GOP establishment running scared

To not be a career politician is a bonus, which is why Carson is also up in the polls.
To not be a career politician is the whole point.

"If we could find a community organizer, we'd be all set."

But who can make it without being a career politician?

One would have to be wealthy to even have a chance.

As it is, part of me knows that the establishment won't allow either Trump or Carson in unless they sell their souls to do so, like the rest of the gang.
That's a good thing. Fuck the establishment.

Fuck paying for our infrastructure, police, and fuck our old people that need ssi. Ok, fuck this whole country!!! Lets go llive in caves!
Matt, watch Trump's press conference… I am not kidding...
The GOP plan of put wack-jobs to the forefront of the pack to lose the White House is working. Palin, 'whats his name', and now Trump.
To not be a career politician is a bonus, which is why Carson is also up in the polls.
To not be a career politician is the whole point.

"If we could find a community organizer, we'd be all set."

But who can make it without being a career politician?

One would have to be wealthy to even have a chance.

As it is, part of me knows that the establishment won't allow either Trump or Carson in unless they sell their souls to do so, like the rest of the gang.
That's a good thing. Fuck the establishment.

Fuck paying for our infrastructure, police, and fuck our old people that need ssi. Ok, fuck this whole country!!! Lets go llive in caves!
Get another song already. This one is a one hit wonder. Sheesh.
For some reason all candidates look like complete assholes this time. The only thing we need is Kim Kardashian being the democrat candidate. She surely could compete with Trump though he is a much better showman than her.
Anybody can beat the pants suit queen at this point and maybe that's why the DNC is scared to death that they might have to run brain damaged Joe biden.

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