GOP Debate Audience Boos U.S. Soldier in Iraq

This faux outrage over a COUPLE OF PEOPLE IN A AUDIENCE is always quite amusing.

what was it with the last debate? There was a couple of heartless people IN THE AUDIENCE..

All you can do is shake your head and chuckle really.

Yet these same people then turn around and defend Maxi Waters telling people to go to hell, Jimma Hoffa calling people Sons of a Bitches, and the beat goes on and on and on and on...:lol::lol:
School is back in session:

The point that so obviously escapes your attention (short as that span is, please try to stay with me here), is that ALL versions of the Bible are 'translations' from earlier works. Different translations, different translators, ect. The King James version of the Bible is no more the end all and be all than the New Revised Standard, or any other version.

The Bible is quite clear n this point...It IS acceptable to kill in some cases, but not to 'murder'.


I know you're having trouble keeping up, but please... at least try.

I am a Christian. Yes, it is acceptable to kill in some cases. You can kill for food and kill in self defense. Any other killing is a sin.

"War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today."
President John F. Kennedy

I am Roman Catholic. Let me ask you this... The 6th commandment is 'thou shalt not kill' in the KJV of the Bible, correct?

You state that 'You can kill for food and kill in self defense. Any other killing is a sin', correct?

That would mean that killing animals as sacrifices to God, as was commonly done in Biblical times (see Genesis 4:4 & 8:20 for example)... is a sin.

unless you want to add that to your list of 'exceptions'.

You realize that the Roman Catholic Church doesn't only acknowledge the King James Bible right (where as some Protestant Churches do)?
I am a Christian. Yes, it is acceptable to kill in some cases. You can kill for food and kill in self defense. Any other killing is a sin.

"War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today."
President John F. Kennedy

I am Roman Catholic. Let me ask you this... The 6th commandment is 'thou shalt not kill' in the KJV of the Bible, correct?

You state that 'You can kill for food and kill in self defense. Any other killing is a sin', correct?

That would mean that killing animals as sacrifices to God, as was commonly done in Biblical times (see Genesis 4:4 & 8:20 for example)... is a sin.

unless you want to add that to your list of 'exceptions'.

You realize that the Roman Catholic Church doesn't only acknowledge the King James Bible right (where as some Protestant Churches do)?

I was referencing that version, as I thought it was the version BFGRN was referencing. Doesn't matter which version, it applies across the board.
prove the couple people who booed did it because he was gay.

dip-shit. You can't prove that any more than I can prove they didn't. You're using supposition and calling it fact. Even for you, that's stupid.
They were booing because he was gay, he was in the service and those who were booing, along with Li'l Ricky Santorum, cannot tolerate a gay person.

A narrow minded crowd, a narrow minded candidate and similarly narrow minded partisan hacks trying lamely to spin this occurrence as something not boorish and crude.

How many people booed? Care to hazard a guess?
I wonder why Li'l Ricky did not bother to admonish those who booed. I wonder how many in the crowd followed his poor example.
On September 13, a GOP debate audience cheered loudly at the idea of letting sick patients die.

At the Thursday night debate, they topped their own sick selves, booing an American soldier serving his country in Iraq.

Equality, rightly understood as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences; wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism.
Barry Goldwater

I didn't like their booing either.

I also don't like how your thread leaves out the reason why they booed.......c'mon dude be honest as to why at least, it still make them look bad and wont hurt your point. However, dishonestly leaving out that it was a don't ask don't tell question that they booed, which the soldier asked, greatly dimishes your standing with the point you want to hammer home.

[ame=]Republican Crowd Boos Gay Soldier at GOP Fox News Google Debate - YouTube[/ame]

Add that linke into your OP too to give context for everyone.....honestly you have a good point and you need to present the whole thing so people don't go find the video on their own then just think your full of it for not being complete in your description.
prove the couple people who booed did it because he was gay.

dip-shit. You can't prove that any more than I can prove they didn't. You're using supposition and calling it fact. Even for you, that's stupid.
They were booing because he was gay, he was in the service and those who were booing, along with Li'l Ricky Santorum, cannot tolerate a gay person.

A narrow minded crowd, a narrow minded candidate and similarly narrow minded partisan hacks trying lamely to spin this occurrence as something not boorish and crude.

How many people booed? Care to hazard a guess?

[ame=]Santorum answers gay soldier's DADT question - YouTube[/ame]
They were booing because he was gay, he was in the service and those who were booing, along with Li'l Ricky Santorum, cannot tolerate a gay person.

A narrow minded crowd, a narrow minded candidate and similarly narrow minded partisan hacks trying lamely to spin this occurrence as something not boorish and crude.

