GOP led Benghazi report refutes conspiracy theories

You are not thinking for yourself for refusing to pick a side. Like I said, keep patting yourself on your back though.

"Picking a side" is the very definition of not thinking for myself.

I'm bored of this topic, hence my sig.

And think I will start patting myself on the back. Evidently independent thought is in shorter supply than I thought.

Good for me.


Did you ever consider the likelihood that sometimes the exercise of 'independent thought' will lead one to end up with a set of opinions that put him or her on one side or another?

first time I have ever agreed with anything you said.
You are not thinking for yourself for refusing to pick a side. Like I said, keep patting yourself on your back though.

"Picking a side" is the very definition of not thinking for myself.

I'm bored of this topic, hence my sig.

And think I will start patting myself on the back. Evidently independent thought is in shorter supply than I thought.

Good for me.


Did you ever consider the likelihood that sometimes the exercise of 'independent thought' will lead one to end up with a set of opinions that put him or her on one side or another?

Right down the line, consistently? No, I don't think that's likely.

The spin, deflection, diversion, distortion, hyperbole and outright lies of both ends of the spectrum are too obvious.


obama, rice, hillary, and the rest of the dems lied about it, no report can ever change that fact. IT WAS NOT A SPONTANEOUS DEMONSTRATION CAUSED BY A VIDEO. THEY LIED TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND THEY KNEW THEY WERE LYING WHEN THEY DID IT.
So you didn't read the report? Thanks for the clarification :thup:

I read all the reports on Benghazi. Not one of them refutes that obama, clinton, rice, et. al lied when they claimed it was caused by the video. They lied about it for political reasons, nothing changes that.
I'm referring to the final one that exonerates the Admin you rw kool aid boi. :booze:

Ask yourself this, how can any report exonerate the Admin as long as there are four needlessly dead Americans? How is that even possible? If this had happened in Paris then I would agree. But it happened in a country we just bombed the crap out of, where one would think there would be people who just didn't think that was a good idea.

I think it was an organized protest, but not over an America video but over the indiscriminate bombing of their country by the US. That and the gun running that Stephens was part of, and that is what the report might be truly hiding.
If the response was adequate and resulted in the death of four Americans, how would you describe the response if none died? Miraculous? A gift from the Emperor?

Ol' Mac can bring partisan ideologues from both ends together.

The real enemy of a partisan ideologue is not a partisan ideologue from the other "side", they're easy.

It's someone who chooses to think for themselves.

obama, rice, hillary, and the rest of the dems lied about it, no report can ever change that fact. IT WAS NOT A SPONTANEOUS DEMONSTRATION CAUSED BY A VIDEO. THEY LIED TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND THEY KNEW THEY WERE LYING WHEN THEY DID IT.
So you didn't read the report? Thanks for the clarification :thup:

I read all the reports on Benghazi. Not one of them refutes that obama, clinton, rice, et. al lied when they claimed it was caused by the video. They lied about it for political reasons, nothing changes that.
I'm referring to the final one that exonerates the Admin you rw kool aid boi. :booze:

me too, show where it said that obama, rice, and clinton were telling the truth when they said (for weeks) that it was spontaneous and caused by a video.

where does that report say that they were not lying to the american people when they made that claim?

Read the report. If you want to produce arguments that refute material in the report, fine, but at least read it first.

I did read it, did you? you and your left wing cronies are claiming that it exonerates obama, clinton, and rice from lying about the video. I merely asked you to prove that claim by quoting from the report------------------------------------------------we'll be waiting.

obama, rice, hillary, and the rest of the dems lied about it, no report can ever change that fact. IT WAS NOT A SPONTANEOUS DEMONSTRATION CAUSED BY A VIDEO. THEY LIED TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND THEY KNEW THEY WERE LYING WHEN THEY DID IT.
Evidently they didn't lie

The demonstrations were attended by multiple groups there with different agendas. And, yes, there were demonstrators there because of the video

It was exploited by AlQaeda
"Theowl32 said:
You are not thinking for yourself for refusing to pick a side. Like I said, keep patting yourself on your back though."

