GOP goes after gays on new/old GOP Platform. One wonders, who's next?

Republicans aren't "most people". In fact, I'm not even sure they are entirely human. Their policies are too mean spirited and cruel.

The more the Democrats cater to, and side with criminals, tyrants, perverts, and degenerates, and against decent, honest Americans; the more you'll drive the latter to the Republican party. And the latter will always be the majority.
I could never agree that "let him die" Republicans and "feed the poor and they will breed" Republicans and "kill the families (including women and children) of terrorists" Republicans are decent and honest Americans. In my eyes, they are the enemy of mankind.
I could never agree that "let him die" Republicans and "feed the poor and they will breed" Republicans and "kill the families (including women and children) of terrorists" Republicans are decent and honest Americans. In my eyes, they are the enemy of mankind.

Sorry...I could care less about anything to do with less than a fraction of a percent of the population.....
I know.

But as we've all learned in the past, if one minority isn't safe, then no minority is safe.
Someone's choice makes not a minority....
Choice huh? So tell me, since it was a "choice" for you, how were you able to "choose"? What was it that turned you on the most about same sex sex? I'm assuming you must have "tried it" to be able to make a well informed choice. Was it close? Could it have gone either way? How do you know you won't change your mind?
I made normal choices....I take it you made abnormal choices.....
That wasn't the question. The question was the thought behind the "choice". I never had to make a choice. You apparently did. Since for you it was a choice, how close was it to go the other way? It's a simple question.
Sorry. Can't understand the dude on dude thing. Unnatural. Especially when so many beautiful women out there. Nothing can replace that first kiss with a woman.
I know.

But as we've all learned in the past, if one minority isn't safe, then no minority is safe.
Someone's choice makes not a minority....
Choice huh? So tell me, since it was a "choice" for you, how were you able to "choose"? What was it that turned you on the most about same sex sex? I'm assuming you must have "tried it" to be able to make a well informed choice. Was it close? Could it have gone either way? How do you know you won't change your mind?
I made normal choices....I take it you made abnormal choices.....
That wasn't the question. The question was the thought behind the "choice". I never had to make a choice. You apparently did. Since for you it was a choice, how close was it to go the other way? It's a simple question.
Sorry. Can't understand the dude on dude thing. Unnatural. Especially when so many beautiful women out there. Nothing can replace that first kiss with a woman.
So they should live how you decide they should live? Because they don't feel what you feel?
Someone's choice makes not a minority....
Choice huh? So tell me, since it was a "choice" for you, how were you able to "choose"? What was it that turned you on the most about same sex sex? I'm assuming you must have "tried it" to be able to make a well informed choice. Was it close? Could it have gone either way? How do you know you won't change your mind?
I made normal choices....I take it you made abnormal choices.....
That wasn't the question. The question was the thought behind the "choice". I never had to make a choice. You apparently did. Since for you it was a choice, how close was it to go the other way? It's a simple question.
Sorry. Can't understand the dude on dude thing. Unnatural. Especially when so many beautiful women out there. Nothing can replace that first kiss with a woman.
So they should live how you decide they should live? Because they don't feel what you feel?
I don't like a lot of people's what?
Hmmmm...a muslim terrorist goes into a gay night club and murders 49 gays and injures a lot more.....and the liberals who allegedly support gays.....hide the nature of the killer, and ignore the fact that the religion he claimed is murdering gays in about 11 countries.......

And obama just allowed a gay hunting country to get nuclear weapons.......

And yet Republicans are the problem for gays?
Hmmmm...a muslim terrorist goes into a gay night club and murders 49 gays and injures a lot more.....and the liberals who allegedly support gays.....hide the nature of the killer, and ignore the fact that the religion he claimed is murdering gays in about 11 countries.......

And obama just allowed a gay hunting country to get nuclear weapons.......

And yet Republicans are the problem for gays?
Wow, so many delusions. How long did it take to make all that shit up?
Let's just stick with the gays for now. Then we'll go after the child molesters and the sheep-fuckers.
Choice huh? So tell me, since it was a "choice" for you, how were you able to "choose"? What was it that turned you on the most about same sex sex? I'm assuming you must have "tried it" to be able to make a well informed choice. Was it close? Could it have gone either way? How do you know you won't change your mind?
I made normal choices....I take it you made abnormal choices.....
That wasn't the question. The question was the thought behind the "choice". I never had to make a choice. You apparently did. Since for you it was a choice, how close was it to go the other way? It's a simple question.
Sorry. Can't understand the dude on dude thing. Unnatural. Especially when so many beautiful women out there. Nothing can replace that first kiss with a woman.
So they should live how you decide they should live? Because they don't feel what you feel?
I don't like a lot of people's what?
You said:

Someone's choice makes not a minority....

and you said:

I made normal choices....I take it you made abnormal choices.....

So I asked you how you were able to make such a choice. What tipped the balance. You made it clear again and again you were able to "choose".

Then you said:

Sorry. Can't understand the dude on dude thing. Unnatural. Especially when so many beautiful women out there. Nothing can replace that first kiss with a woman.

So you never really had to choose. You made no choice. So you are a lying shitstain or not? Which is it? Either you had to choose or you're a lying shitstain. I go with lying shitstain.
Republicans and their hatred for gay people rears it's ugly head.


Guess they aren't.
Whew, when I look at all the anti black threads, the anti Hispanic threads, the anti Muslim threads and the anti gay threads, I remember how limited the GOP really is.
Whew, when I look at all the anti black threads, the anti Hispanic threads, the anti Muslim threads and the anti gay threads, I remember how limited the GOP really is.
You left out "anti-ignorance threads" directed at liberals.
Three big issues in this election: jobs nod the economy, border security and wAr on terrorism. Democrats respond by wanting more terrorist in our country, less border security, and for some reason a guy blowing another guy has priority over our economic needs. Sure...they will win in November.

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