GOP Freakout: More Minority Babies Will Be Born Than White Babies This Year

Bwahahahaha realization of the plan begins.

Boy--hope we keep some parts of the Obowma health care plan after the up coming elections especialy the free abortions. Then lets see how the population fairs.

95 % of ya should have realized that this would wake up some niave whites that believe
only whites are racists,not black voters
Progressives already have countries where their Statist ideology is fully implemented, and I want them to move there.


Why is that so terrible?

Their State Controlled Centrally Planned economies are always the worst on the planet; always fail, always bring scarcity even of food, water and shelter and not because it's not been tried on an economy as big as the US, but because it's a failed ideology.

That's why Progressives need to be eradicated as an ideology in the US government.

If you want to start a commune where nobody works, or hunts or bathes, by all means please find someplace suitable. You just don't belong running Congress and POTUS like you are now.
And they call me a racist.

Well it is pretty racist to start a thread shouting that minoirities outbreed white people. What's a person to think? That you are race baiting?

Actually, rdean just hates Republicans.... mainly because he is incapable of separating the individual from the group. Which makes him a member of the borg.

You didn't get the "memo"? Individuals have been driven OUT of the Republican Party.
Well it is pretty racist to start a thread shouting that minoirities outbreed white people. What's a person to think? That you are race baiting?

Actually, rdean just hates Republicans.... mainly because he is incapable of separating the individual from the group. Which makes him a member of the borg.

You didn't get the "memo"? Individuals have been driven OUT of the Republican Party.

Are all people in Chicago as ignorant as you?
In a couple of hundred years we will all be some shade of brown, except for a holdout group in Utah.
In a couple of hundred years we will all be some shade of brown, except for a holdout group in Utah.
actually, in a couple hundred years, we will all have been worm food for a century

unless they come up with some medical science that will keep everyone alive for far far longer than it can now
Hey minorities, the good news is there will be more of you and you won't be minorities anymore.

The bad news you'll still be poor.

Even poorer, actually. Like, Africa poor.

What the non-whites don't get is that while "evil whitey" oppresses them, they wouldn't have NEARLY the same standard of living without us.

Do you think a bunch of squat little Bolivians are doing to set up clean rooms for computer chips, or a bunch of a blacks run an airline? Give me a break. It'll never happen. We're going the way of Brazil.
Well it is pretty racist to start a thread shouting that minoirities outbreed white people. What's a person to think? That you are race baiting?

Actually, rdean just hates Republicans.... mainly because he is incapable of separating the individual from the group. Which makes him a member of the borg.

You didn't get the "memo"? Individuals have been driven OUT of the Republican Party.

Considering the borglike membership of the Democrats these days, that's actually pretty funny. You have no idea how dumb you are. Since you love science, the evidence is right here - on this forum... You obsessive hatred of the GOP blinds you to any facts that do not back up your stupidity. Shame on you, rdean.[/I

WASHINGTON — Minorities make up nearly half the children born in the U.S., part of a historic trend in which minorities are expected to become the U.S. majority over the next 40 years.

In fact, demographers say this year could be the “tipping point” when the number of babies born to minorities outnumbers that of babies born to whites.

The numbers are growing because immigration to the U.S. has boosted the number of Hispanic women in their prime childbearing years. Minorities made up 48 percent of U.S. children born in 2008, the latest census estimates available, compared to 37 percent in 1990.

[url=]More Minority Babies Will Be Born Than White Babies This Year | News One[/url]

"Most parts of the country are now totally dependent on minorities for achieving growth in their young adult and child populations," said William H. Frey, a demographer at the Brookings Institution, citing the low birth rates among whites as well as the aging white baby boomer population.

"Minorities are especially important for current and future labor force gains in all but the most rapidly growing parts of the country," he said.

[url=]Census: Multiracial US becoming even more diverse[/url][/quote]

i know you're not the smartest guy around...but nothing in your links have anything to do with the GOP. the first article is 6 months old and is reposted from the AP by a newsite that specifically says - "[B][U]for black america[/U][/B]"

this has to be one of the funniest fail threads i've seen in awhile...congrats rdumb!
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Actually, rdean just hates Republicans.... mainly because he is incapable of separating the individual from the group. Which makes him a member of the borg.

You didn't get the "memo"? Individuals have been driven OUT of the Republican Party.

Considering the borglike membership of the Democrats these days, that's actually pretty funny. You have no idea how dumb you are. Since you love science, the evidence is right here - on this forum... You obsessive hatred of the GOP blinds you to any facts that do not back up your stupidity. Shame on you, rdean.

I'm always amazed at how your kind are always able to "jump over" reality and not let it touch you in the slightest.

