GOP Debate Audience Boos U.S. Soldier in Iraq

This faux outrage over a COUPLE OF PEOPLE IN A AUDIENCE is always quite amusing.

what was it with the last debate? There was a couple of heartless people IN THE AUDIENCE..

All you can do is shake your head and chuckle really.

Yet these same people then turn around and defend Maxi Waters telling people to go to hell, Jimma Hoffa calling people Sons of a Bitches, and the beat goes on and on and on and on...:lol::lol:

Do I detect a trend?

How much longer will you be making excuses?
Did Obama admonish the union for their "lets take them sons a bitches out" remarks right before he took the stage?

Give it a rest with your fake ass outrage.

As was clarified by Ed Henry on Fox News, Jimmy Hoffa, Jr. was talking about "lets take them sons a bitches out" at the ballot box.
Name one candidate on that stage who admonished them for booing.

Did Obama admonish the union for their "lets take them sons a bitches out" remarks right before he took the stage?

Give it a rest with your fake ass outrage.

You are correct, obama did not denounce that violent rhetoric which preceeded his stage introduction that day.

However, that doesn't justify people not admonishing the boos.

When you are talking about VOTING, it's not violent rhetoric.
On September 13, a GOP debate audience cheered loudly at the idea of letting sick patients die.

At the Thursday night debate, they topped their own sick selves, booing an American soldier serving his country in Iraq.

Equality, rightly understood as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences; wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism.
Barry Goldwater

These debates and the audiences in attendance have been very instructive. Americans owe them a debt of gratitude because they have shown us who they are far more clearly than any article written by any columnist could do, regardless of how much accurate information was included in the article.

Keep 'em coming!
Let's say that it was only 5 people in the crowd booing an honorably serving soldier. Not a single one of the candidates for President said a fucking word.

Even worse....did you hear Santorums reply to the question?

After all, the GOP overwhelmingly voted against repeal of DADT

You are absolutely right. Santorum's (google it) response was just as heinous as the booers in the audience.

I'd like to know how equal treatment under the law is a "special privilege".

You can excuse a couple of idiots in the audience. But the response from a GOP candidate for president was the real embarrassment. Santorum lives in the stone age and is even proud of it
Pilgrim, notice how the left ignored my response to you. I offered the video AND the reason no one said anything until today but it will be ignored. Them damn pesky facts get in the way of ideology.
On September 13, a GOP debate audience cheered loudly at the idea of letting sick patients die.

At the Thursday night debate, they topped their own sick selves, booing an American soldier serving his country in Iraq.

Equality, rightly understood as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences; wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism.
Barry Goldwater

These debates and the audiences in attendance have been very instructive. Americans owe them a debt of gratitude because they have shown us who they are far more clearly than any article written by any columnist could do, regardless of how much accurate information was included in the article.

Keep 'em coming!

yeah fer sure. Because of a few people in a audience I bet all Amercians are now going to run out and vote Democrat because of it..:lol:
School is back in session:

The point that so obviously escapes your attention (short as that span is, please try to stay with me here), is that ALL versions of the Bible are 'translations' from earlier works. Different translations, different translators, ect. The King James version of the Bible is no more the end all and be all than the New Revised Standard, or any other version.

The Bible is quite clear n this point...It IS acceptable to kill in some cases, but not to 'murder'.


I know you're having trouble keeping up, but please... at least try.

I am a Christian. Yes, it is acceptable to kill in some cases. You can kill for food and kill in self defense. Any other killing is a sin.

"War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today."
President John F. Kennedy

I am Roman Catholic. Let me ask you this... The 6th commandment is 'thou shalt not kill' in the KJV of the Bible, correct?

You state that 'You can kill for food and kill in self defense. Any other killing is a sin', correct?

That would mean that killing animals as sacrifices to God, as was commonly done in Biblical times (see Genesis 4:4 & 8:20 for example)... is a sin.

unless you want to add that to your list of 'exceptions'.

I am an Irish Catholic. There are many things in the Bible, especially if you include the old testament. that are inconsistent with today's religious teachings, society's norms and values and civil law.
On September 13, a GOP debate audience cheered loudly at the idea of letting sick patients die.

At the Thursday night debate, they topped their own sick selves, booing an American soldier serving his country in Iraq.

Equality, rightly understood as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences; wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism.
Barry Goldwater

These debates and the audiences in attendance have been very instructive. Americans owe them a debt of gratitude because they have shown us who they are far more clearly than any article written by any columnist could do, regardless of how much accurate information was included in the article.

Keep 'em coming!

yeah fer sure. Because of a few people in a audience I bet all Amercians are now going to run out and vote Democrat because of it..:lol:

Not likely. As a general rule, a candidate has to give people a reason to vote FOR him or her. However, these candidates and the audience are probably giving people a reason not to pull the lever for the candidate with the R behind his name. Maybe they'll just stay home instead. My suggestion would be to go bowling.
These debates and the audiences in attendance have been very instructive. Americans owe them a debt of gratitude because they have shown us who they are far more clearly than any article written by any columnist could do, regardless of how much accurate information was included in the article.

