GOP Candidate Says God is Punishing Us

It is a strangely popular belief among the Christian Right:

"My German Volksgenossen, we have a great deal to rectify before our own history and before our eternal Lord. Providence had withdrawn its protection from us. Our Volk had fallen, plunging to a depth to which a Volk has rarely fallen before. In this difficult plight we have once again learned how to pray; we have learned to respect our Lord; we have regained our faith in the virtues of a Volk, and have endeavored to be better again."

-- Adolf Hitler; from speech in Cologne (March 28, 1936)

The percentage of Christians who believe that God sends natural disasters to punish people is in the low single digits.

4 in 10 doesn't seem small...
It is a strangely popular belief among the Christian Right:

"My German Volksgenossen, we have a great deal to rectify before our own history and before our eternal Lord. Providence had withdrawn its protection from us. Our Volk had fallen, plunging to a depth to which a Volk has rarely fallen before. In this difficult plight we have once again learned how to pray; we have learned to respect our Lord; we have regained our faith in the virtues of a Volk, and have endeavored to be better again."

-- Adolf Hitler; from speech in Cologne (March 28, 1936)

The percentage of Christians who believe that God sends natural disasters to punish people is in the low single digits.

4 in 10 doesn't seem small...

Poll: Nearly 4 in 10 Americans Say Natural Disasters Sign from God | Fox News

Your article didn't contradict what I said
There is no god. Shit happens......and we are responsible for how we react to what happens. Humans do not need the threat of damnation in order to do good.
Because prior to 1973 there were never tornadoes and disease. Sometimes it's hard to believe we're living in the 21st century.

GOP Candidate Says God is Punishing Us

It's interesting to watch Christians jump from their loving and forgiving Jesus god to the pissy old man described in the OT. The OT God is, at times, a demented prick, who tells Abraham to kill his son, then says "just kidding, it was just a 'test'" -- "now I know you fear me"… Get f*cked, Yahweh!

The OT God has a personality and mood swings like Zeus, deeply troubled and vengeful. -- Typical of many mythologies, we men personify our Gods.

The NT God is off screen most of the time, only doing business via proxy - angels and JC.
Because prior to 1973 there were never tornadoes and disease. Sometimes it's hard to believe we're living in the 21st century.

GOP Candidate Says God is Punishing Us

I've heard some "Christians" make claims like this. "AIDS is God's punishment to gays" and stuff like that.

But I've always wondered. If they really believe that Jesus Christ took all our sins (past, present, and future) onto his shoulders on the cross, then why would God still punish us? Isn't the blood of Christ enough to cover these sins?
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Because prior to 1973 there were never tornadoes and disease. Sometimes it's hard to believe we're living in the 21st century.

GOP Candidate Says God is Punishing Us

It's interesting to watch Christians jump from their loving and forgiving Jesus god to the pissy old man described in the OT. The OT God is, at times, a demented prick, who tells Abraham to kill his son, then says "just kidding, it was just a 'test'" -- "now I know you fear me"… Get f*cked, Yahweh!

The OT God has a personality and mood swings like Zeus, deeply troubled and vengeful. -- Typical of many mythologies, we men personify our Gods.

The NT God is off screen most of the time, only doing business via proxy - angels and JC.

He was such an Angry God. Then he had a kid and sort of mellowed a bit.

There is no god. Shit happens......and we are responsible for how we react to what happens. Humans do not need the threat of damnation in order to do good.

Then why the threat of execution if you murder someone?

And who does your nails????

The threat of execution is a human threat. Has nothing to do with damnation.

I told you the last time you asked. I get my nails from Grip-Rite. Do you have a point you would like to make?
It is a strangely popular belief among the Christian Right:

"My German Volksgenossen, we have a great deal to rectify before our own history and before our eternal Lord. Providence had withdrawn its protection from us. Our Volk had fallen, plunging to a depth to which a Volk has rarely fallen before. In this difficult plight we have once again learned how to pray; we have learned to respect our Lord; we have regained our faith in the virtues of a Volk, and have endeavored to be better again."
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech in Cologne (March 28, 1936)

Good post but rather weakened by the fact that Hitler was on the left not the right. He gained his reputation as an orator speaking to the German Workers Party. And went on to found the National SOCIALIST Party.

So if Hitler was a lefty then why did he persecute union leaders, homosexuals, and intellectuals? Sounds right wing to me.
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It is a strangely popular belief among the Christian Right:

"My German Volksgenossen, we have a great deal to rectify before our own history and before our eternal Lord. Providence had withdrawn its protection from us. Our Volk had fallen, plunging to a depth to which a Volk has rarely fallen before. In this difficult plight we have once again learned how to pray; we have learned to respect our Lord; we have regained our faith in the virtues of a Volk, and have endeavored to be better again."
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech in Cologne (March 28, 1936)

Good post but rather weakened by the fact that Hitler was on the left not the right. He gained his reputation as an orator speaking to the German Workers Party. And went on to found the National SOCIALIST Party.

Right, until of course he orchestrated the killing of all the ranking leftists in the Party (The Night of Long Knives) and instituted Italian-style fascism:

Italian fascism also came from the left. Mussolini was Italy's most prominent SOCIALIST journo before he founded the fascist party.
It is a strangely popular belief among the Christian Right:

"My German Volksgenossen, we have a great deal to rectify before our own history and before our eternal Lord. Providence had withdrawn its protection from us. Our Volk had fallen, plunging to a depth to which a Volk has rarely fallen before. In this difficult plight we have once again learned how to pray; we have learned to respect our Lord; we have regained our faith in the virtues of a Volk, and have endeavored to be better again."
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech in Cologne (March 28, 1936)

Good post but rather weakened by the fact that Hitler was on the left not the right. He gained his reputation as an orator speaking to the German Workers Party. And went on to found the National SOCIALIST Party.

So if Hitler was a lefty then why did he persecute union leaders, homosexuals, and intellectuals? Sounds right wing to me.

He imprisoned Social Democrats and Communists because they were competing centres of power on the left. You are mistaken if you believe that persecuting homosexuals is a 'right-wing' thing. (Probably because you have been conditioned to believe that anything you think is bad must be 'right wing'). For example homsexual acts remained illegal in Britain under Labour governments.
Susanne Atanus has every right to her religious beliefs and to express them.

They give her electorate a more informed opportunity to vote for or against her

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