GOP led Benghazi report refutes conspiracy theories

Do some people need a little reminder on what the hell was going on at that freakin time all over the world and all over our embassies in 54 Countries/locales that week - and *why* it's possible, it *may* have been thought the video was at least partly responsible??

It's like some cons live in this Bengghazadazi vacuum. Weird as all get out.

All over the freaking world !1! Because of that stupid video.

obama, rice, hillary, and the rest of the dems lied about it, no report can ever change that fact. IT WAS NOT A SPONTANEOUS DEMONSTRATION CAUSED BY A VIDEO. THEY LIED TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND THEY KNEW THEY WERE LYING WHEN THEY DID IT.
Evidently they didn't lie

The demonstrations were attended by multiple groups there with different agendas. And, yes, there were demonstrators there because of the video

It was exploited by AlQaeda
They are still lying
Rinse and repeat

obama, rice, hillary, and the rest of the dems lied about it, no report can ever change that fact. IT WAS NOT A SPONTANEOUS DEMONSTRATION CAUSED BY A VIDEO. THEY LIED TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND THEY KNEW THEY WERE LYING WHEN THEY DID IT.
Evidently they didn't lie

The demonstrations were attended by multiple groups there with different agendas. And, yes, there were demonstrators there because of the video

It was exploited by AlQaeda
The entire freaknut Muslim world was going nuts that week about that stupid video -- never mind the Grand Mafti putting out a FATWA on the makers of that video all over eastern TV's, never mind Terry Jones, never mind Romney and his idiocy of that degenerat political play the night of 911- while the bodies weren't even cold -- denouncing the video --

never mind the flurry, never mind the viral spread, never mind world-wide news, never mind these religious fundies go nuts at just a two dimensional depiction of their prophet -- just a CARTOON in a magazine -- they call for the death -- NOoooooooooooooooooooooo...

It's un ****ingimaginable protests could occur when they hear word a movie has been made about their prophet *****ing a pig, having sex with men, having their Prophet depicted in the most vile way -- no, they would not erupt...

Religious fundamentalists can't go zany when their Jesus is pig ****ing.

Yeah, it couldn't be that some of those nut cases were drawn in by the video -- noooooo...

So, there it is. It was because of a video and spontaneous.

You are such a typical liberal pussy. Let me see one of you hypocrites create a disparaging photo of their false prophet muhammed. Go ahead and draw a picture of him, and place that picture into a jar of your piss.

Let me see how "brave" you are.

Islam BTW puts gays to death, women who get raped and kill on mass scales. You claim Christianity does the same thing.

That means of course that it should be no problem for you to ridicule a picture of their false prophet. Let us all see you do it.

I personally hope you do. Is there anyway I can encourage you to do it? Hypocrite? Hey hypocrite! You going to do it?

I thought you stupid morons said Christians are just as insidious as those brown stink bombs. You double talking pussy.

Tough to imagine that this story would have any legs if Hillary were not considering running for President.


Why? Because you and the democrats protecting Obama don't give a shit about four Americans needlessly killed? It is not like this type of thing has happened in the past. Yes, attacks, but attacks that result in an all night fire fight with the killing of an ambassador then the misrepresentation of facts by Obama and Rice? No that has not happened in the past.

So I guess it just should have been pushed to the back burner and those family members told to STFU.

BTW Obama us up for election in two months, funny you don't remember.

If the resident of the White House on the day of the Benghazi attacks had an (R) after his name, the Right would be minimizing it and the Left would be screaming.

And Obama is "up for election in two months"? Where?


I am counting on my toes and fingers. Nov 2012 Obama defeats Romney. Sept 11, 2012 Benghazi. Really you did not know?

Here is a little refresher: 2012 Benghazi attack - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Obama takes key battlegrounds to win re-election -

Oh, so your point was that Obama downplayed the attacks for electoral advantage.

Why didn't you just say so?

Could be, wouldn't surprise me. But my point was about Hillary.


NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! My point is that you said that it was about Hillary ignoring, and at least pretending, you didn't know that Obama was up for election. My gosh are you obtuse. YES it was about Hillary because SHE WAS IN CHARGE THAT DAY.
Do some people need a little reminder on what the hell was going on at that freakin time all over the world and all over our embassies in 54 Countries/locales that week - and *why* it's possible, it *may* have been thought the video was at least partly responsible??

It's like some cons live in this Bengghazadazi vacuum. Weird as all get out.

All over the freaking world !1! Because of that stupid video.

Well, that was not due to the video, but the media hyping the reason that the white house put out. Do you have any ability to distinguish the difference?

You know they admitted it was not due to a video right?

You fucking hypocritical moron.

obama, rice, hillary, and the rest of the dems lied about it, no report can ever change that fact. IT WAS NOT A SPONTANEOUS DEMONSTRATION CAUSED BY A VIDEO. THEY LIED TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND THEY KNEW THEY WERE LYING WHEN THEY DID IT.
Evidently they didn't lie

The demonstrations were attended by multiple groups there with different agendas. And, yes, there were demonstrators there because of the video

It was exploited by AlQaeda
The entire freaknut Muslim world was going nuts that week about that stupid video -- never mind the Grand Mafti putting out a FATWA on the makers of that video all over eastern TV's, never mind Terry Jones, never mind Romney and his idiocy of that degenerat political play the night of 911- while the bodies weren't even cold -- denouncing the video --

never mind the flurry, never mind the viral spread, never mind world-wide news, never mind these religious fundies go nuts at just a two dimensional depiction of their prophet -- just a CARTOON in a magazine -- they call for the death -- NOoooooooooooooooooooooo...

It's un ****ingimaginable protests could occur when they hear word a movie has been made about their prophet *****ing a pig, having sex with men, having their Prophet depicted in the most vile way -- no, they would not erupt...

Religious fundamentalists can't go zany when their Jesus is pig ****ing.

Yeah, it couldn't be that some of those nut cases were drawn in by the video -- noooooo...

Prior to 9/11/2012 there were few if any protests. On 9/11 there was one protest in Cairo and the attack in Benghazi. All the rest of the protests happened after 9/11. So it could be very well argued that the words of Obama and Rice inflamed the riots in the middle east. That is what happens when people say things they do not know if true or not.
That's fucking ridiculous.

the day after the attack, notes people there were saying it was the video?

This is a September 12th, 2012 Report --

Libya consulate attack came after militants joined protesters, say witnesses, officials - The Washington Post

"At least an hour before the assault began, a stream of cars was seen moving toward the U.S. Consulate in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi. By late Tuesday evening, as many as 50 heavily armed militants had gathered outside its high walls.

They joined protesters outside the consulate who were demonstrating against an American movie that they believed denigrated the prophet Muhammad. But according to one witness, the new arrivals neither chanted slogans nor carried banners.

“They said, ‘We are Muslims defending the prophet. We are defending Islam,’ ” Libyan television journalist Firas Abdelhakim said in an interview.

What was being pumped up in the Muslim world was a total affront to the religious reactionaries who go bazonkers when they hear word their Prophet is being depicted in a bad light, in this case, like a pig ****er. It was MAJOR headlines. all.over. the. world.

You know it. It's lunacy to say the kooks were whipped up by Obama. Sheer lunacy.

I know it's hard to imagine, total devout fundamentalist religious folks who would freak if Jesus were to be part of a film made by people you hate where he screwed animals and had sex with men, but --- you know, some of the really orthodox religious people kinda blow a lid when its taken to that level.

That film took it that level. That's why you saw protests at our embassies and outposts in 54 counties/locales all across the globe that week because of that film.

Not excusing it, just saying these religious fundamentalists get unspooled when you say their Prophet ****s dogs.

---As I've said all along, many of these are unstable, uneducated fanatics.

I don't know why people find it so amazing it could be both -- the video and some of the factions in that crowd that preplanned it.

