gop is pro rape now?

‘In order to have a legal abortion, a rape victim is required to file a police report, which many women avoid for fear of retaliation from abusers, the prospect of being shamed, and the very real possibility that the legal system won’t believe them. If the woman terminates her pregnancy without filing a police report, the rapist’s family, including up to 10 relatives, can still sue and collect a $20,000 bounty per relative. That’s $200,000 that a rape victim would have to pay to her rapist’s family. This is “pro-life.”’ ibid


The right’s war on women continues.

The left's wrong's war on children. Any excuse to justify the cold-blooded murder of an innocent child will do, for your side.

This is what evil looks like, in its purest form.
‘In order to have a legal abortion, a rape victim is required to file a police report, which many women avoid for fear of retaliation from abusers, the prospect of being shamed, and the very real possibility that the legal system won’t believe them. If the woman terminates her pregnancy without filing a police report, the rapist’s family, including up to 10 relatives, can still sue and collect a $20,000 bounty per relative. That’s $200,000 that a rape victim would have to pay to her rapist’s family. This is “pro-life.”’ ibid


The right’s war on women continues.
Odd. Your party doesn't want women to be able to defend themselves with firearms.

Can you tell us why it's morally superior for a woman to be raped than for her to shoot her would-be rapist?
Unless I am wrong, the victim is not sued, the hospital is.
There are two sides of everything. On one hand, with rape... there is only wrong. Obviously there is no "other side" of rape that would make it anything but wrong. And no rapist should have any say in what happens with a resulting pregnancy. PERIOD.
Buuut... not every rape claim is true. I personally know of a friend whose psycho girlfriend told the police he raped here after they broke up. Told them he broke in the house and raped her. She even went as far as staging her house to make it look like it. He was immediately arrested. Lucky for him he had an undeniable alibi, not only for the time she said he did it... but that entire day. Otherwise... he may still be in jail right now.
Yes, this is an internet forum and people make shit up. I'm not one of them. This happened.
Why are you sitting on your hands while a man steals college championships from real women?
If the woman terminates her pregnancy without filing a police report, the rapist’s family, including up to 10 relatives, can still sue and collect a $20,000 bounty per relative. That’s $200,000 that a rape victim would have to pay to her rapist’s family. This is “pro-life.”’ ibid

Why wouldn’t the same fine apply to a woman who just gets an abortion on her own without rape?

a raped woman who has an abortion can be sued by the rapist and his family members...
Well ya know once I was told a woman can not get pregnant while being raped, so she must have been willing…

( As Bones reflects on that retardation just remember who wrote it )

A woman shouldn’t have to carry the child of her rapist nor should the rapist have legal right to bring a lawsuit nor should his family!

What world do we live in where the criminal can do this shit?
Well ya know once I was told a woman can not get pregnant while being raped, so she must have been willing…

( As Bones reflects on that retardation just remember who wrote it )

A woman shouldn’t have to carry the child of her rapist nor should the rapist have legal right to bring a lawsuit nor should his family!

What world do we live in where the criminal can do this shit?
The world of a Thugocracy, disguised as a Republican party. They are no different than Nazis. Just look at the level of human rights they want to take away from ordinary people. This should surprise no one.
‘In order to have a legal abortion, a rape victim is required to file a police report, which many women avoid for fear of retaliation from abusers, the prospect of being shamed, and the very real possibility that the legal system won’t believe them. If the woman terminates her pregnancy without filing a police report, the rapist’s family, including up to 10 relatives, can still sue and collect a $20,000 bounty per relative. That’s $200,000 that a rape victim would have to pay to her rapist’s family. This is “pro-life.”’ ibid


The right’s war on women continues.
It's insane.
Odd. Your party doesn't want women to be able to defend themselves with firearms.

Can you tell us why it's morally superior for a woman to be raped than for her to shoot her would-be rapist?

They want women to be raped, and to have no means to defend themselves.

They want unborn children to be murdered in cold blood.

As I said, this is what evil looks like, in its purest form.
Nobody is pro rape, dingbat.

Then there is that guy who didn't kill himself.

And all of his clients.

And pretty much every Democrap who is opposed to allowing women to be armed in order to protect themselves.

And every Democrap who is in favor of various policies that insure that dangerous criminals are not kept locked away.

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