Keep 'em coming!

yeah fer sure. Because of a few people in a audience I bet all Amercians are now going to run out and vote Democrat because of it..:lol:

Not likely. As a general rule, a candidate has to give people a reason to vote FOR him or her. However, these candidates and the audience are probably giving people a reason not to pull the lever for the candidate with the R behind his name. Maybe they'll just stay home instead. My suggestion would be to go bowling.

pfeeesh, This AUDIENCE crap will be forgotten by next week. then you all will dig up some other faux outrage..:lol::wink_2:
yeah fer sure. Because of a few people in a audience I bet all Amercians are now going to run out and vote Democrat because of it..:lol:

Not likely. As a general rule, a candidate has to give people a reason to vote FOR him or her. However, these candidates and the audience are probably giving people a reason not to pull the lever for the candidate with the R behind his name. Maybe they'll just stay home instead. My suggestion would be to go bowling.

pfeeesh, This AUDIENCE crap will be forgotten by next week. then you all will dig up some other faux outrage..:lol::wink_2:

After next weeks debate we will have a whole new set of embarrassment from the republican/tea Bagger crowd
This faux outrage over a COUPLE OF PEOPLE IN A AUDIENCE is always quite amusing.

what was it with the last debate? There was a couple of heartless people IN THE AUDIENCE..

All you can do is shake your head and chuckle really.

Yet these same people then turn around and defend Maxi Waters telling people to go to hell, Jimma Hoffa calling people Sons of a Bitches, and the beat goes on and on and on and on...:lol::lol:

Do I detect a trend?

How much longer will you be making excuses?

For the obvious double-standards we see here???

I figure it this way, we can't control everyone so much as you would like to lock people up for being stupid this is still a free country.
You see how petty liberals-lefties are. They worry more about what an audience does at a debate than what a candidate says.
Did any candidate speak out against the fools in the audience or defend the soldier?

why should they? you all didn't DEMAND Obama speak out against HOFFA after calling us citizens, sons of a bitches..

so you people need to get your panties out the bunch. Your outrage is fake fake fake
You see how petty liberals-lefties are. They worry more about what an audience does at a debate than what a candidate says.
Did any candidate speak out against the fools in the audience or defend the soldier?

Why should they?

It didn't seem to be universal for one. I think the people around the folks booing probably said something to them or at least gave them dirty looks.

For another, it's not like some Code Pink asshole stood up and started protesting.
I am a Christian. Yes, it is acceptable to kill in some cases. You can kill for food and kill in self defense. Any other killing is a sin.

"War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today."
President John F. Kennedy

I am Roman Catholic. Let me ask you this... The 6th commandment is 'thou shalt not kill' in the KJV of the Bible, correct?

You state that 'You can kill for food and kill in self defense. Any other killing is a sin', correct?

That would mean that killing animals as sacrifices to God, as was commonly done in Biblical times (see Genesis 4:4 & 8:20 for example)... is a sin.

unless you want to add that to your list of 'exceptions'.

I am an Irish Catholic. There are many things in the Bible, especially if you include the old testament. that are inconsistent with today's religious teachings, society's norms and values and civil law.

Doesn't really address what I said.

You said... 'You can kill for food and kill in self defense. Any other killing is a sin'.

I said... 'That would mean that killing animals as sacrifices to God, as was commonly done in Biblical times (see Genesis 4:4 & 8:20 for example)... is a sin'.

Yes, or no?

In any case, the point is that you seem to think that soldiers are nothing more than common murders, because they kill, and killing is a sin (except for the narrow list you mentioned)... all because of the 6th commandment.

Problem there is that the interpretation of that commandment (kill vs. murder) is important in the context of warfare...which, btw, God also allows exceptions for.

So, to equate soldiers with murderers is not only unfair, it is not in keeping with scripture.
yeah fer sure. Because of a few people in a audience I bet all Amercians are now going to run out and vote Democrat because of it..:lol:

Not likely. As a general rule, a candidate has to give people a reason to vote FOR him or her. However, these candidates and the audience are probably giving people a reason not to pull the lever for the candidate with the R behind his name. Maybe they'll just stay home instead. My suggestion would be to go bowling.

pfeeesh, This AUDIENCE crap will be forgotten by next week. then you all will dig up some other faux outrage..:lol::wink_2:

Ever hear of political ads?
Not likely. As a general rule, a candidate has to give people a reason to vote FOR him or her. However, these candidates and the audience are probably giving people a reason not to pull the lever for the candidate with the R behind his name. Maybe they'll just stay home instead. My suggestion would be to go bowling.

pfeeesh, This AUDIENCE crap will be forgotten by next week. then you all will dig up some other faux outrage..:lol::wink_2:

After next weeks debate we will have a whole new set of embarrassment from the republican/tea Bagger crowd

Yeah, perhaps one can wave like a five yo during a group picture.

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