And, as I've also noted for years now, ---> a few days before the attack, a fatwa had been ordered by the Grand Mafti regarding that video.

Things can happen concurrently when angry, ****ed up groups assemble.
Determining the *exact* reason? From the moment, the days after... when the world was aflame in Muslim protests freaking the **** out-- yeah, that's something the State Department should have nailed down with lazer point precision.

I mean, whynotfor? Acourse. As my three year old niece would put it.
Do some people need a little reminder on what the hell was going on at that freakin time all over the world and all over our embassies in 54 Countries/locales that week - and *why* it's possible, it *may* have been thought the video was at least partly responsible??

It's like some cons live in this Bengghazadazi vacuum. Weird as all get out.

All over the freaking world !1! Because of that stupid video.

Attach dates to those bubbles and we will talk.

obama, rice, hillary, and the rest of the dems lied about it, no report can ever change that fact. IT WAS NOT A SPONTANEOUS DEMONSTRATION CAUSED BY A VIDEO. THEY LIED TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND THEY KNEW THEY WERE LYING WHEN THEY DID IT.
Evidently they didn't lie

The demonstrations were attended by multiple groups there with different agendas. And, yes, there were demonstrators there because of the video

It was exploited by AlQaeda
The entire freaknut Muslim world was going nuts that week about that stupid video -- never mind the Grand Mafti putting out a FATWA on the makers of that video all over eastern TV's, never mind Terry Jones, never mind Romney and his idiocy of that degenerat political play the night of 911- while the bodies weren't even cold -- denouncing the video --

never mind the flurry, never mind the viral spread, never mind world-wide news, never mind these religious fundies go nuts at just a two dimensional depiction of their prophet -- just a CARTOON in a magazine -- they call for the death -- NOoooooooooooooooooooooo...

It's un ****ingimaginable protests could occur when they hear word a movie has been made about their prophet *****ing a pig, having sex with men, having their Prophet depicted in the most vile way -- no, they would not erupt...

Religious fundamentalists can't go zany when their Jesus is pig ****ing.

Yeah, it couldn't be that some of those nut cases were drawn in by the video -- noooooo...

Prior to 9/11/2012 there were few if any protests. On 9/11 there was one protest in Cairo and the attack in Benghazi. All the rest of the protests happened after 9/11. So it could be very well argued that the words of Obama and Rice inflamed the riots in the middle east. That is what happens when people say things they do not know if true or not.
That's fucking ridiculous.

the day after the attack, notes people there were saying it was the video?

This is a September 12th, 2012 Report --

Libya consulate attack came after militants joined protesters, say witnesses, officials - The Washington Post

"At least an hour before the assault began, a stream of cars was seen moving toward the U.S. Consulate in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi. By late Tuesday evening, as many as 50 heavily armed militants had gathered outside its high walls.

They joined protesters outside the consulate who were demonstrating against an American movie that they believed denigrated the prophet Muhammad. But according to one witness, the new arrivals neither chanted slogans nor carried banners.

“They said, ‘We are Muslims defending the prophet. We are defending Islam,’ ” Libyan television journalist Firas Abdelhakim said in an interview.

What was being pumped up in the Muslim world was a total affront to the religious reactionaries who go bazonkers when they hear word their Prophet is being depicted in a bad light, in this case, like a pig ****er. It was MAJOR headlines. all.over. the. world.

You know it. It's lunacy to say the kooks were whipped up by Obama. Sheer lunacy.

I know it's hard to imagine, total devout fundamentalist religious folks who would freak if Jesus were to be part of a film made by people you hate where he screwed animals and had sex with men, but --- you know, some of the really orthodox religious people kinda blow a lid when its taken to that level.

That film took it that level. That's why you saw protests at our embassies and outposts in 54 counties/locales all across the globe that week because of that film.

Not excusing it, just saying these religious fundamentalists get unspooled when you say their Prophet ****s dogs.

---As I've said all along, many of these are unstable, uneducated fanatics.

