GOP led Benghazi report refutes conspiracy theories

The report is the cake; the RWnut denialism is the icing.

"what difference, at this point, does it make". They lied about it, four americans died because the country failed to protect them in a very dangerous place.

spin and celebrate all you want, the truth will always be the there.

You realize the four of them would still be dead even if they called it a terrorist attack right?

probably, but thats not the issue. lying for political gain is the issue here.

You mean the lies that contradicted this finding in the report?

View attachment 34247

OK, so you and the report agree that embassy protection failed under sec of state clinton. Good, thats progress.
the republicans appoint a committee, their voting base is TOTALLY elated with Gowdy, and I remember them saying that NOW they would find the real truth.. the Intel Committee finds NO CONSPIRACY ..


the Intel Committee is full of shit.


You Go Issa !

(back home, and take all of your trained idiots with you)
Even though the report clears the White House of any evil intent - it was still produced by NaziCons.
this country needs a support group for battered Benghazi conspiracy victims.
the republicans appoint a committee, their voting base is TOTALLY elated with Gowdy, and I remember them saying that NOW they would find the real truth.. the Intel Committee finds NO CONSPIRACY ..


the Intel Committee is full of shit.


You Go Issa !

(back home, and take all of your trained idiots with you)
^ that

Whats Issa (R) going to blow huge wads of taxpayer cash on next?
this country needs a support group for battered Benghazi conspiracy victims.
this country needs the members that are democrats to wake up because their handlers have already openly called them stupid.
Issa batting a big fat fucking zero . Solindra . Fast n furious . Bengazie , IRS , Ebola gonna get cha ! Fear & hate all they have .

The boy who cried wolf is what the righttards have become ....That's why no gives a shit about Gruber !
There is no conspiracy at work here.

Merely criminal negligence, gross incompetency, cowardice, and initial failure to accept accountability.
Wow, total cricketts.

Bigreb is to stupid to count - I give the right a pass for him.

So, no one going to man and admit that this was a pile of horseshit?
Stupid are those who support obama. Don't you recall what obama's creator of obamacare said about you and orthers like you?
5 yard punt...backwards
I know I blocked your attempt next.
your stupid is thick
LMAO... RW's live in la la land.

the House Intelligence Committee just gave Hillary a HUGE boost for 2016 ... like she needed it.
Wow, total cricketts.

Bigreb is to stupid to count - I give the right a pass for him.

So, no one going to man and admit that this was a pile of horseshit?
Stupid are those who support obama. Don't you recall what obama's creator of obamacare said about you and orthers like you?
5 yard punt...backwards
I know I blocked your attempt next.
your stupid is thick
Impossible I do not nor have I ever supported obamacare unlike stupid little ol'e you son.

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