GOP Insiders Brace For Violence At Republican Convention - Mayhem

2) The lib-supporting NBPs declared they are coming to Cleveland carrying guns...

OMG Americans exercising their second amendment rights. Say it ain't so.
Why is it that suddenly a pro-2nd Amendment person has problems with fellow Americans exercising their 2nd Amendment right?
When a radical violent racist organization with a history of violence, violent protests, and arrests declares it's going to go out of its way to go to Cleveland to inject itself into a GOP event to protest it and makes special effort to declare it will e carrying weapons there is a reason to worry.

When liberals gave engaged in violence against conservatives at recent GOP events and suddenly declare they will be bringing guns this time, intelligent people are concerned about an escalation of violence.

It is not the GOP going out of its way to inject itself into a liberal even while brandishing firearms.
At their convention, Republicans better not catch you exercising your first amendmment rights while they are exercising their second
Hey's you and the liberals that resort to violence when someone attempts to peacefully excercise their 1st Amendment rights. When is the last time a Hitlery supporter was assaulted? When was the last time a riot actually cancelled a Hitlery rally? Oh yeah.....never.

Don't even attempt to project your sins on conservatives. We all know the truth here, stupid.
Yes, lets all hope for a peaceful convention...

It's funny how the tinfoil hat liberals believe that if they wish something true, that makes it true. The Republican's (especially Tea Party conservatives) have just obliterated the libtards since the 2012 mid-terms (when Obama himself called it a "shellacking"). Dumbocrats went from a super-majority in the House to a minority (bye-bye Nancy Pelosi). Dumbocrats went from a majority in the Senate to a minority (bye-bye Harry Reid). Hard core liberals states like Wisconsin and Michigan were turned over to conservatives like Scott Walker and Rick Snyder. And even radically liberal states like California voted down gay marriage (Prop 8).

You guys have had your asses handed to you in a huge way and yet you continue this insane false narrative that the Republican party is somehow falling on their own sword and dying. I can't imagine living in such denial. It's as bat-shit crazy as ISIS trying to convince themselves that they have overthrown the U.S. and implemented Sharia Law world wide.
"The 2012 midterms"?????? :lol:
Yeah...since the 2013 midterms. And believe me, all of America has been laughing just like that at you libtards since then.
If you're a libtard, you go nuts and throw a temper tantrum when other people think differently. It's what you do. If you're a libtard without the strength of your own convictions, you cheer when other libtards go nuts and throw a temper tantrum. It's what you do.

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