GOP constituency does not like their dog food.


The Magnificent!
Jun 24, 2011
Zogby: GOP voters

With Romney's flip flopping & Gingrich's past scandals, the Iowan constituency seems to be gravitating towards Cain & Paul. Cain's drawback is his latest series of harassment scandals that seem to be taking him down rapidly in the polls, but Herman is still holding his own! Ron Paul has no known weaknesses, short of his age, & Ron is scandal proof. I could easily see Ron taking the primary with the current crop of RINO'S he is matched up against. Could this election be the end of the GOP RINO'S & the return of a Jeffersonian based Republican party???
They also did not like melamine in their dog food, however they want little or no regulations on industry?
Zogby: GOP voters

With Romney's flip flopping & Gingrich's past scandals, the Iowan constituency seems to be gravitating towards Cain & Paul. Cain's drawback is his latest series of harassment scandals that seem to be taking him down rapidly in the polls, but Herman is still holding his own! Ron Paul has no known weaknesses, short of his age, & Ron is scandal proof. I could easily see Ron taking the primary with the current crop of RINO'S he is matched up against. Could this election be the end of the GOP RINO'S & the return of a Jeffersonian based Republican party???

Perhaps, but I'm not holding my breath. It would be the first time I bet on the snowball.
Why have government regulation??? If folks don't like an industries policies & practices, then don't purchase that industries products... the industry(s) in question will soon get the message!

They also did not like melamine in their dog food, however they want little or no regulations on industry?
Why have government regulation??? If folks don't like an industries policies & practices, then don't purchase that industries products... the industry(s) in question will soon get the message!

They also did not like melamine in their dog food, however they want little or no regulations on industry?


I love listening to people like you, whose only counter to people or animals getting sick and dying from products we purchase is "let the market sort it out"
every street in the world needs cops.

even wall street.

criminals do come in three piece suits too
Could this election be the end of the GOP RINO'S & the return of a Jeffersonian based Republican party???

There has never been a "Jeffersonian based" Republican Party. Jefferson was a Democrat.
Government oversight into both the economics & private policies of individual businesses in our USA is WHY we are bankrupt! It's big government socialism that is NOT working!!!

unfettered markets do not work
WHY do I need government to think for me??? Do you think the people in bureaucratic positions are superior in intelligence to other people? Those bureaucrats need government employment because they LACK THE INTELLIGENCE to hold real jobs in the private sector! If bureaucrats could cut the mustard they'd be in the private sector where they could EARN a higher pay!!!

Why have government regulation??? If folks don't like an industries policies & practices, then don't purchase that industries products... the industry(s) in question will soon get the message!

They also did not like melamine in their dog food, however they want little or no regulations on industry?


I love listening to people like you, whose only counter to people or animals getting sick and dying from products we purchase is "let the market sort it out"
That's WHY we need to dump wall street & it's fed reserve cronies & go back onto a precious metal backed currency.

every street in the world needs cops.

even wall street.

criminals do come in three piece suits too
every street in the world needs cops.

even wall street.

criminals do come in three piece suits too

3 piece suits are out of style. Went out back in the 80s.

Only a pimp and Al Sharpton wears a 3 piece suit.
What liberals do not, cannot and absolutely will not understand is that if some regulation is beneficial, then regulation down to the tiniest detail is even better. They get control madness.
Jefferson's classical liberalism ideology is what the GOP NEEDS! Short of the Christ(not much difference!) there was never a more 'perfect' man Tom Jefferson. Would you rather have a Jeffersonian based GOP mentality or a RINO based GOP mentality???

Could this election be the end of the GOP RINO'S & the return of a Jeffersonian based Republican party???

There has never been a "Jeffersonian based" Republican Party. Jefferson was a Democrat.
every street in the world needs cops.

even wall street.

criminals do come in three piece suits too

3 piece suits are out of style. Went out back in the 80s.

Only a pimp and Al Sharpton wears a 3 piece suit.

That politics Chicago style...
Obama is suppose to have a billion dollars to spend on his campaign.
Obama has the liberal media behind him.
Obama has the unions behind him.

Based on where we are today he should not be re elected...But people will fall for the slick ads and catchy slogans and he will probably win the election.Sad but true. :(
WHY do I need government to think for me??? Do you think the people in bureaucratic positions are superior in intelligence to other people? Those bureaucrats need government employment because they LACK THE INTELLIGENCE to hold real jobs in the private sector! If bureaucrats could cut the mustard they'd be in the private sector where they could EARN a higher pay!!!

Why have government regulation??? If folks don't like an industries policies & practices, then don't purchase that industries products... the industry(s) in question will soon get the message!


I love listening to people like you, whose only counter to people or animals getting sick and dying from products we purchase is "let the market sort it out"

its not a matter of superor intelligence or having someone think for you.......

how is thinking for yourself going to stop insider trading or contaminated food or ensuring other drivers on the road meet a minimum safety requirement?

how will your equal intelligence enforce those standards?
Neither this conservative nor Ron Paul are suggesting that ALL government regulations be abolished.

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