GOP led Benghazi report refutes conspiracy theories

This reminds me of the Tayvon Martin crowd on the left. They keep trying for new charges and new "investigations" all because people will not accept a decision that they don't agree with - no matter how many times it gets dug up.

Eventually, someone, somewhere needs to man up and just admit that they were dupped.
Stupid people like you will never admit that gruber approved.

When you are wrong, you switch gears, I see.....

How ironic.

You claiming it was a spontaneous attack due to a video?

I can tell you did not watch the testimony of the people that were there. Why would you watch that afterall. They were only THERE!

Wait wait wait. Are you claiming Gruber did not call you too stupid to handle the truth about the fraud known as obamacare?

Maybe you are not up on current events. Being that you tune into BSNBC, I can understand why. Yeah, Gruber was shown on video a handful of times admitting that they deliberately lied about obamacare. Yes, everything we conservatives claimed about the fraud was right.

You denying this?
Direct Quotes from the Select Committee's Report:

  • The Committee first concludes that the CIA ensured sufficient security for CIA facilities in Benghazi....Appropriate U.S. personnel made reasonable tactical decisions that night, and the Committee found no evidence that there was either a stand down order or a denial of available air support....
  • Second, the Committee finds that there was no intelligence failure prior to the attacks. In the months prior, the IC provided intelligence about previous attacks and the increased threat environment in Benghazi, but the IC did not have specific, tactical warning of the September 11 attacks.
  • Third, the Committee finds that a mixed group of individuals, including those affiliated with Al Qa'ida, participated in the attacks....
  • Fourth, the Committee concludes that after the attacks, the early intelligence assessments and the Administration's initial public narrative on the causes and motivations for the attacks were not fully accurate....There was no protest. The CIA only changed its initial assessment about a protest on September 24, 2012, when closed caption television footage became available on September 18, 2012 (two days after Ambassador Susan Rice spoke)....
  • Fifth, the Committee finds that the process used to generate the talking points HPSCI asked for—and which were used for Ambassador Rice's public appearances—was flawed....
  • Finally, the Committee found no evidence that any officer was intimidated, wrongly forced to sign a nondisclosure agreement or otherwise kept from speaking to Congress, or polygraphed because of their presence in Benghazi. The Committee also found no evidence that the CIA conducted unauthorized activities in Benghazi and no evidence that the IC shipped arms to Syria.

Republicans Finally Admit There Is No Benghazi Scandal
Why was Stephen denied more security after he requested it?

Tell your republican buddies to go back And look at that again....
Stupid people trying to tell the smart people what to do.
So. My question is: How many MILLIONS of hard-earned, taxpayer $$$ did Firebug (Issa (R)) burn through THIS TIME? :eusa_doh:
Are you Benhgazi truther idiots capable of reading?
blog_house_intelligence_benghazi_zpsbcb01925.jpg Report.pdf

Try it. You just might be enlightened.

You are saying it was a spontaneous attack due to a video?

Hello! McFly!

I cannot tell. I asked the morons on the left if they still maintain that it was a spontaneous attack due to a video. The miserable fucking squish pots refuse to answer that.

I love it.

I told you losers, go report the lie to someone else. The fact that you refuse to answer the question is all any of us need to know.

Careful, there are videos that show Obama admitting that it was not spontaneous. Of course Susan Rice, acting on instructions from the white house claimed it was.

Liberals are not even good liars. Nevertheless, they are all liars just the same. Stupid as all fuck too.

Read the fucking report.
Why something from CNN would you read something from fox?

Oh for fuck's sake I'm talking about the House committee report itself.
Somehing that CNN reported on?

What does that even mean? jesus
I cannot tell. I asked the morons on the left if they still maintain that it was a spontaneous attack due to a video. The miserable fucking squish pots refuse to answer that.

I love it.

I told you losers, go report the lie to someone else. The fact that you refuse to answer the question is all any of us need to know.

Careful, there are videos that show Obama admitting that it was not spontaneous. Of course Susan Rice, acting on instructions from the white house claimed it was.

Liberals are not even good liars. Nevertheless, they are all liars just the same. Stupid as all fuck too.

Read the fucking report.
Why something from CNN would you read something from fox?

Oh for fuck's sake I'm talking about the House committee report itself.
Somehing that CNN reported on?

What does that even mean? jesus
This thread is about something CNN reported dumb ass
Are you up to speed now?
Direct Quotes from the Select Committee's Report:

  • The Committee first concludes that the CIA ensured sufficient security for CIA facilities in Benghazi....Appropriate U.S. personnel made reasonable tactical decisions that night, and the Committee found no evidence that there was either a stand down order or a denial of available air support....
  • Second, the Committee finds that there was no intelligence failure prior to the attacks. In the months prior, the IC provided intelligence about previous attacks and the increased threat environment in Benghazi, but the IC did not have specific, tactical warning of the September 11 attacks.
  • Third, the Committee finds that a mixed group of individuals, including those affiliated with Al Qa'ida, participated in the attacks....
  • Fourth, the Committee concludes that after the attacks, the early intelligence assessments and the Administration's initial public narrative on the causes and motivations for the attacks were not fully accurate....There was no protest. The CIA only changed its initial assessment about a protest on September 24, 2012, when closed caption television footage became available on September 18, 2012 (two days after Ambassador Susan Rice spoke)....
  • Fifth, the Committee finds that the process used to generate the talking points HPSCI asked for—and which were used for Ambassador Rice's public appearances—was flawed....
  • Finally, the Committee found no evidence that any officer was intimidated, wrongly forced to sign a nondisclosure agreement or otherwise kept from speaking to Congress, or polygraphed because of their presence in Benghazi. The Committee also found no evidence that the CIA conducted unauthorized activities in Benghazi and no evidence that the IC shipped arms to Syria.

