GOP hypocrisy.......tell me republicans aren't racist!!

Hey, if Obama had done half the crap Trump has done so far, McConnell and the GOP wouldn't have had to band together to try to make him a one term president.

Interestingly enough, Obama had 2 full terms. I doubt if Trump is going to make it through one, and if he keeps on like he's been doing, he will never win re election.
What has he done? C'mon tell us & have some real proof instead of your fake media crap.

Well, for starters, the ACA is still in effect. On the news it was reported that around 2 million dollars of donations to the GOP are being withheld because supporters are tired of the Senate not getting the repeal done.

Then...............there's the little matter of his comments to N. Korea, both in the past when he threatened to send an "armada" of 3 carriers which never came about, and now he's threatened them again with fire and power of which the likes the world has never seen before. Again, I bet that turns into another empty promise, and I bet that N. Korea keeps on with the saber rattling.

Mix in pissing off all our allies, and I don't think that Trump is going to have much of a chance at re election if he keeps up like this.
We'll have to wait and see. But it's a fact that no matter what he does you will misconstrue it. It's also a fact that if the **************** had acted on kim chi's threats, it may not have came to this. But you're ok with all that. We have a world class butt kisser for 8 years how offers appeasement and when we get a man with spine in that does his job, you cry. LOL!

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