I don't know why people find it so amazing it could be both -- the video and some of the factions in that crowd that preplanned it.

And, as I've also noted for years now, ---> a few days before the attack, a fatwa had been ordered by the Grand Mafti regarding that video.

Things can happen concurrently when angry, ****ed up groups assemble.
Determining the *exact* reason? From the moment, the days after... when the world was aflame in Muslim protests freaking the **** out-- yeah, that's something the State Department should have nailed down with lazer point precision.

I mean, whynotfor? Acourse. As my three year old niece would put it.

Reports are, no protests prior to attack, there is video so that is pretty easy to determine.

Regardless if there were protests the protests are not the reason for the deaths of our four men that has already been determined.

Again, if you want to count Benghazi, there were two attacks that day, Cairo and Benghazi. The rest happened after.
Need some more reminder help?

Here: Muslim Protests by John Hudson

From there, you are shown a Reuters interactive map with bubbles.

Hover your mouse over a bubble, any bubble. That map is dated September 14, 2012. There were still more protests that would continue throughout the week...

Protests all over the world, at a lot of our embassies, some at consulates, some on Main streets -- all because of that stupid video. By stupid religious extremists.

Here, I'll get you started:


It was a big ta-do.

They said: "If you can't keep track of all the Muslim protests erupting across the globe, you're not alone. The uproar over a 14-minute anti-Islam YouTube video has sparked furious protests from Somalia to Egypt to Sudan to Tunisia to Libya to Bangladesh to Indonesia to Pakistan.

With new reports of protests surfacing every minute, we've compiled the latest reported incidents into this handy interactive Google Map. Click the locations and embedded links for more details about each incident."

A Map of Muslim Protests Around the World - The Wire

How unimaginable people could think the two might have any - *any* connection.
Ah but the report also said the following.

But the investigation also found the security at the diplomatic outpost was weak and it described a "flawed" process used to create talking points for House Intelligence Committee members and then-U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, whose public statements after the attack incensed critics who said the administration was avoiding calling the attack terrorism.

That was what was really at the heart of the matter not the actions of the C.I.A. on the ground in Benghazi but the actions in Washington.
If the resident of the White House on the day of the Benghazi attacks had an (R) after his name, the Right would be minimizing it and the Left would be screaming.

And Obama is "up for election in two months"? Where?


I am counting on my toes and fingers. Nov 2012 Obama defeats Romney. Sept 11, 2012 Benghazi. Really you did not know?

Here is a little refresher: 2012 Benghazi attack - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Obama takes key battlegrounds to win re-election -

Oh, so your point was that Obama downplayed the attacks for electoral advantage.

Why didn't you just say so?

Could be, wouldn't surprise me. But my point was about Hillary.


You did not know obama lied and played the video angle for political expediency?

It's pretty much impossible to prove something like that, but as I said, it wouldn't surprise me.

He's a politician.


You need proof? It was about a month before the election.

Now, let us see that ability you have to think for yourself.

Where did I say that I need proof? I made it pretty clear, twice, that I wouldn't be surprised. The man is obviously as politically driven as anyone else, news flash.

I was talking about proving to the general public, or a court of law, or whomever it is you're trying to persuade.


Tough to imagine that this story would have any legs if Hillary were not considering running for President.


Why? Because you and the democrats protecting Obama don't give a shit about four Americans needlessly killed? It is not like this type of thing has happened in the past. Yes, attacks, but attacks that result in an all night fire fight with the killing of an ambassador then the misrepresentation of facts by Obama and Rice? No that has not happened in the past.

So I guess it just should have been pushed to the back burner and those family members told to STFU.

BTW Obama us up for election in two months, funny you don't remember.

If the resident of the White House on the day of the Benghazi attacks had an (R) after his name, the Right would be minimizing it and the Left would be screaming.

And Obama is "up for election in two months"? Where?


I am counting on my toes and fingers. Nov 2012 Obama defeats Romney. Sept 11, 2012 Benghazi. Really you did not know?

