GOP introduces national right-to-work legislation


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Absolutely necessary and beneficial to the economy. Especially good if it includes public service unions! Expect the unions to fight this tooth and nail.

"At least 80 percent of Americans are opposed to forcing employees to pay dues as a condition of their employment, and our bill would protect workers by eliminating the forced-dues clauses in federal statute. Right-to-work states, like South Carolina, have seen first-hand that job creation and economic growth comes from expanded freedoms. We need to expand common-sense reforms, like those in the National Right to Work Act to protect American workers and create jobs," Wilson told the Washington Examiner.

More w/links @ GOP introduces national right-to-work legislation
Absolutely necessary and beneficial to the economy. Especially good if it includes public service unions! Expect the unions to fight this tooth and nail.

"At least 80 percent of Americans are opposed to forcing employees to pay dues as a condition of their employment, and our bill would protect workers by eliminating the forced-dues clauses in federal statute. Right-to-work states, like South Carolina, have seen first-hand that job creation and economic growth comes from expanded freedoms. We need to expand common-sense reforms, like those in the National Right to Work Act to protect American workers and create jobs," Wilson told the Washington Examiner.

More w/links @ GOP introduces national right-to-work legislation
Yeah.....cause about the best thing we could do for the economy right now would be anything which might drive down wages....

Or a war..........a war would work, too.....
As a Union Steward I will say this.....

ANY worker in my department who does not pay dues WILL NOT be supported, protected or represented by me, or any other Union Officer.
Absolutely necessary and beneficial to the economy. Especially good if it includes public service unions! Expect the unions to fight this tooth and nail.

"At least 80 percent of Americans are opposed to forcing employees to pay dues as a condition of their employment, and our bill would protect workers by eliminating the forced-dues clauses in federal statute. Right-to-work states, like South Carolina, have seen first-hand that job creation and economic growth comes from expanded freedoms. We need to expand common-sense reforms, like those in the National Right to Work Act to protect American workers and create jobs," Wilson told the Washington Examiner.

More w/links @ GOP introduces national right-to-work legislation

Now that is some leftist bs LMAO....
hmmm I find this interesting. He'd had a meeting with union peeps last week and gotten their support yea?

I wonder if said unions decided to give people a chance to support if they wanted. I'd be very happy with unions if they did that, in fact, I could even maybe support unions as a 'good' influence instead of a 'bad' one if they'd agree to voluntary participation of their members.
Absolutely necessary and beneficial to the economy. Especially good if it includes public service unions! Expect the unions to fight this tooth and nail.

"At least 80 percent of Americans are opposed to forcing employees to pay dues as a condition of their employment, and our bill would protect workers by eliminating the forced-dues clauses in federal statute. Right-to-work states, like South Carolina, have seen first-hand that job creation and economic growth comes from expanded freedoms. We need to expand common-sense reforms, like those in the National Right to Work Act to protect American workers and create jobs," Wilson told the Washington Examiner.

More w/links @ GOP introduces national right-to-work legislation
Good! Long overdue. If someone does not wish to become a union automaton and financial shill, they should not be forced to do so. I still remember my first union indoctrination after I retired from the military. Some sleazy, greased-back, over-dressed slime-bag stepped into the classroom and passed out a half-sheet form that required us to relinquish a portion of our earnings to the union, and to agree to contribute a monthly stipend thereafter. I asked the sleaze-ball what would happen if I declined to sign his form. He told me that I would no longer have a job. So, if I don't agree to pay the union an "initiation" and a monthly tribute, I will be denied a job?, I ask him. He tells me, "Yes". OK, so if I don't pay the union a portion of my earnings, I will be denied a job? "Yes." In my book, that constitutes extortion. The guy didn't seem to like me much...
I wonder if said unions decided to give people a chance to support if they wanted. I'd be very happy with unions if they did that, in fact, I could even maybe support unions as a 'good' influence instead of a 'bad' one if they'd agree to voluntary participation of their members.

That's not the way a Union works. Despite the English spelling, there is no "I" in Union. There is a "We". Take that away and suddenly the whole Union no longer works.

Imagine a workplace where 8 people supposedly have the same job. 4 of them are members of a Union, and have rules about what they can/can't do. The other 4 are not bound by those rules. How efficiently do you think that dep as recent is going to work? Not very well, as I see it.
Without the Unions, we would be living and working in the same conditions that existed prior to the First Great Republican Depression. And, given the orange clown's intentions, and those of the GOP, we may see that again, just before the Second Great Republican Depression.
Without the Unions, we would be living and working in the same conditions that existed prior to the First Great Republican Depression. And, given the orange clown's intentions, and those of the GOP, we may see that again, just before the Second Great Republican Depression.

