GOP may "leverage" debt ceiling against de-funding Obamacare

Much more than half of America understands fully the nonsense ReactionaryFish is up to: deny the reality.

The reality is that our GOP had from 1994 to 2006 fix this and did not.
If you have the money to pay for your treatment then you have the money to cover your premiums. Individual insurance for catastrophic coverage certainly is affordable.

No, it is not -- not for the people with pre-existing conditions. That, as I keep pointing out, is the problem ACA is designed to solve by requiring that everyone buys an insurance and shares the costs. Specifically those who can do w/o it -- the young, healthy and affluent.

the problem with that is that it will be cheaper to pay the penalty than to buy a policy. That will put the insurance companies out of business and turn medicine over to the government, which, of course was the dem/lib goal all along.

Thanks you for sharing your dreams, but they will never become true. Conservatives are afraid that Obamacare would work, not that it would not.
If you have the money to pay for your treatment then you have the money to cover your premiums. Individual insurance for catastrophic coverage certainly is affordable.

No, it is not -- not for the people with pre-existing conditions. That, as I keep pointing out, is the problem ACA is designed to solve by requiring that everyone buys an insurance and shares the costs. Specifically those who can do w/o it -- the young, healthy and affluent.

Then they should have found a way to fix that problem without putting the cost on the rest of us

Would you care to suggest such a way?

Bullshit. The ACA is nothing more than a power grab and the foot in the door for more gov't intrusion. And some of you are just find with that.

"We" are fine with that because "we" believe in democracy and in our ability to hold the government accountable.
Yes, the gop's greatest fear is obamacare will work, and single payor will work ... although it goes against the grain of the philosophy of individual choice and responsibility the nation was founded upon. As Jake points out, we in the gop had nearly a decade to address this, but W was too busy dallying with tax cuts nobody outside the 1% cared about, education and then morphing a terror attack into nation buidling in a nation where the tribes hated each other.

At this pt, hillary might be our best bet. The solution is pretty elementary. Tax providers and insurors to fund the high risk people, but in exchange, they are "nationalized." Soft mandate young folks into catastrophic plans. Hold down cost with forcing providers to take medicare reimbursement rates. End private employer tax breaks for healthcare, and tax those who don't provide care, and give people tax credits to buy insurance on exchanges .... with subsidies high enough that nobody making less than 75K feels a great difference. But the gop cannot pass anything that involves taxing people to pay for other people to have healthcare ... even if it means not raising more revenue via income taxes.
The definition of insurance for those that are confused by all these big words. Insurance - Paying a set amount of money per a certain amount of time (aka premiums) to protect you IN CASE something happens. In the event something happens, the insurance company and you decide the amount of benefits you receive in a predetermined time.

Our health insurance right now is a pre-payment plan for medical care. You pay the insurance company early and get health care later. That's all it is. If you paid as you went, and got catastrophic insurance, people could afford true health care, because less people would see a doctor for the common cold, minor aches, allergies, etc. That is the problem right now. People have insurance and go to the doctor for every minor problem, or if they don't go to the doctor they go the emergency room with every little thing.
O-Care will be just fine, it's the American way, and it will be tinkered with forever.

OP- Even the GOP isn't that stupid. It would be a disaster for them and the country, ANOTHER 1% cut in growth to with 1% each for the debt ceiling CRISIS!! and following sequester, and for no Jobs/infrastructure Act...and the more facts people find out about O-care, the more they like it.
The definition of insurance for those that are confused by all these big words. Insurance - Paying a set amount of money per a certain amount of time (aka premiums) to protect you IN CASE something happens. In the event something happens, the insurance company and you decide the amount of benefits you receive in a predetermined time.

Our health insurance right now is a pre-payment plan for medical care. You pay the insurance company early and get health care later. That's all it is. If you paid as you went, and got catastrophic insurance, people could afford true health care, because less people would see a doctor for the common cold, minor aches, allergies, etc. That is the problem right now. People have insurance and go to the doctor for every minor problem, or if they don't go to the doctor they go the emergency room with every little thing.

