GOP Florida Debate Tonight on FOX


May 22, 2011
Sin City
Prepare to watch Ron Paul shatter the pandering empty suit puppets.

Gary Johnson will also be participating but he will likely add nothing to the debate and will be ignored.

This debate may make or break Perry because he has underperformed the last two debates and he has to step it up this time to prove himself to be a frontrunner with actual ideas how to fix this country. Don't get your hopes up though Perry sheeple, his campaign said he will not change his debate strategy thus remaining a weak debater.

The beautiful Megyn Kelly will be a debate moderator joined by Chris Wallace and Brett Baier. Kelly and Chris are brutal so expect the candidates to all be grilled.

Ron Paul will come out the winner as usual. Libertarians have become a big base in the Republican party and they can see through the pandering and empty lies of these Illuminati puppets.

I expect a fair and balanced debate, anchored by fair and balanced moderators who fairly disperse the questions so and equal number of fair questions are asked of each participant providing a balance of opinions to the listeners.

Actually I expect just the opposite. I will not be surprised if the first question is phrased by this lead in: " Candidate X, some people are saying ..."
I expect a fair and balanced debate, anchored by fair and balanced moderators who fairly disperse the questions so and equal number of fair questions are asked of each participant providing a balance of opinions to the listeners.

Actually I expect just the opposite. I will not be surprised if the first question is phrased by this lead in: " Candidate X, some people are saying ..."

Brett Baier is the only one that sucks. Megyn Kelly and Chris Wallace tend to be good, but do at times have their biased moments.

I expect a fair and balanced debate, anchored by fair and balanced moderators who fairly disperse the questions so and equal number of fair questions are asked of each participant providing a balance of opinions to the listeners.

Actually I expect just the opposite. I will not be surprised if the first question is phrased by this lead in: " Candidate X, some people are saying ..."

Brett Baier is the only one that sucks. Megyn Kelly and Chris Wallace tend to be good, but do at times have their biased moments.


Whereas you are completely unbiased, right? :lol:

FYI: Paul can not win the election in '12, you know that too, right?
I expect a fair and balanced debate, anchored by fair and balanced moderators who fairly disperse the questions so and equal number of fair questions are asked of each participant providing a balance of opinions to the listeners.

Actually I expect just the opposite. I will not be surprised if the first question is phrased by this lead in: " Candidate X, some people are saying ..."

Brett Baier is the only one that sucks. Megyn Kelly and Chris Wallace tend to be good, but do at times have their biased moments.


Whereas you are completely unbiased, right? :lol:

Nope, I'm not unbiased, I am biased towards Ron Paul and biased against the establishment of course.

FYI: Paul can not win the election in '12, you know that too, right?

FYI: Ron Paul is polling solid double digits, in 3rd place, passed the former frontrunner Bachmann, and his suport has been solid all the way through and has made gradual increases as opposed to the fluctuating polling position of other candidates. Not to mention the Tea Party elected his son Rand Paul to Senate.

Regardless of how well Perry and Romney will perform tonight, PMSNBC will still make both of them out to be the next Adolf or Castro. MSNBC just hates when a conservative tells the truth about the economy.
Brett Baier is the only one that sucks. Megyn Kelly and Chris Wallace tend to be good, but do at times have their biased moments.


Whereas you are completely unbiased, right? :lol:

Nope, I'm not unbiased, I am biased towards Ron Paul and biased against the establishment of course.

FYI: Paul can not win the election in '12, you know that too, right?

FYI: Ron Paul is polling solid double digits, in 3rd place, passed the former frontrunner Bachmann, and his suport has been solid all the way through and has made gradual increases as opposed to the fluctuating polling position of other candidates. Not to mention the Tea Party elected his son Rand Paul to Senate.


In fairness Ron Paul does have a place in the Debates, just limited. Even Newt adds to the experience. Though both make great points, neither would be my first choice. Still, Anyone but Barry.
Regardless of how well Perry and Romney will perform tonight, PMSNBC will still make both of them out to be the next Adolf or Castro. MSNBC just hates when a conservative tells the truth about the economy.

Perry and Romney tell the truth?! Hahahaha! Since when??