How many people booed? Care to hazard a guess?

[ame=]Santorum answers gay soldier's DADT question - YouTube[/ame]

maybe half a dozen?
I am Roman Catholic. Let me ask you this... The 6th commandment is 'thou shalt not kill' in the KJV of the Bible, correct?

You state that 'You can kill for food and kill in self defense. Any other killing is a sin', correct?

That would mean that killing animals as sacrifices to God, as was commonly done in Biblical times (see Genesis 4:4 & 8:20 for example)... is a sin.

unless you want to add that to your list of 'exceptions'.

You realize that the Roman Catholic Church doesn't only acknowledge the King James Bible right (where as some Protestant Churches do)?

I was referencing that version, as I thought it was the version BFGRN was referencing. Doesn't matter which version, it applies across the board.

Fair enough, I misunderstood your post. Just wanted to point out that the Roman Catholic Church (which I too am a follower of), doesn't solely endorse the KJV.
prove the couple people who booed did it because he was gay.

dip-shit. You can't prove that any more than I can prove they didn't. You're using supposition and calling it fact. Even for you, that's stupid.
They were booing because he was gay, he was in the service and those who were booing, along with Li'l Ricky Santorum, cannot tolerate a gay person.

A narrow minded crowd, a narrow minded candidate and similarly narrow minded partisan hacks trying lamely to spin this occurrence as something not boorish and crude.

How many people booed? Care to hazard a guess?

Name one candidate on that stage who admonished them for booing.
They were booing because he was gay, he was in the service and those who were booing, along with Li'l Ricky Santorum, cannot tolerate a gay person.

A narrow minded crowd, a narrow minded candidate and similarly narrow minded partisan hacks trying lamely to spin this occurrence as something not boorish and crude.

How many people booed? Care to hazard a guess?

Name one candidate on that stage who admonished them for booing.

none. do see the point people are making with the whole "a few people were assholes so lets attribute it to the entire audience and political party" being bullshit right?

On September 13, a GOP debate audience cheered loudly at the idea of letting sick patients die.

At the Thursday night debate, they topped their own sick selves, booing an American soldier serving his country in Iraq.

Equality, rightly understood as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences; wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism.
Barry Goldwater

I didn't like their booing either.

I also don't like how your thread leaves out the reason why they booed.......c'mon dude be honest as to why at least, it still make them look bad and wont hurt your point. However, dishonestly leaving out that it was a don't ask don't tell question that they booed, which the soldier asked, greatly dimishes your standing with the point you want to hammer home.

[ame=]Republican Crowd Boos Gay Soldier at GOP Fox News Google Debate - YouTube[/ame]

Add that linke into your OP too to give context for everyone.....honestly you have a good point and you need to present the whole thing so people don't go find the video on their own then just think your full of it for not being complete in your description.
They were booing because he was gay, he was in the service and those who were booing, along with Li'l Ricky Santorum, cannot tolerate a gay person.

A narrow minded crowd, a narrow minded candidate and similarly narrow minded partisan hacks trying lamely to spin this occurrence as something not boorish and crude.

How many people booed? Care to hazard a guess?

Name one candidate on that stage who admonished them for booing.

Did Obama admonish the union for their "lets take them sons a bitches out" remarks right before he took the stage?

Give it a rest with your fake ass outrage.
How many people booed? Care to hazard a guess?

Name one candidate on that stage who admonished them for booing.

Did Obama admonish the union for their "lets take them sons a bitches out" remarks right before he took the stage?

Give it a rest with your fake ass outrage.

You are correct, obama did not denounce that violent rhetoric which preceeded his stage introduction that day.

However, that doesn't justify people not admonishing the boos.
Name one candidate on that stage who admonished them for booing.

Did Obama admonish the union for their "lets take them sons a bitches out" remarks right before he took the stage?

Give it a rest with your fake ass outrage.

You are correct, obama did not denounce that violent rhetoric which preceeded his stage introduction that day.

However, that doesn't justify people not admonishing the boos.

When interviewed today the candidates said they did not hear any boos over the stage noise and video question. The did today disavow that reaction in interviews stating that had they heard it then they would have. Like I said......fake outrage. Misplaced at best.
Let's say that it was only 5 people in the crowd booing an honorably serving soldier. Not a single one of the candidates for President said a fucking word.

Even worse....did you hear Santorums reply to the question?

After all, the GOP overwhelmingly voted against repeal of DADT

You are absolutely right. Santorum's (google it) response was just as heinous as the booers in the audience.

I'd like to know how equal treatment under the law is a "special privilege".
I guess it's time to do debates WITHOUT a audience if THIS is all the crap we are going to be hearing about them.

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