GOP Leaders Backstab Loyal Americans Concerned About Fiscal Catastrophe


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The US budget cannot sustain itself under the current rate of debt growth with no corresponding GDP growth. This is clear to most Americans (63%) who want a balanced budget, but the DC establishment wants the pork and bloat more than a steady economy and so they lobby and pressure the members of Congress to ignore the debt problem.

The opposition party, the GOP, is supposed to represent these Americans and actually oppose the Obama Regime's fiscally irresponsible policies, but they fail repeatedly to do so. Even when the GOP can stop the relentless debt building, they not only fail but betray their own party members and the public without fail.

In the house Speaker Boner announced to the shock of most of those at the GOP only breakfast, that he was 'moving forward', a phrase likely chosen to specifically show solidarity with the Obama Regime and its socialistic slogans.

In the Senate, where a Ted Cruz filibuster could have defeated the measure, McConnell, a supposed conservative was the first GOP Senator to cave, then twelve more RINOs came along to include McCain, of course.

Despite the opposition of 44% of this nations citizens (a two to one ratio), the lame, loser, traitorous RINOs in the GOP will keep the pork flowing till the US dollar isn't even worth the price of toilet paper.

We need a new party that can actually act as OPPOSITION to the Democrats, and not facilitators to a dictatorial regime of fascists.

Dramatic debt vote stirs Senate | TheHill

Sixty votes were needed to overcome a filibuster by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who complained that Congress was raising the debt ceiling without demanding any curbs on Washington’s spending.
With the upper chamber’s Democrats and Independents all voting yes, Senate Republicans needed to muster five votes to overcome Cruz.

Yet during an hour of tense floor conversations, it appeared they might fail.

The vote started late, as Senate Republicans huddled behind closed doors. After meeting for roughly an hour in private, the conference still did not know whether it could conjure up the needed votes.

On the floor, the procedural vote ran on for another hour, with Republicans slow to offer support.

Cornyn and McConnell, who is the most vulnerable Senate Republican up for reelection in 2014, then voted to end the debate, making it clear the procedural motion would be approved.

After their dramatic votes, another group of Republicans met in a room off the Senate floor. They returned, and several switched their votes from no to yes.

Some members said they switched their votes to give cover to McConnell and Cornyn.

“I didn’t want this to come down to just be a criticized vote for just a few of our people. It just wasn’t right,” said Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), who fought off a primary challenger in 2012 and is serving his last term.

In the end, 12 Republicans voted to end debate in the 67-31 vote.

The GOP is worthless as an opposition party to the Obama regime.

We need a new party that is really conservative.

Well, Bodishiteater has come in with a completely pointless and idiotic response.

Stay asleep, moron, I want Darwin to cull your kind from the herd, so please keep going your own direction.

I state facts, and you drop one line stupidities.

Case closed; you are a libtard fascist.

:D of the "crazy ones".

Lol, pointing out that you are a fascist hardly makes me crazy.
Well, Bodishiteater has come in with a completely pointless and idiotic response.

Stay asleep, moron, I want Darwin to cull your kind from the herd, so please keep going your own direction.

I state facts, and you drop one line stupidities.

Case closed; you are a libtard fascist.

:D of the "crazy ones".

Lol, pointing out that you are a fascist hardly makes me crazy.

How am I a fascist? Clarify my political stands that make me such.
I think the Republican leadership (sic) did the right thing by passing the debt ceiling increase. Yes, we have a debt problem and need to get spending under control. But the Democrats control the Executive and Senate.

They need to keep the focus on Obamacare and all of the LIES told to pass it. Another protracted battle over the debt ceiling, budgets, etc., would not help.

The "debt ceiling" is a political loser. The R's need to stop shooting themselves in the foot.

When the R's take back the Senate, that is the time to engage in fiscal issues. Right now it is all about "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan".........
The US budget cannot sustain itself under the current rate of debt growth with no corresponding GDP growth. This is clear to most Americans (63%) who want a balanced budget, but the DC establishment wants the pork and bloat more than a steady economy and so they lobby and pressure the members of Congress to ignore the debt problem.

The opposition party, the GOP, is supposed to represent these Americans and actually oppose the Obama Regime's fiscally irresponsible policies, but they fail repeatedly to do so. Even when the GOP can stop the relentless debt building, they not only fail but betray their own party members and the public without fail.

In the house Speaker Boner announced to the shock of most of those at the GOP only breakfast, that he was 'moving forward', a phrase likely chosen to specifically show solidarity with the Obama Regime and its socialistic slogans.

In the Senate, where a Ted Cruz filibuster could have defeated the measure, McConnell, a supposed conservative was the first GOP Senator to cave, then twelve more RINOs came along to include McCain, of course.

Despite the opposition of 44% of this nations citizens (a two to one ratio), the lame, loser, traitorous RINOs in the GOP will keep the pork flowing till the US dollar isn't even worth the price of toilet paper.

