GOP Debate Audience Boos U.S. Soldier in Iraq

Not likely. As a general rule, a candidate has to give people a reason to vote FOR him or her. However, these candidates and the audience are probably giving people a reason not to pull the lever for the candidate with the R behind his name. Maybe they'll just stay home instead. My suggestion would be to go bowling.

pfeeesh, This AUDIENCE crap will be forgotten by next week. then you all will dig up some other faux outrage..:lol::wink_2:

Ever hear of political ads?

well of course you all would use what every day citizens would say instead of running on YOUR PARTIES record. I would too if I were the Democrats today. Their record according to the people, SUCKs sucks sucks..
pfeeesh, This AUDIENCE crap will be forgotten by next week. then you all will dig up some other faux outrage..:lol::wink_2:

Ever hear of political ads?

well of course you all would use what every day citizens would say instead of running on YOUR PARTIES record. I would too if I were the Democrats today. Their record according to the people, SUCKs sucks sucks..

It may very well suck....but it outpolls the Republicans by a wide margin

These clips will make great political ads. They can run them during Halloween and scare the hell out of people
pfeeesh, This AUDIENCE crap will be forgotten by next week. then you all will dig up some other faux outrage..:lol::wink_2:

Ever hear of political ads?

well of course you all would use what every day citizens would say instead of running on YOUR PARTIES record. I would too if I were the Democrats today. Their record according to the people, SUCKs sucks sucks..

After the financial crash, and before the election, I was telling people that it would take YEARS for the American economy to recover. So, I'm not at all surprised at where we are. However, I WOULD feel more confident if our political leaders were working together instead of working at doing nothing but insuring gridlock.

Personally, I would be very satisfied if every congressman/woman and every senator up for reelection were defeated next year. That would make them take notice on how unhappy everyone is.
Ever hear of political ads?

well of course you all would use what every day citizens would say instead of running on YOUR PARTIES record. I would too if I were the Democrats today. Their record according to the people, SUCKs sucks sucks..

It may very well suck....but it outpolls the Republicans by a wide margin

These clips will make great political ads. They can run them during Halloween and scare the hell out of people

What clips????

I didn't see anything terrible going on.

I was reading an article a while ago about a non-existent scream from the crowd "let him die".

And following the last debate, when Mr. Paul was asked whether a young man without health insurance should be left to go without treatment -- which was greeted with some chants of “let him die” from the crowd -- expect more questions along these lines.

Has anyone at the Times actually watched the debate clip? It was debate moderator Wolf Blitzer who actually used the words "let him die," when asking candidate Ron Paul a loaded question about letting a hypothetical man die for lack of health insurance. There is no auditory evidence anyone at all in the crowd shouted such a thing, much less enough people to form a constant “chant.”

Read more: Michael Shear the Latest at NYT to Hear Nonexistent 'Let Him Die' Chants at G.O.P. Debate |

Once again the left perpetrates a lie to change the focus from the failures of the Democrats.
Ever hear of political ads?

well of course you all would use what every day citizens would say instead of running on YOUR PARTIES record. I would too if I were the Democrats today. Their record according to the people, SUCKs sucks sucks..

After the financial crash, and before the election, I was telling people that it would take YEARS for the American economy to recover. So, I'm not at all surprised at where we are. However, I WOULD feel more confident if our political leaders were working together instead of working at doing nothing but insuring gridlock.

Personally, I would be very satisfied if every congressman/woman and every senator up for reelection were defeated next year. That would make them take notice on how unhappy everyone is.

Personally I like gridlock. that means they are NOT intruding into our lives and our pockets.
Boo the soldier or anyone who uses sexuality publically and certainly to meet political ends.

Sex is private. Do your thing. Privately.
well of course you all would use what every day citizens would say instead of running on YOUR PARTIES record. I would too if I were the Democrats today. Their record according to the people, SUCKs sucks sucks..

After the financial crash, and before the election, I was telling people that it would take YEARS for the American economy to recover. So, I'm not at all surprised at where we are. However, I WOULD feel more confident if our political leaders were working together instead of working at doing nothing but insuring gridlock.

Personally, I would be very satisfied if every congressman/woman and every senator up for reelection were defeated next year. That would make them take notice on how unhappy everyone is.

Personally I like gridlock. that means they are NOT intruding into our lives and our pockets.

Gridlock is bad for us because Obama is going the regulatory route instead and skirting Congress. That is where he's doing most of the damage.
I just don't see where this topic is HIGH on the peoples priority list.