The right goes on endlessly about how the Democrats have so much power but couldn't get anything done. The obvious truth blows your delusion right out of the water.

In fact, it's so obvious, it's embarrassing to have to explain it. Well, let me put this in a way even you can understand. I promise to keep it "simple".

The Democrats, unlike the Confederate Republicans, don't vote in "lockstep". Why? Because they are not a party that is 90% white. They are a party built on "coalitions".

I guess everything DOES have to be explained. Bu bye!
Hey minorities, the good news is there will be more of you and you won't be minorities anymore.

The bad news you'll still be poor.

Even poorer, actually. Like, Africa poor.

What the non-whites don't get is that while "evil whitey" oppresses them, they wouldn't have NEARLY the same standard of living without us.

Do you think a bunch of squat little Bolivians are doing to set up clean rooms for computer chips, or a bunch of a blacks run an airline? Give me a break. It'll never happen. We're going the way of Brazil.

SAO PAULO, Brazil -- Record oil prices have made the world's energy landscape a darkly foreboding place this year, inhospitable to optimism and celebration. Except in Brazil.

It has been something of a banner year here, full of milestones. The government predicts that for the first time in its history, Brazil will achieve energy equilibrium, exporting as much oil as it imports. The production of sugar cane-based ethanol is expected to reach an all-time high. And just three years after the introduction here of flex-fuel vehicles -- cars that run on either ethanol or gasoline -- several major automakers predict that such vehicles will represent 100 percent of their production by the end of the year, eliminating gas-only models.

Brazil's Road to Energy Independence -

I work with a brilliant engineer from Bolivia. Her husband is a college professor.

Don't be mad because your job was outsourced to China. Republicans did that.
You didn't get the "memo"? Individuals have been driven OUT of the Republican Party.

Considering the borglike membership of the Democrats these days, that's actually pretty funny. You have no idea how dumb you are. Since you love science, the evidence is right here - on this forum... You obsessive hatred of the GOP blinds you to any facts that do not back up your stupidity. Shame on you, rdean.

I'm always amazed at how your kind are always able to "jump over" reality and not let it touch you in the slightest.

The right goes on endlessly about how the Democrats have so much power but couldn't get anything done. The obvious truth blows your delusion right out of the water.

In fact, it's so obvious, it's embarrassing to have to explain it. Well, let me put this in a way even you can understand. I promise to keep it "simple".

The Democrats, unlike the Confederate Republicans, don't vote in "lockstep". Why? Because they are not a party that is 90% white. They are a party built on "coalitions".

I guess everything DOES have to be explained. Bu bye!

Where is your evidence of this 'GOP Freakout'. Show me actual hard evidence - not OpEds, not HuffyPuffy pieces, not left wing propaganda... but actual evidence that the GOP are, indeed, freaking out over minority babies.

Now, let us consider this 'racism' claim. If the GOP were actually racist, there would be 100% white membership. Fact.

Why don't you take a hard look at the Democrats. I am told - and the evidence on this board bears it out - that black men hate homosexuals. Yet, you have no problem with that. Black vs Hispanic 'racism' is rife. You have no problem with that. Muslims 'hate' gays. You have no problem with that. You see only the 'hatred' when it comes from the Party you hate. Well, rdean, scientifically speaking, that makes you a moron.

WASHINGTON — Minorities make up nearly half the children born in the U.S., part of a historic trend in which minorities are expected to become the U.S. majority over the next 40 years.

In fact, demographers say this year could be the “tipping point” when the number of babies born to minorities outnumbers that of babies born to whites.

The numbers are growing because immigration to the U.S. has boosted the number of Hispanic women in their prime childbearing years. Minorities made up 48 percent of U.S. children born in 2008, the latest census estimates available, compared to 37 percent in 1990.

More Minority Babies Will Be Born Than White Babies This Year | News One

"Most parts of the country are now totally dependent on minorities for achieving growth in their young adult and child populations," said William H. Frey, a demographer at the Brookings Institution, citing the low birth rates among whites as well as the aging white baby boomer population.

"Minorities are especially important for current and future labor force gains in all but the most rapidly growing parts of the country," he said.

Census: Multiracial US becoming even more diverse

That's nothing new. Poor blacks have been doing that for decades, it gets them more welfare money.
Considering the borglike membership of the Democrats these days, that's actually pretty funny. You have no idea how dumb you are. Since you love science, the evidence is right here - on this forum... You obsessive hatred of the GOP blinds you to any facts that do not back up your stupidity. Shame on you, rdean.

I'm always amazed at how your kind are always able to "jump over" reality and not let it touch you in the slightest.

