GOP Insiders Brace For Violence At Republican Convention - Mayhem

Hot diggity dog, I can't wait...
No question.....outside the convention will be more interesting than inside
How sad that you find liberal violence entertaining. You're a disgusting person. Then again, nearly every libtard is.
Where did I mention violence from peaceful unarmed protestors?

Armed Trump supporters against unarmed peaceful protesters
Let's see who flinches first

Will Trump offer to pay their legal fees?

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Hot diggity dog, I can't wait...
No question.....outside the convention will be more interesting than inside
How sad that you find liberal violence entertaining. You're a disgusting person. Then again, nearly every libtard is.
Where did I mention violence from peaceful unarmed protestors?

Armed Trump supporters against unarmed peaceful protesters
Let's see who flinches first

Will Trump offer to pay their legal fees?

You fascist liberals will flinch first, and start killing cops,again....duh.....
I think liberals should stay out of Cleveland. Us Democrats don't want protesters at our convention either. Let's be respectful. If you don't like trump vote for hillary. Campaign for her. But leave Republicans alone. It's their country too.
Well said SB. Both sides should simply campaign honestly, legally, ethically - and not worry about the other sides political rally's or conventions.
Cleveland is safe from Isis. Isis wants the GOP to win. Then the jihad begins. Then Iran will be pulled into the war.
Just when I thought there was an ounce of sanity in you. It's just an undeniable fact that ISIS wants to the Dumbocrats to win. Obama has facilitated ISIS all over the world and even armed them in Syria to fight Assad. Clinton ignored Al Qaeda and refused an offer from the Saudi's to have Bin Laden killed because (like all liberals) he didn't have the stomach to deal with them.

Conversely, Reagan kicked the shit out of anyone who messed with the U.S. (including the Soviet super-power) and Bush ran Al Qaeda nearly out of existence and into hiding.

Every criminal prefers a Dumbocrat. They are soft on crime and they blame everything (like an inanimate object such as a gun) other than the criminal.

'I say this with no joy whatsoever, but the far-left agitators in Cleveland will make the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago look like a fourth-grade slap fight,' said an Ohio Republican.

Nearly half of GOP insiders in key battleground states — many of whom will be in attendance — believe there’s a good chance violence will break out around next week’s Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

That’s according to The POLITICO Caucus: a panel of swing-state operatives, activists and strategists. Forty-eight percent of Republican insiders said the odds are high that there will be violence at the convention that is likely to nominate Donald Trump, compared with 52 percent who thought the convention would be a mostly peaceful affair.

“Given the tenor of the campaign trail so far this year, coupled with rising social unrest, it is bound to spill over,” said one Iowa Republican, who, like all respondents, completed the survey anonymously. “It's really more a matter of how bad it will get.”

“The reaction and counter-reaction to the resurgent identity politics gripping the country’s politics make at least some clashes and mayhem a near certainty,” added a North Carolina Republican.

For the GOP insiders most concerned about violence in Cleveland, many cited protest groups tied to liberal causes, like the Black Lives Matter movement. Nearly a half-dozen Republicans mentioned the Hungarian-born billionaire George Soros, who is a prolific donor to liberal causes. But few thought violence would ensue from an effort to fight Trump’s nomination on the convention floor.

“It’s simply too big of a target for the malcontents and violent left to miss,” said an Iowa Republican. “George Soros’ money will pay for thousands of disaffected screaming thugs. Think Seattle [1999], Chicago 1968. Riots and looting. They are the tools of the liberal left.”

“I say this with no joy whatsoever,” a Republican in the host state of Ohio added, “but the far-left agitators in Cleveland will make the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago look like a fourth-grade slap fight.”

More: GOP Insiders Brace For Violence At Republican Convention

Well, we Democrats certainly hope Republicans have an "exciting" convention.

Maybe if you morons would refrain from attending.....
Hot diggity dog, I can't wait...
No question.....outside the convention will be more interesting than inside
How sad that you find liberal violence entertaining. You're a disgusting person. Then again, nearly every libtard is.
Where did I mention violence from peaceful unarmed protestors? Armed Trump supporters against unarmed peaceful protesters. Let's see who flinches first. Will Trump offer to pay their legal fees?
There hasn't been a single liberal "peaceful" protestor. And you know it. You assholes have assaulted Trump supporters, blocked public streets, turned over police cars, smashed private buildings, destroyed public property, set fires, rioted and looted. You're a bunch of disgusting animals. And I marvel at the restraint that conservatives have shown through it all. I must admit - all of them have shown exponentially more restraint than I would have. I would have run over every one of you motherfuckers in Arizona where you blocked the street and actually jumped on top of vehicles and caused massive damage to them. It would have been worse than Nice, France. And I would have shot and killed the first person to assault me as you assholes have done in every city. Let's hope that conservatives in Cleveland exercise their right to self-defense.
Hot diggity dog, I can't wait...
No question.....outside the convention will be more interesting than inside
How sad that you find liberal violence entertaining. You're a disgusting person. Then again, nearly every libtard is.
Where did I mention violence from peaceful unarmed protestors? Armed Trump supporters against unarmed peaceful protesters. Let's see who flinches first. Will Trump offer to pay their legal fees?
There hasn't been a single liberal "peaceful" protestor. And you know it. You assholes have assaulted Trump supporters, blocked public streets, turned over police cars, smashed private buildings, destroyed public property, set fires, rioted and looted. You're a bunch of disgusting animals. And I marvel at the restraint that conservatives have shown through it all. I must admit - all of them have shown exponentially more restraint than I would have. I would have run over every one of you motherfuckers in Arizona where you blocked the street and actually jumped on top of vehicles and caused massive damage to them. It would have been worse than Nice, France. And I would have shot and killed the first person to assault me as you assholes have done in every city. Let's hope that conservatives in Cleveland exercise their right to self-defense.

