GOP Debate: Progressives exposed on climate change ruse!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere funny was it to see the CNN moderator at the debate last night change from the subject on climate change on a DIME after just 3 responses? Hysterical............and what a surprise right??!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

As soon as Rubio launched into the global warming "pause" and how the Democrats plan will cost the middle class and arm and a leg for energy costs and how it would screw our economy and do virtually nothing to effect the environment ( according to the EPA :tongue-44: ) , the CNN moderator moved quickly to a new topic!!!

What a joke........these advocates of AGW are so full of shit that now it even makes for good TV!!!!

Oh,.......and for the dolts who say the election will be decided by the topic of climate change, NONE of the spin rooms on any network even discussed it for an eye blink after the debates. Not for an eye blink!!!:funnyface::funnyface::fu:

Who's Not Winning??:rock::rock::rock::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
"But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy. Obviously, the owners of coal and oil will not be enthusiastic about this. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore..." -- IPCC revealing Climate change is a scheme to redistribute wealth
So Rubio lied outright about the phony pause, and the Conservative News Network mod let him get away with it. When every bit of the evidence says you're part of a liars' cult, such little "victories" are all you have.

We've got the science and data. Skook has a lying politician. Skook loses spectacularly, again.
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So Rubio lied outright about the phony pause, the Conservative News Network mod let him get away with it. When every bit of the evidence says you're part of a liars' cult, such little "victories" are all you have.

We've got the science and data. Skook has a lying politician. Skook loses spectacularly, again.

"But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy. Obviously, the owners of coal and oil will not be enthusiastic about this. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore..." -- IPCC revealing Climate change is a scheme to redistribute wealth
2 decades, no warming.

But but but but but the ocean ate my warming! Wahhhhhhh Wahhh, the ocean is so so so so mean, it ate all the "excess heat"
2 decades, no warming.

But but but but but the ocean ate my warming! Wahhhhhhh Wahhh, the ocean is so so so so mean, it ate all the "excess heat"
sounds like tooth wants it to be hot. Can't prove it, but wants it. Not sure why since he/she/it hates warmth so much. I wonder if there was a scuba dive to find the excess heat.
So Rubio lied outright about the phony pause, and the Conservative News Network mod let him get away with it. When every bit of the evidence says you're part of a liars' cult, such little "victories" are all you have.

We've got the science and data. Skook has a lying politician. Skook loses spectacularly, again.

What data, what fucking science?

We only have 2004 till now of ocean temperatures

This is getting old with you...

Starting to sound like Matthew....

Science, infrastructure and R n D

Dumb ass... Post us data and not proxy crap
2 decades, no warming.

But but but but but the ocean ate my warming! Wahhhhhhh Wahhh, the ocean is so so so so mean, it ate all the "excess heat"
Sometimes, I really worry about the progress of mankind's future evolution, but when I read posts like this... I stop worrying because I then know that we are doomed--no need to keep worrying (eye roll).
If I was on that stage -- and that's not so far-fetched as it seems --- :eusa_clap:

The correct answer would be that the WHouse would host a SERIES of open public debates on the science of Global Warming. That funding for Climate Science would no longer be conditioned on proving only a MAN-MADE cause.

And that the purposeful govt. confusion between Carbon pollution and CO2 would come to an end..

That would have been a better start on an answer... And if I had another 20 seconds -- I'd make certain that folks know that many assertions have been made about PAST climate variability that are simply not validated in the science. Thus claims that our recent little 60 year blip in temperature is HIGHER or at a greater rate --- cannot be proven from tree rings, ice cores, and mud bug shells for a GLOBAL survey of the globe's temperature 10,000 yrs ago.
2 decades, no warming.

But but but but but the ocean ate my warming! Wahhhhhhh Wahhh, the ocean is so so so so mean, it ate all the "excess heat"
Sometimes, I really worry about the progress of mankind's future evolution, but when I read posts like this... I stop worrying because I then know that we are doomed--no need to keep worrying (eye roll).