Thanks to Bernie Sanders, ACA includes 10 billion dollars for low cost clinics for just that problem, and having a family doctor is much cheaper than ER care too...
Yes, the gop's greatest fear is obamacare will work, and single payor will work ... although it goes against the grain of the philosophy of individual choice and responsibility the nation was founded upon. As Jake points out, we in the gop had nearly a decade to address this, but W was too busy dallying with tax cuts nobody outside the 1% cared about, education and then morphing a terror attack into nation buidling in a nation where the tribes hated each other.

At this pt, hillary might be our best bet. The solution is pretty elementary. Tax providers and insurors to fund the high risk people, but in exchange, they are "nationalized." Soft mandate young folks into catastrophic plans. Hold down cost with forcing providers to take medicare reimbursement rates. End private employer tax breaks for healthcare, and tax those who don't provide care, and give people tax credits to buy insurance on exchanges .... with subsidies high enough that nobody making less than 75K feels a great difference. But the gop cannot pass anything that involves taxing people to pay for other people to have healthcare ... even if it means not raising more revenue via income taxes.
WHY does Government NEED to be involved anyway? Is it somewhere in the Constitution?
The definition of insurance for those that are confused by all these big words. Insurance - Paying a set amount of money per a certain amount of time (aka premiums) to protect you IN CASE something happens. In the event something happens, the insurance company and you decide the amount of benefits you receive in a predetermined time.

Our health insurance right now is a pre-payment plan for medical care. You pay the insurance company early and get health care later. That's all it is. If you paid as you went, and got catastrophic insurance, people could afford true health care, because less people would see a doctor for the common cold, minor aches, allergies, etc. That is the problem right now. People have insurance and go to the doctor for every minor problem, or if they don't go to the doctor they go the emergency room with every little thing.

Pffffffffffft man made global warming will kill me before I ever see a quack.
How much more? If they are required to pay enough to cover their medical expenses, then their premiums would be astronomical. They may just as well forget it and pay for the treatment out of the pocket. Or die.

The only way to provide an affordable insurance for people with pre-existing condition is to make other people sharing the costs.

OK, let my try and explain it to you. If the government simply orders the insurance companies to provide affordable insurance to people with pre-existing conditions -- w/o also requiring everyone to buy an insurance -- the whole system explodes. Because as the insurance companies start rising premiums for everyone, the young end healthy would simply opt-out, leaving only sick people in the pool and making their insurance unaffordable.

That is why ACA requires everyone to buy insurance -- so the young, health and affluent are paying for the poor and sick. And yes, that is income redistribution and it will work -- and that is why conservatives hate it.

I agree on a broad scope, but there are few options.

1. It's a fallacy to think that people with pre-existing conditions can find affordable insurane. They can't, and that's why it's a problem. Those arguing otherwise are simply ignoring reality because it's inconvenient for their ideology. We have gop dr/pols pushing for fed subsidies to help fund high risk pools. Coburn and Barrasco are at least attempting to move forward. The money to do this can be found with pretty much the same type of taxes funding obamacare subsidies ... tax the providers and insurors who profit from treating high risk folks.

2. Wealth redistribution or not, it really makes no sense to force an underemployed college grad waiting tables to buy a policy that in all liklihood he'll never need.

That is why ACA subsidies the insurance to those who cannot afford it. And I don't think it requires people to buy excessive packages. Again the goal is to share the costs, with wealthy people paying more and the poor being subsidized. And yes, it is very similar to Medicare. In fact, the best approach would be extending Medicare to everyone -- but Obama wanted to please conservatives and they are paying him back.

Again where are they going to get the $100 ~$400 bucks from even if it is subsidize? you're bunch live in a weird world,.. people getting hours cut back to partime, they already have bugets and you think they can pull the money out of their butt. lol. they will just pay the penalty next year I know I wont,. I never get money back. I will send what I owe minus the penalty along with a letter telling the IRS to go fuck themselfs. go ahead and audtit me....
bear513, we won this program, because the GOP lost the ball between 1994 to 2006.

