GOP budget cuts SS, Medicare, food stamps to spend it on war


Gold Member
Oct 8, 2013
The cons new budget plan cuts Social Security, Medicare, food stamps and education to raise spending for the pentagon. And they plan to raise taxes on the elderly and middle class. They think this a good campaign strategy for 2016. Looks like they're hoping for a lot of stupid people to vote for them.

GOP Offers 3.8T Budget That Boosts Defense Cuts Elsewhere - ABC News

House Republicans launched a boldly conservative 10-year budget plan on Tuesday that would favor the Pentagon, partially privatize Medicare and rely on deep cuts in other social programs to help wipe out deficits at the end of a decade.

A little more than four months after winning their largest majority in 70 years, Republicans promised an overhaul of the federal tax code and called for repeal of two of the top legislative achievements of President Barack Obama's tenure in office. Those are the health care law known by his name and a measure enacted to crack down on Wall Street after the economy's near-collapse in 2008.

Republicans said their balanced-budget promise came with no tax increases, though the fine print assumes the expiration of about $900 billion in breaks for business research and development and other items.

"The new normal of slow economic growth and low expectations is unacceptable. We know we can do better," the House Budget Committee, chaired by Rep. Tom Price of Georgia, said in a report accompanying the proposal.

It promised "greater prosperity, opportunity, security and freedom" if enacted.

Projected spending for the budget year that begins on Oct. 1 was $3.8 trillion, rising to $5 trillion in 2025.

Obama countered Republican claims instantly. He said the GOP prescription "is a failure to invest in education, infrastructure and national defense — all the things we need to grow, to create jobs, to stay at the forefront of innovation and to keep our country safe."

The president's own budget calls for about $2 trillion over 10 years in higher taxes on corporations, wealthy individuals and smokers of all income levels as part of a plan to increase spending and give tax breaks to the middle class.

Rhetoric aside, the release of the tax and spending plan in the House begins a rite of spring as reliable as the appearance of daffodil shoots on the Capitol grounds.

Senate Republicans intend to outline their own plan on Wednesday, and each house is expected to ratify its own version next week.

After that comes the harder challenge of forging a compromise between the two versions, a task that Republicans acknowledge will mark a test of their ability to govern now that they control both houses of Congress.

An even more difficult challenge follows, the translation of policy objectives into legislation that would be sent to Obama to sign or — more likely — veto. The budget also is certain to become an issue in the still-early race for the White House in 2016.

The House budget relies heavily in some areas on previous plans put together by Price's predecessor as committee chairman, Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin.

It also adapts to changing political circumstances, most notably by offsetting a looming automatic budget cut in national security accounts.

The proposal would allow spending in the coming budget year of $36 billion more than Obama recommended for overseas military and diplomatic efforts.

Less than half of the $36 billion would be guaranteed, and the rest would depend on offsetting spending cuts elsewhere in the budget.

Some Republicans and outside groups bristled at the prospect of so large an increase, tucked into the budget in an account for overseas operations that is not subject to spending caps designed to hold down deficits.

"I'm tired of seeing gimmicks in the budget process," said Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan, a conservative and frequent critic of his party's leadership.
The cons new budget plan cuts Social Security, Medicare, food stamps and education to raise spending for the pentagon. And they plan to raise taxes on the elderly and middle class. They think this a good campaign strategy for 2016. Looks like they're hoping for a lot of stupid people to vote for them.

GOP Offers 3.8T Budget That Boosts Defense Cuts Elsewhere - ABC News

House Republicans launched a boldly conservative 10-year budget plan on Tuesday that would favor the Pentagon, partially privatize Medicare and rely on deep cuts in other social programs to help wipe out deficits at the end of a decade.

A little more than four months after winning their largest majority in 70 years, Republicans promised an overhaul of the federal tax code and called for repeal of two of the top legislative achievements of President Barack Obama's tenure in office. Those are the health care law known by his name and a measure enacted to crack down on Wall Street after the economy's near-collapse in 2008.

Republicans said their balanced-budget promise came with no tax increases, though the fine print assumes the expiration of about $900 billion in breaks for business research and development and other items.

"The new normal of slow economic growth and low expectations is unacceptable. We know we can do better," the House Budget Committee, chaired by Rep. Tom Price of Georgia, said in a report accompanying the proposal.

It promised "greater prosperity, opportunity, security and freedom" if enacted.

Projected spending for the budget year that begins on Oct. 1 was $3.8 trillion, rising to $5 trillion in 2025.