With ALL the OTHER problems we are having in the country. I don't know why it was even ASKED during a debate.
well of course you all would use what every day citizens would say instead of running on YOUR PARTIES record. I would too if I were the Democrats today. Their record according to the people, SUCKs sucks sucks..

It may very well suck....but it outpolls the Republicans by a wide margin

These clips will make great political ads. They can run them during Halloween and scare the hell out of people

What clips????

I didn't see anything terrible going on.

I was reading an article a while ago about a non-existent scream from the crowd "let him die".

And following the last debate, when Mr. Paul was asked whether a young man without health insurance should be left to go without treatment -- which was greeted with some chants of “let him die” from the crowd -- expect more questions along these lines.

Has anyone at the Times actually watched the debate clip? It was debate moderator Wolf Blitzer who actually used the words "let him die," when asking candidate Ron Paul a loaded question about letting a hypothetical man die for lack of health insurance. There is no auditory evidence anyone at all in the crowd shouted such a thing, much less enough people to form a constant “chant.”

Read more: Michael Shear the Latest at NYT to Hear Nonexistent 'Let Him Die' Chants at G.O.P. Debate |

Once again the left perpetrates a lie to change the focus from the failures of the Democrats.

"let him die?"........ YEA!

Gotta Love them tea Baggers
I just don't see where this topic is HIGH on the peoples priority list.

With ALL the OTHER problems we are having in the country. I don't know why it was even ASKED during a debate.

Stephy no attention to this thread

If there are more important topics, why do you keep posting on this one?
On September 13, a GOP debate audience cheered loudly at the idea of letting sick patients die.

At the Thursday night debate, they topped their own sick selves, booing an American soldier serving his country in Iraq.

Equality, rightly understood as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences; wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism.
Barry Goldwater

Not defending the Crowd at all.

I just want to point out that Even Hetero Sexual can be Discharged from the Military for being open about their Sex Lives, Especially if it involves another member of the Military.

I thought the Idea of Don't ask Don't tell was stupid. One of the reasons why is because they all ready have rules in place that basically ban Open Displays of Affection, as well as Relationships among members of the Military. Gay or Straight.

You have to look at it from the Military's Point of view. The leadership. Not that I agree with them, but I can understand their point. That there are members of the Military, who we all would consider HomoPhobes, A lot of them, and allowing Gays to be Open about it, they think, Could Cause Serious Problems with Disciple, and Respect and Trust among the Troops. Something you can not afford when you are talking about people who's Job it is to shoot at people, and be shot at, For a living.

Again, this is not what I Believe. I thought DADT was a stupid law, and think it's good that it is gone. I believe it wont have any Effect on our Military's ability to do it's Job. I believe a gay person can be just as good of a Soldier as anyone else.

The stupid Homophobes that joke about your Really Feminine gay guys signing up and not being able to hack it, are idiots. They only type of People who are going to join our Military, Especially now in a time of war. Are people who want to, and are not afraid of it. We Have many fine Female Soldiers, and I for one would be proud to fight right along side them. So I don't get why they would think a gay man could not do the job. Even one who is really Feminine.

Wow, I just went on and on there, not even sure what I said lol
Lame....1-3 people booed, big fucking deal.

That soldier is lucky he doesn't get his ass beaten if he looks at someone the wrong way over there.
After the financial crash, and before the election, I was telling people that it would take YEARS for the American economy to recover. So, I'm not at all surprised at where we are. However, I WOULD feel more confident if our political leaders were working together instead of working at doing nothing but insuring gridlock.

Personally, I would be very satisfied if every congressman/woman and every senator up for reelection were defeated next year. That would make them take notice on how unhappy everyone is.

Personally I like gridlock. that means they are NOT intruding into our lives and our pockets.

Gridlock is bad for us because Obama is going the regulatory route instead and skirting Congress. That is where he's doing most of the damage.

you are right. I forgot about that. We need to Kick the Republicans in the ass to put a stop to all this.
I just don't see where this topic is HIGH on the peoples priority list.

With ALL the OTHER problems we are having in the country. I don't know why it was even ASKED during a debate.

Stephy no attention to this thread

If there are more important topics, why do you keep posting on this one?

Stephy didn't say NO such thing little one. It's not like anyone outside this board is going to CARE about this thread. From what I've been seeing around the net, not many OTHER PEOPLE are caring what a few in a audience does or says a whole lot either. Just you people who are trying to take the topic away from the actuall debates.
so carry on.:lol:
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Boo the soldier or anyone who uses sexuality publically and certainly to meet political ends.

