GOP congressman with district on TX border slams the wall............

USBPChief Retweeted


Proven effective in San Diego, walls helped stop vehicle drive-throughs, which were a common smuggling technique in the 1990’s. In this 5th video, Chief Scott explains how walls put an end to this dangerous smuggling method.

Video at link-
USBPChief (@USBPChief) on Twitter
This evening, on the local news, they were talking about the GOP congressman who has one of the largest southern border districts slammed the wall, so I went looking for a print story so I could link to it. He said it was expensive, and wouldn't be as effective as everyone thinks.

This is a Republican saying this you all. And, his district is one that covers a LOT of the southern border.

Texas GOP congressman slams Trump plan for border wall

The Republican congressman whose district includes more miles of U.S.-Mexico border than any other came out against President Trump’s new executive action ordering the “immediate construction” of a border wall to block undocumented immigrants from entering the United States.

“Building a wall is the most expensive and least effective way to secure the border,” Rep. Will Hurd (R-Tex.) said in a statement late Wednesday.

“Each section of the border faces unique geographical, cultural, and technological challenges that would be best addressed with a flexible, sector-by-sector approach that empowers the agents on the ground with the resources they need.”

Hurd, one of 38 Texans in Congress, represents territory stretching from San Antonio to El Paso, including 800 miles of border. His 23rd District is majority-Hispanic and politically competitive: Hurd won a second term over Democrat Pete Gallego by fewer than 4,000 votes in November.

I don’t think the Wall is expensive but I do question it’s effectiveness. My core issue is that Democrats are not coming to the table with a counter proposal to address border security. They want the White House and the. Hill in 2020, they need to take leadership on this issue.
USBPChief Retweeted


Proven effective in San Diego, walls helped stop vehicle drive-throughs, which were a common smuggling technique in the 1990’s. In this 5th video, Chief Scott explains how walls put an end to this dangerous smuggling method.

Video at link-
USBPChief (@USBPChief) on Twitter
This evening, on the local news, they were talking about the GOP congressman who has one of the largest southern border districts slammed the wall, so I went looking for a print story so I could link to it. He said it was expensive, and wouldn't be as effective as everyone thinks.

This is a Republican saying this you all. And, his district is one that covers a LOT of the southern border.

Texas GOP congressman slams Trump plan for border wall

The Republican congressman whose district includes more miles of U.S.-Mexico border than any other came out against President Trump’s new executive action ordering the “immediate construction” of a border wall to block undocumented immigrants from entering the United States.

“Building a wall is the most expensive and least effective way to secure the border,” Rep. Will Hurd (R-Tex.) said in a statement late Wednesday.

“Each section of the border faces unique geographical, cultural, and technological challenges that would be best addressed with a flexible, sector-by-sector approach that empowers the agents on the ground with the resources they need.”

Hurd, one of 38 Texans in Congress, represents territory stretching from San Antonio to El Paso, including 800 miles of border. His 23rd District is majority-Hispanic and politically competitive: Hurd won a second term over Democrat Pete Gallego by fewer than 4,000 votes in November.

I don’t think the Wall is expensive but I do question it’s effectiveness. My core issue is that Democrats are not coming to the table with a counter proposal to address border security. They want the White House and the. Hill in 2020, they need to take leadership on this issue.
/----/ democRATs admit walls are very effective at blocking undocumented democRAT voters from entering the US.
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This evening, on the local news, they were talking about the GOP congressman who has one of the largest southern border districts slammed the wall, so I went looking for a print story so I could link to it. He said it was expensive, and wouldn't be as effective as everyone thinks.

This is a Republican saying this you all. And, his district is one that covers a LOT of the southern border.

Texas GOP congressman slams Trump plan for border wall

The Republican congressman whose district includes more miles of U.S.-Mexico border than any other came out against President Trump’s new executive action ordering the “immediate construction” of a border wall to block undocumented immigrants from entering the United States.

“Building a wall is the most expensive and least effective way to secure the border,” Rep. Will Hurd (R-Tex.) said in a statement late Wednesday.

“Each section of the border faces unique geographical, cultural, and technological challenges that would be best addressed with a flexible, sector-by-sector approach that empowers the agents on the ground with the resources they need.”

Hurd, one of 38 Texans in Congress, represents territory stretching from San Antonio to El Paso, including 800 miles of border. His 23rd District is majority-Hispanic and politically competitive: Hurd won a second term over Democrat Pete Gallego by fewer than 4,000 votes in November.

His 23rd District is majority-Hispanic and politically competitive.”
There you have it I always say, the cockroaches have infiltrated us to the core. Our politicians are leveraged to say and do things favorable for wetbacks as they can’t dare offend the cockroaches.