Obama countered Republican claims instantly. He said the GOP prescription "is a failure to invest in education, infrastructure and national defense — all the things we need to grow, to create jobs, to stay at the forefront of innovation and to keep our country safe."

The president's own budget calls for about $2 trillion over 10 years in higher taxes on corporations, wealthy individuals and smokers of all income levels as part of a plan to increase spending and give tax breaks to the middle class.

Rhetoric aside, the release of the tax and spending plan in the House begins a rite of spring as reliable as the appearance of daffodil shoots on the Capitol grounds.

Senate Republicans intend to outline their own plan on Wednesday, and each house is expected to ratify its own version next week.

After that comes the harder challenge of forging a compromise between the two versions, a task that Republicans acknowledge will mark a test of their ability to govern now that they control both houses of Congress.

An even more difficult challenge follows, the translation of policy objectives into legislation that would be sent to Obama to sign or — more likely — veto. The budget also is certain to become an issue in the still-early race for the White House in 2016.

The House budget relies heavily in some areas on previous plans put together by Price's predecessor as committee chairman, Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin.

It also adapts to changing political circumstances, most notably by offsetting a looming automatic budget cut in national security accounts.

The proposal would allow spending in the coming budget year of $36 billion more than Obama recommended for overseas military and diplomatic efforts.

Less than half of the $36 billion would be guaranteed, and the rest would depend on offsetting spending cuts elsewhere in the budget.

Some Republicans and outside groups bristled at the prospect of so large an increase, tucked into the budget in an account for overseas operations that is not subject to spending caps designed to hold down deficits.

"I'm tired of seeing gimmicks in the budget process," said Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan, a conservative and frequent critic of his party's leadership.

Yo, OH NO? You might have to get a JOB!!! Happy days are over son, so get off your Obama chair and get a job!

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The cons new budget plan cuts Social Security, Medicare, food stamps and education to raise spending for the pentagon. And they plan to raise taxes on the elderly and middle class. They think this a good campaign strategy for 2016. Looks like they're hoping for a lot of stupid people to vote for them.

GOP Offers 3.8T Budget That Boosts Defense Cuts Elsewhere - ABC News

House Republicans launched a boldly conservative 10-year budget plan on Tuesday that would favor the Pentagon, partially privatize Medicare and rely on deep cuts in other social programs to help wipe out deficits at the end of a decade.

A little more than four months after winning their largest majority in 70 years, Republicans promised an overhaul of the federal tax code and called for repeal of two of the top legislative achievements of President Barack Obama's tenure in office. Those are the health care law known by his name and a measure enacted to crack down on Wall Street after the economy's near-collapse in 2008.

Republicans said their balanced-budget promise came with no tax increases, though the fine print assumes the expiration of about $900 billion in breaks for business research and development and other items.

"The new normal of slow economic growth and low expectations is unacceptable. We know we can do better," the House Budget Committee, chaired by Rep. Tom Price of Georgia, said in a report accompanying the proposal.

It promised "greater prosperity, opportunity, security and freedom" if enacted.

Projected spending for the budget year that begins on Oct. 1 was $3.8 trillion, rising to $5 trillion in 2025.

Obama countered Republican claims instantly. He said the GOP prescription "is a failure to invest in education, infrastructure and national defense — all the things we need to grow, to create jobs, to stay at the forefront of innovation and to keep our country safe."

The president's own budget calls for about $2 trillion over 10 years in higher taxes on corporations, wealthy individuals and smokers of all income levels as part of a plan to increase spending and give tax breaks to the middle class.

Rhetoric aside, the release of the tax and spending plan in the House begins a rite of spring as reliable as the appearance of daffodil shoots on the Capitol grounds.

Senate Republicans intend to outline their own plan on Wednesday, and each house is expected to ratify its own version next week.

After that comes the harder challenge of forging a compromise between the two versions, a task that Republicans acknowledge will mark a test of their ability to govern now that they control both houses of Congress.

An even more difficult challenge follows, the translation of policy objectives into legislation that would be sent to Obama to sign or — more likely — veto. The budget also is certain to become an issue in the still-early race for the White House in 2016.

The House budget relies heavily in some areas on previous plans put together by Price's predecessor as committee chairman, Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin.

It also adapts to changing political circumstances, most notably by offsetting a looming automatic budget cut in national security accounts.

The proposal would allow spending in the coming budget year of $36 billion more than Obama recommended for overseas military and diplomatic efforts.