Not that I agree with MSNBC, but Romney and Perry are like Adolf and Castro. Neither Romney nor Perry wants to abolish the Patriot Act, abolish the IRS, abolish the Fed, and legalize freedom.

Brett Baier is the only one that sucks. Megyn Kelly and Chris Wallace tend to be good, but do at times have their biased moments.


Whereas you are completely unbiased, right? :lol:

Nope, I'm not unbiased, I am biased towards Ron Paul and biased against the establishment of course.

FYI: Paul can not win the election in '12, you know that too, right?

FYI: Ron Paul is polling solid double digits, in 3rd place, passed the former frontrunner Bachmann, and his suport has been solid all the way through and has made gradual increases as opposed to the fluctuating polling position of other candidates. Not to mention the Tea Party elected his son Rand Paul to Senate.


While I like a lot of what Ron Paul says--he knows he is not going to win the nomination.

Who I watch for in the coming years--is his son--Rand Paul--who will be a major powerhouse--if he would just clean up his dad's foreign policy ideas.

The good thing about him being here--is he is giving others lots of good ideas--and is dragging the entire field to the right with him. Once there--they have to stay there.
Whereas you are completely unbiased, right? :lol:

Nope, I'm not unbiased, I am biased towards Ron Paul and biased against the establishment of course.

FYI: Paul can not win the election in '12, you know that too, right?

FYI: Ron Paul is polling solid double digits, in 3rd place, passed the former frontrunner Bachmann, and his suport has been solid all the way through and has made gradual increases as opposed to the fluctuating polling position of other candidates. Not to mention the Tea Party elected his son Rand Paul to Senate.


While I like a lot of what Ron Paul says--he knows he is not going to win the nomination.

Who I watch for in the coming years--is his son--Rand Paul--who will be a major powerhouse--if he would just clean up his dad's foreign policy ideas.

The good thing about him being here--is he is giving others lots of good ideas--and is dragging the entire field to the right with him. Once there--they have to stay there.

Exactly, these Debates are about Ideas, Defining Ideas. We don't need to be wasting time bashing, rather raising the bar. Most anyone involved would do well in a Cabinet Position.
you guys wanna predict the next 2 drop-outs? Andy Johnson for sure, second choice,hmm, tossup between Ron and Rick.
Texas Gov. Rick Perry enters tonight'sFox News/Google debate in Orlando as the front-runner in Florida's presidential primary, a new poll shows.

The Quinnipiac University survey shows Perry leading former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, 28%-22%, if former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is included.
Prepare to watch Ron Paul shatter the pandering empty suit puppets. .

Considering he hasn't done anything even close to that yet, I highly doubt he will tonight.

Gary Johnson will also be participating but he will likely add nothing to the debate and will be ignored.

You never know. I didn't even know he was still running.

This debate may make or break Perry because he has underperformed the last two debates and he has to step it up this time to prove himself to be a frontrunner with actual ideas how to fix this country. Don't get your hopes up though Perry sheeple, his campaign said he will not change his debate strategy thus remaining a weak debater.

I hate to break it to you, but debates really don't matter.

The beautiful Megyn Kelly will be a debate moderator joined by Chris Wallace and Brett Baier. Kelly and Chris are brutal so expect the candidates to all be grilled.

Wouldn't it be nice if Obama was grilled by the media someday?

Ron Paul will come out the winner as usual. Libertarians have become a big base in the Republican party and they can see through the pandering and empty lies of these Illuminati puppets.

Im sorry, brother, nothing against R.P., but I think you are deluding yourself here.
you guys wanna predict the next 2 drop-outs? Andy Johnson for sure, second choice,hmm, tossup between Ron and Rick.

What makes you think anyone is going to drop out?

Why on earth would anyone be foolish enough to drop out before a vote has been cast?
Agree with the Avatar - debates don't matter.

RP will NEVER get the GOP nomination - perhaps the Communist Party's - but not the GOP
Agree with the Avatar - debates don't matter.

RP will NEVER get the GOP nomination - perhaps the Communist Party's - but not the GOP

He'd never get the communist party's nomination. Obama has a better shot at that.

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