You're one of them Global Warming suckers.
Bottom line?

As soon as the CNN moderator didn't get the answer he was looking for and Rubio started schooling him ( the pause, wealth redistribution, costs to voters ), he couldn't switch gears fast enough, "OK....we're moving to a new topic!"........while 3 or 4 other candidates asked to weigh in. 100% ghey.

And again......not a single mention post-debate.


And ps........that was the most highly rated show in the history of CNN!!!!:rofl::rofl::rock::rock::rock:

Tens of millions got a glimpse into the climate change ruse!!!

If I was on that stage -- and that's not so far-fetched as it seems --- :eusa_clap:

The correct answer would be that the WHouse would host a SERIES of open public debates on the science of Global Warming. That funding for Climate Science would no longer be conditioned on proving only a MAN-MADE cause.

And that the purposeful govt. confusion between Carbon pollution and CO2 would come to an end..

That would have been a better start on an answer... And if I had another 20 seconds -- I'd make certain that folks know that many assertions have been made about PAST climate variability that are simply not validated in the science. Thus claims that our recent little 60 year blip in temperature is HIGHER or at a greater rate --- cannot be proven from tree rings, ice cores, and mud bug shells for a GLOBAL survey of the globe's temperature 10,000 yrs ago.

With this, I agree 100%!

Ideas change, evolve. For how long have we been told by our (cough-cough) scientists we shouldn't eat meat? Now we hear, they were all wrong. Butter? Wrong too! Coffee? It still keeps going back and forth.

The only reason we always hear the science is settled, is because it promotes their agenda.

Many people would sit down to watch a debate on this issue, as long as they spoke English, but the MMGW people will never do it. Why? Because no matter the outcome, it will prove the outcome is not settled, and that they can NOT have.

If they really wanted was best for all involved, and were convinced that they are correct, they would DEMAND a debate with scientists from both sides of the issue to prove their point.

Now then, if you believe my last paragraph, go on youtube and look for climate debates and see what you come up with. There isn't any or many. Why? Because these people are in control by innuendo and propaganda, not fact! They can't use scientific proof with people who can dispute it sitting right in front of them, to make their case. All they can do is use links from lefty sites, to try and scare the hell out of you.

Tell them to get their scientists to have a debate with other scientists who disagree. Watch how fast you never see it happen. That should tell ALL of you, what it is you need to know.
imawhosure --- there is ONE of substance.. Search for Intelligence Squared debate "Global Warming is a Crisis"..

Most other debates have suffered from the chickening out syndrome of the leading proponents of catastrophic GW.
In the debate above -- the now head of NASA GISS got creamed by the skeptics.
Well, by this time next year, we will see how all of this plays out. The GOP is obviously going to run on a denier platform, and a platform that is dictated by those that make a profit on continuing the increase of GHGs in the atmosphere. Predicted events, increased precipitation events, increased forest fires, and droughts are being seen by enough now that the continued denial of reality by the GOP is going to create some problems at the polls.

But go ahead and have your big victory party the day before the election, as you did in 2012. It was amusing then, it will be amusing in 2916.
2 decades, no warming.

But but but but but the ocean ate my warming! Wahhhhhhh Wahhh, the ocean is so so so so mean, it ate all the "excess heat"
Sometimes, I really worry about the progress of mankind's future evolution, but when I read posts like this... I stop worrying because I then know that we are doomed--no need to keep worrying (eye roll).

You're one of them Global Warming suckers.
Global warming is a natural act. It happens every 100,000 years. It is proven science and I actually like proven things and science and puppies and kittens and icing smiles on cookies. Global warming is natural, climate change is man made. Climate change can affect the speed and intensity of global warming. Carl Sagan told us back in the 70s that we were in the last quarter of a pole shift, which could trigger global warming. Some people think that global warming causes pole shifts, but pole shifts are also a natural act so really, they happen hand in hand maybe. It's interesting.
If you're going to call people names, you need to make sure you have your definitions and facts straight otherwise you are the one that looks like you've had too many suckers.

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