GOP Debate Audience Boos U.S. Soldier in Iraq

Jake the Queer Malarkey,

Typical, like all the delusional mendacious faggots, you are attempting to demonize us normals by projecting your obvious failings on us normals.

The only ones that agree with a queer Piece of Shit like you are others like you. Or, those that haven't come out of the closet yet.

Check out the totally whacked out queer NoNuker.......that's who this Delusional Faggot Jake Malarkey is emulating with his babble.

As a mainstreahm Christian heterosexual faithful husband and father of great children, my calling out of your hatred is the righteous, moral good thing to do.

Take your unChristian hatred elsewhere.

They cannot stand to see us heterosexual men with happy families, and see how comfortable we are with our sexuality.

Edit, the following is meant to clarify the above post for Bodhi and his demented ilk, and not to condemen NoNukes or others who post courageously and morally and honestly about the Christian Far Right's hatred of gays. Your screaming fearful hatred tells us you are anything but happy and secure in your sexuality.
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Yea, a young American can risk his life defending this country, just as long as WE can decide who they are allowed to love.

USArmyRetired, you are a disgrace to the uniform and a traitor to this nation.

Bad laws are the worst sort of tyranny.
Edmund Burke
Homosexuality is immoral and it is a sin. The bible says it. We don't need it in the military.

And for good reason, common homosexual acts are extremely unhealthy because they're unnatural and perverse. To promote these activities on our children in school is an abomination. To demand everyone accept it is tyranny. We are to love everyone, no question there, and I have many friends who are gay, transgender, and bi; but the lifestyle is far from okay for kids and apparently we can't allow people to be who they are without militants demanding it be taught to our kids. We are forced to take stands. That's not the right's desire, it's the left's. So stand we will.

What is "it" that you think is being "taught"?

If you don't approve of gay sex...don't have any.
Anyone who puts his life on the line to fight in a war that shall drag on into the long forseeable future has my respect. ALthough I highly question why we are involved in either conflict.
First, you're probably a flaming faggot with a gigantic cock stuck up your arse while you were posting.

Second, you can stick your erroneous interpretation of the Bible in regards to queers where the Bible, in all cases, unequivocally condemns faggotry.

Of course, one has the bleeding heart churches whose pastors themselves are queers, or closet queers, promulgating their queer version of Christianity.

The only fact that is evident is that your comment is in line with an established totally whacked out faggot NoNuker.

Thus, the only correct conclusion is that you are a nutjob yourself, probably a queer....or, one that is still in the closet like the other freaks that support the abnormal practice of faggotry.

Aaaaaaaaaaand this is why you've earned the nick "gaytrauma."

See you again when you come back as another sock, gaytrauma.
A voice from the closet.

It has long struck me as strange that homophiles often engage in ad hominem attacks on their critics by asserting that the critic is secretly one of them.

I thought that they claim there is nothing wrong with that.


JimBowie is now engaged in behavior associated with bodhisattva: fear mongering, delusional rant, and out right lying.

Bullshit. Where did I lie? Bodisvathama or whatever his name is has been acused of being a closet homosexual by people here advancing the homosexual agenda.

That is exactly what I was refering to, dimwit.
Yea, a young American can risk his life defending this country, just as long as WE can decide who they are allowed to love.

USArmyRetired, you are a disgrace to the uniform and a traitor to this nation.

Bad laws are the worst sort of tyranny.
Edmund Burke
Homosexuality is immoral and it is a sin. The bible says it. We don't need it in the military.

And for good reason, common homosexual acts are extremely unhealthy because they're unnatural and perverse. To promote these activities on our children in school is an abomination. To demand everyone accept it is tyranny. We are to love everyone, no question there, and I have many friends who are gay, transgender, and bi; but the lifestyle is far from okay for kids and apparently we can't allow people to be who they are without militants demanding it be taught to our kids. We are forced to take stands. That's not the right's desire, it's the left's. So stand we will.

Excellent post.

And I have had a similar experience. When I was in high school some people gave me crap because I had some homosexual friends.

Now these same kind of bandwagon idiots are slamming people for opposing the militant homosexual agenda.

It is a small matter in a sense though. In the final reckoning, none of these people will be remembered any more.
One of the distinguishing traits amongst the queers is that they not only distort the truth and outright lie significantly more than the normals ...... they're also delusional in their agenda.

A voice from the closet.

One must wonder.

Why? There is no reason at all to wonder about the sexuality of someone presenting an argument. Just deal with the facts or dont.

Your casting doubts on a mans sexuality is nothing more than irrational ad hominem bullshit.

Please grow up.
First, you're probably a flaming faggot with a gigantic cock stuck up your arse while you were posting.

Second, you can stick your erroneous interpretation of the Bible in regards to queers where the Bible, in all cases, unequivocally condemns faggotry.

Of course, one has the bleeding heart churches whose pastors themselves are queers, or closet queers, promulgating their queer version of Christianity.

The only fact that is evident is that your comment is in line with an established totally whacked out faggot NoNuker.

Thus, the only correct conclusion is that you are a nutjob yourself, probably a queer....or, one that is still in the closet like the other freaks that support the abnormal practice of faggotry.

Aaaaaaaaaaand this is why you've earned the nick "gaytrauma."

See you again when you come back as another sock, gaytrauma.

Oh crikey :eusa_doh: gaytrauma's back? :(
This is still going?

The situation is the idiot should've kept his mouth shut. Nobody in the military cares that he likes men's asses, but now he thinks we all need to know about it. Well, now he might've screwed himself with co-workers that will shun him for life and will turn him in for sexual harrassment the next time he tries to shower with them at the gym.