Complain all you want, it is not going back to what it was.
Sure alot of sick posters on here so remind me again why a healthy 47 year old like myself is forced to buy health insurance to pay for everyones unhealthy life styles?? I never been to the quack in 30 years except for company paid for physicals and drug tests.

Seriously? You're 47 and voluntarily don't have health insurance?

Morons like you are the reason the ACA is needed. You're proof that a substantial portion of America will time and time again make retarded decisions that wind up costing us all.

When your waning youth finally runs out and you wind up having to go to the doctor for a $150,000 medical procedure - which will be paid for thanks to you being "forced" to buy health insurance - I expect you to come back to this very thread and pen a letter of thanks to Mitt Romney and Barrack Obama for coming up with "ObamaCare"

Hell yea I like my vactions and like I posted before you will never ever see at a quack. I have personal reasons why you will never see me at a doctors office I hate them that bad. my work offers it but I will never get it untill the penalty goes up more then the $30 bucks every week.
It's your right to make a bad mistake, Bear513, but when you get ill or injured, severely, we are going to have pay for you. OK.
bear513, we won this program, because the GOP lost the ball between 1994 to 2006.

Complain all you want, it is not going back to what it was.

You didnt win shit unless you think destroying people income is winning? cutting peoples hours to part time is winning? raising up premeiums is winning? taking the greatest health care system in the world that money can buy and water it down to Europes crap health care system is winning? and thinking young folks will sign up instead of paying a little penalty next year is just a pipe dream. Obama care will crash. Granted it will prolly change to single payer but Obama care will crash. and btw Obama had like 4 years Jakey to stop the Fiscal cliff why did he wait so long since you bitch about the Republicans in a non issue of health care p.s. sorry for and spell errors but wrote is fast because I can not stand Obama care.
It's your right to make a bad mistake, Bear513, but when you get ill or injured, severely, we are going to have pay for you. OK.

Nope you do know I live in South Carolina right? they garnish wages on hospital bills and it should of been like that in all 50 states.
It's your right to make a bad mistake, Bear513, but when you get ill or injured, severely, we are going to have pay for you. OK.

Nope you do know I live in South Carolina right? they garnish wages on hospital bills and it should of been like that in all 50 states.

Yup, got relatives in Lexington. Sorry, son, you are going to pay your premiums then, and get garnished if necessary.
bear513, we won this program, because the GOP lost the ball between 1994 to 2006.

Complain all you want, it is not going back to what it was.

You didnt win shit unless you think destroying people income is winning? cutting peoples hours to part time is winning? raising up premeiums is winning? taking the greatest health care system in the world that money can buy and water it down to Europes crap health care system is winning? and thinking young folks will sign up instead of paying a little penalty next year is just a pipe dream. Obama care will crash. Granted it will prolly change to single payer but Obama care will crash. and btw Obama had like 4 years Jakey to stop the Fiscal cliff why did he wait so long since you bitch about the Republicans in a non issue of health care p.s. sorry for and spell errors but wrote is fast because I can not stand Obama care.

We got it because the GOP, my party, betrayed the people of America, selling them out to the private insurance industry.

Step off.
You didnt win shit unless you think destroying people income is winning? cutting peoples hours to part time is winning? raising up premeiums is winning? taking the greatest health care system in the world that money can buy and water it down to Europes crap health care system is winning?

Winning conditions depend on the game you're play. Keep in mind, they're not trying to solve problems for health care consumers. They're trying to consolidate the financing of our health care under corporatist control. It's solid authoritarian power-mongering and that's about it. For them, and their insurance industry sponsors, PPACA is definitely a 'win'.
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You didnt win shit unless you think destroying people income is winning? cutting peoples hours to part time is winning? raising up premeiums is winning? taking the greatest health care system in the world that money can buy and water it down to Europes crap health care system is winning?

Winning conditions depend on the game you're play. Keep in mind, they're not trying to solve problems for health care consumers. They're trying to consolidate the financing of our health care under corporatist control. It's solid authoritarian power-mongering and that's about it.

Operative word. Don't leave home without it.

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