall for anything.
Great. When will you produce all the evidence you claim to have? Mike Pillow has been promising for a long time, but nothing yet. What is the hold up?
Horseshit. TONS of documentation, videos, and affidavits were submitted and none of them were even reviewed. Everyone was in lockstep dismissing it all as sour grapes. It worked once.
The thing about lawlessness is that like cancer, it grows and metastasizes. That means that the next sketchy election is going to lead to millions of us telling DC to go FOOK themselves. What then? Do you think millions can be arrested and or prosecuted?

IOW, when your DC thugs pass laws on firearms, vaccines, education, EVERYTHING, we're just going to ignore them.
The Google Mic can be programmed by the owner to respond how they want it to respond.
Horseshit. TONS of documentation, videos, and affidavits were submitted and none of them were even reviewed. Everyone was in lockstep dismissing it all as sour grapes. It worked once.
The thing about lawlessness is that like cancer, it grows and metastasizes. That means that the next sketchy election is going to lead to millions of us telling DC to go FOOK themselves. What then? Do you think millions can be arrested and or prosecuted?

IOW, when your DC thugs pass laws on firearms, vaccines, education, EVERYTHING, we're just going to ignore them.
I've seen tons of what you call documentation. A crazy person spouting conspiracy theories on Youtube is not documentation.
Yeah sure, except the BLM/ANTIFA guys actually held the streets.
Yeah? How difficult a task was that when the cities they were in were all deep blue? There's a very good reason they didn't bring that crap to fly over country. They were ALLOWED to stir shit and destroy property in hopes of creating a weariness in Americans so that they'd stop supporting Trump as a means to make all the madness go away.

The next time they attempt it, even in blue cesspool states, businesses are going to balk and start fighting back against the racist scum.
Yeah? How difficult a task was that when the cities they were in were all deep blue? There's a very good reason they didn't bring that crap to fly over country. They were ALLOWED to stir shit and destroy property in hopes of creating a weariness in Americans so that they'd stop supporting Trump as a means to make all the madness go away.

The next time they attempt it, even in blue cesspool states, businesses are going to balk and start fighting back against the racist scum.
Really? So the whole George Floyd stuff was about Trump? I think not.
I've seen tons of what you call documentation. A crazy person spouting conspiracy theories on Youtube is not documentation.
You guys really don't get it. What YOU believe does not force me to comply or accept your worldview. After watching what your media did, the next time there will be no hesitation we'll be going straight to mass civil disobedience. If your blue city leaders try to arrest or crush protests all it will accomplish is to grow the resistance
You guys really don't get it. What YOU believe does not force me to comply or accept your worldview. After watching what your media did, the next time there will be no hesitation we'll be going straight to mass civil disobedience. If your blue city leaders try to arrest or crush protests all it will accomplish is to grow the resistance
Will you need a handicap-accessible ramp?
Really? So the whole George Floyd stuff was about Trump? I think not.
It was used to weaken his chance for re-election as was the BS surrounding Covid. Again, you should ponder the reality that when 10s of millions of people from all walks of life disagree vehemently with your beliefs, that isn't something you can successfully ignore or mock and assume it will just go away.
Did YOU accept Trump as having been legally elected?
Did you support the years worth of investigations?
Yes. Mueller should have insisted on Trump testifying in person, under oath.
I don't accept that the senile old man is legitimate at all.
Sucks to be you.
I've already sent a letter to my Representative in the House telling him he either supports impeachment or I'll volunteer and donate to his replacement.
You should vote out all GOP incumbents.
It was used to weaken his chance for re-election as was the BS surrounding Covid. Again, you should ponder the reality that when 10s of millions of people from all walks of life disagree vehemently with your beliefs, that isn't something you can successfully ignore or mock and assume it will just go away.
Ah, so a guy gets killed by a cop to help Trump lose an election, I bet those green men from Mars helped.

Yes. Mueller should have insisted on Trump testifying in person, under oath.

Sucks to be you.

You should vote out all GOP incumbents.
Mueller did not have that right.

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