He is an idiot.
As a mainstreahm Christian heterosexual faithful husband and father of great children, my calling out of your hatred is the righteous, moral good thing to do.

Take your unChristian hatred elsewhere.

They cannot stand to see us heterosexual men with happy families, and see how comfortable we are with our sexuality.

Your screaming fearful hatred tells us you are anything but happy and secure in your sexuality.

Could you please explain this, Jake.
A voice from the closet.

One must wonder.

Why? There is no reason at all to wonder about the sexuality of someone presenting an argument. Just deal with the facts or dont.

Your casting doubts on a mans sexuality is nothing more than irrational ad hominem bullshit.

Please grow up.

His calling everyone a faggot is dealing with the facts? I was merely saying that his there could be something behind his hatred.
And for good reason, common homosexual acts are extremely unhealthy because they're unnatural and perverse. To promote these activities on our children in school is an abomination. To demand everyone accept it is tyranny. We are to love everyone, no question there, and I have many friends who are gay, transgender, and bi; but the lifestyle is far from okay for kids and apparently we can't allow people to be who they are without militants demanding it be taught to our kids. We are forced to take stands. That's not the right's desire, it's the left's. So stand we will.

What is "it" that you think is being "taught"?
If you don't approve of gay sex...don't have any.

Lawmakers 'sanction' use<br>of district-approved 'porn'

The only thing that stems the tide are parents standing up in opposition, name call all you want, gay porn is appropriate for children
Mission:America - Fighting the Gay Agenda in Schools

That's a long list you have there...of mostly innocuous things that are teaching tolerance, not "teaching homosexuality" (which is something you are, not something you learn, by the way)

Sorry, but I don't have a problem with teaching tolerance in schools. School should be a safe place for kids to learn and teaching tolerance is a way to make it a safe place. Letting kids know that it's not okay to terrorize the gay kid on the playground isn't "teaching homosexuality".

Do you realize that you actually said "gay porn is appropriate for children"? (I bolded it for you) It isn't.

But you know what? You can have discussions with children about gays and lesbians without having to talk about sex.

5 YEAR OLD: "Mommy, who is that man with Uncle Bob?"

MOTHER: "That's Uncle Bob's partner, Bill. They love each other like Mommy and Daddy do."

5 YEAR OLD: "Oh. Can I go play?"

Any sex in that conversation?

How about an actual video of a similar conversation?

A Kid's Reaction to a Gay Couple
Homosexuality is immoral and it is a sin. The bible says it. We don't need it in the military.

And for good reason, common homosexual acts are extremely unhealthy because they're unnatural and perverse. To promote these activities on our children in school is an abomination. To demand everyone accept it is tyranny. We are to love everyone, no question there, and I have many friends who are gay, transgender, and bi; but the lifestyle is far from okay for kids and apparently we can't allow people to be who they are without militants demanding it be taught to our kids. We are forced to take stands. That's not the right's desire, it's the left's. So stand we will.

Excellent post.

And I have had a similar experience. When I was in high school some people gave me crap because I had some homosexual friends.

Now these same kind of bandwagon idiots are slamming people for opposing the militant homosexual agenda.

It is a small matter in a sense though. In the final reckoning, none of these people will be remembered any more.

People who are violently opposed to something usually because it applies to them. Why would someone be so blatantly hateful unless he can associate it emotionally?

I don't want to grow up, being an adult sucks.
They cannot stand to see us heterosexual men with happy families, and see how comfortable we are with our sexuality.

Your screaming fearful hatred tells us you are anything but happy and secure in your sexuality.

Could you please explain this, Jake.

I will explain that I thought the haters wrote this, and my mistake, NoNukes.

You are right, of course. Many haters have real trouble with their own self esteem and secureness in their sexuality, so they project out on the homosexual community. One of Hitler's reasons of course for destroying the gay-filled SA was his fear of homosexuality, supporting his main goal of destroying the left-wing socialist wing of his party.

I have gone back and changed the post.
Jake the Queer Malarkey,

Typical, like all the delusional mendacious faggots, you are attempting to demonize us normals by projecting your obvious failings on us normals.

The only ones that agree with a queer Piece of Shit like you are others like you. Or, those that haven't come out of the closet yet.

Check out the totally whacked out queer NoNuker.......that's who this Delusional Faggot Jake Malarkey is emulating with his babble.

As a mainstreahm Christian heterosexual faithful husband and father of great children, my calling out of your hatred is the righteous, moral good thing to do.

Take your unChristian hatred elsewhere.

First, you're probably a flaming faggot with a gigantic cock stuck up your arse while you were posting.

Second, you can stick your erroneous interpretation of the Bible in regards to queers where the Bible, in all cases, unequivocally condemns faggotry.

Of course, one has the bleeding heart churches whose pastors themselves are queers, or closet queers, promulgating their queer version of Christianity.

Bodhi, your language, anger, and unchristian behavior here merely demonstrates that you do not your Lord and Savior, do not understand His purpose, and hate his church here on earth.

You are filled with a demonic spirit that laughs as you struggle in its grip.

God have mercy on your soul.
Your screaming fearful hatred tells us you are anything but happy and secure in your sexuality.

Could you please explain this, Jake.

I will explain that I thought the haters wrote this, and my mistake, NoNukes.

You are right, of course. Many haters have real trouble with their own self esteem and secureness in their sexuality, so they project out on the homosexual community. One of Hitler's reasons of course for destroying the gay-filled SA was his fear of homosexuality, supporting his main goal of destroying the left-wing socialist wing of his party.

I have gone back and changed the post.

I figured that was the case, but it scared me for a minute that I might have said something offensive to you.

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