Republicans Finally Admit There Is No Benghazi Scandal
Too bad we didn't just ask a staffer for that info instead of allowing the Repubs to blow $13MILLION in TAXPAYER $$$ for nothing.
Do we have evidence of a lack of intelligence before the attack? The report indicates no, Stephen's body indicates big yes.

Do we have information that the administration didn't say we "think" it was over a video but they categorically said it WAS over a video. Thus blaming America first. Why yes we do, we have their own words shortly after the incident. If the information wasn't firm then why did they take the path they took? Why not see for themselves, because there was live feeds of the attack, and say it was a coordinated terrorist attack? Why not? Because he was up for election in two months and I can only assume he didn't think the truth would actually come out. Because he knew it would take longer then two months to get to the bottom of the story? Because a terrorist attack killing Stephens show a lack of preparation and he didn't want that out before the election? Or just because they want to blame America first?

Not much difference between not using available military resources and not having them available in a country we just bombed the crap out of. Does anyone find that interesting? We just bombed the country yet we have no resources in the area to bomb the country. Very interesting.

And no, I do not put it past a congress with the approval rating this one has to believe anything they might publish. We all saw what happened this isn't 1950.
I cannot tell. I asked the morons on the left if they still maintain that it was a spontaneous attack due to a video. The miserable fucking squish pots refuse to answer that.

I love it.

I told you losers, go report the lie to someone else. The fact that you refuse to answer the question is all any of us need to know.

Careful, there are videos that show Obama admitting that it was not spontaneous. Of course Susan Rice, acting on instructions from the white house claimed it was.

Liberals are not even good liars. Nevertheless, they are all liars just the same. Stupid as all fuck too.

Read the fucking report.
Why something from CNN would you read something from fox?

Oh for fuck's sake I'm talking about the House committee report itself.
Somehing that CNN reported on?

What does that even mean? jesus
I think it means he's drinking in the morning again.

Tough to imagine that this story would have any legs if Hillary were not considering running for President.


Why? Because you and the democrats protecting Obama don't give a shit about four Americans needlessly killed? It is not like this type of thing has happened in the past. Yes, attacks, but attacks that result in an all night fire fight with the killing of an ambassador then the misrepresentation of facts by Obama and Rice? No that has not happened in the past.

So I guess it just should have been pushed to the back burner and those family members told to STFU.

BTW Obama us up for election in two months, funny you don't remember.

If the resident of the White House on the day of the Benghazi attacks had an (R) after his name, the Right would be minimizing it and the Left would be screaming.

And Obama is "up for election in two months"? Where?

Liberals are so fucking stupid. Can someone please tell me if liberals are claiming that it was a spontaneous attack caused by a video as they claimed?

Here is the testimony of people that were actually there.

That is 46 minutes. I know it is a waste of time for me to post that, but there it is. From the actual people that were there.

I ask again, are the moron liberals on this page saying it was a spontaneous attack caused by a video?

Just to remind you liberal liars......

Obama Admin admits no protest before Benghazi attack, security 'inappropriately low'

Go lie to someone else you pieces of shit. Your fucking liars are fucking liars. You are all nothing but double talking hypocrites.

You pieces of shit.

Go fuck yourselves.

They are to stupid to care.

You are too stupid to know the difference between "too" and "to"
Read the fucking report.
Why something from CNN would you read something from fox?

Oh for fuck's sake I'm talking about the House committee report itself.
Somehing that CNN reported on?

What does that even mean? jesus
I think it means he's drinking in the morning again.
I see you are also drinking the same kool aid obama hands out. What will it take for you to stop supporting obama? mexicans living in your back yard?
Liberals are so fucking stupid. Can someone please tell me if liberals are claiming that it was a spontaneous attack caused by a video as they claimed?

Here is the testimony of people that were actually there.

That is 46 minutes. I know it is a waste of time for me to post that, but there it is. From the actual people that were there.

I ask again, are the moron liberals on this page saying it was a spontaneous attack caused by a video?

Just to remind you liberal liars......

Obama Admin admits no protest before Benghazi attack, security 'inappropriately low'

Go lie to someone else you pieces of shit. Your fucking liars are fucking liars. You are all nothing but double talking hypocrites.

You pieces of shit.

Go fuck yourselves.

They are to stupid to care.

You are too stupid to know the difference between "too" and "to"

Whatever Gruber made clear what I have said since 2012 you are stupid.
You cannot not take away what he said.

Tough to imagine that this story would have any legs if Hillary were not considering running for President.


Why? Because you and the democrats protecting Obama don't give a shit about four Americans needlessly killed? It is not like this type of thing has happened in the past. Yes, attacks, but attacks that result in an all night fire fight with the killing of an ambassador then the misrepresentation of facts by Obama and Rice? No that has not happened in the past.

So I guess it just should have been pushed to the back burner and those family members told to STFU.

BTW Obama us up for election in two months, funny you don't remember.

If the resident of the White House on the day of the Benghazi attacks had an (R) after his name, the Right would be minimizing it and the Left would be screaming.

And Obama is "up for election in two months"? Where?


Yeah we get it. You are cool cause you ride the fence. It is a tired fucking song.

This is not about how ALL politicians lie. This is about whether or not it was a spontaneous attack due to a video as the white house reported, then admitted that it was not due to a video, then after that they claimed it was spontaneous again. Of course after that, the CNN bovine in the debate claimed obama said it was a terror attack and then the bovine admitted that he did not say that.

Go pat yourself on your back for not picking a side to someone else.

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