Here is a little refresher: 2012 Benghazi attack - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Obama takes key battlegrounds to win re-election -

Oh, so your point was that Obama downplayed the attacks for electoral advantage.

Why didn't you just say so?

Could be, wouldn't surprise me. But my point was about Hillary.


NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! My point is that you said that it was about Hillary ignoring, and at least pretending, you didn't know that Obama was up for election. My gosh are you obtuse. YES it was about Hillary because SHE WAS IN CHARGE THAT DAY.

Check your typing. You said "BTW Obama us up for election in two months..." I thought you meant "Obama IS up for election in two months," which is why I responded as I did. Look at what I wrote.

So back to my point, before it was diverted to Obama: The GOP would not be this animated about Benghazi if it were not for the fact that Hillary is probably running for President. Obama has absolutely nothing to do with that.

They do, they do think it was all spontaneous due to a video. They still believe it!!! LOL!!!!

US Ambassador Susan Rice admits Benghazi error.

At 1:00 it is reported that Susan Rice admitted that it was not due to a video.

Ahhhhh, but they still tell their pawns to declare that it was due to a video.

I told you all, it is literally impossible to argue or debate with left wing losers. They double talk their way out of every single issue.

They do not deserve and so therefore will never receive any respect from me. The lying pieces of left wing shit.

obama, rice, hillary, and the rest of the dems lied about it, no report can ever change that fact. IT WAS NOT A SPONTANEOUS DEMONSTRATION CAUSED BY A VIDEO. THEY LIED TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND THEY KNEW THEY WERE LYING WHEN THEY DID IT.
Evidently they didn't lie

The demonstrations were attended by multiple groups there with different agendas. And, yes, there were demonstrators there because of the video

It was exploited by AlQaeda
They are still lying
Rinse and repeat
Truth is something you will always lack while you support obama.
Do some people need a little reminder on what the hell was going on at that freakin time all over the world and all over our embassies in 54 Countries/locales that week - and *why* it's possible, it *may* have been thought the video was at least partly responsible??

It's like some cons live in this Bengghazadazi vacuum. Weird as all get out.

All over the freaking world !1! Because of that stupid video.
Right all this was happening while protesters where carrying RPG and AK 47 at Benghazi
What the hell is the left talking about. They just determined that a Benghazi leader was affiliated with Al_Queda. Obama lied and people died. He makes Nixon look like a choir boy.
They do, they do think it was all spontaneous due to a video. They still believe it!!! LOL!!!!

US Ambassador Susan Rice admits Benghazi error.

At 1:00 it is reported that Susan Rice admitted that it was not due to a video.

Ahhhhh, but they still tell their pawns to declare that it was due to a video.

I told you all, it is literally impossible to argue or debate with left wing losers. They double talk their way out of every single issue.

They do not deserve and so therefore will never receive any respect from me. The lying pieces of left wing shit.

Idiot. Did you even bother listening to your own video?
Republican-led report debunks Benghazi accusations -

The final report, from Chairman Mike Rogers, R-Michigan, and ranking member Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger, D-Maryland, concludes there was no intelligence failure prior to the attack, no stand-down order to CIA operatives trying to go assist at the besieged consular building and found conflicting intelligence in the wake of the attack about the motive and cause, which were reflected in early public comments by the administration.
ROFL... the communist news network reports all is well... ROFL
They do, they do think it was all spontaneous due to a video. They still believe it!!! LOL!!!!

US Ambassador Susan Rice admits Benghazi error.

At 1:00 it is reported that Susan Rice admitted that it was not due to a video.

Ahhhhh, but they still tell their pawns to declare that it was due to a video.

I told you all, it is literally impossible to argue or debate with left wing losers. They double talk their way out of every single issue.

They do not deserve and so therefore will never receive any respect from me. The lying pieces of left wing shit.

Idiot. Did you even bother listening to your own video?

he's a huge rw /ideologue/hack. He doesn't have time. He just runs w/ what DrudgeRush spoon-feed him

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