Never fear, Republicans have a lot of guns and they are not afraid to use them

Yeah, they do - and I love to hear their John Wayne bravado. However, they got quiet after the feds kicked Bundy terrorist asses. So funny...
Nobody better mess with their convention ...or face the consequences

Yeah....and those consequences will be hillary getting indicted.

25 years and counting

Your email treason charges were baseless. What do you have left?
Never fear, Republicans have a lot of guns and they are not afraid to use them

Yeah, they do - and I love to hear their John Wayne bravado. However, they got quiet after the feds kicked Bundy terrorist asses. So funny...

How nice....have you always supported murder and mayhem?
They are the simple answer is yes. History has proven that their ideology and subsequent policies are spectacular failures so now they have to resort to force and violence to achieve their communist utopia.
Hot diggity dog, I can't wait...

View attachment 81690

Let's just hope that when all of the idiot liberal sub-human animals resort to violence, armed conservatives will act in self-defense. So far, conservatives have allowed libtards to assault them and have inexplicably refused to defend themselves. Let's hope that changes in Cleveland. The world would be a much better place without these ignorant liberal thugs who can't accept liberty, freedom of speech, etc.

Yeah, talk tough while you still can - cause ole whitey will soon be a minority...

Typical liberal racist.
Hot diggity dog, I can't wait...
No question.....outside the convention will be more interesting than inside
How sad that you find liberal violence entertaining. You're a disgusting person. Then again, nearly every libtard is.
Where did I mention violence from peaceful unarmed protestors? Armed Trump supporters against unarmed peaceful protesters. Let's see who flinches first. Will Trump offer to pay their legal fees?
There hasn't been a single liberal "peaceful" protestor. And you know it. You assholes have assaulted Trump supporters, blocked public streets, turned over police cars, smashed private buildings, destroyed public property, set fires, rioted and looted. You're a bunch of disgusting animals. And I marvel at the restraint that conservatives have shown through it all. I must admit - all of them have shown exponentially more restraint than I would have. I would have run over every one of you motherfuckers in Arizona where you blocked the street and actually jumped on top of vehicles and caused massive damage to them. It would have been worse than Nice, France. And I would have shot and killed the first person to assault me as you assholes have done in every city. Let's hope that conservatives in Cleveland exercise their right to self-defense.

Your BLM is destroying America....that pic is evidence....
Hot diggity dog, I can't wait...
No question.....outside the convention will be more interesting than inside
How sad that you find liberal violence entertaining. You're a disgusting person. Then again, nearly every libtard is.
Where did I mention violence from peaceful unarmed protestors? Armed Trump supporters against unarmed peaceful protesters. Let's see who flinches first. Will Trump offer to pay their legal fees?
There hasn't been a single liberal "peaceful" protestor. And you know it. You assholes have assaulted Trump supporters, blocked public streets, turned over police cars, smashed private buildings, destroyed public property, set fires, rioted and looted. You're a bunch of disgusting animals. And I marvel at the restraint that conservatives have shown through it all. I must admit - all of them have shown exponentially more restraint than I would have. I would have run over every one of you motherfuckers in Arizona where you blocked the street and actually jumped on top of vehicles and caused massive damage to them. It would have been worse than Nice, France. And I would have shot and killed the first person to assault me as you assholes have done in every city. Let's hope that conservatives in Cleveland exercise their right to self-defense.

That wasn't a Trump rally you pathological liar. That was a Black Lives Matter protest in response to the shooting in Minnesota. Any other lies you want me to expose for you?
Never fear, Republicans have a lot of guns and they are not afraid to use them

Yeah, they do - and I love to hear their John Wayne bravado. However, they got quiet after the feds kicked Bundy terrorist asses. So funny...
Nobody better mess with their convention ...or face the consequences

Yeah....and those consequences will be hillary getting indicted.

25 years and counting

Your email treason charges were baseless. What do you have left?

Even dems say she's guilty.
And with you idiots resorting to violence at every turn you are assuring a Trump win.
Hildabeast will be indicted shortly thereafter. mean just like Barack Obama did around the White House? o_O

‘Tougher, taller and stronger’ fence proposed for White House
I love how you confuse a wall with a fence.....
Bwahahahahahahha!!!! So a fence doesn't serve the exact same purpose as a wall in your mind? :lmao:
AND pretend that the idea of a "wall" only existed with this current President.
Um...Barack could take the fence down. Instead, he's increasing the size. Why? To keep people out! Is it frustrating when you realize the liberal masters you worship are playing you for the fools that all of you are?

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