Sex is private. Do your thing. Privately.

You are correct....also boo any soldier who talks about missing his wife while he is away. Gays were not allowed to say it
I just don't see where this topic is HIGH on the peoples priority list.

With ALL the OTHER problems we are having in the country. I don't know why it was even ASKED during a debate.

Stephy no attention to this thread

If there are more important topics, why do you keep posting on this one?

Stephy didn't say NO such thing little one. It's not like anyone outside this board is going to CARE about this thread. From what I've been seeing around the net, not many OTHER PEOPLE are caring a whole lot either. Just you people who are trying to take the topic away from the actuall debates.
so carry on.:lol:

Seemed to get quite a bit of coverage in the media....

"GOP crowd boos Soldier"

Reminds me of Philly football fans booing Santa
On September 13, a GOP debate audience cheered loudly at the idea of letting sick patients die.

At the Thursday night debate, they topped their own sick selves, booing an American soldier serving his country in Iraq.

Equality, rightly understood as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences; wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism.
Barry Goldwater

Not defending the Crowd at all.

I just want to point out that Even Hetero Sexual can be Discharged from the Military for being open about their Sex Lives, Especially if it involves another member of the Military.

I thought the Idea of Don't ask Don't tell was stupid. One of the reasons why is because they all ready have rules in place that basically ban Open Displays of Affection, as well as Relationships among members of the Military. Gay or Straight.

You have to look at it from the Military's Point of view. The leadership. Not that I agree with them, but I can understand their point. That there are members of the Military, who we all would consider HomoPhobes, A lot of them, and allowing Gays to be Open about it, they think, Could Cause Serious Problems with Disciple, and Respect and Trust among the Troops. Something you can not afford when you are talking about people who's Job it is to shoot at people, and be shot at, For a living.

Again, this is not what I Believe. I thought DADT was a stupid law, and think it's good that it is gone. I believe it wont have any Effect on our Military's ability to do it's Job. I believe a gay person can be just as good of a Soldier as anyone else.

The stupid Homophobes that joke about your Really Feminine gay guys signing up and not being able to hack it, are idiots. They only type of People who are going to join our Military, Especially now in a time of war. Are people who want to, and are not afraid of it. We Have many fine Female Soldiers, and I for one would be proud to fight right along side them. So I don't get why they would think a gay man could not do the job. Even one who is really Feminine.

Wow, I just went on and on there, not even sure what I said lol

There seems to be a misconception about the military.

Not every job deals with killing the enemy. Those who like to fight join combat-arms. Those who don't become supply or serve some other support function. Not everyone jumps out of aircraft and not everyone is a steely-eyed warrior.

I served with Gays that were both macho and feminine. For the most part they kept who they chose to bed to themselves. Some of them were average soldiers and some were really good at their jobs. They're like anyone else.

This is really about bigotry. I don't like it when some guy says "Well shit.....them faggots better keep away from me". Well, to be honest I doubt they would like your nasty ass in the first place.
Stephy no attention to this thread

If there are more important topics, why do you keep posting on this one?

Stephy didn't say NO such thing little one. It's not like anyone outside this board is going to CARE about this thread. From what I've been seeing around the net, not many OTHER PEOPLE are caring a whole lot either. Just you people who are trying to take the topic away from the actuall debates.
so carry on.:lol:

Seemed to get quite a bit of coverage in the media....

"GOP crowd boos Soldier"

Reminds me of Philly football fans booing Santa

so? And next week it will be something else for you all to get your panties in a twist over.
Like most of you didn't care what Waters or Hoffa says, MOST PEOPLE don't care what a person in a AUDIENCE says or does.
but carry is great entertainment for us here.
It is a sign that Americans do not approve of gays in the military. I agree.

It's OK. Those gays, overseas, serving this country in a Republican invasion, putting their lives on the line, don't approve of bigots. That's why your kind should be booted out. Space for bigots in the United States is dwindling.
Boo the soldier or anyone who uses sexuality publically and certainly to meet political ends.

Sex is private. Do your thing. Privately.

You are correct....also boo any soldier who talks about missing his wife while he is away. Gays were not allowed to say it

Nobody wants to hear about how much you miss your wife because everyone there is in the same boat.

I didn't whine about missing my wife. Whiners were treated the same regardless if the significant other had a dick or not.

Btw; Things have changed in the military. Family support has improved. They had a Sat. phone for us to talk to our wives any time we wanted to.

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