GOP Debate Audience Boos U.S. Soldier in Iraq

lol! awesome! LSU!

the word is Tiger Stadium is as loud as three jumbo jet engines. No NFL venue even comes close.

love the Tigers but im a FSU Seminole, I bleed Garnet and Gold! Go Noles! >>----;;------->

LSU is very good this year, please beat UF!
lol! awesome! LSU!

the word is Tiger Stadium is as loud as three jumbo jet engines. No NFL venue even comes close.

love the Tigers but im a FSU Seminole, I bleed Garnet and Gold! Go Noles! >>----;;------->

LSU is very good this year, please beat UF!


It'd be awesome if FSU and LSU had a home away series. The schools are close enough both fan bases could reasonably make the trip. Any chance you think FSU might wanna join the SEC?
oh, no doubt we belong in the SEC but you have to remember UF wont let that happen. they want UCF for a reason. Its a long hated rivalry between us and they cant stand to have us in the same conference. I do think FSU, Texas A&M and Clemson would be suffice.

I recall FSU went down to the LA back in the early 1990s and squeaked out a W. And don't forget our head coach is a Tiger, Jimbo Fisher. More than likely, as good as these two programs are, see you In a BCS bowl game
well then girl friend. now you know, and knowing is half the battle.

It's not a new thing. I have consistently said, on DADT, the military should make the call. No one else. Not politicians. Not the public. No one. Just the military. It is a unique environment and we ask them to do things that the rest of us cannot or will not do.

As far as I am concerned, it is their call and their's alone.
its a good call. I work with an EX navy gal who really has a hard time even registering conversations like this one. She could care less, she served 12 years and is gay as they come. She is also one of my best friends as well. I just hate to see a political Juggernaut (GOP) demonize her and others like her, its so not cool.
No one from among this group of candidates had the courage or leadership to stand up to the hideous this debate or the last one. And these people want to become the leader of our nation?

- Former White House spokesman Ari Fleischer: “Booing a soldier serving our nation is uncalled for. If I were on stage, I would make that point.”

- Christian Post: “Santorum, who has never served in the armed forces, did not address the boos, but explained his position by saying ‘sexual activity has absolutely no place in the military.’”

- National Review: “Whatever you think of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” or homosexuality, Hill is risking his life on behalf of his country. It is troubling, and revealing, that Santorum’s answer entirely defined Hill as a gay man first and as a soldier second, if at all.”

- GOProud: “Tonight, Rick Santorum disrespected our brave men and women in uniform, and he owes Stephen Hill, the gay soldier who asked him the question about Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell repeal, an immediate apology. That brave gay soldier is doing something Rick Santorum has never done – put his life on the line to defend our freedoms and our way of life. It is telling that Rick Santorum is so blinded by his anti-gay bigotry that he couldn’t even bring himself to thank that gay soldier for his service.”

- Log Cabin Republicans: “Unfortunately, for many Americans the take-away from last night’s debate was not that Republicans have the solutions our country needs, but that too many in our party are clinging so strongly to a failed and discriminatory law that they are willing to disrespect a man in uniform. As a current Army Reserve officer and an Iraq combat veteran, I found it appalling that a soldier serving down range would be disrespected in such a fashion.”
well then girl friend. now you know, and knowing is half the battle.

It's not a new thing. I have consistently said, on DADT, the military should make the call. No one else. Not politicians. Not the public. No one. Just the military. It is a unique environment and we ask them to do things that the rest of us cannot or will not do.

As far as I am concerned, it is their call and their's alone.

So, what you're saying is that Truman should not have desegregated the military when he did, right?
well then girl friend. now you know, and knowing is half the battle.

It's not a new thing. I have consistently said, on DADT, the military should make the call. No one else. Not politicians. Not the public. No one. Just the military. It is a unique environment and we ask them to do things that the rest of us cannot or will not do.

As far as I am concerned, it is their call and their's alone.

So, what you're saying is that Truman should not have desegregated the military when he did, right?

And women in the military would still be nurses and typists
Most people in the military don't feel how you feel

in all honesty, most service peeps sort of look in confusion as the political spectrum goes round n' round on this topic. As to say, they really dont care. Most just want to work their 12 hour shift, go back to the barracks and chill and call home.

12 hour shift?

Special Ops doesn't have shifts.
It's not a new thing. I have consistently said, on DADT, the military should make the call. No one else. Not politicians. Not the public. No one. Just the military. It is a unique environment and we ask them to do things that the rest of us cannot or will not do.

As far as I am concerned, it is their call and their's alone.

