GOP led Benghazi report refutes conspiracy theories

obama, rice, hillary, and the rest of the dems lied about it, no report can ever change that fact. IT WAS NOT A SPONTANEOUS DEMONSTRATION CAUSED BY A VIDEO. THEY LIED TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND THEY KNEW THEY WERE LYING WHEN THEY DID IT.
Evidently they didn't lie

The demonstrations were attended by multiple groups there with different agendas. And, yes, there were demonstrators there because of the video

It was exploited by AlQaeda
The entire freaknut Muslim world was going nuts that week about that stupid video -- never mind the Grand Mafti putting out a FATWA on the makers of that video all over eastern TV's, never mind Terry Jones, never mind Romney and his idiocy of that degenerat political play the night of 911- while the bodies weren't even cold -- denouncing the video --

never mind the flurry, never mind the viral spread, never mind world-wide news, never mind these religious fundies go nuts at just a two dimensional depiction of their prophet -- just a CARTOON in a magazine -- they call for the death -- NOoooooooooooooooooooooo...

It's un ****ingimaginable protests could occur when they hear word a movie has been made about their prophet *****ing a pig, having sex with men, having their Prophet depicted in the most vile way -- no, they would not erupt...

Religious fundamentalists can't go zany when their Jesus is pig ****ing.

Yeah, it couldn't be that some of those nut cases were drawn in by the video -- noooooo...

So, there it is. It was because of a video and spontaneous.

You are such a typical liberal pussy. Let me see one of you hypocrites create a disparaging photo of their false prophet muhammed. Go ahead and draw a picture of him, and place that picture into a jar of your piss.

Let me see how "brave" you are.

Islam BTW puts gays to death, women who get raped and kill on mass scales. You claim Christianity does the same thing.

That means of course that it should be no problem for you to ridicule a picture of their false prophet. Let us all see you do it.

I personally hope you do. Is there anyway I can encourage you to do it? Hypocrite? Hey hypocrite! You going to do it?

I thought you stupid morons said Christians are just as insidious as those brown stink bombs. You double talking pussy.
Wow.. What a mental patient.
It was a spontaneous attack due to a video!!!!!

No no, it was a organized terror attack!!!!

No no, it was due to a video!!!!

Wait, wait wait. It was BOTH!!!!

Fucking liberals. Complete hypocritical morons. They make sense to each other too.

Yes, according to these messages, they still think it was spontaneous attack due to a video, even though Susan Rice admitted that it was not, after she claimed it was.

Liberals are back to the original claim. Yes, they make sense to each other. Why? Cause they stand for nothing. Never do.

obama, rice, hillary, and the rest of the dems lied about it, no report can ever change that fact. IT WAS NOT A SPONTANEOUS DEMONSTRATION CAUSED BY A VIDEO. THEY LIED TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND THEY KNEW THEY WERE LYING WHEN THEY DID IT.
Evidently they didn't lie

The demonstrations were attended by multiple groups there with different agendas. And, yes, there were demonstrators there because of the video

It was exploited by AlQaeda
They are still lying
Rinse and repeat
Truth is something you will always lack while you support obama.
Bury head firmly in sand while chanting......Benghazi....Benghazi......Benghazi
Notice how liberals would never make fun or ridicule muhammed anywhere near they way they ridicule Christ?

How brave they are. I mean really really brave.

Paperview, you are a bonified hypocritical pussy. Not to mention a fucking liar.
It was a spontaneous attack due to a video!!!!!

No no, it was a organized terror attack!!!!

No no, it was due to a video!!!!

Wait, wait wait. It was BOTH!!!!

Fucking liberals. Complete hypocritical morons. They make sense to each other too.

Yes, according to these messages, they still think it was spontaneous attack due to a video, even though Susan Rice admitted that it was not, after she claimed it was.

Liberals are back to the original claim. Yes, they make sense to each other. Why? Cause they stand for nothing. Never do.
There's an old saying....there's no education in the second kick of a mule.

For years now, so many of these cons have been kicked by the mule of the CEC, which has been feeding them bad, bad information.

So often the news they get fed in their bubble kicks them hard in the groin, as it gets revealed they were lied to -- outright fed heaping mounds of manufactured hype -- so obviously and provably manufactured hype as it's happening -- but they continue to stand behind that same mule --

and get kicked again

and again
and again
and again
and again
and again
and again
and again

and wonder why it hurts so bad

when shit like this comes out.

We tried to tell them. It's seems they just like getting kicked by the mule of bad information.

Maybe they like the pain.
Or the lack of education.
Or both.
There's an old saying....there's no education in the second kick of a mule.

For years now, so many of these cons have been kicked by the mule of the CEC, which has been feeding them bad, bad information.