Wait, I thought it was Stormy?
Hurd also needs to listen to the guys policing the area, as well as the cbp -

ONLY ON ABC-7: Hudspeth County Sheriff advocates for border wall
Morrow County sheriff backs crowdfunding for border wall
Retired ICE Agent Shares Story Of Murdered Partner And Opinions On The Wall
Texas sheriff talks border wall security, government shutdown
'We Need That Wall': Texas Rancher Willing to Give Up Some of His Land for Border Barrier
Border Patrol agents back Trump wall, survey finds
National Border Patrol Council stands with President Trump on the border wall

He also needs his memory to be refreshed-
America’s Dirtiest Cops: Cash, Cocaine, Corruption on the Texas Border – Rolling Stone
At border, corruption of U.S. officials leaves an open door for drug cartels | Texas | Dallas News

The Sheriff Who Went to Pot
He won by the greatest majorities of any elected official in South Texas without ever soliciting campaign funds; instead, he would say with a shrug, “People always phone me, wanting to give me money.” Wild rumors swirled wherever he kicked up dust. Was it true that he had a network of spies on both sides of the border? Was it true that his enemies sometimes wound up face down in the Rio Grande? Residents of the Valley seemed wholly unbothered. They preferred that their sheriffs be larger than life. Still, few wished to believe what was being suggested in Laredo’s federal courthouse on July 25, 1994—namely, that a man like Brig Marmolejo could be bought by drug-dealing inmates at the Hidalgo County jail.

No one can bribe me. It was the kind of declaration one seldom heard, and almost never believed, from a politician in the bribe-infested Valley. Brig Marmolejo was different, or at least he had been. He won office in 1976 with law-and-order rhetoric and a record to back it up. His pledge to the voters of Hidalgo County was that he would not be only tough but pure: “I will not seek favor with any group, and I will enforce the law equally when and where required.” For several years, Marmolejo lived up to that pledge when so many others could not. He was an exception, the rare Valley official who seemed capable of honesty.

But by this summer, Brig Marmolejo had become the latest in a series of Valley public figures to be accused of federal crimes. In April Marmolejo’s chief deputy, Bob Davis, had pleaded guilty to selling confidential police information. That same month, Zapata County sheriff Romeo Ramirez and county clerk Arnoldo Flores pleaded guilty to federal drug-related charges after being arrested in Operation Prickly Pear, a U.S. government sting that culminated in June with the conviction of Zapata County judge Jose Luis Guevara, on several counts of public corruption. And a few weeks before Marmolejo’s trial, defense attorney Robert Salinas, who had once been the Hidalgo County district attorney, pleaded guilty to one count of money laundering and one count of failing to file an IRS form after it was learned that he had been the “house counsel” for three drug organizatons, including the massive Donna-based drug-distributing network of Ramon “El Lechero” Martinez.

On July 27 Marmolejo joined their corrupt ranks. The Laredo jury found him guilty of eight counts of bribery, money laundering, and racketeering. For those who remembered the sheriff’s once-unassailable integrity, the implications of his demise were unbearably grim—so much so that many of his supporters chose to buy his ludicrous conspiracy theories rather than see the pressures of the Valley for what they were. Even those who had a stake in his conviction seemed to fall into brooding after the jury’s decision. “The temptations must have been unbelievable,” said IRS special agent John Trevino, one of the most active federal agents in the Marmolejo investigation. “Over the years, I’m sure the offers kept coming until finally the sheriff couldn’t pass up the chance.” Added former assistant U.S. attorney Jack Wolfe, who once prosecuted Homero Beltran, the drug trafficker who bribed Marmolejo: “I have a real feeling of empathy for Brig now.”

This was not just one sheriff’s story, after all. It was the story of borders easily crossed, of temptations ferried and ethics bartered. It was the ageless parable of the Rio Grande Valley.
This evening, on the local news, they were talking about the GOP congressman who has one of the largest southern border districts slammed the wall, so I went looking for a print story so I could link to it. He said it was expensive, and wouldn't be as effective as everyone thinks.

This is a Republican saying this you all. And, his district is one that covers a LOT of the southern border.

Texas GOP congressman slams Trump plan for border wall

The Republican congressman whose district includes more miles of U.S.-Mexico border than any other came out against President Trump’s new executive action ordering the “immediate construction” of a border wall to block undocumented immigrants from entering the United States.

“Building a wall is the most expensive and least effective way to secure the border,” Rep. Will Hurd (R-Tex.) said in a statement late Wednesday.

“Each section of the border faces unique geographical, cultural, and technological challenges that would be best addressed with a flexible, sector-by-sector approach that empowers the agents on the ground with the resources they need.”

Hurd, one of 38 Texans in Congress, represents territory stretching from San Antonio to El Paso, including 800 miles of border. His 23rd District is majority-Hispanic and politically competitive: Hurd won a second term over Democrat Pete Gallego by fewer than 4,000 votes in November.
Ah he is another McCain

He also voted AGAINST the Obamacare repeal time to vote this POS out he is no Conservative

Kochs Put Cash over Principle to Endorse Pro-ACA Rep. Will Hurd
He's also a Globalist Koch brother pal so he loves that cheap labor for big business etc etc...not a surprise really. Sure he employs several illegals to tend his garden,wash his dishes etc etc. Just another globalist asshole who needs primaried.
LMAO he's a hypocrite as well!

Will introduced legislation that will use cutting-edge technology, enhanced man-power and physical barriers as necessary in order to secure our border

ROFLMAO! What a clown.
Voted Nay on: Securing America’s Future Act of 2018 (HR 4760)

Bill Failed (193-231) on June 21, 2018
Proposed funding a border wall, limiting legal immigration, a mandatory worker verification program, allowing DACA recipients to apply for legal status, and preventing separation of families at the border.[2

God what a fucking leftist in GOP clothing he is.

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