Less than half of the $36 billion would be guaranteed, and the rest would depend on offsetting spending cuts elsewhere in the budget.

Some Republicans and outside groups bristled at the prospect of so large an increase, tucked into the budget in an account for overseas operations that is not subject to spending caps designed to hold down deficits.

"I'm tired of seeing gimmicks in the budget process," said Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan, a conservative and frequent critic of his party's leadership.

Yo, OH NO? You might have to get a JOB!!! Happy days are over son, so get off your Obama chair and get a job!

View attachment 38090

morons like you compel me to vote for a Democrat
The cons new budget plan cuts Social Security, Medicare, food stamps and education to raise spending for the pentagon. And they plan to raise taxes on the elderly and middle class. They think this a good campaign strategy for 2016. Looks like they're hoping for a lot of stupid people to vote for them.

GOP Offers 3.8T Budget That Boosts Defense Cuts Elsewhere - ABC News

House Republicans launched a boldly conservative 10-year budget plan on Tuesday that would favor the Pentagon, partially privatize Medicare and rely on deep cuts in other social programs to help wipe out deficits at the end of a decade.

A little more than four months after winning their largest majority in 70 years, Republicans promised an overhaul of the federal tax code and called for repeal of two of the top legislative achievements of President Barack Obama's tenure in office. Those are the health care law known by his name and a measure enacted to crack down on Wall Street after the economy's near-collapse in 2008.

Republicans said their balanced-budget promise came with no tax increases, though the fine print assumes the expiration of about $900 billion in breaks for business research and development and other items.

"The new normal of slow economic growth and low expectations is unacceptable. We know we can do better," the House Budget Committee, chaired by Rep. Tom Price of Georgia, said in a report accompanying the proposal.

It promised "greater prosperity, opportunity, security and freedom" if enacted.

Projected spending for the budget year that begins on Oct. 1 was $3.8 trillion, rising to $5 trillion in 2025.

Obama countered Republican claims instantly. He said the GOP prescription "is a failure to invest in education, infrastructure and national defense — all the things we need to grow, to create jobs, to stay at the forefront of innovation and to keep our country safe."

The president's own budget calls for about $2 trillion over 10 years in higher taxes on corporations, wealthy individuals and smokers of all income levels as part of a plan to increase spending and give tax breaks to the middle class.

Rhetoric aside, the release of the tax and spending plan in the House begins a rite of spring as reliable as the appearance of daffodil shoots on the Capitol grounds.

Senate Republicans intend to outline their own plan on Wednesday, and each house is expected to ratify its own version next week.

After that comes the harder challenge of forging a compromise between the two versions, a task that Republicans acknowledge will mark a test of their ability to govern now that they control both houses of Congress.

An even more difficult challenge follows, the translation of policy objectives into legislation that would be sent to Obama to sign or — more likely — veto. The budget also is certain to become an issue in the still-early race for the White House in 2016.

The House budget relies heavily in some areas on previous plans put together by Price's predecessor as committee chairman, Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin.

It also adapts to changing political circumstances, most notably by offsetting a looming automatic budget cut in national security accounts.

The proposal would allow spending in the coming budget year of $36 billion more than Obama recommended for overseas military and diplomatic efforts.

Less than half of the $36 billion would be guaranteed, and the rest would depend on offsetting spending cuts elsewhere in the budget.

Some Republicans and outside groups bristled at the prospect of so large an increase, tucked into the budget in an account for overseas operations that is not subject to spending caps designed to hold down deficits.

"I'm tired of seeing gimmicks in the budget process," said Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan, a conservative and frequent critic of his party's leadership.

Yo, OH NO? You might have to get a JOB!!! Happy days are over son, so get off your Obama chair and get a job!

View attachment 38090

morons like you compel me to vote for a Democrat

Yo, when you have nothing upstairs? You do what other Zombies do!!!

I think the House plan repeals Obamacare .... again.

But, it's really only a political document.
Is it possible, Mr. Hangover person, that your posting contains a blatant lie (and one silly grammatical error) just 8 words in?

Please detail the "cuts in Social Security." I must have missed them.
The cons new budget plan cuts Social Security, Medicare, food stamps and education to raise spending for the pentagon. And they plan to raise taxes on the elderly and middle class. They think this a good campaign strategy for 2016. Looks like they're hoping for a lot of stupid people to vote for them.

GOP Offers 3.8T Budget That Boosts Defense Cuts Elsewhere - ABC News

House Republicans launched a boldly conservative 10-year budget plan on Tuesday that would favor the Pentagon, partially privatize Medicare and rely on deep cuts in other social programs to help wipe out deficits at the end of a decade.