We need a new party that can actually act as OPPOSITION to the Democrats, and not facilitators to a dictatorial regime of fascists.

Dramatic debt vote stirs Senate | TheHill

Sixty votes were needed to overcome a filibuster by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who complained that Congress was raising the debt ceiling without demanding any curbs on Washington’s spending.
With the upper chamber’s Democrats and Independents all voting yes, Senate Republicans needed to muster five votes to overcome Cruz.

Yet during an hour of tense floor conversations, it appeared they might fail.

The vote started late, as Senate Republicans huddled behind closed doors. After meeting for roughly an hour in private, the conference still did not know whether it could conjure up the needed votes.

On the floor, the procedural vote ran on for another hour, with Republicans slow to offer support.

Cornyn and McConnell, who is the most vulnerable Senate Republican up for reelection in 2014, then voted to end the debate, making it clear the procedural motion would be approved.

After their dramatic votes, another group of Republicans met in a room off the Senate floor. They returned, and several switched their votes from no to yes.

Some members said they switched their votes to give cover to McConnell and Cornyn.

“I didn’t want this to come down to just be a criticized vote for just a few of our people. It just wasn’t right,” said Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), who fought off a primary challenger in 2012 and is serving his last term.

In the end, 12 Republicans voted to end debate in the 67-31 vote.

The GOP is worthless as an opposition party to the Obama regime.

We need a new party that is really conservative.

I have not read he article or went to see what the vote was but let me make a guess. These people voted for cloture and then voted no on the bill. They then will go back and say they voted no for raising the debt ceiling, they are disingenuous, no one should be rewarded for such lying, if that is what happened.

But then again considering what happened last time the Republicans tried to reign in spending who could blame them? At least they could have voted yes both times and end the lying.

The liberals are fascinating and I think I would like them paying my credit card bill from the House of China. I run it to the max and they would cry if the credit card company didn't raise the debt limit on the card. With no end in site. Yes, some debt isn't a problem but it is now getting out of control and the liberals are oblivious or act that way. Until a Republican wins the WH.
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Last time republicans controlled the executive and the senate, they ran up a massive deficit, cut taxes and increased spending. Now that a LOLberal is the in the white house, the republicans are now serious about debt reduction?

it's the same hypocrisy we see from the LOLberals who were screaming the end of the republic under Bush because of the debt and deficit, who now think they do not matter.

Both parties have no plan to cut spending. Only fools who will never give up their allegience to the party paradigm of politics believe either side will control spending.
Anyone using the debt ceiling as a political football should be shot. Could set spending to zero and still not be able to pay off the National Debt. Money is an agreed upon fantasy, it isn't objective reality any more. Thus argueing over how much we're spending is like argueing over how many angels can dance on the head a pin. But if we don't continuously raise the debt ceiling we default on the debt and the fantasy collapses. And that would be BAD.
Anyone using the debt ceiling as a political football should be shot.
Anyone voting to steal money from others to pay for things they believe is morally good should be shot first. Had that have happened, we wouldn't need to talk about shooting those who use a debt ceiling as political football, since there wouldn't be a debt in the first place.

Could set spending to zero and still not be able to pay off the National Debt.
Nonsense. But entirely irrelevant since that will never happen.

Money is an agreed upon fantasy, it isn't objective reality any more.
There is no agreement when the use of authority, force and violence mandates what people use as money. So it's false here. No one agreed, they were mandated.
Last time republicans controlled the executive and the senate, they ran up a massive deficit, cut taxes and increased spending. Now that a LOLberal is the in the white house, the republicans are now serious about debt reduction?

it's the same hypocrisy we see from the LOLberals who were screaming the end of the republic under Bush because of the debt and deficit, who now think they do not matter.

Both parties have no plan to cut spending. Only fools who will never give up their allegience to the party paradigm of politics believe either side will control spending.

Anyone using the debt ceiling as a political football should be shot.
Anyone voting to steal money from others to pay for things they believe is morally good should be shot first. Had that have happened, we wouldn't need to talk about shooting those who use a debt ceiling as political football, since there wouldn't be a debt in the first place.

Could set spending to zero and still not be able to pay off the National Debt.
Nonsense. But entirely irrelevant since that will never happen.

Money is an agreed upon fantasy, it isn't objective reality any more.
There is no agreement when the use of authority, force and violence mandates what people use as money. So it's false here. No one agreed, they were mandated.

Real money is simply a convenient commodity of intrinsic value.

Paper money is an I.O.U. from the bank to redeem your I.O.U. for a convenient commodity. That commodity has for the longest time for the vast majority of the civilized world been gold, silver, platinum, and precious gems.

Fiat paper currency is not real money, but a con run on people while most think it worth something. The US dollar is a strange mutation of fiat currency, where it is not redeemable in a commodity but is the world reserve currency and is propped up by trade convention and OPEC petroleum as they wont take payment in anything other than USD.

The US government doesn't joke around with those trying to bump the USD off as the world reserve currency as that spells disaster for the USA.

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