gop is pro rape now?

Republicans, I implore you, anti-abortion chases millions of women voters and others away from you. Stop this stupidity---if you don't like abortion, don't have one but leave everyone else alone.
Abortion/procreation involves fathers and potential children so it’s not only about women. Very feminist sexist.
Rape is an entirely different issue.
Lefties found a lame anti-republican op-ed by somebody named Whjahat Ali (who the hell is that?) on a left wing blog "Daily Beast" and it gives them a chance to troll for arguments while the Country goes down the drain.
The world of a Thugocracy, disguised as a Republican party. They are no different than Nazis. Just look at the level of human rights they want to take away from ordinary people. This should surprise no one.
Shit the fuck up about Nazism!

I swear neither the right or left have no clue what the Nazi movement has or had done and to compare either political party as being like the Nazi’s is showing your ignorance!
Republicans, I implore you, anti-abortion chases millions of women voters and others away from you. Stop this stupidity---if you don't like abortion, don't have one but leave everyone else alone..

Non-Nazis, I implore you, being anti-holocaust chases millions of Aryan voters and others away from you. Stop this stupidity---if you don't like killing the Jews, don't kill one, but leave everyone else alone.
Daily beast is a far left wing media site with inaccuracies. I won’t visit this site, it is like Brietbart Mother Jones and other really extreme sites with a big spin.

Find a legit news source then we can read the truth not some political agenda story.
Archived version...

Republicans, I implore you, anti-abortion chases millions of women voters and others away from you. Stop this stupidity---if you don't like abortion, don't have one but leave everyone else alone.
Your endorsement of killing unwanted babies is noted. But why do you think prolife/pro child killing is a male vs female issue. Why do you believe the lie that women are pro death? It's equally split by both genders
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Republicans, I implore you, anti-abortion chases millions of women voters and others away from you. Stop this stupidity---if you don't like abortion, don't have one but leave everyone else alone.
Completely separate it from any government entity at all. Let states and local communities decide what they want even if you get what you want where you live. Get your extremist butts away from the areas that do not promote abortions. Stay away. Infect your own.

a raped woman who has an abortion can be sued by the rapist and his family members...
Of course rabid leftists would see a problem with this. I don't. If someone was raped. And accuses someone. You better file charges. You leftists are finally being held accountable

In order to have a legal abortion, a rape victim is required to file a police report, which many women avoid for fear of retaliation from abusers, the prospect of being shamed, and the very real possibility that the legal system won’t believe them. If the woman terminates her pregnancy without filing a police report, the rapist’s family, including up to 10 relatives, can still sue and collect a $20,000 bounty per relative. That’s $200,000 that a rape victim would have to pay to her rapist’s family. This is “pro-life.”

a raped woman who has an abortion can be sued by the rapist and his family members...
What a weird link I felt like I was in 3rd grade again reading it

a raped woman who has an abortion can be sued by the rapist and his family members...
No, did you even read it?

It requires a woman claiming rape to file a police report. That is all.

If they don’t, it means they are lying about being raped and can then be sued.

Why are Dems against filing police reports against rapists?
Why are Dems for false rape allegations in order to get an abortion?

gop is pro rape now?​

Beats the hell out of being pro-murder like the democrats.

People worry about Covid, meantime, you are murdering that many babies EVERY YEAR

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