So often the news they get fed in their bubble kicks them hard in the groin, as it gets revealed they were lied to -- outright fed heaping mounds of manufactured hype -- so obviously and provably manufactured hype as it's happening -- but they continue to stand behind that same mule --

and get kicked again

and again
and again
and again
and again
and again
and again
and again

and wonder why it hurts so bad

when shit like this comes out.

We tried to tell them. It's seems they just like getting kicked by the mule of bad information.

Maybe they like the pain.
Or the lack of education.
Or both.
Maybe if you took Gruber at his word you'll understand why you are known as stupid.
Republican-led report debunks Benghazi accusations -

The final report, from Chairman Mike Rogers, R-Michigan, and ranking member Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger, D-Maryland, concludes there was no intelligence failure prior to the attack, no stand-down order to CIA operatives trying to go assist at the besieged consular building and found conflicting intelligence in the wake of the attack about the motive and cause, which were reflected in early public comments by the administration.

There was no protest!
And here we go.

Wingnuts be doubling down....

Just read this on Fox News.

"A leading Republican wants to expand the House investigation into the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack by adding a Senate probe, as a new House Intelligence Committee report Friday concluded that the initial CIA assessment found no demonstrations prior to the assault and a primary purpose of the CIA operation in eastern Libya was to track the movement of weapons to Syria."

CIA gathered intelligence on weapons to Syria Benghazi report Fox News

Because what we need now!

is another investigation.

Bottom line-------------obama, rice, and clinton lied about the benghazi attack being caused by the video.

That is the fact of the matter.

no amount of left wing spinning and lying can change that FACT.

Can an honest Conservative please explain the following to me - with "credible" proof:

1. What is the alleged Benghazi cover-up?

2. What was allegedly covered up?

3. Who allegedly covered anything up?

4. Why was anything allegedly covered up?

5. Who and how did anyone benefit from any alleged cover-up?

6. Did anyone in the Obama Administration allegedly intentionally cause the Benghazi tragedy?

7. Were any laws allegedly broken?

8. How is Benghazi allegedly different from embassy/consulate attacks and deaths under Reagan and G.W. Bush?

9. Why do Conservatives continue their obsession to politicize the Benghazi tragedy for points and profits?
Bottom line-------------obama, rice, and clinton lied about the benghazi attack being caused by the video.

That is the fact of the matter.

no amount of left wing spinning and lying can change that FACT.

That is a LIE. Read the following:

According to the report, early intelligence that the attacks were sparked by an Internet video was "not accurate," but not intentionally so. And the report holds that the process that produced Rice's now-infamous talking points was flawed, resulting in errors rather than deliberate lies. Indeed, the report determined that the CIA had not sorted out the conflicting intelligence until two days after Rice appeared on television claiming the attacks stemmed from a protest.

More: House Intelligence Committee's Benghazi Report Torches Conspiracy Theories
Bottom line-------------obama, rice, and clinton lied about the benghazi attack being caused by the video.

That is the fact of the matter.

no amount of left wing spinning and lying can change that FACT.
so you didn't read the report? :eusa_eh: Thanks for the clarification :thup:

Can an honest Conservative please explain the following to me - with "credible" proof:

1. What is the alleged Benghazi cover-up?

2. What was allegedly covered up?

3. Who allegedly covered anything up?

4. Why was anything allegedly covered up?

5. Who and how did anyone benefit from any alleged cover-up?

6. Did anyone in the Obama Administration allegedly intentionally cause the Benghazi tragedy?

7. Were any laws allegedly broken?

8. How is Benghazi allegedly different from embassy/consulate attacks and deaths under Reagan and G.W. Bush?

9. Why do Conservatives continue their obsession to politicize the Benghazi tragedy for points and profits?

1. that it was caused by a video
2. that it was not caused by a video but was terrorism just before the election
3. obama, rice, clinton, and the obama-loving media
4. because they thought that a terrorist attack might lose votes for obama
5. obama won a second term
6. hard to tell but incompetence seems to have been partly responsible
7. is lying to the american people a crime?
8. its not, but Bush did not lie about what caused them
9. because the american people deserve the truth.
Notice how liberals would never make fun or ridicule muhammed anywhere near they way they ridicule Christ?

How brave they are. I mean really really brave.

Paperview, you are a bonified hypocritical pussy. Not to mention a fucking liar.
In other words:

Bottom line-------------obama, rice, and clinton lied about the benghazi attack being caused by the video.

That is the fact of the matter.

no amount of left wing spinning and lying can change that FACT.

That is a LIE. Read the following:

According to the report, early intelligence that the attacks were sparked by an Internet video was "not accurate," but not intentionally so. And the report holds that the process that produced Rice's now-infamous talking points was flawed, resulting in errors rather than deliberate lies. Indeed, the report determined that the CIA had not sorted out the conflicting intelligence until two days after Rice appeared on television claiming the attacks stemmed from a protest.

More: House Intelligence Committee's Benghazi Report Torches Conspiracy Theories

so you are saying they were incompetent and unable to find the truth?

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