A little more than four months after winning their largest majority in 70 years, Republicans promised an overhaul of the federal tax code and called for repeal of two of the top legislative achievements of President Barack Obama's tenure in office. Those are the health care law known by his name and a measure enacted to crack down on Wall Street after the economy's near-collapse in 2008.

Republicans said their balanced-budget promise came with no tax increases, though the fine print assumes the expiration of about $900 billion in breaks for business research and development and other items.

"The new normal of slow economic growth and low expectations is unacceptable. We know we can do better," the House Budget Committee, chaired by Rep. Tom Price of Georgia, said in a report accompanying the proposal.

It promised "greater prosperity, opportunity, security and freedom" if enacted.

Projected spending for the budget year that begins on Oct. 1 was $3.8 trillion, rising to $5 trillion in 2025.

Obama countered Republican claims instantly. He said the GOP prescription "is a failure to invest in education, infrastructure and national defense — all the things we need to grow, to create jobs, to stay at the forefront of innovation and to keep our country safe."

The president's own budget calls for about $2 trillion over 10 years in higher taxes on corporations, wealthy individuals and smokers of all income levels as part of a plan to increase spending and give tax breaks to the middle class.

Rhetoric aside, the release of the tax and spending plan in the House begins a rite of spring as reliable as the appearance of daffodil shoots on the Capitol grounds.

Senate Republicans intend to outline their own plan on Wednesday, and each house is expected to ratify its own version next week.

After that comes the harder challenge of forging a compromise between the two versions, a task that Republicans acknowledge will mark a test of their ability to govern now that they control both houses of Congress.

An even more difficult challenge follows, the translation of policy objectives into legislation that would be sent to Obama to sign or — more likely — veto. The budget also is certain to become an issue in the still-early race for the White House in 2016.

The House budget relies heavily in some areas on previous plans put together by Price's predecessor as committee chairman, Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin.

It also adapts to changing political circumstances, most notably by offsetting a looming automatic budget cut in national security accounts.

The proposal would allow spending in the coming budget year of $36 billion more than Obama recommended for overseas military and diplomatic efforts.

Less than half of the $36 billion would be guaranteed, and the rest would depend on offsetting spending cuts elsewhere in the budget.

Some Republicans and outside groups bristled at the prospect of so large an increase, tucked into the budget in an account for overseas operations that is not subject to spending caps designed to hold down deficits.

"I'm tired of seeing gimmicks in the budget process," said Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan, a conservative and frequent critic of his party's leadership.

Yo, OH NO? You might have to get a JOB!!! Happy days are over son, so get off your Obama chair and get a job!

View attachment 38090
So you call sitting on your ass making stupid posts a Job? How long you been a welfare baby?
Finally, a little sanity from congress!
You call war sanity. You call throwing grandma out in the street sanity. You call creating a pandemic from lack of health care sanity. You call high taxes on the middle class sanity. You call stealing food from hungry American children sanity. Seek help.
A lessening in increased spending isn't a cut're not paying attention. They are spending MORE on the war machine, and making the middle class and elderly pay for it. Wake up!
Finally, a little sanity from congress!
You call war sanity. You call throwing grandma out in the street sanity. You call creating a pandemic from lack of health care sanity. You call high taxes on the middle class sanity. You call stealing food from hungry American children sanity. Seek help.

Is it possible, Mr. Hangover person, that your posting contains a blatant lie (and one silly grammatical error) just 8 words in?

Please detail the "cuts in Social Security." I must have missed them.
Have you heard the term, "Dumb as a box of rocks"? Well you're not that smart. Read the damn post, moron.
Finally, a little sanity from congress!
You call war sanity. You call throwing grandma out in the street sanity. You call creating a pandemic from lack of health care sanity. You call high taxes on the middle class sanity. You call stealing food from hungry American children sanity. Seek help.

Ted Cruz....really? You don't know bull shit when you see vote for it.
The cons new budget plan cuts Social Security, Medicare, food stamps and education to raise spending for the pentagon. And they plan to raise taxes on the elderly and middle class. They think this a good campaign strategy for 2016. Looks like they're hoping for a lot of stupid people to vote for them.


You win the award for posting least surprising news of the week.

They have nothing else. And be assured, if they get in power, they won't cut SS and Medicare, but they'll get their increased military spending, and they'll get tax cuts,

and the deficit will take off again.

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