GOP led Benghazi report refutes conspiracy theories


This thread demonstrates the folly of allowing the Intellectually Less Fortunate ANY access to public speech.

In short all this entire thread comes to plead is: "Who you going to believe: US or your LYIN' EYES! ??"
"GOP led Benghazi report refutes conspiracy theories"

Of course many on the right will continue to seek to propagate the lies of the phony scandal that is 'Benghazi.'
This thread is more proof that conservatives have no understanding of what a fact consists of.

They think a fact is 'something that makes me feel good'.
Liberal scum trying to downplay and cover up the murders of 4 Americans in Libya by terrorists.

Years from now they will claim nobody died, it was all a right-wing conspiracy.....

That's in no way shape or form the truth of the matter and your handlers know it.

The actual fact of the matter is that was never Obama's fault and merely a smear job from the right.

Just admit it.
Best part of this report is that we, the sane people on USMB, had already asserted and/or established the facts that the report now confirms.
There is no conspiracy at work here.

Merely criminal negligence, gross incompetency, cowardice, and initial failure to accept accountability.

You found that in the report, eh?

Merely my own personal opinion, of the manner in which the Administration, and its officers, past and present, supported the Consulate in Benghazi prior to the incident, and the manner in which they conducted themselves and the representations which they made in the hours and days and weeks immediately following the incident.

OK with you, if I reached such a conclusion?

Sorry I gave you boo-boo-hurt-feelings, there, Skippy!
This thread is more proof that conservatives have no understanding of what a fact consists of.

They think a fact is 'something that makes me feel good'.

What facts are those? Because it looks as though you're speaking of the OPINION of individuals and placing "FACT" upon that inappropriate category.

But you point to the would-be facts.
Republican-led report debunks Benghazi accusations -

The final report, from Chairman Mike Rogers, R-Michigan, and ranking member Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger, D-Maryland, concludes there was no intelligence failure prior to the attack, no stand-down order to CIA operatives trying to go assist at the besieged consular building and found conflicting intelligence in the wake of the attack about the motive and cause, which were reflected in early public comments by the administration.
ROFL... the communist news network reports all is well... ROFL
Republican investigation reports all is well
There is no conspiracy at work here.

Merely criminal negligence, gross incompetency, cowardice, and initial failure to accept accountability.

You found that in the report, eh?

Merely my own personal opinion, of the manner in which the Administration, and its officers, past and present, supported the Consulate in Benghazi prior to the incident, and the manner in which they conducted themselves and the representations which they made in the hours and days and weeks immediately following the incident.

OK with you, if I reached such a conclusion?

Sorry I gave you boo-boo-hurt-feelings, there, Skippy!
Typical evasive Emu-Lib reaction... avoid substance when challenged... fall back on unrelated emotionalism and sarcasm... your failure is noted.
I still find it hard to believe that House Republicans produced a reasonably honest Benghazi report. What gives?
Best part of this report is that we, the sane people on USMB, had already asserted and/or established the facts that the report now confirms.

Yeah... you 'established' that the obama-cult did NOT spend three weeks trying to blame the terrorist attack upon the You-tube video, when the entire world witnessed them doing so.

This would be the same video that the Peasantpimp declared was responsible

You 'established' that there was no 'Stand-Down" order given, when the entire world witnessed that the US Military with Quick Reaction Forces within hours of Benghazi were NOT dispatched, and US General Officers replaced when they attempted to send those forces... .

You guys are just BRILLIANT that way...

Of course: There's THIS... IF you believe your eyes and ears.

Now that was MONTHS after the "intelligence community" knew for a FACT that 'the video' had NOTHING TO DO WITH THE ISLAMIC TERRORIST ATTACK UPON THE BENGHAZI MISSION.

Which ... for those keeping score, literally demonstrates the intent of your Peasantpimp to deceive, not just the Stupid People of his own Democrat constituency (that's you NY), but Americans... as well as


Not true. Do some "credible" research.

Benghazi ringleader: Anti-Muslim video inspired attack

Yes, the Innocence of Muslims Video Really Did Play a Role in the Benghazi Attacks

A Deadly Mix in Benghazi - The New York Times
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Bottom line-------------obama, rice, and clinton lied about the benghazi attack being caused by the video.

That is the fact of the matter.

no amount of left wing spinning and lying can change that FACT.
Evidently...they didnt

Tough to imagine that this story would have any legs if Hillary were not considering running for President.


You mean, besides the 4 dead Americans including the Ambassador?


If Hillary were not presumed to be running, she would be less in the spotlight and Obama would be in it more.

If the President at the time of these attacks had an (R) next to his name, Democrats would be screaming and condemning and accusing and Republicans would be minimizing.

That's because neither end of the political spectrum has any credibility left, and they demonstrate why with great regularity.

This thread is more proof that conservatives have no understanding of what a fact consists of.

They think a fact is 'something that makes me feel good'.

Give them two weeks and they will be back to Benghazi threads

Wait till Hillary announces in January

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