Union's are a leftist scam , another corporate control scam they screw you while they skim your pay checks.
That's right, they get the freedom to fight for their own rights and wages, as it should be. Unfortunately for you, you may pay a price for others freedom. But their own best interests, rather than yours are the point. You guys have pulled every scheme you could to try to get into my husbands workplace, but they threw yours out. The employees did. They don't want to lose their freedoms and right to negotiate at a great workplace.
As a Union Steward I will say this.....

ANY worker in my department who does not pay dues WILL NOT be supported, protected or represented by me, or any other Union Officer.
I do believe it should be settled at the state level. But agree the best thing for the federal govt is to lose it.
Right to work is simply a p!loy to pay less. Be honest and come clean. Anyone with half a brain cell can easily figure this out. Just be honest. But in america honesty takes a back door to the filthy dollar. Spawn of the devil dollar that is.
Only in your dreams, dear.
Right to work is simply a p!loy to pay less. Be honest and come clean. Anyone with half a brain cell can easily figure this out. Just be honest. But in america honesty takes a back door to the filthy dollar. Spawn of the devil dollar that is.
There's nothing stopping you right wing anti worker stooges from marching into the boss's office and demanding less.

I'm sure he'll be more than happy to oblige.
I wonder if said unions decided to give people a chance to support if they wanted. I'd be very happy with unions if they did that, in fact, I could even maybe support unions as a 'good' influence instead of a 'bad' one if they'd agree to voluntary participation of their members.

That's not the way a Union works. Despite the English spelling, there is no "I" in Union. There is a "We". Take that away and suddenly the whole Union no longer works.

Imagine a workplace where 8 people supposedly have the same job. 4 of them are members of a Union, and have rules about what they can/can't do. The other 4 are not bound by those rules. How efficiently do you think that dep as recent is going to work? Not very well, as I see it.

I don't particularly have anything against unions per say, but I get really irked with them because of the /abuse/ I see from them all the damn time.

The oil unions up here in Alaska constantly protect people who are lazy fucks and nearly kill our drillers - because of union bullshit these assholes end up on desk jobs and are a total drain on the "system" because they can't be fired for "mistakes" -- it's not fair to the other workers who do their jobs and it's not fair to the companies either - no matter how you look at it.

Then there's the fucking teachers union up here - holy fuck I hate them. We love our teachers, have a /huge/ school district (I think it's one of the largest in the nation simply for what it covers as a means of efficiency) and they just rape people left and right up here. A /lot/ of angst - including fighting Alaskan's desire for vouchers so we can put our kids in schools based on performance, a 'movement' that is almost /directly/ caused by the unions keeping on shitty teachers.

There's also the case of like my kids, they refuse to join the unions, yet the unions somehow finagled a deal where they /still/ have to fucking pay dues even though they're not protected. - that's wrong.

You're operating under the assumption that everyone will bail and unions will have no power - but that's a knee-jerk reaction if you ask me. Like yourself, you'll continue to be in the union despite this EO yea? And you'll have the benefits of the union as well (higher pay, better benefits, and legal protections that non-union members won't have.) Those are worth something. What it will stop is the flagrant abuse by unions who are no longer trying to compromise with businesses, or are no longer working for their members, but rather just ... basically extorting everyone simply because they have the power to do so.

I think it'll be okay in the long run honestly, yes there is going to be a slump at the beginning, I suspect a lot of folks are going to bail, but I also think a lot of folks will come back after a little breather so long as unions actually offer a true value for the dollars in dues. It puts some pressure on the unions to perform well in looking out for folks, while maintaining the integrity of unions (PR and real) Which is why I could see the Union's agreeing to/supporting it. ~shrug~ We'll see what happens.
Your dreams are of low wages for workers dear. Low labor wages is an indication of a very poorly run business. Those jobs I love to see leave.
I live in Alaska where we /constantly/ need workers. Your fear mongering of lower pay just isn't going to fly with me - I know better. I know that our businesses, union or not, pay what they must to get the limited employees we have. It's been working up here for my entire life.

Honestly, the only thing unions have ever done up here is /bad/ Frankly, ya'll should be happy I even support them on historical value (ie way back when unions were needed in the lower 48) rather than just rally against them full time given all the bullshit I've seen.

Reality reference: Salary by State: Where Can You Really Earn the Most?

Not the greatest reference here, but I think you'll find that the vast vast majority of union folks are state or fed employed if you could find such data. The oil companies have a national union. Union Members in Alaska – 2015 : Western Information Office : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Addition - I found this ref for what I'm saying: Alaska and Hawaii have the second and third highest rates of union membership. In Hawaii, union membership is particularly strong among hospitality workers; in Alaska, it's strong in infrastructure jobs like road building. Also, government jobs make up a bigger share of the job markets in these two states than in some other parts of the country. -- 50 Years Of Shrinking Union Membership, In One Map
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