Yeah, people should be more like you -- pick a side and no matter what the information shows to the contrary, stick with that side, dig your heels in and scream waaaaaaa!!! I'm right, and nothing will change my mind.

obama, rice, hillary, and the rest of the dems lied about it, no report can ever change that fact. IT WAS NOT A SPONTANEOUS DEMONSTRATION CAUSED BY A VIDEO. THEY LIED TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND THEY KNEW THEY WERE LYING WHEN THEY DID IT.
Evidently they didn't lie

The demonstrations were attended by multiple groups there with different agendas. And, yes, there were demonstrators there because of the video

It was exploited by AlQaeda
They are still lying

Tough to imagine that this story would have any legs if Hillary were not considering running for President.


Why? Because you and the democrats protecting Obama don't give a shit about four Americans needlessly killed? It is not like this type of thing has happened in the past. Yes, attacks, but attacks that result in an all night fire fight with the killing of an ambassador then the misrepresentation of facts by Obama and Rice? No that has not happened in the past.

So I guess it just should have been pushed to the back burner and those family members told to STFU.

BTW Obama us up for election in two months, funny you don't remember.

If the resident of the White House on the day of the Benghazi attacks had an (R) after his name, the Right would be minimizing it and the Left would be screaming.

And Obama is "up for election in two months"? Where?


I am counting on my toes and fingers. Nov 2012 Obama defeats Romney. Sept 11, 2012 Benghazi. Really you did not know?

Here is a little refresher: 2012 Benghazi attack - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Obama takes key battlegrounds to win re-election -
"Theowl32 said:
You are not thinking for yourself for refusing to pick a side. Like I said, keep patting yourself on your back though."

Yeah, people should be more like you -- pick a side and no matter what the information shows to the contrary, stick with that side, dig your heels in and scream waaaaaaa!!! I'm right, and nothing will change my mind.
people who sit on a fence tend to fall and when they fall they get hurt.

Tough to imagine that this story would have any legs if Hillary were not considering running for President.


Why? Because you and the democrats protecting Obama don't give a shit about four Americans needlessly killed? It is not like this type of thing has happened in the past. Yes, attacks, but attacks that result in an all night fire fight with the killing of an ambassador then the misrepresentation of facts by Obama and Rice? No that has not happened in the past.

So I guess it just should have been pushed to the back burner and those family members told to STFU.

BTW Obama us up for election in two months, funny you don't remember.

If the resident of the White House on the day of the Benghazi attacks had an (R) after his name, the Right would be minimizing it and the Left would be screaming.

And Obama is "up for election in two months"? Where?


I am counting on my toes and fingers. Nov 2012 Obama defeats Romney. Sept 11, 2012 Benghazi. Really you did not know?

Here is a little refresher: 2012 Benghazi attack - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Obama takes key battlegrounds to win re-election -

Oh, so your point was that Obama downplayed the attacks for electoral advantage.

Why didn't you just say so?

Could be, wouldn't surprise me. But my point was about Hillary.

"Theowl32 said:
You are not thinking for yourself for refusing to pick a side. Like I said, keep patting yourself on your back though."

Yeah, people should be more like you -- pick a side and no matter what the information shows to the contrary, stick with that side, dig your heels in and scream waaaaaaa!!! I'm right, and nothing will change my mind.

Look everyone, a hypocrite.

Tough to imagine that this story would have any legs if Hillary were not considering running for President.


Why? Because you and the democrats protecting Obama don't give a shit about four Americans needlessly killed? It is not like this type of thing has happened in the past. Yes, attacks, but attacks that result in an all night fire fight with the killing of an ambassador then the misrepresentation of facts by Obama and Rice? No that has not happened in the past.

So I guess it just should have been pushed to the back burner and those family members told to STFU.

BTW Obama us up for election in two months, funny you don't remember.

If the resident of the White House on the day of the Benghazi attacks had an (R) after his name, the Right would be minimizing it and the Left would be screaming.