The right goes on endlessly about how the Democrats have so much power but couldn't get anything done. The obvious truth blows your delusion right out of the water.

In fact, it's so obvious, it's embarrassing to have to explain it. Well, let me put this in a way even you can understand. I promise to keep it "simple".

The Democrats, unlike the Confederate Republicans, don't vote in "lockstep". Why? Because they are not a party that is 90% white. They are a party built on "coalitions".

I guess everything DOES have to be explained. Bu bye!

Where is your evidence of this 'GOP Freakout'. Show me actual hard evidence - not OpEds, not HuffyPuffy pieces, not left wing propaganda... but actual evidence that the GOP are, indeed, freaking out over minority babies.

Now, let us consider this 'racism' claim. If the GOP were actually racist, there would be 100% white membership. Fact.

Why don't you take a hard look at the Democrats. I am told - and the evidence on this board bears it out - that black men hate homosexuals. Yet, you have no problem with that. Black vs Hispanic 'racism' is rife. You have no problem with that. Muslims 'hate' gays. You have no problem with that. You see only the 'hatred' when it comes from the Party you hate. Well, rdean, scientifically speaking, that makes you a moron.

Oh, so you are saying Democrats DON'T Vote in "lockstep"?

Twat? I **** hear you? Splay it again.

Then you are admitting the Democratic party IS a party of coalitions. People don't have to love each other to work together.

The Right Wing Conservatives Confederate Republican Party of Teabags is 90% white. Prove it ain't so. This year had a record number of Republican blacks running for office. How many are still around? It's one thing for Republicans to say, "I don't hate blacks", but it's another to accept one into the "WHITE" House.[/I

WASHINGTON — Minorities make up nearly half the children born in the U.S., part of a historic trend in which minorities are expected to become the U.S. majority over the next 40 years.

In fact, demographers say this year could be the “tipping point” when the number of babies born to minorities outnumbers that of babies born to whites.

The numbers are growing because immigration to the U.S. has boosted the number of Hispanic women in their prime childbearing years. Minorities made up 48 percent of U.S. children born in 2008, the latest census estimates available, compared to 37 percent in 1990.

[url=]More Minority Babies Will Be Born Than White Babies This Year | News One[/url]

"Most parts of the country are now totally dependent on minorities for achieving growth in their young adult and child populations," said William H. Frey, a demographer at the Brookings Institution, citing the low birth rates among whites as well as the aging white baby boomer population.

"Minorities are especially important for current and future labor force gains in all but the most rapidly growing parts of the country," he said.

[url=]Census: Multiracial US becoming even more diverse[/url][/quote]

i know you're not the smartest guy around...but nothing in your links have anything to do with the GOP. the first article is 6 months old and is reposted from the AP by a newsite that specifically says - "[B][U]for black america[/U][/B]"

this has to be one of the funniest fail threads i've seen in awhile...congrats rdumb![/QUOTE]

And in those six months, the GOP has gone after Hispanics, Muslims and gays. Republican Senate nominee just told a bunch of Hispanic teenagers they look Asian. I guess if they aren't white, they ALL look the same.[/I

WASHINGTON — Minorities make up nearly half the children born in the U.S., part of a historic trend in which minorities are expected to become the U.S. majority over the next 40 years.

In fact, demographers say this year could be the “tipping point” when the number of babies born to minorities outnumbers that of babies born to whites.

The numbers are growing because immigration to the U.S. has boosted the number of Hispanic women in their prime childbearing years. Minorities made up 48 percent of U.S. children born in 2008, the latest census estimates available, compared to 37 percent in 1990.

[url=]More Minority Babies Will Be Born Than White Babies This Year | News One[/url]

"Most parts of the country are now totally dependent on minorities for achieving growth in their young adult and child populations," said William H. Frey, a demographer at the Brookings Institution, citing the low birth rates among whites as well as the aging white baby boomer population.

"Minorities are especially important for current and future labor force gains in all but the most rapidly growing parts of the country," he said.

[url=]Census: Multiracial US becoming even more diverse[/url][/quote]

i know you're not the smartest guy around...but nothing in your links have anything to do with the GOP. the first article is 6 months old and is reposted from the AP by a newsite that specifically says - "[B][U]for black america[/U][/B]"

this has to be one of the funniest fail threads i've seen in awhile...congrats rdumb![/QUOTE]

And in those six months, the GOP has gone after Hispanics, Muslims and gays. Republican Senate nominee just told a bunch of Hispanic teenagers they look Asian. I guess if they aren't white, they ALL look the same.[/QUOTE]


so your links were total horseshit (that would be embarrassing to normal people rdean) and now all you have is this surprise and as usual, nothing to substantiate your claims

no freak out rdean, well....except in your head

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