GOP Candidate Caught Masturbating Near Preschool

The MAGA movement does not care about the personal failings or crimes of their candidates. So he's still got a shot.
there are sick people on the right and left .... however the biggst difference is that the republican party as a whole doesnt support sexual deviancy directed at or around children ... for example the left supports and promotes vulgar trans shows where men in drag sing about their pussies .

And a democratic sitting president stuck a cigar in the vagina of an intern. And Anthony Weiner was a sexter.
Who the hell cares?
Its the person...not their party.
They should all rot in hell for all the fuck I care.

But you? I thought better of you. I guess I was wrong. I never thought you would stoop this low to show how bad the GOP is.

Yes, it's individuals. However there seems to be a thing with Republicans that people see the $$$$ cha-ching of da money with the Republicans Party more than with the Democrats.

How many people have been pro-conservative things to do with sex, and then being caught doing that very same thing? Quite a few.
A candidate for a Arizona Maricopa community college district board? WTF is that? Apparently you can file for a local election by simply listing a political party but Media Matters never sleeps and the pervert makes national attention and is touted as a Trump supporter. Desperate times call for desperate measures and democrats are truly desperate.
you had the president who took showers with his teenage daughter and that doesn't bother you.

What bothers me more is Biden touching shoulders and sniffing hair. And then having an ice cream cone to celebrate.
I can see how your trash, barely functioning mind can imagine your sick fantasies as being reality

82 million voted for a creep. How many Republicans will support the creep in the OP, perhaps 100 or so?

And that's what makes Democrats special.
Pedophiles are pedophiles, not Republicans or Democrats. Just pedos. Shoot them

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