And Obama is "up for election in two months"? Where?


I am counting on my toes and fingers. Nov 2012 Obama defeats Romney. Sept 11, 2012 Benghazi. Really you did not know?

Here is a little refresher: 2012 Benghazi attack - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Obama takes key battlegrounds to win re-election -

Oh, so your point was that Obama downplayed the attacks for electoral advantage.

Why didn't you just say so?

Could be, wouldn't surprise me. But my point was about Hillary.


You did not know obama lied and played the video angle for political expediency?

Tough to imagine that this story would have any legs if Hillary were not considering running for President.


Why? Because you and the democrats protecting Obama don't give a shit about four Americans needlessly killed? It is not like this type of thing has happened in the past. Yes, attacks, but attacks that result in an all night fire fight with the killing of an ambassador then the misrepresentation of facts by Obama and Rice? No that has not happened in the past.

So I guess it just should have been pushed to the back burner and those family members told to STFU.

BTW Obama us up for election in two months, funny you don't remember.

If the resident of the White House on the day of the Benghazi attacks had an (R) after his name, the Right would be minimizing it and the Left would be screaming.

And Obama is "up for election in two months"? Where?


I am counting on my toes and fingers. Nov 2012 Obama defeats Romney. Sept 11, 2012 Benghazi. Really you did not know?

Here is a little refresher: 2012 Benghazi attack - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Obama takes key battlegrounds to win re-election -

Oh, so your point was that Obama downplayed the attacks for electoral advantage.

Why didn't you just say so?

Could be, wouldn't surprise me. But my point was about Hillary.


You did not know obama lied and played the video angle for political expediency?

It's pretty much impossible to prove something like that, but as I said, it wouldn't surprise me.

He's a politician.


obama, rice, hillary, and the rest of the dems lied about it, no report can ever change that fact. IT WAS NOT A SPONTANEOUS DEMONSTRATION CAUSED BY A VIDEO. THEY LIED TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND THEY KNEW THEY WERE LYING WHEN THEY DID IT.
Evidently they didn't lie

The demonstrations were attended by multiple groups there with different agendas. And, yes, there were demonstrators there because of the video

It was exploited by AlQaeda
The entire freaknut Muslim world was going nuts that week about that stupid video -- never mind the Grand Mafti putting out a FATWA on the makers of that video all over eastern TV's, never mind Terry Jones, never mind Romney and his idiocy of that degenerat political play the night of 911- while the bodies weren't even cold -- denouncing the video --

never mind the flurry, never mind the viral spread, never mind world-wide news, never mind these religious fundies go nuts at just a two dimensional depiction of their prophet -- just a CARTOON in a magazine -- they call for the death -- NOoooooooooooooooooooooo...

It's un ****ingimaginable protests could occur when they hear word a movie has been made about their prophet *****ing a pig, having sex with men, having their Prophet depicted in the most vile way -- no, they would not erupt...

Religious fundamentalists can't go zany when their Jesus is pig ****ing.

Yeah, it couldn't be that some of those nut cases were drawn in by the video -- noooooo...

obama, rice, hillary, and the rest of the dems lied about it, no report can ever change that fact. IT WAS NOT A SPONTANEOUS DEMONSTRATION CAUSED BY A VIDEO. THEY LIED TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND THEY KNEW THEY WERE LYING WHEN THEY DID IT.
So you didn't read the report? Thanks for the clarification :thup:

I read all the reports on Benghazi. Not one of them refutes that obama, clinton, rice, et. al lied when they claimed it was caused by the video. They lied about it for political reasons, nothing changes that.

