GOP led Benghazi report refutes conspiracy theories

There is no conspiracy at work here.

Merely criminal negligence, gross incompetency, cowardice, and initial failure to accept accountability.

You found that in the report, eh?

Merely my own personal opinion, of the manner in which the Administration, and its officers, past and present, supported the Consulate in Benghazi prior to the incident, and the manner in which they conducted themselves and the representations which they made in the hours and days and weeks immediately following the incident.

OK with you, if I reached such a conclusion?
Obama's next move is to shove Keystone back up Canada's ass ... after he removes the RW's head..
Wow, total cricketts.

Bigreb is to stupid to count - I give the right a pass for him.

So, no one going to man and admit that this was a pile of horseshit?
Stupid are those who support obama. Don't you recall what obama's creator of obamacare said about you and orthers like you?
5 yard punt...backwards
I know I blocked your attempt next.

Go back to your racism threads you are out of your league
Obama's next move is to shove Keystone back up Canada's ass ... after he removes the RW's head..
Wow, total cricketts.

Bigreb is to stupid to count - I give the right a pass for him.

So, no one going to man and admit that this was a pile of horseshit?
Stupid are those who support obama. Don't you recall what obama's creator of obamacare said about you and orthers like you?
5 yard punt...backwards
I know I blocked your attempt next.

Are you operating under the impression that denigrating those who question the Administration's version of events in Benghazi is going to do any good for the Democrat cause in 2016?
Liberal scum trying to downplay and cover up the murders of 4 Americans in Libya by terrorists.

Years from now they will claim nobody died, it was all a right-wing conspiracy.....
The CIA and DoD knew it was a terrorist attack within 24 hours.

Obama and his fellow scum back in DC went into lying mode to cover up the attack because it didn't help their LIES about Islamic terrorism going away thanks to Obama personally killing UBL with his bare hands.
Obama's next move is to shove Keystone back up Canada's ass ... after he removes the RW's head..
Wow, total cricketts.

Bigreb is to stupid to count - I give the right a pass for him.

So, no one going to man and admit that this was a pile of horseshit?
Stupid are those who support obama. Don't you recall what obama's creator of obamacare said about you and orthers like you?
5 yard punt...backwards
I know I blocked your attempt next.

Are you operating under the impression that denigrating those who question the Administration's version of events in Benghazi is going to do any good for the Democrat cause in 2016?

are you operating under the impression that denigrating the findings of the House Intelligence Committee is going to do any good for the Republican cause in 2016 ?

guess what pal, you're screwed .
As someone that did 20 years in the military and have seen intel reports for years about terrorist threats here and there......nobody with a clue would believe a fucked up story about movie protestors overrunning a US compound in an Islamic country.

Terrorists are always suspect #1 until proven otherwise.
Liberal scum in the Obama Admin went into cover up mode because a "terrorist attack" in a country Obama helped destabilize would be a huge problem for the upcoming election, especially after Obama constantly lied about putting an end to Islamic terrorism.

Also, they had to lie because the last US Ambassador was killed under Jimmy bucktooth Carter, so having pathetic security and plans in place on "11 September" in a terrorist haven like Libya shows incompetence of the highest fucking order.

Hillary warned Republicans - but they didn't listen.
Shitstain....that lie has been blown up.

The GOP's funding for the DoS was more than what Obama asked for, asswipe.

You need to explain away the millions blown on making US Embassies "pretty" around the world during that period if you are going to claim there was no money for security in Libya.

Obama sent the DoD security team home from Libya despite the Ambassador complaints. of course you will claim the GOP made Obama do it, eh fucktard.


Hillary warned Republicans - but they didn't listen.
2016 political platform

Republicans create Benghazi Conspiracy
Republicans appoint Intelligence committee to investigate Benghazi
Republicans disprove Benghazi conspiracy
Republicans call Republicans liars for disproving their own conspiracy theory.
Republicans still believe Benghazi was a conspiracy.

you cant make that shit up.

Republicans are soooooooooooooo screwed they may never see the WH again ....
Shitstain....that lie has been blown up.

The GOP's funding for the DoS was more than what Obama asked for, asswipe.

You need to explain away the millions blown on making US Embassies "pretty" around the world during that period if you are going to claim there was no money for security in Libya.

Obama sent the DoD security team home from Libya despite the Ambassador complaints. of course you will claim the GOP made Obama do it, eh fucktard.


Hillary warned Republicans - but they didn't listen.
Wait until republicans get full control they better follow how they have been directed to do, defund obamacare.

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