So, what you're saying is that Truman should not have desegregated the military when he did, right?

And women in the military would still be nurses and typists

We can't get them to volunteer for the really tough jobs. They usually end up taking the easy ones and pushing the guys out into the screwed up job classifications. The Navy had that problem for awhile. All of the decent rates were taken by women because women weren't allowed to serve on combat vessels. Now they can be on just about anything including Aircraft-Carriers.
So, what you're saying is that Truman should not have desegregated the military when he did, right?

And women in the military would still be nurses and typists

We can't get them to volunteer for the really tough jobs. They usually end up taking the easy ones and pushing the guys out into the screwed up job classifications. The Navy had that problem for awhile. All of the decent rates were taken by women because women weren't allowed to serve on combat vessels. Now they can be on just about anything including Aircraft-Carriers.

Plenty of women want to volunteer for combat (and are already serving IN combat).

They didn't "take" the "easy jobs", they were the only ones they were ALLOWED to have.

One of the main reasons I joined the Coast Guard was because they were the only branch NOT to restrict women in any of their ratings. (Only to have one of the Recruiters (not mine thankfully) say "Oh women don't become Boatswain Mates" when I mentioned which rate I was interested in)
well of course you all would use what every day citizens would say instead of running on YOUR PARTIES record. I would too if I were the Democrats today. Their record according to the people, SUCKs sucks sucks..

After the financial crash, and before the election, I was telling people that it would take YEARS for the American economy to recover. So, I'm not at all surprised at where we are. However, I WOULD feel more confident if our political leaders were working together instead of working at doing nothing but insuring gridlock.

Personally, I would be very satisfied if every congressman/woman and every senator up for reelection were defeated next year. That would make them take notice on how unhappy everyone is.

Personally I like gridlock. that means they are NOT intruding into our lives and our pockets.

No offense, but if that's the way you feel, you're a fool. Doing nothing, or insuring that nothing will be done to meet the challenges of the moment on a national level, is likely a recipe for creating an even worse mess than the one we're in right now. And while Congressmen, Senators, and the Obama administration (that's another way of saying the entire American gov't) is metaphorically standing around with their collective thumbs up their asses and arguing about minutiae because they're too selfish and too self-absorbed to see beyond their own personal self-interest, other nations are working toward replacing America as #1 in every field where we were previously the undisputed leader.
And their rights to property and children are not protected
Umm gays do not have any children. And their rights to property is protected they get to keep their own stuff.

Gays don't have children? How will I ever tell my kids?

Ohh they can get children from other sources or bring them into the relationship with them but gays cannot have children together as a couple by the standard biological method since they are by definition the same sex.

surely you know about the birds and the bees?
Umm gays do not have any children. And their rights to property is protected they get to keep their own stuff.

Gays don't have children? How will I ever tell my kids?

Ohh they can get children from other sources or bring them into the relationship with them but gays cannot have children together as a couple by the standard biological method since they are by definition the same sex.

surely you know about the birds and the bees?


You're quite the Bottomless-pit of Wisdom.
It's not a new thing. I have consistently said, on DADT, the military should make the call. No one else. Not politicians. Not the public. No one. Just the military. It is a unique environment and we ask them to do things that the rest of us cannot or will not do.

As far as I am concerned, it is their call and their's alone.

So, what you're saying is that Truman should not have desegregated the military when he did, right?

And women in the military would still be nurses and typists

You mean, back when the USA decisively won wars?
Most people pushing this bullshit on the military have NO TIME in the military.

The Generals/Admirals kissing Obama's butt over this issue to keep their jobs or move up in rank will pay for it around the officer's club someday when they're trying to hangout with others as a retiree....they can go hangout at the gay club now.
IM in the military Cali girl and I think its a great idea to get rid of DADT. Many I work and serve with are just fine with it as well. Its common sense to allow the transparency that the repealing of DADT brings. Any commander in any branch will agree, I promise

Most people in the military don't feel how you feel and I'm willing to bet that not many gays will come out even with DADT lifted.

There's not a whole lot almost everybody can agree upon, but there is one thing: the military is NOT the place to work if you want your feelings to be listened to at work. When you join the military you do as you're told. You don't break rank. The military is NOT the place to hold a majority rules attitude-it's to be self-run, and quite frankly that's the best way to do things. Regardless of what you may THINK the reason is (not know), generals/admirals support repealing DADT is irrelevant. They run the show, they run the military-they make the decisions. Not the public, not politicians (aside obviously from the President for obvious reasons.

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