If they did not lie then they certainly acted very stupidly. Which we should expect better out of people with the resources they have.

obama, rice, hillary, and the rest of the dems lied about it, no report can ever change that fact. IT WAS NOT A SPONTANEOUS DEMONSTRATION CAUSED BY A VIDEO. THEY LIED TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND THEY KNEW THEY WERE LYING WHEN THEY DID IT.
Evidently they didn't lie

The demonstrations were attended by multiple groups there with different agendas. And, yes, there were demonstrators there because of the video

It was exploited by AlQaeda
The entire freaknut Muslim world was going nuts that week about that stupid video -- never mind the Grand Mafti putting out a FATWA on the makers of that video all over eastern TV's, never mind Terry Jones, never mind Romney and his idiocy of that degenerat political play the night of 911- while the bodies weren't even cold -- denouncing the video --

never mind the flurry, never mind the viral spread, never mind world-wide news, never mind these religious fundies go nuts at just a two dimensional depiction of their prophet -- just a CARTOON in a magazine -- they call for the death -- NOoooooooooooooooooooooo...

It's un ****ingimaginable protests could occur when they hear word a movie has been made about their prophet *****ing a pig, having sex with men, having their Prophet depicted in the most vile way -- no, they would not erupt...

Religious fundamentalists can't go zany when their Jesus is pig ****ing.

Yeah, it couldn't be that some of those nut cases were drawn in by the video -- noooooo...
That video had been uploaded to YOUTUBE a few months earlier
You failed.

obama, rice, hillary, and the rest of the dems lied about it, no report can ever change that fact. IT WAS NOT A SPONTANEOUS DEMONSTRATION CAUSED BY A VIDEO. THEY LIED TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND THEY KNEW THEY WERE LYING WHEN THEY DID IT.
Evidently they didn't lie

The demonstrations were attended by multiple groups there with different agendas. And, yes, there were demonstrators there because of the video

It was exploited by AlQaeda
The entire freaknut Muslim world was going nuts that week about that stupid video -- never mind the Grand Mafti putting out a FATWA on the makers of that video all over eastern TV's, never mind Terry Jones, never mind Romney and his idiocy of that degenerat political play the night of 911- while the bodies weren't even cold -- denouncing the video --

never mind the flurry, never mind the viral spread, never mind world-wide news, never mind these religious fundies go nuts at just a two dimensional depiction of their prophet -- just a CARTOON in a magazine -- they call for the death -- NOoooooooooooooooooooooo...

It's un ****ingimaginable protests could occur when they hear word a movie has been made about their prophet *****ing a pig, having sex with men, having their Prophet depicted in the most vile way -- no, they would not erupt...

Religious fundamentalists can't go zany when their Jesus is pig ****ing.

Yeah, it couldn't be that some of those nut cases were drawn in by the video -- noooooo...

Prior to 9/11/2012 there were few if any protests. On 9/11 there was one protest in Cairo and the attack in Benghazi. All the rest of the protests happened after 9/11. So it could be very well argued that the words of Obama and Rice inflamed the riots in the middle east. That is what happens when people say things they do not know if true or not.
Why? Because you and the democrats protecting Obama don't give a shit about four Americans needlessly killed? It is not like this type of thing has happened in the past. Yes, attacks, but attacks that result in an all night fire fight with the killing of an ambassador then the misrepresentation of facts by Obama and Rice? No that has not happened in the past.

So I guess it just should have been pushed to the back burner and those family members told to STFU.

BTW Obama us up for election in two months, funny you don't remember.

If the resident of the White House on the day of the Benghazi attacks had an (R) after his name, the Right would be minimizing it and the Left would be screaming.

And Obama is "up for election in two months"? Where?


I am counting on my toes and fingers. Nov 2012 Obama defeats Romney. Sept 11, 2012 Benghazi. Really you did not know?

Here is a little refresher: 2012 Benghazi attack - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Obama takes key battlegrounds to win re-election -

Oh, so your point was that Obama downplayed the attacks for electoral advantage.

Why didn't you just say so?

Could be, wouldn't surprise me. But my point was about Hillary.


You did not know obama lied and played the video angle for political expediency?

It's pretty much impossible to prove something like that, but as I said, it wouldn't surprise me.

He's a politician.


You need proof? It was about a month before the election.

Now, let us see that ability you have to think for yourself.

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