GOP Debate Audience Boos U.S. Soldier in Iraq

WOW! Did you hear what I heard??
There was CLAPPING for the question the soldier asked...logic dictates that the clappers supported the soldier's question.
This leads to at least two other thoughts.
1) The audience at the GOP debate was not all GOP.
2) Some GOP DO support repealing DADT.


60% of Republicans supported the repeal of DADT.


60% of Republican congressmen did not
WOW! Did you hear what I heard??
There was CLAPPING for the question the soldier asked...logic dictates that the clappers supported the soldier's question.
This leads to at least two other thoughts.
1) The audience at the GOP debate was not all GOP.
2) Some GOP DO support repealing DADT.


60% of Republicans supported the repeal of DADT.


60% of Republican congressmen did not

I didn't say Republican congressmen, I say "Republicans" as those of us (in my age group) that don't have to cow-tow to social authoritarians and most of the younger generation that basically could care less.

60% of Republicans supported the repeal of DADT.


60% of Republican congressmen did not

I didn't say Republican congressmen, I say "Republicans" as those of us (in my age group) that don't have to cow-tow to social authoritarians and most of the younger generation that basically could care less.


Unfortunately, your republican representatives care more about the 20% who hate gays
Yea, a young American can risk his life defending this country, just as long as WE can decide who they are allowed to love.

USArmyRetired, you are a disgrace to the uniform and a traitor to this nation.

Bad laws are the worst sort of tyranny.
Edmund Burke
Homosexuality is immoral and it is a sin. The bible says it. We don't need it in the military.

Killing is a sin. The Bible says it. We don't need killers in the military.

What kind of freedom do you defend? The freedom to conform? The freedom of the 'folkish state'?

Oh cut the bullshit you wuss!
WOW! Did you hear what I heard??
There was CLAPPING for the question the soldier asked...logic dictates that the clappers supported the soldier's question.
This leads to at least two other thoughts.
1) The audience at the GOP debate was not all GOP.
2) Some GOP DO support repealing DADT.


60% of Republicans supported the repeal of DADT.


60% of Republican congressmen did not
Pity they don't represent their constituents, isn't it?
60% of Republican congressmen did not

I didn't say Republican congressmen, I say "Republicans" as those of us (in my age group) that don't have to cow-tow to social authoritarians and most of the younger generation that basically could care less.


Unfortunately, your republican representatives care more about the 20% who hate gays

Yep, it sucks that GOP candidates play to the social authoritarians. Your seeing it now in the debates. SoCon's are driving the candidates to the fringe right on social issues which clouds the Presidential race which in this election cycle should be focused like a laser on Obama's piss poor economic policies. The SoCons are playing into the Democrats hands by painting the GOP candidate into corners on social policy which will have a negative impact on right of center voters (more in the libertarian line) and will likely cause Obama to get reelected. They're moving right for the SoCon vote in the primaries but will not be able to move to the center on social issues in the General election without being painted as a flip-flopper. But being fringe right in the General election is likely to cost some independent votes.

I think the Dem's would be thrilled to be running against a Santorum or a Backmann and are scared shitless by Romney.

No one who boos an American soldier can call themselves a patriot.

Barry Goldwater said it best:
"Equality, rightly understood as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences; wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism."

Your endless need to quote others is pathetic and meaningless. I've told you that several times. It does not make you look intelligent. It makes you look spineless. There is no need for a honest person to quote others words.

And.... they weren't booing the soldier, they were booing his opinion. I happen to disagree with them. I have no issue with gays serving in the military. I have concerns about how the repeal of DADT will impact our military but they are grown ups and they can deal with it.

But it appears that the left's new tactic is to call anyone who disagrees with them a 'traitor'. If you refer to the Constitution, which defines what 'treason' is, your use of the term is ridiculous. Not fucking rocket science, idiot.

I disagree whole heartedly with it, because I "having served" know the implications. It's not about fairness at all, gays have always served in the military, that is a none issue. Ask yourself why the left would want them to serve openly "The left have always despised the military". Think about it. It breaks down moral, especially in combat units.
Obama and the politicians are traitors for passing this bill, nothing less, and they will be judged.
It's different for people on the street to think "Hey, the person is gay, who cares" compared to the soldier in combat. I dont expect anyone to understand that has not been there, but it is, and that is why the left passed this shit. It's to break down troop moral. I knew gays when I was in, and this was the last thing they wanted believe it or not.

Almost all the guys I know are either military or retired military. I am well aware of how they consider the whole issue. I support the military - if they're ok with repeal, I'm ok with repeal. They are the ones who have to live with the consequences.
IM in the military Cali girl and I think its a great idea to get rid of DADT. Many I work and serve with are just fine with it as well. Its common sense to allow the transparency that the repealing of DADT brings. Any commander in any branch will agree, I promise
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IM in the military Cali girl and I think its a great idea to get rid of DADT. Many I work and serve with are just fine with it as well. Its common sense to allow the transparency that the repealing of DADT brings. Any commander in any branch will agree, I promise

You don't need to 'promise' me anything. I already know.
It is a sign that Americans do not approve of gays in the military. I agree.

Yea, a young American can risk his life defending this country, just as long as WE can decide who they are allowed to love.

USArmyRetired, you are a disgrace to the uniform and a traitor to this nation.

Bad laws are the worst sort of tyranny.
Edmund Burke
Homosexuality is immoral and it is a sin. The bible says it. We don't need it in the military.

You're obviously an in the closet self hating gay.
Yea, a young American can risk his life defending this country, just as long as WE can decide who they are allowed to love.

USArmyRetired, you are a disgrace to the uniform and a traitor to this nation.

Bad laws are the worst sort of tyranny.
Edmund Burke

Oh, stop the hysterical bullshit. You're such a fucking idiot.... no one is a 'traitor' because they disagree with your moronic crap.


No one who boos an American soldier can call themselves a patriot.

Barry Goldwater said it best:
"Equality, rightly understood as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences; wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism."

I absolutely think anyone who boos a soldier for being gay is an asshole - but to state "No one who boos an American soldier can call themselves a patriot" without qualification is quite a thing to say. You mean if I go fight a war in Iraq, then come home, chop up my wife, and shoot all my kids in the head - you still can't boo me?

At any rate - the only "booing" that ever affected anyone is the booing that visiting teams get in TIGER STADIUM
IM in the military Cali girl and I think its a great idea to get rid of DADT. Many I work and serve with are just fine with it as well. Its common sense to allow the transparency that the repealing of DADT brings. Any commander in any branch will agree, I promise

Most people in the military don't feel how you feel and I'm willing to bet that not many gays will come out even with DADT lifted.
Most people in the military don't feel how you feel

in all honesty, most service peeps sort of look in confusion as the political spectrum goes round n' round on this topic. As to say, they really dont care. Most just want to work their 12 hour shift, go back to the barracks and chill and call home.
Tiger stadium, as in Clemson? Detroit? LSU????

The one which this applies to:
The difference between a night game and a day game at Tiger Stadium is that at night you can smell the bourbon on the field.
- Mike Archer

It's the craziest environment I've ever been in... People are mooning you, throwing bottles at you, beating on the buses. Then you get in the stadium and they are trying to spit on you and yelling at you. I love that, personally.
- Josh Thomson - DL - Auburn
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